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Elephant shrews are similar to elephants not only in appearance — they are indeed relatives.

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Mountain goats prefer to hide from prying eyes high in the mountains during the day, and in the morning or at night they descend lower in search of food.

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🦋"Glass Butterfly" 

Most of her small wings are transparent. This helps her to remain secretive from hostile stares, especially during long flights.

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It is necessary to leave death beautifully.

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Oh, why are you scaring me?

Turn on the sound 🔊

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With the exception of the mating season, bears are accustomed to lead a solitary way of life.

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In nature, rabbits live on average about a year, and in captivity — ten times longer. 

This is due to the fact that almost all rabbits sooner or later become someone's prey.

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Cassowaries are the most dangerous birds on Earth (according to the Guinness Book of Records). 

These birds are able to jump to a height of up to 2 meters and reach speeds of up to 50 km /h. With his powerful legs, the cassowary can easily knock out a person.

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Squirrels do not hibernate. 

To survive the winter, they collect huge stocks, which are stored throughout the forest.

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Growing up celandine.

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The Angolan tiny monkey Miopithecus talapoin is the smallest of the primates of the Old World. The body length is 32-45 cm, the tail is 35-50 cm, and the weight is from 0.8 to 1.9 kg.

They are found in the southern part of the Congo River basin in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Inhabit forests, mangrove swamps, forest edges, often found near human settlements. They always settle near water sources.

These are diurnal animals forming large groups of 70 to 100 individuals. There may be several dominant males in a group. There are more females in the group than males. There is no territorial behavior. The diet of these monkeys consists of insects, leaves, seeds, fruits, sprouts, eggs, small vertebrates

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The blue andigena (grey-breasted mountain toucan) Andigena hypoglauca lives in the central and southern regions of Colombia, Peru and eastern Ecuador.

The size of the mountain toucan is quite small - it weighs about 350-400 g, the length of the beak is 10 cm, and the total length of the entire body does not exceed 50 cm.

Antigens live separately, in pairs or in small family groups of up to 6 individuals, in the upper tiers of the forest, descending to the ground only to search for food.

Grey-breasted toucans eat berries or fruits, which make up the bulk of their diet. A bird during a meal can even hang upside down for a while if it is necessary to reach for food

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The European bison Bison bonasus is the last representative of wild bulls in Europe. All today's bison come from only twelve individuals who were in zoos and nature reserves at the beginning of the XX century - this is to the question of why zoos are needed, by the way.

The closest relative of the bison is the American bison (/channel/run_to_me/101 ) Bison bison, with which he is able to interbreed without restrictions, giving fertile offspring - bison.

In the literature, the question is still being discussed whether the European bison and the American bison belong to independent species or belong to the same species, being its subspecies.

If the bison and the bison have a great similarity on the paternal Y chromosome, then the American bison is closer to the Bos grunniens yak on the maternal mitochondrial DNA, and the European bison is closer to the primitive Bos primigenius tour.

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Flight from the first person.

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Large pandas on average weigh from 100 to 150 kilograms.

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The wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) looks like a soft fluffy ball with a short tail raised up. The bird is very mobile, with an unusually loud voice - males mark their vast territory by sitting on some elevation and singing their peculiar, hurried song consisting of very sonorous rapid trills.

The singing of a wren near, for example, in a room, is directly deafening, and you can't help wondering how such a small bird can sing louder than a lark or a finch.

The scientific name of the species Troglodytes troglodytes comes from the ancient Greek word τρωγλοδύτης, which literally means "inhabiting a cave". So in our time they call troglodytes - prehistoric people who lived in caves. This name was given to the bird due to nesting in a thick-walled spherical structure, resembling a cave from the side.

The wren is one of the smallest European birds, its body length is only 9-11 cm, wingspan is 15-17 cm, and weight is 8-12 g.

Wrens are common both in Eurasia and North Africa, and North America

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The Malay flying fox is also not thrilled with early awakenings.

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An attempt is also a victory.

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Mastery of balance from mountain goats.

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The polar bear's fur is covered with a greasy water-repellent layer, so that when swimming, these animals do not get wet.

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The Texas horned lizard Phrynosoma cornutum is popularly called the "horned toad" or "horned frog" because of its rounded body and blunt muzzle. The horns of this lizard are an extension of its skull and contain real bone.

The coloration varies depending on the environment to blend in with the color of the earth: from yellow or reddish-brown for deserts to brown for prairies.

Despite their ferocious appearance, Texas horned lizards are extremely docile creatures. They like to sunbathe, and they need bright sunlight to produce vitamin D. Therefore, horned lizards are most often found along roads or other open rocky areas where they can relax and bask in the sun. At night, the lizard burrows into the sand.

Although its coloration usually serves as camouflage from predators, when threatened, the horned lizard inflates and appears very thick, which makes it difficult for the aggressor to swallow it.

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Swamp cypresses on Lake Sukko.

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Indian camels feed on the fruits of mango trees and swim between islands to get to pastures.

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A beautiful orchid mantis.

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The mouth of a snake. It's good that this snake is just yawning here...

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Fireflies use bioluminescent flashes to attract potential partners.

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This is the gecko's defense mechanism against enemies. 

Noticing the enemy, the lizard raises its tail and sprays a fragrant, bitter and sticky liquid for half a meter, showering the predator with a caustic shower.

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🇻🇪 Bright guests on the balconies of Caracas skyscrapers.

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Jaguars are excellent swimmers and divers, and also know how to get food in the water.

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Swans find a mate at the age of two.

They are tightly bound by invisible bonds and continue to mate with each other year after year.

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