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These are the eyes !!!

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Imagine that your popcorn has come to life... and is running away from you!

"Flatida" or "popcorn beetle" is a tiny insect considered a pest that spoils agricultural crops. Nevertheless, nature has tried very hard to create their appearance.

The body of the larvae is completely covered with snow-white wax threads. This little trick helps them avoid severe damage when falling from a great height, as well as scare away detractors, and ... look like popcorn on legs!

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Be sure to watch this video to the end and never throw the glass directly into the trash.

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The water anolis Anolis aquaticus is a lizard found in Costa Rica and Panama, which hides under water when scared - and continues to breathe there!

At first, it was thought that the lizard stores air in a leather bag on its head - and this theory has been the main one for a long time and has even been replicated by most publications.

But close observation of the water anolis underwater showed that it uses the so-called plastron respiration: water cannot penetrate to the surface of the body due to short hairs with a hydrophobic surface. Because of this, an air bubble forms on the lizard's body. 

But where does this life-saving air bubble from a lizard come from? Observations have shown that this bubble is nothing more than the air exhaled by the lizard into the water. And so that it does not come off and float up, depriving her of breath, she breathes very carefully, preventing a strong increase in the volume of this bubble.

The continuation of the post is in a minute

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Where the birds live.

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When your grandfather was a lion.

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Mergus crumbs are ducks with a narrow elongated beak that feed not on plant food, but on fish - this is evidenced by the sharp teeth on the hooked curved beak with which the birds hold slippery prey.

The weight of these birds ranges from 1 to 2 kg, the most active weight gain occurs in autumn. Crumbs are migratory birds. In winter, they prefer to move to countries with a warm climate. However, they are often spotted in Kamchatka, Primorye and on the shores of the Sea of Azov in winter.

A distinctive feature of the crochal is a narrow and long beak, curved at the end, and on its sides there are small teeth that help the bird to hold the fish.

All kinds of these ducks are painted in very unusual color combinations. So, a large crumb is painted in black, dark gray, white and pink colors. The scaly species is colored brown-olive, red or ash-blue. 

Unlike other ducks, crumbs are rarely eaten - their meat can be infected with a tapeworm and has an unpleasant smell. Well, what do you say - lucky people!

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Were you able to find a leaf-tailed gecko?

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Fulgoridae lamplighters belong to cicadas, but now we will talk about their larvae, which have developed the ability to cover their entire body with wax threads and resemble crawling lumps of white fluff.

The importance of such protection is obvious – not many people like wax, and it is not easy for parasites to get to the delicate body of larvae through a wax hoodie. In addition, the disheveled wax larvae successfully disguise themselves as lichens. In addition, the wax repels water and prevents the lampshade from being severely damaged by tropical downpours.

Wax filaments are secreted from glands on the abdomen. They also help the larva to soften the impact when falling. The larva also has a tail, which helps to stay afloat in the water, because wax is hydrophobic. But the grown-up individual has a different appearance, and looks like a jumping piece of paper.

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The shadow of a centipede.

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Therapeutic horse pool in Colombia. 

This is how they relax and learn to walk again after injuries.

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Animals that our grandchildren won't see anymore...

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Probably tired of flying forever)

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Polar owls lead a solitary lifestyle. 

And they only meet with their relatives during the mating season.

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The four-winged cuckoo Tapera naevia has settled in South America - from Mexico and Trinidad south to Bolivia and Argentina.

And she is famous for her unsurpassed dancing. Yes, we also thought at first that this was a clever video montage, but no. Judge for yourself: only someone who saw this dance live could call an ordinary bird with two wings four-winged!

This bird occupies an important place in Brazilian folklore and is related to the legend of Sisi - a one-legged mulatto boy with holes in his palms, an incorrigible joker smoking a pipe.

One of Sisi's magical properties is the ability to transform into the elusive matitapere bird, whose melancholic song seems to come from nowhere...

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A shepherd dog got bored on a farm without a herd and started herding ducklings

A good boy carefully helps the ducklings get drunk and eat.

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😱The footage is not for the faint of heart: a dog with a knife mercilessly attacked a cat.

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It turns out that the lizard breathes the air that it exhales, and does not store. And due to the fact that the exhaled air bubble is in the water, a small gas exchange occurs - carbon dioxide is removed from it, which gives the water anolis the opportunity to breathe such a bubble for about 15 minutes underwater, although usually two to three minutes are enough for this small (5-7 cm) lizard to escape from a predator.

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Hello Street Cat has become a mega popular application in China, a service that allows you to donate food to stray cats, as well as connect to webcams installed on street feeders. 

It's simple: after each donation, a new portion of feed is poured into the feeder. Everyone is happy.

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African traffic jams 🦁

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The simple joys of life.

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Show me again, leather.

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The lovebird parrot collects material for the nest, folding it into its tail to save time.

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The baby sloth is resting on his day off.

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A reticulated python found in Southeast Asia.

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Thanks to this "diver's bag", the lizard can hide under water for up to 16 minutes.

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The palm thief's leg span can reach 1 meter, and they weigh up to 4 kilograms.

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Queen Victoria's bird of Paradise, Ptiloris victoriae, lives in northeastern Queensland, Australia.

It is the smallest bird of paradise with a body length of only 23-25 cm. Males have iridescent purple plumage, a velvety black throat with a metallic blue-green triangular spot in the center. The females are colored in different shades of brown.

When the male begins courtship, he raises the feathers on his throat and sides to emphasize the bright colors of his plumage in the rays of sunlight penetrating the twilight of the rainforest. He bends his rounded wings over his head and throws it back, exposing his throat to the sun's rays, and then moves from side to side.

In addition to insects, their diet also includes fruits. Some of them are cleaned by birds of paradise, holding the fruits with one foot and peeling the skin with their beak.

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All cats require breakfast in the morning.

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There is no escape from children.

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