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The shocking Dutch Capuchin

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Lori's paws are small, but very strong. 

And the ankles and wrists are so mobile that the lori animal can hold on to them even for thin branches.

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Always go to the end.

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Golden-breasted andigena (saffron toucanette) Pteroglossus bailloni is a bird of the toucan family found in South America - in eastern Paraguay, in the Argentine province of Misiones and in southeastern Brazil, where it lives in tropical rain jungles.

The body length of the antigen is about 35-40 cm, the wingspan is about 130 cm. The weight of adult birds is 150 to 170 g. A distinctive feature of the species is the saffron-yellow color of most of the plumage. The beak is also predominantly yellow, and the wings are rather brownish.

The basis of the antigen diet is fruits, but they do not disdain the destruction of the nests of small birds.

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It's good in summer😊

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Something was not shared😄

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The brown-eared arasari Pteroglossus castanotis belongs, of course, to toucans. It lives in the central and southeastern parts of South America. 

By the way, toucans are woodpeckers, if you didn't know... Which looks like a mockery on the part of ornithologists, of course. They are woodpeckers themselves!

The total body length of this rather large bird is up to 45 cm, and the weight is up to 250 g. The bill is black with a wide longitudinal ochreous-yellow stripe on the upper mandible, extending from its base to the apex. At the base, the beak is bordered by a narrow yellow stripe, the edges of the upper beak are also yellow. 

There is an untrimmed patch of blue around the eyes. The head and neck are dark, chestnut brown, and the top of the head is black in some forms. The chest and abdomen are yellow with a bright red transverse stripe in the middle.

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The main one in terms of rhythm.

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When I was cheating on an exam and heard a sound above me.

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- Can you give me a ride?

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Among all stork marabou, it is distinguished by the most impressive size. The marabou is divided into three subspecies: Indian, African, and Javanese. Here we see the African marabou Leptoptilos crumeniferus. These birds have a memorable appearance, but prosaically they often live near large landfills, where they look for food, and a bare neck and head without feathers helps to keep their bodies clean.

The African marabou reaches a height of more than one and a half meters and weighs 8.5-10 kg.

There is a peculiar sac in the neck area that connects to the nostrils. It can inflate and reach 40 cm in diameter. In young individuals, it is practically absent, its growth occurs during the growth of the bird. Previously, it was believed that birds put food in it in reserve, but it turned out that this outgrowth is used only during mating games and so that the bird can put its head on it at rest.

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When I first saw the bison.

Finally, a worthy opponent!

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The bright bird Selasforus Allen is wintering in Mexico.

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Every year from November to March in Michoacan, Mexico, you can see a real miracle: the migration of monarch butterflies.

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The weevil beetle wanders around in its little shoes.

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Aliens during lunch 👽

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The wonders of nature.

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The beginning of a great friendship.

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The rarest albino cougar was born in a zoo in Nicaragua. The sex of the baby is still unknown. Zoo veterinarian Carlos Molina said that now there are only four white cougars in the world, and the recently born cub is one of them.

There are three kittens in the litter, the other two are beige with spots. Adult cougars are already spotless, their color is usually beige or brown. The mother and cubs are still kept in an airtight cage to protect her from stress and foreign odors. 

If a mother confuses human smells with the smells of kittens, she can attack them. The father lives in a separate enclosure so that he does not harm the kids. They are going to be shown to visitors when they turn three months old.

The white cub is healthy and eats well, the veterinarian said. He added that albino cougars are very sensitive to sunlight and require careful care.

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The shuttle-billed Cochlearius cochlearius is distributed from Mexico to Brazil in Central America and northern South America. It prefers densely forested riverbanks and mangrove swamps.

A characteristic feature of this bird, which belongs to the pelican-like, is a large black crest. The plumage is predominantly grey. The forehead, sides of the head and throat are white. 

The shuttle beak has an unusual beak shape - it is short and wide (8 cm long and 5 cm wide) with a tooth at the end of the upper beak. He has big eyes, with which she can navigate perfectly at night. 

The diet of the shuttle beak is the same as that of other herons: fish, crustaceans, insects, small amphibians and even small mammals.

The shuttle beak is a solitary bird. Life expectancy is approximately 25 years

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Caring for your neighbor

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Likes to be scratched

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The pigment luciferin is responsible for the bioluminescence of fireflies. 

This pigment is oxidized by a certain enzyme, resulting in the release of excess energy in the form of light. 

The efficiency of this light radiation in fireflies is extremely high and ranges from 87% to 98%. For comparison, in an incandescent lamp, only 5% of the energy goes into the light, the rest goes into heat.

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Amazing traces of a Dwarf African viper on the sands of the Namib desert.

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The hunter's accuracy.

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A polar bear retains heat so well that it cannot be detected by a thermal imager.

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The snail and its throw over the abyss.

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Lunch of the African giant snail, whose shell can reach the size of an adult's fist.

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Cassowaries are one of the closest relatives of dinosaurs.

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Such different cats.

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