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Gelada Theropithecus gelada is a monkey distinguished by its unusual appearance. Due to its reduced habitat, this monkey is extremely rare, although its population is stable. Gelada belongs to the monkey family, which includes baboons, drills, mandrills, hamadryas and many other species of monkeys.
The rarity of this species is due to the fact that it lives exclusively in the northwestern mountains of Ethiopia. There is a huge reserve called Symen, in which geladas lived for a very long time even before scientists discovered them.
Despite the fact that geladas are similar to monkeys such as baboons, they are distinguished by a calmer disposition and non-bloodthirsty eating habits. Geladas were discovered not so long ago, so research on these unique monkeys is still ongoing.
A distinctive feature of geladas is a red spot on the chest. It is completely devoid of hair and acquires an even more saturated color during the mating season of monkeys. This red area is surrounded by white fur, further emphasizing its presence.
The emu Dromaius novaehollandiae belongs to the cassowary order and is the largest Australian bird - and the second largest bird on the planet after the African ostrich. Previously, emus were classified as ostrich-like animals. The emu reaches a height of 150–190 cm and a weight of 30–55 kg. Powerful legs with three toes allow birds to easily cover long distances, reaching speeds of up to 50 km/h. Emus are also excellent swimmers and enjoy swimming in any body of water.
These flightless birds are widespread throughout almost all of Australia and maintain stable numbers. The emu's main enemy is the wild dog dingo.
The sounds made by an emu are quite unexpected to hear from a bird. They resemble loud "booms", drumming and grunting. These sounds can be heard up to 2 km away. The hum is created in the inflatable neck bag.
To grind the rough parts of food in the emu's stomach, they swallow pebbles weighing up to 50 grams.
It is interesting that it is not the females who incubate the clutches and take care of the chicks, but exclusively the male emus.
Among the numerous species of felines, only the lynx Lynx lynx is found in the northern regions. In Russia, it lives mainly in dark coniferous forests.
In nature, there were individuals whose weight reached 30 kg. On average, the weight of males is 18-25 kg, for females this figure does not exceed 18 kg. In general, the size of a lynx does not exceed the size of an average dog. The length of the lynx's body reaches a maximum of 135 cm, and the tail - approximately 45 cm. The lynx's ears are decorated with tassels, and its muzzle is decorated with characteristic sideburns.
The predator cannot be called voracious; one killed hare lasts her for half a week. The exception is lactating females, who are able to eat this amount of food at one time. If the cat has caught a large animal, the meat will last for 7-10 days. Having eaten heavily, the cat hides what is left of its prey in the snow or branches. Very often the lynx is followed by a wolverine, which cannot boast of such hunting skills, but loves to have a snack at someone else’s expense.
The long-eared hedgehog Hemiechinus auritus is an insectivorous animal that lives in deserts, fields and steppes. This hedgehog belongs to the same family as ordinary hedgehogs, but their body structure and habits are slightly different.
Long-eared hedgehogs, unlike other representatives of this family, have rather long ears (you guessed it!), which are slightly bent forward. Their needles also have yellowish spots. Eared hedgehogs are smaller in size than normal ones, and they run faster.
In Russia, long-eared hedgehogs are found in the steppes of the Volga region and in Novosibirsk, in the Urals, from the extreme south of western Siberia to the Altai mountains.
If necessary, hedgehogs sometimes climb mountains to heights of up to 2400 meters above sea level. To live, the hedgehog digs a deep hole up to one meter in length. The hole is closed from the outside. Sometimes eared hedgehogs occupy abandoned burrows of other animals.
Long-eared hedgehogs spend the entire winter in their hole: by autumn they insulate their home by dragging leaves into it and making some kind of nest, and for the winter they close the entrance to the hole and hibernate until spring.
Tarbagan is a rodent of the squirrel family. The scientific description and name of the Mongolian marmot Marmota sibirica was given by the explorer of Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus Gustav Ivanovich Radde in 1862.
Mongolian marmots are found in the Northern Hemisphere, like all their brothers, but their habitat extends to the southeastern part of Siberia, Mongolia and northern China.
The length of the tarbagan carcass is 56.5 cm, the tail is 10.3 cm, which is approximately 25% of the body length. The length of the skull is 8.6-9.9 cm, it has a narrow and high forehead and wide cheekbones. The weight of animals reaches 6-8 kg, reaching a maximum of 9.8 kg, and by the end of summer, 25% of the weight is fat, about 2-2.3 kg.
When kept in captivity, these animals ate well 33 species of plants out of 54 that grow in the steppes of Transbaikalia. During the day, the tarbagan eats from one to one and a half kg of green mass. This animal does not drink water at all; it gets enough moisture from plants. A curious feature of the tarbagan is the absence of cheek pouches.
David's deer Elaphurus davidianus is a large animal. The length of its body can reach 215 cm, and the height at the withers is 140 cm in males. Its body weight sometimes exceeds 190 kg, which is a lot for a herbivore.
This Chinese deer has long legs with wide hooves. The long heels of the hooves may indicate a watery habitat through which the deer moves without difficulty. The heel portion of the hoof can be moved wide apart as needed.
At the same time, the deer’s body seems disproportionately long in contrast to other large deer. The deer's tail is also unusual - it looks like an elongated donkey's tail with a brush at the end. Males have large horns, round in cross section. In the middle, thickest part, the horns branch, and the processes are directed back with sharp ends.
David's deer is an animal that lives exclusively in China. Initially, its natural habitat was limited to the swamps and rainforests of Central and Central China. Unfortunately, the species is preserved only in zoos.
The pika Ochotona is a small, short-legged, almost tailless mammal native to the mountains of the western United States and much of Asia. Despite their small size, body shape and round ears, pikas are not rodents, but the smallest representatives of lagomorphs; otherwise, this group is represented by hares and rabbits (family Lagoraceae).
Pikas' fur is long and soft, usually grayish-brown in color. Unlike rabbits and hares, the hind limbs of pikas are no longer than the front ones. The legs (including the soles) are densely furred, with five toes at the front and four at the back. Most pikas weigh between 125 and 200 g and have a body length of about 15 cm.
The pika is usually found in mountainous areas. Two species live in the United States, the rest are scattered throughout Central Asia.
The pika has been found in Alaska and northern Canada on isolated nunataks (cliffs or peaks surrounded by glaciers) in Kluane National Park. She was even spotted at an altitude of 6,130 (!) meters on the slopes of the Himalayas.
The goliath tarantula Theraphosa blondi is the king of spiders. This tarantula is the largest arachnid on the planet. These heavyweights can weigh over 170g and stand up to 28cm across with paws spread. Tarantulas, contrary to their name, do not usually eat birds, but are large enough to do so - and sometimes do. The name "tarantula" comes from an 18th-century engraving showing another species of tarantula eating a hummingbird.
If these spiders are threatened, they will rub the bristles on their legs, making a buzzing sound. This is called "stridulation" and is used as an attempt to scare potential predators.
Like all tarantulas, the tarantula has fangs large enough to bite through human skin (1.9-3.8 cm). But this poison is relatively harmless if you are not allergic to it - its effect is comparable to a wasp sting. In addition, when threatened, they rub their belly with their hind legs and release hairs, which are a strong irritant to the skin and mucous membranes.
Cordylus belttails are small reptiles from the order of lizards. These animals are sometimes called "little dinosaurs" due to their external similarity to these reptiles.
These lizards received their unusual name due to the presence of ring-shaped scutes that seem to encircle their tail. When the belt-tail senses danger, it curls up, grabbing it with its teeth.
The home of these reptiles is the desert; they love hot and dry climates. These amazing creatures can most easily be found on the island of Madagascar; they are also found in Kenya and Tanzania.
These lizards place their nests in rock crevices; sometimes they dig small burrows that are located under boulders. They try to choose places with a narrow entrance so that predators cannot get into the home. They can live in piles of stones and caves. Sometimes belted tails climb mountains and can live there at a fairly high altitude, and the lack of oxygen is not a hindrance for them.
Belttails hunt in thickets of dry bushes, choosing places where they can be unnoticed. Belttails are very sociable creatures and live in small groups controlled by large males.
Lychee Kobus leche is a small antelope from the genus of waterbucks, its height is maximum 112 centimeters. Lychee has highly pronounced sexual dimorphism: the weight of a male can reach up to 118 kg, and a female can weigh up to 80 kg. They have practically no fat layer, since the bulk of this weight is occupied by muscles.
The horns of males can reach 92 centimeters in length; they are thin, strongly twisted and lyre-shaped. Females have no horns at all. The animal's hooves are well adapted for life in the savannah. They can easily overcome small swamps and gallop for a long time across flat terrain. Lychees do not have scent glands, but their fur, lubricated with fat, itself has an unusual odor.
Females with their offspring occupy the most humid places of the range. Males live in arid zones along the edges of the territory, at the same time protecting it - after all, they do not need water so much. Lychees are excellent swimmers. On the lower part of their legs they have special water-repellent fur, which appeared in these antelopes during the process of evolution.
This is power!
Elephants play a critical role in shaping the environment, particularly by uprooting trees. This behavior serves several purposes: it provides access to otherwise inaccessible foliage, branches and bark, which are important food sources, especially in times of scarcity.
In addition, by uprooting trees, elephants create open spaces, which increases habitat diversity. This is beneficial for other herbivores. Moreover, fallen trees themselves become mini-ecosystems, providing habitat and food for insects, birds and small mammals.
Thus, through this seemingly destructive action, elephants play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance, demonstrating how a keystone species can significantly influence the structure and health of their ecosystem.
The rhinoceros Rhinocerotidae is one of the iconic animals of Africa, a kind of calling card of the “Dark Continent” - it is not for nothing that it is one of the “Big Five of Africa” along with the elephant, buffalo, lion and leopard, the same five animals that in the old days were the most honorable trophies hunting safaris.
The rhinoceros has rather poor eyesight, but given its size and power, these are no longer his problems, but the problems of those around him.
But rhinoceroses’ sense of smell, on the contrary, is well developed, and it is on this that they rely most. Interestingly, the volume of the nasal cavity in rhinoceroses is larger than the volume of their brain. The hearing of these giants is also well developed; the ears of rhinoceroses are like tubes that constantly rotate, picking up even the faintest sounds.
The rhinoceros is the largest land mammal after the elephant, its length is up to 4 meters, with a height of 2 meters and a weight of up to 5 tons.
The bird of paradise, a regal wonder of the forests of Papua New Guinea, boasts an unusual and spectacular mating dance. The male, adorned with elaborate feathers on his head, performs an enchanting dance to attract a female.
Читать полностью…There are many amazing, even frightening creatures in the world. The latter include the star-nosed mole, which, if not at the top, is certainly included in the list of the most “ugly” animals on our planet. Star-nosed fish are also called star-nosed fish.
The star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata, is no ordinary mole. He not only loves to walk on the surface of the earth, but also loves to swim in the water. And the hard wool, which has a water-repellent effect, helps him in this.
The star-shaped growth on the muzzle of this animal is unique. Scientists have found that it can be called the most sensitive tactile system in the world. This organ contains more than one hundred thousand nerve endings. This figure is five times greater than the sensitivity of the human hand!
In addition, the star-shaped nose is able to perceive odors even under water. To do this, the animal releases bubbles into the water, then draws them back. According to scientists, it is these bubbles that allow the mole to smell prey in the water.
The skunk is a predatory mammal belonging to the skunk family of the same name, Mephitidae. Until recently, skunks were classified as mustelids, but after genetic and molecular studies it turned out that skunks are closer to pandas than to mustelids or raccoons, as previously thought.
First of all, the skunk is associated with a fetid secretion, which the animal secretes with the help of special anal glands in moments when it feels threatened. The smelly skunk spray can hit an enemy six meters away from the skunk! This smell has incredible persistence and does not disappear very quickly.
It is distinguished by a rather bright, solemn and at the same time strict black and white color. Such contrasting colors are a warning to many ill-wishers.
In addition to a specific aroma and original colors, the skunk has a powerful, stocky figure, short legs with impressive claws and a beautiful bushy tail.
Vicuna Lama vicugna, or Vicugna vicugna, is a cute animal that simultaneously resembles llamas and camels (only in smaller dimensions). Known mentions of it date back to 1200; this animal was sacred to many Andean peoples. Here the vicuñas bore the honorary title “Golden Fleece.”
At the same time, their wool was highly valued (as it is today) and was intended for sewing royal robes. Ordinary Indians were forbidden to kill vicuñas.
In the mid-60s, zoologists noted with horror that there were no more than 50 thousand vicunas left. A strict ban was introduced on catching and killing animals. The restriction also applied to the sale of unique vicuña fur. This species has been given endangered status. An agreement on his protection was signed in Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina.
The measures greatly affected the development of these animals. Just 30 years after the ban was introduced (in 1995), their population grew to 98 thousand. Today, vicuña wool can be bought in the public domain, the animals do not suffer from this - they are sheared on farms.
Hylobates gibbons are slender, rather graceful and cunning primates that are fun to watch - they are playful and funny animals. A distinctive feature of gibbons is considered to be sociability - not only in relation to their relatives, but also in relation to representatives of other species of animals, as well as to people.
Zoologists note that this species of primate has much in common with humans. Gibbons have 32 teeth and a similar jaw structure. In addition, they have blood groups - 2nd, 3rd and 4th, just like humans. The difference lies in the absence of the first group.
Gibbons have incredibly long forelimbs, almost twice as long as their hind limbs, and gibbons can easily rely on their forelimbs when standing or moving along the ground.
Gibbons are diurnal primates. At night, they mostly rest, going to bed high in the treetops with the whole family. This type of primate can be safely classified as arboreal. They rarely move on the surface of the earth.
The kulan Equus hemionus is an animal of the equine family, which has many common features with its closest relatives: the horse and the donkey. Kulans belong to the genus Equus - horses, having common ancestors with them, but they are also very similar to their other relatives - donkeys, this feature is embedded in the second part of their Latin name - hemionus (half donkey). The animals are also called dzhigetai.
The main habitats of the kulan are southern Mongolia and adjacent China. All other remaining populations are small and largely isolated from each other, with a total of 17 separate habitats of these animals that are not interconnected. In Transbaikalia, the kulan can be found in the area of Lake Torey-Nur, where they enter from Mongolia.
During hot periods, watering holes are of great importance. If there is no access to water sources, then the kulans leave such places. If there is access to water at a distance of 15-20 km, then the herd visits it every day early in the morning or in the evening. It is interesting that kulans can drink bitter salt water, which donkeys and even camels do not drink.
A Herpestidae mongoose drives a lioness away from her burrow.
In appearance, mongooses resemble martens. These are small predators: the body reaches a length of 35-40 cm, the tail - 23-29 cm. The animals got their name because of the alternating brown and yellowish or whitish stripes on the back and sides. Distributed in Africa, Asia Minor, Western and Southern Asia, South-Western Europe. They inhabit rocky areas and dense thickets of bushes, usually trying to stay close to water.
Most often, mongooses live in groups of 6-20 individuals. Outside the breeding season, they lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving as if in a circle within their area. They are active mainly in the morning and evening. The rest of the day is spent hiding in free holes. All members of the group maintain constant contact with each other while moving with continuous chirping cries.
Striped mongooses feed on reptiles, mollusks, eggs and chicks of small birds, insects, berries and fruits.
The proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus is a monkey, the only representative of the proboscis monkey genus. Nature has endowed the males of this species with a unique “decoration” - a huge drooping nose, which is why they look very funny. The narrow endemic, one of the wonderful animals of the island of Borneo, is a rare and endangered species.
This monkey is also known as "kahau". Kahau is an onomatopoeia, something like how proboscis monkeys shout when warning of danger.
The weight of an adult male is from 16 to 22 kg, the female is almost twice as small. The figure of the monkey is ugly, as if the animal is obese: sloping shoulders, a hunched back and a healthy saggy belly. However, she moves deftly and quickly, thanks to her long muscular limbs with tenacious fingers.
The adult male looks especially colorful. His flattened head seems to be covered with a beret made of brown wool, from under which calm dark eyes look, and his tanned cheeks are buried in a beard and the folds of a fur collar. The very narrow, hairless face looks quite human, although somewhat caricatured.
Takahe Porphyrio hochstetteri is native to New Zealand, a flightless bird from the rail family. Takahe was considered extinct since the last four birds were seen back in 1898. However, after an extensive search, they were rediscovered near Lake Te Anau (South Island) in 1948. The bird's name comes from the word takahi, which means to trample or trample. Takahe were well known to the Maori people, who traveled long distances to hunt them.
The takahe's body length averages 63 cm and weighs about 2.7 kg in males and 2.3 kg in females, with a range of 1.8–4.2 kg. The height is about 50 cm. It is a stocky, powerful bird with short strong legs and a massive beak. It is a non-flying creature that has tiny wings that are sometimes used to help the bird climb up slopes.
Takahe is found in the alpine meadow region, where it is found most of the year. She remains in the pastures until snow appears, after which the birds are forced to descend into forests or bushes.
Polar bears Ursus maritimus live in the Arctic zone of Canada, the USA (Alaska), Russia, Norway and Denmark (in Greenland). Adult animals can reach more than 2.5 m in length and weigh about 680 kg. Thick fur and a 3-4 centimeter layer of fat protects their bodies from hypothermia in the frosty air and icy water. In addition, fat makes the animal's body lighter, allowing it to better float on water.
The fur of a polar bear is actually not white, but transparent: the hair inside is hollow and filled with air - this helps the animal retain heat better.
These animals have an incredible sense of smell and can smell prey from a distance of up to 16 km! Polar bears are excellent swimmers. They are found more than 100 km from the coast. They swim easily at a speed of about 10 km/h, using their wide legs as oars.
Although bears are excellent swimmers, they are not agile enough to catch a seal in open water. Therefore, they hunt on the ice: most often they set up an ambush and wait until the seal appears on the surface to breathe air.
Corsac Vulpes corsac is also called the steppe fox. It is believed that the name of the animal is related to the Turkic word “karsak”, which is associated with someone short, short, or short. The corsac is smaller than the arctic fox, and in appearance it is very similar to the red fox, only in reduced sizes: the body of the steppe fox rarely exceeds half a meter, and its weight does not exceed six kilograms.
The summer coat of a corsac is not at all similar to the winter one - it is rough, sparse and short. Even the tail becomes sparse and plucked. There is no longer any silveriness observed; the entire robe takes on a dirty ocher uniformity. Against the background of an unsightly summer suit, the head becomes disproportionately large, and the whole body becomes lean, distinguished by thinness and long legs.
But in winter the tail of the steppe fox is very rich, noble and magnificent. Its length can be half the body or even more, it ranges from 25 to 35 cm. When the corsac stands, its beautiful tail falls straight to the ground, touching it with its darker tip.
Marmota bobak is one of the rather large marmots: body length up to 59 cm, tail length up to 15 cm; the weight of males that have eaten before hibernation is up to 5.7 kg.
The baybak inhabits the open spaces of Eastern Europe and Northern Kazakhstan. Now the habitat of the boibak is mosaic in nature; it has survived only where the unplowed steppe has been preserved. Living on lands occupied by vegetable and grain crops is not typical for boibak; Animals settle in such biotopes reluctantly and temporarily. They either quickly leave these crops or die.
The word “marmot” is formed using the suffix “ok” from the word “sur” borrowed from the Turkic language. The word is onomatopoeic, reminiscent of the sound made by an animal when in danger. The original Russian name is “whistle”.
In colloquial speech, the word “baibak” is used quite often. This is what they call a clumsy, baggy person, a lazy person and a sleepyhead. The long hibernation of all marmots, including boars, gave rise to the saying “sleeps like a marmot.”
Babyrousa is the most unusual member of the pig family. She is not at all like the pig we are used to. She has a small head, short ears, a tiny snout, an arched back and long slender legs. But the most memorable thing about her appearance is 2 pairs of large fangs, curved back. Their true purpose is still unclear. Zoologists suggest that this is just a secondary sexual characteristic of males.
The pig itself is of medium size with a body length of about 90-100 centimeters. Males are easily distinguished by their larger size and the presence of TWO pairs of fangs. The lower pair takes its usual place between the teeth of the lower jaw. But the upper one does not grow from the mouth, but sticks out right on the muzzle. In old males, their tips reach the forehead or bend 180 degrees and sometimes grow back into the skin of the snout. They reach 30-40 centimeters in length. In females, only the lower canines grow, and they are smaller in length.
This amazing pig lives in the mangrove and reed thickets of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
The wild cat, Felis wiedii, looks like a toy leopard. This mustachioed predator captivates with her magnificent fur coat and bottomless, hypnotizing eyes.
The margay belongs to the subfamily of small cats and belongs to the genus Leopardus (South American cats).
The margay (or margay cat) is very similar to the ocelot, which is its closest relative. Often these cats live in the neighborhood. Their differences lie in size, body proportions and lifestyle. The ocelot is larger than the margay; it prefers terrestrial movement and hunting. The margay, although smaller, has longer legs and a tail, which gives it the opportunity to live and hunt well in the tree crown. The ocelot, margay and oncilla belong to the same genus Leopardus and are exotic inhabitants of the New World.
Female margays are slightly smaller than males. Their weight is from 2 to 3.5 kg, and the weight of males can reach 5 kg. The margay can be from 47 to 72 cm in length, not counting the tail.
Teledu (hog badger) Arctonyx collaris is a unique species found in the hilly and mountainous forests of Southeast Asia. Body length up to 70 cm, weight 7-14 kg.
Although similar in size to the more familiar badgers of Europe and North America, the teledu looks completely different. In particular, it has an elongated, pig-like snout and modified teeth that point forward and are used to turn over the soil.
The pig badger is common both on the plains and in the mountains. During the day, he hides in deep burrows or other shelters. When feeding, the badger digs not only with its claws, but also with its long, movable muzzle, like a pig, which is how it earned its name. It feeds on small animals and plants.
It is listed as Vulnerable and Endangered as the species' global numbers are believed to be declining due to high levels of poaching.