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Massage for the beloved breadwinner.

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Space caterpillar of the tropical butterfly Eudocima phalonia

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Agama-sitana Sitana ponticeriana stands out against the background of its relatives with a spectacular throat "flag" painted in three colors at once – blue, black and red, but this effect appears only during the mating period. The rest of the time, the neck bag has a matte white color.

In a calm state, the agama-sitana looks like a quite ordinary iguana, and the tricolor fold of skin under her neck swells in special cases. For example, when a lizard is scared, communicates with neighbors, or tries to impress a future partner during the mating season.

Agamas-sitans live in not too dense forests and in open spaces, most often rocky or rocky, with vegetation breaking through in some places. Their homeland is India, Sri Lanka and the eastern regions of Pakistan.

The most active time for these agile lizards is early morning, when they go hunting ants, midges, grasshoppers and other insects.

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When you don't understand why this leaf is moving?

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Do you still think you can escape from a bear by climbing a tree?

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With his big ears, the elephant cools the body. 

Heat is released through the blood vessels. And to speed up the air circulation, gray giants wave their ears.

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When I didn't have time to rest over the weekend

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Mating dance of a peacock spider from Australia. 

It is definitely difficult to refuse such a person.

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The Guinness Book of Records named the panda the most expensive inhabitant of zoos. 

Its maintenance costs five times more expensive than the maintenance of an elephant (the second most expensive).

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When Mom scratches my back.

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A unique rainbow reticulated python, whose brethren usually have only a brown color with a slight tint.

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Preflight preparation.

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A timelapse of a growing vine that winds circles until it finds the necessary support.

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Teamwork of leaf-cutting ants

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When you lived quietly until a music festival came to you.

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Even hyenas love petting

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The size of the smallest wild cat in the world is only 40 cm, excluding the tail. 

Such is the "hummingbird of the cat world".

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A beautiful moment that photographer Dick van Dyne noticed during his trip to Austria.

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The giant anteater is a big fan of sleeping. 

His sleep lasts at least 16 hours.

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Owls see much better at dusk and in the dark than in the light.

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How snails lay eggs.

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Owls vary greatly in size, appearance and color, but they all have one thing in common: the ability to turn their heads 270 degrees.

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158 days of pepper life from the very seed.

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A feeder for very large birds.

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Grizzly is one of the most dangerous enemies of any hunter, as it is characterized by unpredictable behavior. 

The animal weighs up to 500 kg and, standing on its hind legs, reaches three meters in height.

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A hamster at the age of two weeks.

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🍌Antelopes, though they do not climb palm trees, but also, like us, like bananas😀

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Pregnancy in elephants lasts longer than in any other living creatures on Earth — 22 months.

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That's a scared look 🥺

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Don't even call me if your vacation doesn't look like this

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