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A group of Adelie penguins dive off the sea ice. 

They must quickly join the movement to survive.

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Eurasian (Asian) flying squirrels Pteromys (from the Greek. πτερόεις μῦς "winged mouse") is a genus of rodents of the squirrel family, including two species - the common flying squirrel, inhabiting the territory of Russia Pteromys volans and the Japanese lesser flying squirrel Pteromys momonga.

Eurasian flying squirrels are common in the temperate forests, to the east of the Urals they penetrate into the forest-steppe, on the islands of the Japanese archipelago and partly on the Korean Peninsula - in the subtropical zone.

The range of the Japanese flying squirrel is the evergreen mountain forests of the islands of Kyushu and Honshu. Body size 15-20 cm, tail 10-14 cm, weight about 200 g.

The flying squirrel is active all year round. The lifestyle is nocturnal and twilight, nursing females and young appear during the day. Most of the time the flying squirrel spends in search of food.

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An unusual friendship.

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Bearded saks are five or six species of New World monkeys living in the eastern and central part of the Amazon in South America.

Bearded saks are distinguished by a pronounced beard, especially in males. The tail is long and fluffy, it is used for balance, not for grabbing. Bearded females reach sizes from 30 to 50 cm and weight from 2 to 4 kg .

Like many monkeys of the New World, bearded saks lead a diurnal and arboreal lifestyle. They inhabit humid rainforests and usually live in the crowns of trees. At night they sleep huddled against thick branches, never spending two nights in a row on the same tree.

The main part of the diet of bearded saki consists of fruits, but they also eat nuts, buds, leaves, insects and small vertebrates

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Humans and chimpanzees have the same amount of hair.

More precisely, the hair follicles, but the hair itself has thinned and lightened in the process of evolution.

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The spots on the skin of each leopard are unique

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Banks' mourning cockatoos Calyptorhynchus banksii are rarely kept in captivity, as they require a lot of attention and special care.

This parrot is endemic to Australia, living in tropical, eucalyptus, mountain and foothill forests, as well as in savannas and woodlands. The main condition is the presence of rivers and other natural reservoirs nearby.

Banks' mourning cockatoo has a characteristic small crest on its head and a long tail, which is about half of the total length of the bird, a traditional black color with a red stripe across the outer tail feathers, a dark gray beak and dark brown eyes. In females, the color is closer to brown. 

In the wild, they can live in pairs or small flocks. In the natural environment, in addition to nuts and seeds, they feed on eucalyptus fruits and insect larvae. During the rainy season , they migrate inland

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When sport is in your blood.

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In the mating season, lacy thin feathers grow on the back of white herons.

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You dropped something...

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There are no nerves or blood vessels on duck paws, so they can safely walk on snow and ice without feeling cold.

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Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite.

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Secrets of the banana flower.

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From now on, you know how the baby armadillo screams

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A marine iguana can stay under water for up to half an hour

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The gopher's sleep is very strong. 

If you pull the animal out of its hole during hibernation, it will not wake up.

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The rocket-tailed hummingbird is endemic to Peru.

Unusual birds live only on the mountain slopes in the Utkubamba River basin

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Four - legged on a four - wheeled

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Many kangaroos have a unique ability to delay the development of fertilized embryos. If the female already has a small cub at the time of mating, the fertilized embryo will not begin to develop until the older baby grows up or dies.

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Skunk puppies at the age of 8 days can already spray the enemy with caustic liquid, and at 24 days, when their eyes open, they will be able to "shoot" with aim.

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It's necessary to get stuck like that!

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Lions usually sleep more than 20 hours a day.

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The Himalayan bear's sense of smell is superior to that of dogs.

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The rhinoceros beetle Oryctes nasicornis is a large chestnut-brown or red-brown beetle with a massive body 25-47 mm long. The legs are thick, strong, front - digging, rear - with supporting teeth and spikes. 

The species is characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism: males have a backward-curved horn on the head, and a three-pronged transverse elevation on the pronotum. Females have a small horn on their head, resembling a small bump in its shape, and their protrusion on the pronotum is poorly developed. 

Beetles are active mainly in warm summer evenings, often fly to artificial light sources.

The species is distributed in Europe (with the exception of the northern regions and the British Isles), North Africa, Central and Asia Minor, the Caucasus and the south of Western Siberia.

It is protected in some countries of Western Europe, and is also included in a number of regional Red Books of the Russian Federation

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When you get home from work.

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The secret that binturongs secrete, called sevet, is the most valuable substance in perfumery. 

It is added to perfumes for the durability of the fragrance.

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The only bird in whose color there are real red and green colors is the red-crested turaco.

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The little turtle chases away the king of beasts.

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The toucan's beak seems heavy, but consists of empty cavities, so it weighs almost nothing.

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Worker ants, which are assigned the role of "storage", are called plerergates.

They place the extracted food in the blind process of their esophagus (goiter). As the goiter increases, all the internal organs of the ant move away. The abdomen of the "storage" ant can increase 4-5 times and reach 6-12 mm in diameter.

In winter, when hunting and prey are reduced, the ant colony "uncovers honey barrels". To do this, the worker ants send special signals to the plerergates with their antennae. After receiving the signal, the "keeper" shares food with his relatives by trophallaxis.

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