Join us as we explore the wilderness and share the beautiful scenery of nature! For all questions: @magellanvs
This is the gecko's defense mechanism against enemies.
Noticing the enemy, the lizard raises its tail and sprays a fragrant, bitter and sticky liquid for half a meter, showering the predator with a caustic shower.
🇻🇪 Bright guests on the balconies of Caracas skyscrapers.
Читать полностью…Jaguars are excellent swimmers and divers, and also know how to get food in the water.
Читать полностью…Swans find a mate at the age of two.
They are tightly bound by invisible bonds and continue to mate with each other year after year.
The four-winged cuckoo Tapera naevia has settled in South America - from Mexico and Trinidad south to Bolivia and Argentina.
And she is famous for her unsurpassed dance . Yes, we also initially thought it was a clever video montage, but no. Judge for yourself: only someone who saw this dance live could call an ordinary bird with two wings four-winged!
This bird occupies an important place in Brazilian folklore and is related to the legend of Sisi - a one-legged mulatto boy with holes in his palms, an incorrigible joker smoking a pipe.
One of the magical properties of Sisi is the ability to transform into an elusive matitapere bird, whose melancholic song seems to come from nowhere...
The Canadian crane is recognized as the oldest living bird. His ancestors lived on earth 10 million years ago, which was confirmed by the recent discovery of paleontologists.
Читать полностью…Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula is a songbird of the finch family, it appears in our field of vision in winter as the most active bird of this time of year.
Bullfinch is slightly larger in size than a sparrow: body length 15-19 cm, wingspan 24-30 cm, weight 24-36 g. At the first glance at this bird, its red cheeks, lower neck, abdomen and sides are striking - and the tone and intensity of the coloring of the underside of the body depends on the subspecies and individual characteristics. On the bird's head is a black cap that appears with age.
The bullfinch breeds in the taiga and mixed forests of Eurasia from the British Isles, the Atlantic coast and Scandinavia to the coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka - in coniferous and mixed forests, mainly on coniferous trees, most often at a low altitude (1.5-2 m)
A rabbit can really die of fright with a strong fright.
Читать полностью…The mantis-violin imitates the movement of a plant in the wind
Читать полностью…A green snake covered with fur was found in Thailand. It is a dragon-like creature, 60 centimeters long.
Читать полностью…Foxes lead a solitary lifestyle in winter and only start families by summer.
Читать полностью…The spoonbill Platalea leucorodia is a wading bird of the ibis family, its body length is up to 1 m, weight is 1.2-2 kg, and wingspan is 115-135 cm. The cap is all white, and the beak and legs are black. In the mating attire, the spoonbills develop a tuft on the back of the head and an ochreous spot at the base of the neck. A distinctive feature of these birds is a spoon-shaped beak, with which they filter the mud in search of food.
The spoonbill breeds in Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa. In Russia, this bird is found in the Krasnodar Territory, on Lake Manych-Gudilo, in the lower reaches of the Don, Volga, Terek rivers, as well as in the south of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva and Khakassia. European spoonbills winter in Central and East Africa, Asian - in India and China.
The spoonbills inhabit shallow reservoirs or shallow, slow-flowing rivers with muddy bottoms, as well as both fresh and salt lakes.
The Myrmarachne formicaria spider not only mimics ants externally, but also imitates their gait and the movement of antennae, which act as two front paws.
But the most interesting thing is that during the movement they periodically freeze, imitating the "blind" ants, who need time to think about the trajectory of their movement.
Mangalica is a domestic breed of pigs native to Hungary, covered from head to toe with curly hair. The breed was bred in the XIX century. It is generally believed that due to the peculiarities of the coat and physiology, the mangalitsa is closest to extinct pigs - such as the Lincolnshire curly-haired pig, which used to live in England.
Interesting fact: pigs that are starting to be kept as pets eventually lose their fur, because it ceases to be needed. Such wool is needed exclusively to protect the mangalitsa from cold and insects. Like wild boars, mangalitz piglets are born striped, with a camouflage color that changes with age.
In Hungary, these pigs are recognized as a national treasure.
The European bison Bison bonasus is the last representative of wild bulls in Europe. All today's bison come from only twelve individuals who were in zoos and nature reserves at the beginning of the XX century - this is to the question of why zoos are needed, by the way.
The closest relative of the bison is the American bison (/channel/run_to_me/101 ) Bison bison, with which he is able to interbreed without restrictions, giving fertile offspring - bison.
In the literature, the question is still being discussed whether the European bison and the American bison belong to independent species or belong to the same species, being its subspecies.
If the bison and the bison have a great similarity on the paternal Y chromosome, then the American bison is closer to the Bos grunniens yak on the maternal mitochondrial DNA, and the European bison is closer to the primitive Bos primigenius tour.
Large pandas on average weigh from 100 to 150 kilograms.
Читать полностью…Leaf sheep are one of the few animals that are capable of photosynthesis.
Читать полностью…Tigers can sit for hours in a lake or river, enjoying the coolness.
Читать полностью…On an average day, an adult small panda eats an amount of food equal in weight to a third of its weight.
Читать полностью…Armadillos do not distinguish colors and see everything in black and white.
Читать полностью…The reed cat ( or marsh lynx) Felis chaus is larger than any domestic cat (with the exception of the mainkoon): body length 60-90 cm and weight 8-12 kg.
The body of the reed cat is relatively short, the legs are high, the tail is short (21-30 cm), there are small tassels on the ears. The color is yellow-brownish, monotonous, the bottom is lighter. The reed cat looks like a lynx.
In Russia, it occurs in the flat part of Dagestan and further along the coast of the Caspian Sea, the range reaches the mouth of the Volga along the Terek and Kuma rivers to Stavropol and North Ossetia. About 500 individuals live on the territory of Russia.
The reed cat is perfectly adapted to living in dense thickets of reeds, reeds and thorny shrubs along the low-lying banks of rivers, lakes and seas. It feeds on birds, rodents, hares. Previously, it was believed that it could harm hunting.
By crossing a reed cat with a domestic cat of the Abyssinian breed, a breed called house and (chausie) was created.
Contrary to popular myth, elephants are not afraid of mice.
Читать полностью…With the onset of frost, hedgehogs tightly close the entrance to the burrow and fall into hibernation until about April.
Читать полностью…Giraffe teeth have a shovel-shaped shape to easily tear leaves from branches.
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