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The Eurasian hoopoe is a small bird common in Europe, Asia and Africa. It is known for its mottled plumage and distinctive crest on its head. Hoopoes have a long, curved beak adapted for searching for food in the ground. Hoopoes feed mainly on insects, such as beetles, ants, bees, etc. They may also feed on lizards, small snakes and other small animals.
Читать полностью…🍃 Leaf beetles - insects with amazing camouflage
📍Scientists have discovered that leaf beetles live in a vast tropical area throughout Southeast Asia, as well as in northeastern Australia and the islands of Melanesia.
🐍 The rattlesnake's rattle is very interesting. When used as a threat display element, the rattle at the end of a rattlesnake's tail can shake 50 to 100 times per second.
Читать полностью…🪨 Armadillo meat tastes like pork and is considered a delicacy.
Читать полностью…The pangolin is an ancient animal, believed to have existed on Earth for at least 70 million years, but scientists do not know where it came from.
If two males meet in the same territory, they begin to sort things out by striking each other with their forelimbs with long claws and tail.
The ants in the anthill are divided into classes: queen, workers, soldiers and future colonizers (ants with wings). Workers intensively fatten ants with wings so that during the mating season they can fly away from the anthill and form a new colony. Having left their home, winged males and females meet the same winged ants, only from other anthills. After the “wedding night,” the winged males die, and the winged females shed their wings, become queens, and give birth to their own colony.
Читать полностью…🐸 During rest, the eyes of the red-eyed tree frog are closed with a transparent membrane that does not interfere with the frogs’ vision. When attacked by predators, she sharply opens her eyes and misleads them with her bright red color.
Читать полностью…The pottery (pill) wasp Eumenes leads a solitary lifestyle and builds a vase-like nest. The most widely used building material is mud, consisting of a mixture of soil and regurgitated water, but many species use chewed plant material instead.
Solitary wasps, as opposed to social wasps, lay eggs in each individual cell, after which it is sealed so that no interaction occurs between the larvae and adults.
But before sealing the nest, the wasp collects the larvae of beetles, spiders or caterpillars - and, paralyzing them, places them in the nest so that they serve as food for its larva
These caterpillars will turn into White Morpho butterflies in the future 🦋
They live in Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.
Most Morpho butterflies have a shimmering, metallic coloration with shades of blue, purple and green. The wingspan ranges from 7.5 to 20 cm.
Empusa pennata, or pink cone-headed mantis. It can be found in Portugal, Spain, southern France, Italy and on the Mediterranean coasts of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. A unique species that is very rare in the wild.
Читать полностью…🦊 Silver foxes are quite rare animals that live on the North American continent.
These animals are native to the northern regions of the USA and Canada. From here the silver fox began its development. Silver foxes are typical predators in nature. Their victims include small rodents, hares, birds, and sometimes insects. Like common foxes, silver foxes have well-developed vision, smell and hearing.
The snow leopard❄️ prefers to hunt prey larger than itself or corresponding to its size.
Читать полностью…🦚 Peacocks are capable of not only walking gracefully on the ground, but also being able to fly quite well.
Читать полностью…Japanese white-eyes have a characteristic olive color with white circles under the eyes. The birds measure up to twelve centimeters in length and weigh an average of ten grams.
Читать полностью…Beavers🦫 are very important to the ecosystems in which they live. Their ponds and dams create new aquatic ecosystems that provide shelter and food for many species of plants and animals.
Читать полностью…🦊 Foxes have a special gland on their tail that releases scent. They can use it to communicate with other foxes and also to mark their territory.
Читать полностью…🐦⬛️ African cuckoo.
Found in sub-Saharan Africa, it is one of the most common cuckoo species on the continent.
These birds do not transfer their eggs to other bird species. But the male warms the eggs and feeds the offspring, showing more parental care than the female.
🐻 Bears' paws are very powerful. They have huge claws, the length of which reaches up to twenty centimeters.
Читать полностью…🕺 Anhinga
The male anhinga signals the nearest female by flapping each wing and performing complex dance moves, bowing and displaying movements. The eyes are bright green and especially bright during the breeding season. This behavior is fun to watch.
🦘A female kangaroo can produce milk of different fat contents for cubs of different ages - and can do this at the same time.
Читать полностью…🐹 Chinchillas do not shed seasonally, so they are the most hypoallergenic animals. These animals shed their fur only under stress or as a defensive reaction, leaving a piece of fur in the teeth of a predator.
Читать полностью…The antlion, Myrmeleon formicarius, is an insect of the order Netoptera, found throughout the world, mainly in dry, sandy regions.
The term "antlion" refers to the immature or larval stages of members of this family. Antlion larvae are predatory, while the adult stage feeds on nectar and pollen. The larvae are insatiable eaters of ants and other small insects that fall into the conical pits they build.
The head of the antlion larva has an impressive pair of sickle-shaped jaws, which are armed with sharp and hollow projections that have the function of piercing and sucking. Having captured prey, the larva paralyzes it with poison injected during the first bite.
She then injects digestive enzymes to break down the victim's internal tissues and sucks out the contents. Fully developed larvae can grow up to 1.2 cm in length.
An adult antlion is 4 cm long, does not feed its young and has a relatively short lifespan of 20-25 days or slightly longer (up to 45 days).
A cute animal with the funny name “dik-dik” Madoqua kirkii is a miniature antelope that lives in the semi-deserts and savannas of South and Central Africa. The length of an adult dikdik is no more than half a meter, and its weight is up to 5 kg.
These antelopes are elegant and graceful, they have elongated muzzles, large eyes and ears, a long neck and thin legs. The color is dominated by various shades of brown. This coloring helps these dwarf antelopes blend into the background of the surrounding landscape.
These are paired animals, and permanent pairs are formed, each of them has its own territory - as a rule, no more than a hundred meters in diameter.
These antelopes prefer to settle in arid areas covered with dense bushes - their main food. Dik-diks like to graze in the morning and evening, and rest during the day. Dense thickets also serve as shelter for them from predators who cannot get there. Seeing danger, they make strange sounds, something like “dik-dik”, which is what they owe their name to.
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Brown anoles typically grow 10–15 cm in length. They have large eyes, strong legs that allow them to climb trees, a wide head and a bright throat pouch. The diet of these lizards consists mainly of insects, although they also happily eat fruit.
In addition to its native range in the Bahamas and Cuba, the brown anole has been introduced to the United States, Taiwan and China. They are considered semi-arboreal lizards, living both in trees and on the ground.
🦅 A golden eagle can live next to a person. But people must be careful to keep the birds in the nest. There are known cases when frightened golden eagles abandoned their chicks along with the nest.
Читать полностью…🐪 The most stubborn animal is, perhaps, not a donkey, but a camel. If he decides to lie down to rest, it is almost impossible to force him to get up and walk.
Читать полностью…🐻❄️ A polar bear breaks through thin ice at different intervals so that her cub can breathe
Polar bears are expert swimmers. And that's a good thing: because of the melting ice, polar bears have to use their swimming skills quite a lot.
The yellow-footed plover, Charadrius melodus, belongs to the plover family and has sandy plumage. An adult bird has yellow-orange legs and a black ring around the neck - however, the color depends on the sex and age of the bird. The body length of this plover is up to 18 cm.
Like most plovers, food intake occurs in a sequence that consists of a fast run, a sudden stop and one peck. If the bird is standing, it is difficult to spot it, since the plumage does not differ in color from the surrounding landscape.
The yellow-footed plover lives on the sandy and pebble beaches of the Atlantic, as well as on the shores of the Great Lakes in midwestern Canada and the United States. From November to March, migratory birds winter in the Gulf of Mexico and on the southern coast of the United States, down to the Caribbean islands.
Feeds on worms, insects and their larvae and crustaceans
🐻 Bear's favorite fish is salmon. That is why, in salmon spawning areas, bears are much more numerous and they are much larger than their counterparts living outside areas with an abundance of fish.
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