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🦘 Kangaroos are capable of making incredibly long jumps. In one jump they can cover a distance of 12 m, leaving the ground 3 m.
Читать полностью…🦅 This is what the mating dance of bald eagles looks like.
Читать полностью…The Oropendola Montezuma Psarocolius montezuma is a songbird native to Central America. The specific epithet is given in honor of the Aztec emperor Montezuma II (1467-1520).
While a female with a length of 38 cm weighs only 230 g, a male up to 50 cm long weighs up to 520 g. In terms of total body weight, males are on average 100% larger than females, and in terms of length and body weight they are 2 times larger than females, which makes the sexual dimorphism in size in Oropendola-Montezuma one of the most pronounced of all birds in the world.
This resident bird lives in the lowland Caribbean coast from southeastern Mexico to central Panama, not occurring in El Salvador or southern Guatemala. On the Pacific coast it can be seen in Nicaragua and northwestern Costa Rica. There it inhabits tree crowns, forest edges and old plantations.
Oropendola Montezuma searches trees in flocks for small vertebrates, large insects, nectar and fruits such as bananas
This is not aliens, and not the creativity of a neural network. These are real chicks of Amadina Guldan.
Finches live in Australia, but are often bred in captivity. Amadine chicks look very unusual. Their mouths are decorated with multi-colored dots, which are very clearly visible even in the dark. Everything so that parents can feed their chicks even at night. After 25 days, the chicks are completely transformed and turn into an ordinary small bird with bright plumage.
🦌 Only males can boast of horns; females do not have them.
But for the winter, males also get rid of their horns, usually in November-December, and acquire them again only in April-May.
The prairie grouse Tympanuchus cupido is slightly smaller in size than the common grouse, but is distinguished from it by two tufts of long feathers on the sides of the neck. Beneath these tufts are bare areas of skin and subcutaneous pouches connected to the windpipe.
In the spring, during mating, the meadow grouse inflates these bags and makes sounds similar to the beat on a large drum. In general appearance, the meadow grouse resembles a capercaillie, and in its movements it resembles domestic chickens. The male and female have the same variegated coloration with dark transverse stripes on the belly.
The meadow grouse is widespread in North America, where it inhabits treeless plains. Most often it lives in dry clearings overgrown with sparse bushes or low grass. Does not avoid cultivated fields, where it often goes out to feed.
The meadow grouse feeds on both plant and animal food. It eats the tips of young leaves, seeds of wild and cultivated plants, all kinds of berries, as well as various insects and their larvae, snails and other invertebrate animals.
Magpie blackbird (magpie warbler) Copsychus saularis - these are the tricky names scientists gave to this little bird! She lives in Southeast Asia, India, Indonesia and the Philippines, and this video was filmed in Thailand.
These thrushes have nothing in common with magpies, except for their bright black and white coloration; they belong to the flycatcher family. Blackbirds often live near human settlements, in gardens and parks. In dense forests they inhabit the undergrowth.
There they look for their food - primarily insects: crickets, ants and beetles.
The Shama often swings its striped black and white tail high above its back, thus marking its territory. In someone else's yard, the number of tail flaps is noticeably reduced - that's right, there's no point in wagging your tail in someone else's yard - it won't take long to get into trouble!
For their euphonious singing and ability to imitate other birds, these thrushes are bred and imported in large numbers; they sing almost all year round, often changing their repertoire
When talking about European birds with an unusual sound, we cannot fail to mention the Field Thrush Turdus pilaris. Until recently it was difficult to meet him in the city, but today it is quite easy to meet him. You will immediately understand that this is a fieldfare - thanks to its original appearance and unusual trills.
The color of thrushes can be either modestly light or brightly contrasting. All thrushes feed on berries and insects. They can live alone or in pairs, or in flocks - which is what fieldfares do. They make loud, short squeals and give themselves away by loudly cracking “trrr...” or “tshchek.”
Compared to other thrushes, fieldfares are less timid and not so secretive. It is much easier to meet them up close (especially during the mountain ash flowering period). Their song is clearer, although not loud. Walking past a bush of red berries and hearing a strange crackling sound ending with a perky “...weak”, you can be sure that somewhere in the jungle of branches there is a fieldfare, feasting on its favorite berry
Teledu (hog badger) Arctonyx collaris is a unique species found in the hilly and mountainous forests of Southeast Asia. Body length up to 70 cm, weight 7-14 kg.
Although similar in size to the more familiar badgers of Europe and North America, the teledu looks completely different. In particular, it has an elongated pig-like snout and modified teeth that point forward and are used to turn over the soil.
The pig badger is common both on the plains and in the mountains. During the day, he hides in deep burrows or other shelters. When feeding, the badger digs not only with its claws, but also with its long, movable muzzle, like a pig, which is how it earned its name. Its food is small animals and plants.
It is listed as Vulnerable and Endangered as the species' global numbers are believed to be declining due to high levels of poaching
🌵 The behavior of wildebeest is the same as their appearance - incomprehensible. Basically, the wildebeest behaves like an ordinary cow, grazes and chews the cud, and sometimes the animal is attacked by a panic attack and, having frightened all the other brothers, the entire herd begins to run away.
Читать полностью…The common spotted cuscus is a large opossum that lives in tropical low-growing forests. The female has a pouch for carrying her offspring, like a kangaroo. 🦘
Читать полностью…Bears only at first glance seem fat and clumsy. In fact, they are incredibly strong and agile. They easily climb rocks, quickly climb trees and swim well, not to mention the fence around a residential building. By the way, an adult brown bear weighs about 200 kg - applause to the construction crew that installed this fence 👏
Читать полностью…Spider webs are an incredible natural material that have fascinated scientists and engineers for centuries. It is stronger than steel and more flexible than rubber, making it a potentially valuable resource for a variety of applications. Spiders produce different types of webs for different purposes, such as creating webs, wrapping prey, and protecting eggs.
Читать полностью…The nightingale is a completely inconspicuous gray bird. And how varied and beautiful he sings! Listen!
Читать полностью…The Blue Ambanya Chameleon is a colorful reptile native to Madagascar, known for its vibrant blue and yellow coloration. It is a popular pet due to its docile nature and unique appearance.
The Blue Ambanja chameleon is an arboreal species, meaning it spends most of its time in trees. It is an active hunter, using its long tongue to catch prey.
🐘 Elephant herds are always led by old and experienced females. A change of leader occurs only due to the death of the former main elephant. Moreover, only females live in herds, while males prefer to exist separately.
Читать полностью…Beavers take great care of their fur to protect them from the cold as best as possible.
Beavers regularly comb and clean their coats using their front paws and teeth. They also lick their fur to give it extra shine. Beavers also have special glands that produce oil, which protects the villi from getting wet, and also increases the softness and flexibility of the villi.
An elephant jumper seen in the Matobo Mountains in the Matobo Game Reserve in Zimbabwe. These shrews live in Africa and can be found both in the desert and in dense forest.
Elephant jumpers are primarily insectivores and eat ants, termites, earthworms, spiders and millipedes. They sometimes also eat leaves, fruits and seeds. These small animals are active during the day and spend most of their time searching for food.
An adult lion does not deny himself the pleasure of playing with a little lion cub. Play helps lion cubs develop physical and social skills that will be important for their survival in the future.
Читать полностью…Family of polar bears.
They usually spend two to three years together, during which the mother bear passes on essential survival skills to her cubs.
Goliath beetles are a genus of very large beetles from the subfamily of bronze beetles, common in Central and Southeast Africa.
Representatives of the genus are considered one of the heaviest beetles in the world - individual males during life can weigh up to 47 g, and according to other sources, up to 80-100 g.
The body length of males is 80-110 mm, females 50-80 mm. During the daytime, beetles fly actively and spend most of their time in the crowns of trees. They descend to the ground extremely rarely, only in search of food, and females also to lay eggs. They feed on flowing tree sap and overripe fruits. The lifespan of an adult beetle is about 6 months
Sailing (sail-tailed) lizards Hydrosaurus belong to the agamidae and live in Southeast Asia: from the Philippines in the north to Sulawesi and New Guinea in the south.
These are large lizards up to 110 cm long (however, the body without a tail is only up to 36 cm). In males, the ridge in the front half of the tail turns into a fold of skin covered with small scales. The fold is supported in a vertical position by the long spinous processes of the caudal vertebrae, resembling a sail. The height of the “sail” is up to 10 cm; in females it is weakly expressed.
Swallowtail lizards prefer rain and mangrove forests, where they live in trees near rivers. They bask in the sun on branches, and in case of danger they dive into the water and hide under stones. Thanks to their tail, they swim well even in strong currents. In addition, they can run short distances on the surface of the water, like basilisks.
The food is mostly of plant origin: leaves, fruits (especially figs) and seeds. Young individuals (less often, adults) can eat small insects
Bustard Tetrax tetrax is a bird from the Bustard family, which is on the verge of extinction. It has always been valued for its meat, but now the little bustard population is in a deplorable state.
All representatives of the bustard family live on the ground and move well on their feet. When in danger, unlike partridges, they prefer not to run, but to fly, which makes them easy targets for so-called “sport” hunting.
The little bustard is even smaller than a chicken: weight up to 1 kg, body length about 44 cm; wingspan up to 90 cm. Weight from 500 to 900 g.
When the male begins to scream during the mating season, his chest becomes clearly visible, divided into two parts - the throat pouch, which allows him to make loud sounds.
While singing, the male fluffs up the feathers on his head - he does not have a crest on the top of his head, but on the left and right sides of his head, moving to the neck, there are two lines of dark feathers. In this form, the male bird can be compared to a frilled lizard.
Bustards are very shy - they can be frightened by a car passing in the distance or cattle grazing in the fields.
The pupils of the Pallas's cat do not become slit-like, like those of ordinary cats. They are always round.
Читать полностью…😱 Did you know that armadillos do not distinguish between colors, they see everything in a black and white spectrum?
Читать полностью…Ladybugs🐞, despite their cute appearance, are very voracious insect predators. They can eat significant amounts of pests such as aphids or bedbugs, helping to control pest populations in the environment.
Читать полностью…Babydoll sheep are miniature wool sheep that can be kept both as pets and as a wool harvesting business. On average, babydoll sheep are between 46 and 61 cm in height and weigh between 32 and 54 kg. They are significantly smaller than other sheep breeds and require less land and resources to care for.
Читать полностью…Tapir.
In their natural environment, tapirs live up to 30 years. In captivity they live about the same amount of time. In fact, these creatures do not care at all where they live. They feel equally comfortable everywhere.
🦉 Long-eared owls get their name from the long feathers located on their heads that resemble ears.
Читать полностью…🦥 The speed of movement of a sloth is 3 meters per minute, and on the ground - twice as slow.
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