Join us as we explore the wilderness and share the beautiful scenery of nature! For all questions: @magellanvs
🦘Kangaroos are not only cute and fluffy creatures, but also real fighters!
Fights between kangaroos often occur not only to conquer territory or females, but also to demonstrate strength. This helps establish a hierarchy in the group and decide who is “in charge” in the company🫨
Lion cubs have a range of vocalizations that serve different purposes as they grow.
They first make soft meowing sounds to communicate with their mother, letting her know they are hungry, lost, or in need of attention. As they grow older, their calls become more varied, including grunts and soft growls, as they learn to imitate adults.
These early attempts at roaring help them strengthen their vocal cords and eventually develop the deep, sonorous roar for which lions are famous.
🦅 Eagles soar above the ground at a speed of 190 to 240 kilometers per hour. If a bird sees a potential victim, it can accelerate to 320 kilometers per hour during a dive.
Читать полностью…🦔 Australian echidna.
The echidna feeds on ants, termites, and less often other insects, small mollusks and worms.
Leads a solitary lifestyle (except for the mating season).
Shiny purple starlings live in Africa, feeding on nectar, fruit and insects
Читать полностью…Two snow leopards frolic on a rocky slope, oblivious to the high altitude. Their movements are confident and natural, as if the steep cliffs are just another playground. It is obvious that they feel completely at home at such an altitude and such a landscape.
Читать полностью…Have you ever seen a happy crocodile sliding down a water slide?
Читать полностью…Unlike other marsupials, wombats have a posterior entrance to their pouch. When a mother digs tunnels, her baby is not covered with soil. 😉
Читать полностью…The rusty cat, or spotted red cat, is native to South India and Sri Lanka. They can be found in hilly and rocky areas, grasslands and bamboo forests.
The rusty cat is a very small wild cat that is about half the size of a normal domestic cat. They are extremely active and mobile. In the wild, rusty cats prefer a solitary lifestyle.
🐆The clouded leopard is a mysterious and incredibly beautiful predator
He can climb trees upside down using his tail as a balance, and his strong claws and flexibility allow him to even climb down trees head first! It seems as if he is dancing among the branches, deftly jumping from one to another.
Hummingbirds are unique birds known for their vibrant colors and exceptional ability to fly backwards. They have a very high metabolism, which requires them to regularly feed on nectar. Their wings can beat up to 80 times per second, allowing them to maneuver with agility and precision.
Читать полностью…The Anubis baboon is a relatively large monkey, up to a meter long and weighing 15–30 kg.
🙊These primates are famous for their cognitive abilities and intellectual development. They exhibit complex social skills, can use tools, and even understand numbers. They also have a diverse set of vocalizations, which they use for intragroup communication.
The sun illuminates the peacock's breath, making it seem as if the bird is breathing fire.
Читать полностью…🐘Elephants are amazingly social and emotional animals, and their trunks play an important role in communicating with each other.
When two elephants meet, they often greet each other by intertwining their trunks, as if shaking hands. This is a sign of friendliness and trust that helps strengthen the bond between herd members 🙂
The northern fur seal is a social animal that prefers to live in groups and form large aggregations during the breeding season.
🦭Thanks to their unique structure, northern fur seals are able to move rapidly both in water and on land. They also have excellent vision, both above and below water, and can go months without coming ashore.
Chameleon birth is a process that begins with the laying of eggs by the female chameleon. The eggs are then left in a secluded area where they hatch and begin their lives.
Читать полностью…🐵 Capuchins are the most famous monkeys in South America.
They live from Honduras in the north to the southernmost parts of Brazil. These are arboreal monkeys that very rarely descend to the ground. They are considered the most intelligent of the primates and are able to create primitive tools. For example, capuchin monkeys always break coconuts with stones. They extract termites using a rotating stick.
The Pallas cat is a small wild cat that lives in the grasslands and mountain steppes of Central Asia. Known for its distinctive round face, stocky build, and thick, fluffy fur, the Pallas' cat resembles an adorable ball of fluff. However, underneath his cute appearance lies a skilled hunter, hunting small mammals and birds.
Interestingly, Pallas' cats boast the longest and thickest fur of any cat species, which allows them to survive in the harsh cold climate of their habitat.
They also have unique teeth designed for crushing bones, a rare trait among small cats.
Pangolins feed on termites and ants, thereby maintaining balance and providing control over forest insects. In addition, pangolins dig burrows, which also provide many benefits to the environment. While digging holes, pangolins saturate the soil with oxygen and also turn over the forest substrate, which promotes the growth of new vegetation. Also, do not forget that the holes dug by pangolins are used by other forest inhabitants.
Unfortunately, pangolins are victims of illegal trade due to the high demand for their meat and scales.
Saigas with their bizarre proboscis noses have a funny and original appearance. This unusual nasal structure with two large heart-shaped nostrils plays an important role in the animals' adaptation to harsh steppe conditions. In winter, the saiga's nose warms cold air before it enters the lungs, and in summer it effectively filters dust, allowing saigas to thrive in dusty steppe landscapes.
Читать полностью…The Pied-billed Selenider is a bird whose sounds are more reminiscent of the croaking of a frog rather than the melodious singing characteristic of most birds.
These colorful and unusual birds demonstrate a very inventive approach to finding a mate. During courtship, they throw ripe fruits at each other.
Due to the relative fragility of the beak, these birds are not able to independently build their own nesting sites. Instead, they prefer to occupy abandoned other people's homes, lining their bottom with soft blades of grass and settling down there for their own pleasure.
The swordtail is a small bird, about 1.5 inches long, with a long beak that allows it to obtain nectar from hard-to-reach flowers.
This bird lives in the mountainous regions of South America, in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
It feeds primarily on nectar from long tubular flowers and insects for protein.
Moles are small burrowing mammals known for their velvety fur and powerful shovel-like feet that help them dig through soil. Moles spend most of their lives underground, digging long and complex tunnels in search of food such as worms and insects.
Fun fact: Moles can dig up to 5.5 meters per hour, making them incredibly efficient diggers!
🦤 Australian pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus), one of the largest flying birds in the world. The wingspan is 7.5 to 8.5 feet (2.3 to 2.6 m) wide and the body length is 5.2 to 6.2 feet (1.6 to 1.9 m). It also has the longest beak of any bird in the world. This pouch hanging from their beak may look like it's being blown by the wind, but it's actually part of their courtship display during mating season.
Читать полностью…Molting of a golden pheasant, after which he will go to conquer the hearts of females 🥰
Читать полностью…😼 The Serval is a graceful wild cat known for its long legs and huge ears. It can jump up to three meters high, effectively catching birds. The serval is an excellent swimmer and often hunts near water. Its spotted color helps it camouflage among grasses, making it an adept predator.
Читать полностью…The character of a polar bear is far from always predictable; it is capable of almost instantly moving from a state of calm to a state of rage.
Читать полностью…🐅 Tiger mom is not only a formidable predator, but also an incredibly caring mother.
When a tigress washes a tiger cub, it is not only about cleanliness, but also about showing love.
This ritual helps them establish a close emotional connection, showing how important they are to each other.
The tamandua is an anteater that prefers arboreal habitats and does not often come to the ground, unlike its larger relative, the giant anteater.
🌍They live in the forests of South and Central America.