Join us as we explore the wilderness and share the beautiful scenery of nature! For all questions: @magellanvs
The Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis) is a tiny predator that hunts mice. It's the smallest carnivorous mammal in the weasel family, measuring 12-26 cm in length and weighing 60-250 grams.
This agile hunter moves by making 25-30 cm jumps. Its long, flexible body and fur coloration resemble a stoat, but it's distinguished by its smaller size and shorter, solid-colored tail without a black tip.
In autumn, except in some southern regions, the Least Weasel changes its brown summer coat to a pure white winter fur. It inhabits Europe, Northern Asia, and North America, living widely across these regions, even in the north.
The Least Weasel is a quiet animal that rarely vocalizes. During play, grooming, or when mothers call their kits, it emits a high-pitched trill. When displeased or threatened, it hisses, and during an attack, it chirps and trills. 🦨❄️
In a dramatic clash on the African savanna, a lioness Panthera leo faces off against a pack of hyenas Hyaenidae. Listen to the thunderous roar of the cornered lioness! 🦁鬣
Lions and hyenas are two of the most formidable forces in the African savanna. Both live in groups, which allows them to hunt larger prey and share a common food base.
Contrary to popular belief, hyenas are not just scavengers. They hunt for themselves up to 80% of the time, rarely stealing kills from other predators, and most often from cheetahs. Scavenged food makes up no more than 10% of their diet.
Living in the same territory and feeding on the same prey, lions and hyenas have become natural enemies, literally hating each other and seizing every opportunity to settle scores with their eternal rival. 🏆💪
The Pampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticus, inhabits South America, specifically Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, and Uruguay. These small, agile deer weigh 30-35 kg and stand 65-75 cm tall at the shoulder. Male Pampas deer have thin, sturdy horns up to 30 cm long, while females have small, spiral-like structures instead.
Interestingly, male Pampas deer possess a unique scent gland in their hind hooves, emitting a smell that can be detected up to 1.5 km away.
Social creatures, Pampas deer live in groups that are not segregated by gender; males move between groups freely. Typically, a group consists of 2-6 deer, but in favorable grazing areas, herds can be much larger. They do not form monogamous pairs or harems.
Less than 1% of the Pampas deer's natural habitat remains, making it a critically endangered species. Sheep farming poses a significant threat to their survival. 🦌🌿🌍
The Ethiopian wolf (Caberu, Abyssinian wolf) Canis simensis is one of the rarest canid species. Once thought to be a fox, genetic studies have confirmed its wolf lineage. This striking animal boasts a cute, intelligent face and a flexible, muscular body. Its short fur is reddish with white patches on the face, neck, chest, and limbs, and its tail tip is black. Larger than foxes but smaller than wolves, it's about the size of a coyote.
What sets the Ethiopian wolf apart is its hunting method. Unlike other canids, it stealthily approaches its prey like a cat, as its typical prey includes rodents and lagomorphs, not gazelles or other ungulates.
Found only in the Ethiopian Highlands, this critically endangered species numbers around 500 individuals in the wild. 🐺🌿🌍
The shrew Sorex araneus is a tiny insectivorous mammal belonging to the family of moles, inhabiting all northern hemisphere continents, primarily in forests and tundra. This species holds the titles for "smallest" and "most voracious" among all mammals.
The most striking feature is its relatively large head with a snout elongated into a flexible snout. The animal constantly moves it, sniffing and searching for prey—this is crucial for such small creatures, as they lose heat too quickly compared to larger animals and constantly need energy to fuel their rapid metabolism. "The smaller the weight, the more food" is a universal rule for all warm-blooded animals.
Body length (excluding the tail) varies from 4 cm in the tiny shrew to 10 cm in the giant species; weight ranges from 1.2-4 g to 14 g respectively. 🦨🌲🌍
Glass frogs of the Centrolenidae family live on trees in Central and South American forests, allowing a clear view of their bones, intestines, and beating hearts through their translucent skin. 🦸♂️
Their transparent undersides blend seamlessly with green leaves, creating an optical illusion. Scientists photographed 55 glass frogs on green leaves and a white background, using computer analysis to assess their color and outline on each photo. 📸🔍
The frogs always appeared green, adjusting their brightness to match the background. This dynamic color change helps them camouflage more precisely with the leaf they're currently perched on. Their bodies are partially transparent, with the chest, belly, and limbs being the most see-through. 🌿✨
Discover the fascinating world of these tiny, see-through wonders! 🌍
The giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla looks like an alien that landed from a spaceship! Salvador Dalí was so inspired by this creature that he became one of the first to keep an exotic pet, captivating everyone around him.
Recently, we talked about this amazing animal, and now we have some new interesting facts to share.
With a body length reaching up to 1.5 meters and a fluffy tail almost tripling that, an adult anteater can weigh up to 40 kg.
All anteaters share a remarkable feature: the strength of their elongated skull bones. These fascinating creatures lack teeth (similar to echidnas), so their lower jaw is elongated, thin, and weak.
Anteaters are very selective eaters, knowing exactly which termites and ants are delicious. They avoid soldier ants and other insects with chemical defenses. 🐜🦫✨
The Angora rabbit, also known as the Ankara rabbit, resembles a cloud of fluff due to its incredibly long fur, making it appear much larger than it actually is. In reality, Angora rabbits weigh only about 2-5 kg, and their bodies seem massive due to the abundance of fur. These animals are kept as pets worldwide. Angora is a whole group of breeds, artificially developed by humans for decorative purposes and for their beautiful fur.
The first Angora rabbits appeared in Europe in 1723, brought from Turkey by sailors who were amazed by the quality of items made from Angora wool, which can be 16-26 cm long depending on the breed.
A distinctive feature of Angora rabbits of all breeds is their slightly puffed-up, almost invisible nose, very long fur, large and long legs, and fur that hides their undercoat.
Today, this breed is particularly popular in China, where the production of Angora rabbit fur reaches 8000 tons per year! 🐰 fluffycloud 🌈
Kangaroos may be more famous, but today we're diving into some fascinating facts about koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus! 🐨
Did you know that the explorers who first set foot in Australia didn't even notice koalas? It was a local governor's servant who first mentioned these unique creatures nearly 30 years later, after spotting them during a hike in the mountains. 🗺️🌲
Adult koalas weigh between 5 and 14 kg, depending on their gender and habitat. 📐
Their specially structured, gripping paws allow koalas to climb trees effortlessly and sleep while hanging onto branches or trunks. In a pinch, a koala can even dangle from a single paw, much like a sloth! 🦥
Interestingly, a koala's brain makes up only 0.2% of its body weight. Scientists discovered that in their ancestors, the brain filled the entire skull, but due to their leaf-based diet, it gradually shrank over time. 🧠🍃
Stay curious and keep learning about the wonders of the animal kingdom! 🌍✨
Sloth Folivora can run, but oh so slowly! It's not because they're lazy, but due to their slow metabolism. It's quite surprising that these creatures have survived to our days, as they are preyed upon by wild cats, anacondas, and even harpies.
However, most predators pose a threat to sloths only when they descend to the ground, which they rarely do. This is the secret to the survival of smaller sloth species as larger ones went extinct – they can hang on thin branches where predators can't reach them.
Since sloths make minimal movements, they hardly need muscles or a strong heart to pump blood during exertion. As a result, a sloth's heart weighs only 0.3% of its body mass, and its muscles make up 25% of its body mass. By both these measures, the sloth falls short of a human – who, in turn, is far from being a record holder either. 🦥🌿
Enjoy learning about these fascinating creatures! 🌍✨
The giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla, is playing with a dog! If it were to attack, the poor pup wouldn't stand a chance – this termite and ant specialist has impressive claws! Walking on the ground with such long claws is difficult, so anteaters bend them inward and rely on the back of their front paws. However, these claws are excellent for self-defense – a single swipe from an anteater's paw can be fatal to a human or even a jaguar.
Anteaters feed on ants and termites. By destroying termite mounds or ant nests with their claws, they start their meal. They extend their 60-centimeter-long, sticky tongue at a speed of 160 times per minute, catching up to 30,000 insects daily.
Currently, the giant anteater's habitat spans Central and South America, but its numbers are declining due to hunting and habitat changes, prompting its inclusion in the International Red Book. 🐜🦨🌍
The elephant shrew Rhynchocyon petersi was rediscovered in Africa after 50 years of being lost to science. The last documented encounter with this elusive species dates back to the 1970s, and recently, it was spotted in Djibouti during a biological expedition, proving that this quirky creature is thriving.
During the expedition, over a thousand traps were set in 12 different locations. The bait consisted of a mixture of peanut oil, oats, and yeast. The team managed to capture 12 elephant shrews and, for the first time in history, obtained photographs and video footage of live specimens for further study.
Scientists believe that the local habitat does not pose a direct threat to the Somali sengis, as the region is far from agricultural centers and other human activities. 🦣🌍
>A baby elephant slept so soundly that its mother called the zookeepers to make sure it was still alive! 🦁💤
Elephants are known for their deep and restorative sleep, often sleeping for up to 4-6 hours at a time. Baby elephants, in particular, need plenty of rest to grow and develop. It's fascinating to see how closely elephant mothers monitor their young ones, ensuring their safety and well-being. 🦃❤️
#ElephantFacts #ZooLife #AnimalCare
Hierarchies within a hyena pack
A lower-ranking male attacks a younger but higher-ranking relative. Unfortunately for the attacker, the victim's mother is nearby. 🦁
Hyenas have a complex social structure where females dominate males, and rank plays a crucial role in access to food and mates. This interaction showcases the delicate balance of power within the pack. 🦃
#HyenaBehavior #AnimalKingdom #Wildlife 🦁🦁🦁
Here's a dikkop, a tiny antelope! 🦒
Standing just 30-40 cm tall and weighing no more than 6 kg, these little creatures are a marvel of nature. To beat the heat, dikdops have a unique cooling system where blood is cooled in their nasal passages, marked by distinctive black spots. 🌞🔥
These fascinating animals are known for their agility and can leap up to 2 meters in a single bound, making them a joy to watch in their natural habitat. 🏃♂️🌿
Stay tuned for more amazing wildlife facts! 🐾🌍
Gorillas are primates belonging to the family of hominids. They stand as tall as humans but typically weigh much more and are significantly stronger. Despite their imposing size, gorillas are herbivorous and known for their peaceful and gentle nature.
Previously, gorillas were grouped with chimpanzees and orangutans in the pongid family, but they are now classified in the same family as humans—hominids. Genetic studies suggest that gorillas diverged from their common ancestor with humans about 10 million years ago, earlier than chimpanzees, which split off around 4 million years ago.
Standing up to 180 cm tall, gorillas are among the largest primates. Compared to human males of the same height, gorilla males appear much more powerful, with shoulder widths of about a meter and weights ranging from 150-200 kg. Their upper limb strength is on average 6-8 times greater than that of human hands. 🦧💪🌿
The Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) belongs to the family of Accipitridae; it preys on smaller birds, eggs, fish, frogs, and small mammals. Like all accipitrids, the harrier is a predator of rabbits. During hunting, it glides over the ground, scanning for prey, and then dives swiftly to capture and carry it away.
In this video, a rabbit spots the predator but instead of hiding or fleeing, it bravely faces the harrier. Each time the bird approaches, the rabbit leaps up, almost as if trying to catch the harrier, waving its paws actively.
It appears this rabbit is a doe, protecting her vulnerable offspring from the predator. She fights with all her might, trying to shield her babies hidden somewhere in the grass. 🐰鹯🐰
The ermine (Mustela erminea) is hunting a rabbit. Interestingly, this small predator completely ignores other rabbits once it has tired out its prey. 🦨🐇
This widespread species is found across the Northern Hemisphere: in Arctic, sub-Arctic, and temperate zones of Eurasia and North America. In Europe, it can be spotted from Scandinavia to the Pyrenees and Alps, excluding Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Crimea. 🌍❄️
An adult ermine weighs around 260 grams, while a full-grown rabbit is 1-2 kilograms. Despite this significant size difference, rabbits are a primary food source for these carnivorous mammals. Ermines also feed on insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. 🐝🐟🐍🐸🦞
Enjoy the fascinating hunt! 🎥✨
The Brazilian wandering spider, Phoneutria, is a member of the Ctenidae family and was recognized by Guinness World Records in 2010 as the most venomous spider in the world. Despite its deadly reputation, its habitat is relatively limited, spanning the tropical regions of South and Central America.
The venom of these spiders contains a potent neurotoxin that can cause muscle spasms, leading to respiratory failure and paralysis, ultimately resulting in suffocation.
While the bite is moderately painful, the venom quickly infects the lymphatic system and enters the bloodstream in 85% of cases, often causing heart failure.
Fortunately, effective antivenom exists for the banana spider's venom, which is why the number of fatal cases from its bites is relatively low. 🕷️✨
The Belgian Blue cow, also known as Blanc-Bleu Belge in French and Belgisch Witblauw in German, was developed in the 19th century, long before genetic engineering was even a concept. 🐄✨
The result of crossing two common breeds led to calves with a "broken" muscle mass growth inhibitor. They produce almost no myostatin, the protein that blocks muscle development. 💪
The outcome is a cow with solid muscle and virtually no fat, all without hitting the gym or following a strict diet. 🥩 The meat from these cows is highly prized and considered a dietary option. 🥗
However, there are downsides. These cows struggle with cold weather due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. ❄️ They also face challenges during childbirth because of their overly developed musculature and large birth size, often requiring cesarean sections. 🩺
Despite their intimidating appearance, Belgian Blue cows are gentle and friendly in behavior. 🐄❤️
The Syrian (golden) hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, has a rich history in scientific literature, closely tied to Charles Darwin. Initially named the "golden hamster" by zoologist George Waterhouse, who compiled a list of animals brought back by the HMS Beagle expedition at Darwin's recommendation.
Interestingly, Waterhouse mistakenly believed it to be an extinct species... Oops! But now, the golden hamster is more alive than ever, thriving as a beloved pet worldwide.
Their primary diet consists of seeds and various grasses. These hamsters are particularly fond of clover, alfalfa, different vegetables, and fruits. Grains and cereals like wheat, oats, and sunflower seeds also make excellent food options. 🐹🌿🍎
You might think snails can't run, but earthworms, slugs, and smaller snails that fell victim to this monster the size of an adult's fist would certainly disagree! But they won't be able to anymore...
Powelliphanta augusta, also known as the Powelliphanta snail, is a species of large, air-breathing land snails found exclusively in New Zealand.
The largest variety of these snails can have a shell up to 9 cm in diameter and weigh 90 grams. The stunning Powelliphanta shells with their delicate patterns come in a variety of colors: from brown or red to yellow or black.
Some Powelliphanta species inhabit only limestone soils, needing calcium for shell and egg production. Others obtain calcium by eating smaller snails that have absorbed it from limestone environments. Powelliphanta requires a moist environment because, unlike other land snails, it cannot close its shell with a protective mucus layer. 🐌✨
The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) was named by settlers, terrified by its eerie screams. The genus name translates from Latin as "flesh lover," aptly describing its feeding habits. Standing at 24-30 cm tall, with a body length of 50-80 cm and weighing 10-12 kg, this small but mighty predator has a robust build. Despite appearances of clumsiness, the devil is incredibly agile, strong, and muscular.
These carnivorous marsupials are ravenous eaters, capable of consuming 15% of their body weight in one sitting. In times of starvation, they can devour up to 40% of their weight. Remarkably, Tasmanian devils are not picky eaters. Alongside carrion, they will munch on bones, scraps of cloth, plastic tags used to mark livestock, and even dog collars. This adaptability makes them formidable scavengers in their environment. 🦹♂️🦴
Walabi Petrogale are often mistaken for kangaroos – all kangaroos look quite similar and mostly differ in size. The term "kangaroo" is commonly used for any member of the family, but true kangaroos are the largest species, while smaller ones are walabi.
These pouch-bearing mammals can leap up to 10 meters long and 2 meters high. Their images appear on ancient Australian Aboriginal rock paintings, dating back over 18,000 years!
Like larger kangaroos, walabi have a pouch where their joey spends its first months of life. It takes about a year and a half for young walabi to leave the pouch and become independent.
Walabi are found in Tasmania, New Guinea, and the Bismarck Archipelago. They have also been introduced to New Zealand and the British Isles (the Isle of Man). 🦘🌿
The bushy-tailed or grey squirrel possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, lives in Australia and on the islands of New Zealand and Tasmania. Also known as the brushtail possum or simply possum, it has a body length of 32-58 cm (females are smaller), a tail length of 24-40 cm, and weighs between 1.2 and 4.5 kg.
This arboreal creature boasts a sharp face and long ears, with fur that can be gray or brown, and albino individuals are also found. Its tail is long and fluffy, aiding in balance and communication.
Active at night, the possum spends its days resting in hollows or specially constructed nests. Its diet consists of leaves, fruits, and berries, making it a vital part of the ecosystem's food chain.
Predators like birds of prey and monitor lizards pose a threat to the possum. Historically, humans hunted them extensively for their valuable fur, exporting them as "Australian opossums" or "Adelaide shrews." Thankfully, the possum is now protected. 🦁🌳🌿
Siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) are the largest, strongest, and noisiest of the gibbon family. Their powerful "song" can carry through the forest for up to 3 kilometers. They have long, shaggy black fur, except for reddish eyebrow arches.
Unlike smaller gibbons, siamangs are excellent swimmers, using a unique "ape crawl" technique. Their second and third toes on the hind feet are even partially fused by webbing. Gibbons are the only primates to have mastered Tarzan-like movement through the trees, effortlessly leaping from branch to branch.
Each morning, siamangs greet the sunrise with a loud chorus. The "concert" typically starts with a duet between an adult male and female, to which the entire family joins in. The male produces a deep, bass-like roar using a large throat sac, while the female and juveniles harmonize with high-pitched trills and whoops. This "cantata" lasts about 15 minutes. 🌞🎶🌳
A herd of tiny reindeer deep in the forest 🦍
These are Toxonevra superba flies from the family Mycetophilidae. Their wings are partially transparent, making the dark spots appear like tiny antlers from a distance.
Did you know that these flies are often found near decaying wood, where they lay their eggs? The larvae feed on fungi, contributing to the natural breakdown of organic matter in the ecosystem. 🌳✨
#NatureFacts #TinyCreatures #ForestLife
Showing the elephant's tail
Elephant tails end abruptly with a "wrist" similar to lions, which they use for swatting flies and maintaining balance. 🦏🦓
Did you know that an elephant's tail can be up to 2 meters long? It's a versatile tool for communication and temperature regulation! 🌡️🍃
Scorpion or, as they are also known, solifuges — a fascinating and terrifying cousin of the spider 🕷️
Unlike spiders, they lack venomous fangs. Instead, their chelicerae are not just sharp claws; each is divided in two and connected by a joint, resembling a crab's pincer. This formidable weapon can penetrate the armor of arthropods and the skin of vertebrates.
On the hunt, a solifuge can reach speeds of up to 16 km/h, giving its prey almost no chance to escape. 🏃♂️💨
Nature's incredible diversity never ceases to amaze! 🌍✨
The comet moth is a stunning creature with vibrant yellow coloring. 🌟
It boasts one of the longest tails among butterflies, with males' tails reaching up to 13 centimeters! 🦋
These beauties live for only about a week in their adult form, focusing entirely on reproduction rather than feeding. A fleeting masterpiece of nature. 🌸
Don't miss out on the magic of the insect world! 🌍✨