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Lions are pretty lazy.

And about 20 hours a day they prefer to just lie in the shade and relax.

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Capybaras belong to the genus of Hydrochoerus, so it's not hard to guess how much these creatures love water.

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Bison communicate with each other through grunts, and snorts are reserved for intimidating opponents.

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The white-armed gibbon (lar) Hylobates lar lives in the humid rainforests of Southeast Asia - from southwestern China and eastern Myanmar to the Malay Peninsula. It is also found on the islands of Sumatra and Java.

The coat color of the white-armed gibbon varies from black and dark brown to light brown and sandy. His arms and legs are painted white, as well as the hair framing his black face. Both males and females can occur in different color variants. 

Like all gibbons, they have very long and strong arms, a light and slender body, no tail. Since gibbons spend most of their lives in trees, their arms with long and narrow five-fingered palms are much longer than their legs. They allow the gibbon to easily jump from branch to branch.

The facial part of the head is hairless; the black skin of the face is bordered with hair. On the face there are close-set eyes with brown irises. This arrangement of the eyes provides good binocular vision, and the primate is perfectly oriented in the dense crowns of trees.

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The kindest thing you can see on the street

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The collared grouse Bonasa umbellus belongs to the grouse and lives in North America - the USA, Central Alaska and Canada.

Body length 43-48 cm, tail 12-20 cm. The wingspan is about 60 cm, the weight is 500-650 g (individual males weigh up to 800 g).

Males have a more prominent crest on their head than females. The plumage is glossy. There are tufts of elongated feathers on the sides of the neck (their tops are silky and curved forward), which can rise and ruffle.

These grouse live in coniferous (pine, spruce) and deciduous forests; in open areas (roads, meadows, arable land); in areas bordering tundra and prairies. They also inhabit the rocky slopes of mountains and hills covered with evergreen trees and small shrubs. They climb the mountains to a height of up to 1000 m above sea level.

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The first steps in the vast world.

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The golden squint (aka bee-eater) Merops apiaster is one of the most brightly colored birds in Europe, it is difficult to confuse it with any other bird. The abdomen of the golden squint is blue, the back and back of the neck are reddish-brown, the wings are mixed from these two colors. Above the yellow chin is a black stripe leading from the base of the beak to the eyes. A relatively long curved beak is characteristic, as well as elongated tail feathers in adults.

Pike nest in earthen caves, which themselves dig in steep clay or sand walls of ravines or even in flat ground. The diameter of the caves at the entrance is up to 10 cm, inside about 5 cm. Their length can reach up to 2 m, at the end there is a round expanded space in which the offspring are bred.

The pike feeds on a variety of insects, which it catches on the fly. These are mainly bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets, hence the second name - "bee-eater". In order not to be stung by her prey, she squeezes it carefully before swallowing it

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Allen's Hummingbird and her bath treatments🚿

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The tawny (blue-footed) heron Egretta rufescens is a permanent inhabitant of Central America, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, the Gulf coast of the United States and Mexico. 

In the past, this bird was a victim of the feather trade. There are only 1,500 to 2,000 breeding pairs of tawny herons in the U.S., and most of them are in Texas, where they are classified as "endangered" and receive special protection.

The tawny heron is considered one of the most active herons, and it can often be seen in motion. It visually tracks its prey in shallow water much more actively than other herons, often running vigorously and using the shadow of its wings to reduce glare on the water. 

As soon as she is in a position to hit prey with a sharp beak, the bird makes a throw. The hunting of the tawny heron can resemble an intricate dance. Because of its bold, predatory, but graceful eating behavior, author Pete Dunn nicknamed the tawny heron the "Tyrannosaurus rex of the plains."

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If you are in a bad mood, then watch the squirrels water skiing competition.

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Girls, don't settle for less.

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Incredible acting of a flying squirrel.

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Tapir proboscis is needed not only for better perception of odors. 

With his help, the beast can spend several minutes underwater, which helps him hide from enemies.

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Knock, knock, who's there?

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🫐 👁️ Restore & save dying eyes with a 12-second Biblical trick

A rogue US military doctor recently discovered a vision-restoring miracle on page 271 in the King James Bible…

💥 This vision restoring miracle takes just 12-seconds and combats nearsightedness, blurry vision, dry eyes, and age related macular degeneration without glasses, contacts or laser surgery…

It can also heal your eyes on a cellular level – naturally – so they stay healthy for years and years to come

This miracle has now been backed up by researchers from Johns Hopkins, The University of London, and even Yale.
👁️ 🫐 But you’ve never heard of it because of the billion dollar corporations that are covering up the truth!
But the truth is out, and over 17,832 American men and women have used this Biblical discovery to restore 20/20 vision in as little as 7 days.

So if you want to join them…
🫐🫐🫐>>>Click here to restore your vision with the 12-second biblical trick.


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A classic fight. 

Turn on the sound 🔉

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Possums are very clean. 

Like cats, possums follow the same pattern: lick their paws and wipe their face. They clean their entire body from head to tail, combing their fur with their claws and removing insects to chew them

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Camels have an excellent sense of smell. 

And they can smell moisture or fresh water at a distance of 40-60 kilometers.

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A lioness is fighting with a whole pack of hyenas.

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The Brazilian humpback, Bocydium globulare, is a small insect (about 5 mm) with outgrowths of the most incredible shape located on the back. They can be in the form of horns, combs, balls, spikes, horns... These "constructions" sometimes exceed the size of the humpback. Actually, because of them, this insect got its name.

Evolution has made the Brazilian humpback so ugly for a reason: the surreal appearance of the insect scares off predators. Quasi-mounds in the form of antennas, at the end of which there are balls similar to eyes, are actually chitinous layers that protect the humpback from attacks.

Brazilian humpbacks belong to the Cicadaceae family. Like other members of this family, adult humpbacks and their larvae feed on plant juices.

Thanks to the variety of bizarre shapes, Brazilian humpbacks have become a source of inspiration for artists and sculptors. Looking at these creatures, you come to the idea that if Salvador Dali invented insects, they would look exactly like this!

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The height of adult male giraffes can exceed 6 meters, with a third of the growth being the neck.

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Master of sports in changing shoes.

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The sound of the wings of a giant long-legged grasshopper.
It lives on the territory of New Zealand and reaches a length of up to 10 cm.

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Unlike other chicken breeds, Chinese silk ones have five fingers.

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Starlings have an excellent ability to onomatopoeia, including mastering human speech.

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the Argyroneta aquatica water spider reaches 15 mm in length, the female - up to 12 mm; the abdomen is brown, covered with many velvety hairs and has two rows of depressed dots on the dorsal side.

When the silverfish is immersed in water, the abdominal hairs covered with a special fatty substance are not wetted, air is trapped between them, and therefore it appears silver under water (hence the name of the species). This layer of air allows the silverfish to stay underwater for a long time; the spider occasionally rises to its surface to renew the supply of air. The water-repellent substance is a modified secret of the spider glands.

A bell-shaped or funnel-shaped nest is made by a silverfish underwater from cobwebs, attaching it to various underwater objects. The spider fills the nest, which is open downwards and reaches the size of a hazelnut, with air and uses it as a kind of diving bell.

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The African golden cat Caracal aurata lives in the tropical rain forests of Equatorial Africa, occurring from Senegal to northern Angola and from the Congo in the west to southern Kenya in the east. Its main population lives in the Congo basin and in the surrounding territories.

The golden cat has the same ancestor with the caracal and serval, who lived about 5 million years ago, so all these cats belong to the same genus Caracal.

A golden cat is about twice as big as a domestic one. The body length is 90-120 cm, and the tail accounts for 1/3 of the total length; the height at the withers is 40-50 cm. The average weight of males is 11-14 kg.

There is little data on the life of these cats in nature, as they are secretive and quite rare. They lead a solitary lifestyle, hunting mainly at night, and resting on the branches of trees during the day.

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That's how ferrets sleep

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Breakfast in the kindergarten

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