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Without a mother bear, the offspring immediately perish, because babies are born blind, bald and toothless.

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The hammerhead Scopus umbretta owes its name to the shape of its head, which, due to its sharp beak and wide crest pointing backwards, resembles a hammer. Both sexes look the same and have brownish plumage.

Hammerheads live in Africa, from Sierra Leone and Sudan to the south of the continent, as well as in Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula. From time to time they are found near settlements and sometimes even allow themselves to be petted or fed.
Hammerheads search for food at night, while hunting small fish, insects or amphibians, which they scare away with their feet. Hammerheads have certain trees on which they usually rest. 
When looking for a partner, they perform peculiar dances, during which they make whistling sounds and jump into the air. Their nests are very large (1.5 m in diameter) and have an internal space with a hard-to-reach entrance. The nest is always built by a pair of hammerheads, and it takes several months to create it. Outside, the nest is hung with various ornaments (bones, scraps).

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The value of this video is that it cannot be made to order.
A snow rabbit escapes from an avalanche.❤️

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You won't see a better video today😍

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Prairie dogs are very sociable. 

In their language, each object on the prairie has its own sound. There is even a signal
indicating a hunter.

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Relationships that really matter

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The most brazen alarm clock.

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Did you know how much turtles love watermelons?

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Just check out the wild and untouched nature in the national reserve park of Baikal Region! 😲

Video by: Росзаповедцентр

🔔 Russia Beyond

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Apparently, the previous tenants were evicted

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The song of the flycatcher.

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Got lost.

Thanks to the caring people!

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Already set up for the weekend.

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Echinopsis cactus flowers, opening at night.

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Squirrels often forget the places of their numerous hiding places with nuts and other supplies.

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The Mexican lentil Haemorhous mexicanus is found throughout the United States and Mexico, as well as in southern Canada and the Hawaiian Islands.

Mexican lentils are characterized by sexual dimorphism in plumage coloration: the head, chest and back of males are colored red, with a mottled belly and brown wings and tail, while females are simpler - mottled from below and brown from above. Young males resemble females in color.

Mexican lentils are monogamous. Pairs form in winter, before the start of the breeding season. During courtship, the male demonstrates the "flight of a butterfly", soaring up 20-30 meters, and then starting a slow sliding descent, accompanied by loud singing. It is noted that females prefer males with a brighter head color.

The chicks fly off the nest after 12-19 days, after which the female builds a new nest and makes a new clutch, and the father continues to feed the chicks for some time

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It's better to watch this video in the morning)

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When I got into an unfamiliar barbershop.

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Thanks to the observations of scientists, it turned out that if the eyes of capybaras are almost closed, and the ears are pulled back, it means that they are absolutely comfortable.

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The only plans for the weekend.

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The green dragontail Lamproptera meges is a species of sailboat butterfly found in South and Southeast Asia. 

This is one of the smallest species of butterflies with a wingspan of 40-55 mm - but they have unusually long "spurs" on the hind wings with a length of 25-40 mm. These butterflies live in open spaces along the banks of fast rivers and streams.

Having a small ratio of the size of the wings to the length of the body, these butterflies make a whirlwind flight, quickly flapping their wings, and rush back and forth like dragonflies, and their long tails act as rudders. 

Dragon tail males suck up a lot of water, from which dissolved minerals are filtered, and water is ejected from the anus. During feeding, they vibrate their wings rapidly, but stop from time to time. Occasionally they rest on the leaves of bushes with their wings spread and motionless

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The Brazilian dwarf gecko Coleodactylus amazonicus grows only up to 24 mm (two and a half centimeters along with the tail!) - therefore, many dangers lie in wait for him, even large insects are enemies for the gecko.

It is found in the humid tropical forests of South America, where it lives in fallen leaves on the forest floor and feeds on leg-tails and ticks.

But he has his own secret that helps to survive. The skin of the Brazilian dwarf gecko is hydrophobic - it repels water. In addition, the baby's paws, like all geckos, have special pads. They consist of thousands of processes, similar to micro-hairs.

As a result, our hero is able not only to run on the water, but also just to lie on it like on a feather bed! Even in a downpour, it will only be thrown off by a shock wave from a fallen drop, and then thrown back to the surface. Sleeping on the water is a great way to protect yourself: no commensurate predator will simply get to you - he will drown!

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The yellow arboretum Dendroica petechia is also known by another, much more beautiful name: golden forest singer. 

These elegant birds live all over North America up to the north of South America. They are about 11.5-13 cm in size, smaller than a sparrow. The lower parts of the body are yellow, the upper parts are greenish-yellow, two yellow stripes are noticeable on the wings. Narrow chestnut stripes can be seen on the chest and sides. 

The eyes are black, contrasting with the yellow mask. Females and young males are yellow from below and above, young females are olive-gray-green.

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The girl gave a cookie to a parrot and that's what came out of it…

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The hatchet Fratercula cirrhata is a seabird, its closest relative is a puffin. This is a medium-sized bird, with a body length of about 40 cm and a weight of 600-800 g. Behind the eyes of the axe there are bundles of long yellowish feathers, resembling eyebrows from a distance. Paws are orange-red (in young individuals - gray). The beak is powerful, high, strongly compressed from the sides - like the puffin, in general these birds are very similar.

They live on the Asian and American coasts of the North Pacific Ocean .

They nest in colonies along the coasts of the ocean. An excellent flier; it takes off hard from the water, accelerating for a long time, but it stays in the air easily, sometimes climbing to great heights. Swims and dives well. It feeds on small fish and marine invertebrates

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When I returned from work in a bad mood.

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Roxellan rhinopithecus Pygathrix roxellana lives in Southern and Central China. The largest populations of this monkey are located in the Wolong National Reserve (Sichuan), its images are often found on ancient Chinese vases and silkscreens.

The specific name roxellana is formed on behalf of the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the beautiful Roxolana, who was distinguished by an upturned nose.

Rhinopithecus are distinguished by an unusual and bright appearance: the coat is orange-golden, the face is blue, and the nose is as snub-nosed as possible. They are very rare, the species is endangered, listed in the Red Book.

They live formally in the subtropics, but in mountainous terrain at an altitude of one and a half to three thousand meters, for which the Chinese nicknamed them "snow monkeys". In summer they climb higher into the mountains (the temperature is lower there), in winter they descend to heights of about a thousand meters above sea level.

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The white-browed robin-chat Cossypha heuglini belongs to the flycatchers and is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

It is a small bird with a body length of 19-20 cm and a weight of 30-50 g. Its diet includes invertebrates, amphibians (frogs), fruits. In the area of the equator, it probably breeds year-round, and in East Africa it breeds during two wet seasons.

The female builds a nest that consists of leaves, twigs and other plant material and is built in a hollow tree, stumps, at the roots on the riverbank or on the ground. Nesting was observed near people, on the walls of buildings and hedges

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The giant (Seychelles) turtle Aldabrachelys gigantea is completely terrestrial. It lives on the islands of Aldabra, Seychelles, Mascarene Islands, Mauritius and some others.

Aldabra turtles sometimes live alone, sometimes in groups, preferring open areas with herbage, shrubby thickets and individual trees. Being active in the middle of the morning and early evening, they search for food. 

The islands inhabited by Seychelles turtles have a hot and rather dry climate. The animals spend most of the hot day lying in the shade. Here they are helped by small mangrove swamps or puddles left after the tide, in which the giants are happy to rest. When there is a lack of moisture, they have to dig shallow burrows to enjoy the coolness in them. They are active in the morning, before the onset of heat.

In the presence of abundant nutrition, the growth of a turtle can last up to 40 years and the animal is able to gain weight up to 250 kg with a carapace length of up to 120 cm

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