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Elephants are excellent swimmers. They can easily swim long distances up to 60-70 km.
Animals are even capable of diving. The trunk helps them in this.

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The Spotbilled Toucanet or pied-billed selenidera is a species of bird in the Toucan family.

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Pigeons have been living side by side with humans for many centuries and during this time hundreds of diverse, sometimes unusual breeds have been bred. But the strangest pigeon, according to most experts, remains the Budapest short-billed turman. This "pug" of the pigeon world looks like a cartoon character created by an artist with a great sense of humor.

For some, it is the cutest bird in the world, while others consider it incredibly ugly. This unique product appeared thanks to the long-term efforts of Hungarian breeders, who set themselves the task of creating a high-class "flyer" from an ordinary pigeon, besides attracting attention.

They did it all right - the Budapest shortbill is funny, like all pigeons at the chick stage, and it gets even funnier growing up. Pigeons of this breed were first introduced in Budapest in 1907. In addition to its unusual appearance, the bird also received excellent flight characteristics - this type of turman belongs to high-flying pigeons.

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A talented elephant😳👍

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The Mexican iolot mole lizard Bipes biporus is endemic to the California Peninsula, Mexico.

The total length of this lizard is 15-23 cm. The head is short, rounded, with small eyes. The body has a worm-like shape, covered with small, smooth scales. The tail is short and pointed. 

The hind limbs are reduced. The forelimbs are short with five toes equipped with long claws. The tongue is forked.

He likes sandy soils, semi-deserts. He spends most of his life underground, digging his tunnels and burrows. It appears on the surface after rain. Active at night. It feeds on insects, mainly ants and termites.

Life expectancy is 1-2 years

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The black—legged cat or "ant tiger" is one of the most bloodthirsty representatives of the feline family. 

In one night of hunting, this death machine takes the lives of an average of 14 small animals. Bushmen legends say that a black-legged cat is capable of killing a giraffe by biting its jugular vein.

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The Chinese authorities do not sell large pandas, but lease them for 10 years to zoos around the world. The cost of renting one bear will be $ 1 million per year. 

If the rented animal has offspring, it will also belong to the Wildlife Conservation Association of China. And you will have to pay the same amount for each baby.

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For the first 4 months of life, the baby sloth constantly hangs on its mother, and she almost does not move.

Then he starts eating on his own, but only at the age of 9 months he moves to his own branch.

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Now you know who makes that Star Wars sound.


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Bird watching at maximum proximity

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Tits steal hair from everyone around to insulate their nests.

It is only necessary that the victim falls asleep sweetly.

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The mission is feasible.

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Didn't leave a friend in trouble.

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Squirrels constantly forget about the location of their supplies, so they are responsible for planting thousands of trees.

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It could have been us, but you're afraid to be happy...

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Filipino orange tarantula after molting. They become browner with age. 

This tarantula is endemic to Negros Island, Philippines. Its size ranges from 10 to 13 cm in adulthood. Males of this species tend to have a shorter lifespan — less than 2 years (normal for a tarantula). Their diet mainly consists of insects living in the Negros region. As a rule, these are insect pests.

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What does summer sound like ?
A few more months, and the forest will sound exactly like this! Winter is a wonderful time of the year, but spring and summer are still better, and these sounds are the main reason.

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The hedgehog is a ruthless and aggressive predator

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Mount Gelak, rich in red oxide soil, is located on the Iranian island of Hormuz. 

Because of this, the sand on the local beach is not only bright red, but also turns the waves pink.

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The shell of some species of turtles is so strong that it can withstand a weight several hundred times its own mass.

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The golden langur Trachypithecus geei is distributed in the west of the Indian state of Assam, as well as in Bhutan. The habitat of the species is tropical forests.

The body length of the golden langur is from 50 to 70 cm, and the tail is from 70 to 90 cm, weight is from 9.5 to 12 kg. The coat color varies from cream to golden yellow, acquiring a reddish hue in winter. The dark muzzle is bordered by long hair, forming a crest typical of representatives of the genus on the upper side of the body.

These primates lead a diurnal, arboreal lifestyle, living mainly in the upper tiers of the forest. They feed mainly on leaves and fruits, having multi-chambered stomachs for more efficient use of difficult-to-digest plant foods.

The range of the species is mosaic and has been significantly reduced due to deforestation. Habitat destruction is the main threat to the species. Some of the habitats are currently under protection in India, but nevertheless this species of marmosets is considered endangered

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Capybaras are delighted with the hot springs.

Back in the 1980s, the caretaker of one of the Japanese zoos noticed how the animals were gathering around a puddle of warm water, trying to swim in it.

That's how they came up with the idea of arranging hot baths for water showers.

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The collared peccary Dicotyles tajacu does not belong to pigs in any way! I repeat: not a pig! Although it's hard to believe...

In fairness, we must admit that both pigs and bakers belong to the same order: cetaceans (what?!).

The word "bakers" is borrowed from the language of the Brazilian Tupi Indians. It translates into Russian as "a beast that makes many roads in the forest."

These animals are very small in size: shoulder height is only 30-50 cm, body length is 80-100 cm and weight is 15-25 kg. 

They are distributed in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona in the USA, in Mexico and Central America, as well as most of South America.

Collared bakers are herbivorous animals with a complex structure of the stomach, which is necessary for the digestion of coarse food. In the southern part of their range, bakers eat a variety of foods, including roots, bulbs, nuts, mushrooms, and sometimes they can eat eggs, carrion, small snakes and frogs.

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Baribalah black bears are very peaceful. 

They don't tend to attack people, but rather run away. Even when a human attacks first, this animal rarely responds in kind.

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Temminka cat Catopuma temminckii, known as the "fire cat" in Thailand and Burma and as the "stone cat" in some parts of China, is a beautiful medium–sized wildcat named after Dutch zoologist Koenraad Temminka, who first described it in 1827.

In China, the Temminka cat is considered a kind of leopard and is known as the "stone cat" or "yellow leopard". The different color phases have different names: cats with black fur are called "ink leopards", and cats with spotted fur are called "sesame leopards".

Due to the obvious close relationship with the marble cat, in some regions of Thailand it is called Seua fai ("fire tiger"). According to local legend, burning the fur of Temminka's cat drives away tigers. It is believed that eating her meat has the same effect.

Like all felines, Temminka cats are carnivorous, they hunt ground squirrels, small snakes and other amphibians, rodents and young hares.

The language of Temminka's cat is quite rich: hissing, spitting, meowing, purring, growling and gurgling.

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Even a leopard can't handle it.

Porcupine needles can reach 40 centimeters and are always ready to help their owner. First, he stamps his feet as a warning, shakes the needles, and then turns his back, presses himself as closely as possible to the opponent and makes a jerk

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No, this is not the cry of an ostrich)

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The Royal spoonbill Platalea regia is a wading bird of the ibis family found in Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand. Its range also includes the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia.

Body length 75-80 cm, weight 1.4-2 kg. The wingspan is about 1.2 m. The general color of the plumage is white. The bare parts of the head are black with a red crown and yellow spots above the eyes.

Like most other related species, these spoonbills slowly wander through shallow water with their beak lowered into the water, moving them in different directions and groping for prey. Their food includes both small amphibians and fish, as well as plants. Basically, the spoonbills are active at night or at dusk, and use the daytime for rest.

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When Mother Nature needed your ski pole for some reason.

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The emerald longtail (grass lizard) Takydromus smaragdinus is endemic to the Ryukyu Islands in Japan.

These are small slender lizards with a very long tail, its length can exceed the length of the body by 2-5 times.

These lizards will introduce a mostly terrestrial lifestyle, although some species can climb trees well. They live in moist forests and open areas overgrown with grassy vegetation, among rocks.

There are actually a lot of longtails. The genus is widespread in Asia: in the Far East, in most of East and Southeast Asia and in Indonesia.

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