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Lemurs live in large friendly families, fights and conflicts in which are a vanishing rarity

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The male ruby hummingbird often looks very dark until it turns towards the sun, and then its plumage flashes a bright color.

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Kestrel versus Cockatoo. Parrots are not as harmless as they may seem at first glance!

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The brain of a wolf is about a third larger than the brain of a dog.

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Tinkers are universal horses for harness and saddles. And the calm and balanced nature makes these horses a good option for novice riders.
At many racetracks, tankers are used to escort hot Arabian or English-bred horses to the starting boxes. With their serenity, these horses help to calm their fellows before the start of the race.

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Brown-eared arasari. 

They live in the rainforests of South America, especially in Brazil, Peru and Bolivia.

These birds feed on fruits, berries, nuts and seeds, and can also eat insects and other small animals.

In the wild, brown-eared arasari live in large flocks, where they communicate through loud cries. During the mating season, males perform spectacular dances in front of females to attract their attention.

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Falcons are the fastest birds on earth.

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The hearing of owls is very subtle, the frequency of sound that the owl's ears are able to pick up starts from 2 Hz, and a person at best picks up a sound with a frequency of 16 Hz.

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Top 10 reasons to get home from work as soon as possible:

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The cat learned how to control the iPad with the help of paws and tongue.

He'll start ordering his own food soon.

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A Chinese farmer has organized a dance floor for his pigs.

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Peters's proboscis dog Rhynchocyon petersi is a mammal from the family of hoppers found in Kenya and northeastern Tanzania with nearby islands (Zanzibar and Mafia).

These dogs are very similar to other jumping, well-known to us - elephant shrews, which we wrote about here (/channel/run_to_me/135 ), here (/channel/run_to_me/368 ) and there (/channel/run_to_me/895 ). How do they differ from others?

Mostly in size. There are jumpers with a body length of only 10-12 cm and a weight of 40-50 g, but Peters's dog is a real giant! - 22-30 cm long and weighing up to 500 g.

In addition, Peters's dog builds nests of plant material in a small depression on the ground or even dig shallow burrows, and the rest of the jumping stuff costs the first shelters that come along.

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Small kangaroos found in Australia and New Guinea.
This animal weighs no more than 10 kg. But it can cover huge distances, reaching speeds of up to 56 km/ h.

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The mottled-billed selenidera Selenidera maculirostris belongs, as you might guess, to the family of toucans.

These beauties live in the forests of the southeastern part of Brazil (Atlantic Forest), as well as in Argentina and Paraguay.

Body length 35 cm, weight 140-200 g. The backs of both the male and the female are olive green.

They are most often found in pairs sitting on the branches of tropical trees in the middle or upper tier of the forest. They feed on fruits and insects

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An adult bison almost never weighs less than a ton. Despite their impressive size, they are able to reach speeds of up to 65 km/h and jump up to 1.8 meters in height.

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A black snake, or a black echidna, or a red-bellied black asp. 

A species of venomous snakes from the family of asps, which lives in various regions of Eurasia. 
These snakes got their names because of the peculiarities of their body coloration, which can range from black to dark gray, and some species also have a reddish tinge on the ventral side.

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A baby prehensile-tailed porcupine.

It lives in the rainforests of most of South America - in the south its range reaches the borders of Argentina.
Instead of walking on the ground, hiding in burrows and eating roots and insects, like all ordinary porcupines, the tenacious tail prefers to live in trees, sleep in hollows, and eat fruits, leaves and bark.

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Marine iguanas are the only lizards that spend most of their time in the ocean and are endemic to the Galapagos Islands. They can dive to a depth of 30 meters and hold their breath for up to an hour!

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The body length of the largest tarantulas is about six centimeters, excluding the paw span.
But with a relatively modest body size, the tarantula's paw span can reach 20-25 centimeters.
All tarantulas are poisonous, but their venom is not capable of killing a person.
In terms of toxicity and consequences, a tarantula bite for humans is comparable to a bee sting.

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Katydids are relatives of grasshoppers. 
They live all over the world, with the exception of the polar regions.
These insects are usually active at night, and they can be heard, but they are difficult to see because of their diverse coloration, which helps them hide from predators.
Katydids are famous for their ability to produce sounds using their front wings, like a creaking sound or a circular song. 
They use these sounds to attract partners and to communicate.

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Lynxes have very sharp hearing. They can hear human footsteps several kilometers away.

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A visual video showing how parrots feed their chicks 🦜

Chicks cannot digest hard food like adult parrots do, so they need to eat foods that are easily digested. Parent parrots regurgitate partially digested food into the chick's beak, so it receives the nutrients necessary for development.

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The genius of disguise ― that's exactly what I want to say about the caterpillar, which lives in India and Southeast Asia. Even knowing that a caterpillar is sitting on a leaf, you won't be able to find it right away. 
The fact is that the insect practically merges with its surroundings.

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Cuculus cuckoos are famous for their ability to force other birds to raise their own chicks by laying eggs in other people's nests.

Once hatched, cuckoos develop faster than siblings, while they can take food from other chicks and will not miss the opportunity to push them out of the nest. 

And it happens that the cuckoo hatches first, then it eliminates competitors before they are born! Small, weak, without feathers - he manages to throw the whole clutch of eggs out of the nest.

The hatched cuckoo has a very sensitive back. As soon as he touches other eggs with it, he begins to arch his back and rise on his paws, trying to push all the eggs or other chicks out of the nest. 

Having no competitors now, the cuckoo will grow rapidly and leave the nest on 20-22 days, being two to three times larger than its foster parents

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The spectacled bear. 

It lives in various regions of North America, including Alaska, Canada and some parts of the USA. 
Externally, it stands out for its characteristic "dots" - light rings around the eyes, which give it a special charm. 
Like other species of bears, the spectacled bear is an omnivorous animal, it feeds on various plants, roots, berries, nuts, as well as small animals, fish and insects.

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Snakes have nostrils, but they can't smell with them. They detect odors using a forked tongue, which is used to collect particles from the environment and then transfer them to the oral cavity for analysis.

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An oriental cat.

An elegant and graceful representative of the feline, which has a long body, large ears and bright diamond eyes. They are very active and inquisitive, constantly exploring the world around them.
This breed is known for its expressive vocal capabilities and propensity to communicate with people. They are very loyal to their masters and tend to follow them around.
They don't like being alone for a long time, so they need to provide enough attention and care.

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The bongo antelope Tragelaphus eurycerus belongs to the genus of forest antelopes and inhabits Central Africa from Sierra Leone to Kenya and Uganda. 

Its habitat is forests with dense undergrowth. These antelopes climb mountains up to 3000 m above sea level. There are seasonal migrations: in the dry season - to mountain forests, in the rainy season - to rivers.

Bongos reach a weight of 200 kg, a height at the withers of 100-130 cm. The horns have a slightly pronounced spiral and are more than a meter in length. The color is bright, chestnut-red, with white stripes on the sides, white markings on the legs and a semi-lunar spot on the chest. There is a stiff short mane along the ridge. They feed on bongos, tree leaves and grass

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The angler cat, the speckled cat, or the wyvern cat. 

It lives in subtropical and tropical regions of Southeast Asia. 
The special structure of the nose helps him to hold his breath, and small ears, tightly pressed to the head, are reliably protected from water ingress. 
In addition, the webbing on the paws helps the cat swim, because of which the claws are only half retracted.

During the day, an adult cat ( weighing 10-14 kg ) eats about 2 kg of fish. Its diet also includes frogs, crabs, snails, birds, mice and even snakes.

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The Earth wolf.

The smallest representative of the hyena family.
It lives in Southern and Eastern Africa.
This animal spat on the preferences of its relatives.
He lives in monogamous families in burrows and eats termites with both cheeks. 
Yes, yes, 90% of their diet is termites, sometimes other insects, bird eggs and small mammals.

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