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Squirrels can purr too.

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A velvety-soft ball of brown fur with two golden saucers for eyes, tarsier is also one of the strangest animals.

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Owls love the game of hide-and-seek and masterfully blend in with the world around them.

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Good morning to you, from the big cat 😍

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After a harsh winter, when good and easy days come, you can meet polar bears swimming at the edge of the ice. Polar bears are still funny and can have fun alone with anything they find.

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In winter, the ermine becomes completely white, practically merging with the surrounding snow in its coloring, and only the tip of the tail invariably remains black. 
Such color mimicry helps these animals both hunt more successfully and hide themselves from other larger predators.
Also, ermine fur in winter becomes especially thick and soft, warming its owner more.

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The plan for today is to sit, dangle your legs

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Royal pythons spend most of their time on the ground or underground in burrows. They are most active at dawn and dusk. Snakes inhabit savannah meadows or open forests and are found in areas cleared for agriculture.

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African elephant🌿

This is the moment of reconciliation between two male elephants after a fight.

Such skirmishes are very rare, because males lead a lonely lifestyle, but when they meet, they can compete for a female or for territory.

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Peacocks are birds of prey that can eat snakes. Their diet may also include various types of insects, grains, and plants.

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The emu is a bird of the cassowary order, the largest Australian bird. It is the second largest bird after the ostrich.

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Corydalidae is a family of insects from the order large-winged.

Adult corydalids have a wingspan of 15-21 cm, which makes them one of the largest flying insects in terms of wingspan. The body length is 45-100 mm.

In Mexico and other regions of Latin America, corydalid larvae are used for food by humans. In North America, they are valued as bait for fishing.

By the way, a larva needs from 2 to 5 years to become an adult insect!

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Morpho is a genus of butterflies from Central and South America, numbering about 80 species. Most of them are quite large and extremely beautiful — sapphire blue, light blue and purple tones.

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The gray or tree fox can deftly climb trees and jump from branch to branch. It differs from other foxes by a more flexible spine, developed shoulder girdle muscles, short muscular paws and increased mobility of the joints of the forelimbs.

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The owl's eyes look only forward, the bird cannot move them like a human. 
Mustache has no eyeballs. That is why owls are not able to rotate their eyes or move them.

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Here is a tiny nest for a hummingbird.
It feels like there are two candies from children's toys.

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That's what it means to look at it from a different angle😅

 Flying foxes, filmed upside down, look like they're at a private party

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Cows occupy the second largest number of mammals on earth. And in some regions there are more cows than people. For example, in Australia, the number of cows is 40% higher than the number of people.

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here is a red-legged booby Sula sula - and absolutely not afraid of tourists who arrived on the Galapagos Islands!

The red-legged booby nests mainly on the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean, less often in the Indian and Atlantic. It builds nests from sticks in a shrub, usually lays one egg, which incubates for about 45 days. Adults have been observed in the north up to the area of the Tatar Strait and the south of the Kuril Ridge.

The color of the feathers is white, light gray or light brown, the paws are reddish, webbed, and the beak is light blue. The rear edge of the wing is black. The body length of the red-legged booby is about 70 cm, the wingspan is up to 1.5 m.

Its main diet consists of small fish and squid

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Moose are the largest artiodactyls
from the deer family 🫎

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The red - crested turaco is the only representative in which red and green colors are combined. 
This combination creates a unique and vivid image.

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The African brush-eared pig. 

They live in West and Central Africa, their range extends from Senegal to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The character of this piggy is disgusting, and it's easy to get her out of herself. And then both humans and local predators have to flee. 
She just doesn't walk alone, but in a gop company of 15-25 of her own kind. 
Although the farmlands of local farmers are most often affected.

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This is how a snail lays eggs 🐌

The whole process can last from 2 to 12 hours. In this video, the speed has been increased several times. Small snails emerge from the eggs after a few weeks.

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The great blind is a burrowing mammal perfectly adapted to life underground. Blind mice feed on roots, tubers, insects, worms, and sometimes even vertebrates such as fish and frogs. They are found mainly in Central Asia and Southern Europe, where they live in dry steppes and semi-desert regions.

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A badger can hunt snakes, and their venom does not affect it, which gives a great advantage in fighting them.

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After a high-speed run, which usually lasts no more than 5-10 seconds, the cheetah's breathing rate reaches 150 breaths per minute.

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A cow has about 25 thousand taste buds on its tongue, while a human has about 10 thousand.

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The Amazonian crowned fly-eater Onychorhynchus coronatus is a small bird with a thin beak, a body length of 15-17 cm and a weight of 13-21 g, living in South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil).

If it were not for the beautiful "kokoshnik" (which the bird demonstrates only during the mating season or if it is necessary to scare someone), these fly-eaters could be mistaken for ordinary European flycatchers.

The feathers that make up the crest are usually colored fiery red with blue tips in males. The females, who do not want to resemble each other, flaunt stunning yellow or orange shades of hairstyles.

The diet of this fly-eater includes various insects (mainly flying), including dragonflies, beetles, hymenoptera, lepidoptera and arthropods.

Despite their small size, fly eaters build luxury apartments for themselves: the diameter of their nests sometimes reaches two meters. These cunning birds make nests above the water so that predators do not get there

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A hungry snail is not picky and often eats everything it can find. Snails can even feed on algae, fungi and mold.

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Most impala cubs are born at noon, when their enemies are resting. Noon is the safest part of the day for these antelopes. The female stays with the cub for a few more days away from the herd, and then they return together.

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