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The African dwarf falcon. 

It lives in the south and southeast of Africa.
Hamsters insects, lizards, rodents and other animals. 
But he doesn't like to build nests. Prefers to take away living space from less aggressive birds. 
And try not to give it away, it will bite you to death.

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Tapir has peaceful features, treats people well, so it is easy to tame. They are often a little clumsy and slow, but they run fast at dangerous moments.
They are big fans of playing and swimming in the pond.

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Demoiselle crane

This handsome bird is one of the smallest crane birds. 
Its height is about 80 to 90 cm, with a wingspan of 130-160 cm.
At the moment, the crane is in the Red Book. 
There are about 230-250 thousand birds in the world today

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The forest marten, or yellowfin. 

It lives in Europe and the western parts of Asia and inhabits mainly forested areas.
This small predator in size may not seem so scary, but you should not trust her sweet face - under this charming appearance hides a real cunning and skillful hunter.

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The bald eagle is easily recognized by its contrasting coloration. This large bird is an excellent hunter! They can spot prey up to 5 km away or see a small rodent up to 3 km away. Bald eagles can also swim, so they often hunt large fish, which they then hardly pull out of the water. In general, fish accounts for up to 60% of their diet.

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The oriole lives mainly in the subtropical zones of Europe and Asia, as well as in the tropics, including Africa and Australia. These birds attract attention not only with their bright plumage, but also with their mesmerizing singing. It is quite difficult to see orioles in nature, since they live in the treetops. They love water, so they always settle down near rivers, lakes or swamps.

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A selection of shots from the world of wildlife👀

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😱 We have not seen velvet horns so close yet 🦌

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According to the latest estimates of experts, there are no more than 40 individuals of the Far Eastern leopard left in the world, while about 30 individuals live in Russia, and about ten in China.

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The head of this amazing bird turns 270 degrees.
For an owl, this is a necessity, because its eyes are fixed immobile in the skull and because of this, in order to focus its gaze on something, it needs to turn its entire head.

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Galapagos marine iguanas are endemic to the enchanted islands and the favorites of all divers. These lizards feed on algae, they are able to hold their breath for up to an hour and dive to a depth of more than 20 m.

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If a bear meets a lonely bear cub in the forest, she will definitely adopt it. There is a known case when a bear in Alaska raised 12 cubs over the summer, that is, took at least nine foster ones

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Proboscis monkey.
It lives on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is found mainly in mangrove forests and in coastal areas of the island.
Proboscis monkeys usually live in groups consisting of one adult male, several adult females and their offspring.

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Magpies are much smarter than we think! They spread their feathers and lie down in the sun, thereby getting rid of parasites. Sometimes magpies lie down on anthills in the same way. Ants climbing on the bird's body secrete formic acid. Formic acid does not bother the bird, but acts as a repeller of parasites such as lice or ticks.

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The baby of the Amur tiger

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Elephants are characterized by self-awareness and experiences of different feelings and emotions similar to human ones.

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A two-crested cormorant.

It lives in North America, from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to Florida and Mexico.
They actively hunt marine animals such as fish and squid, diving into the water from a height and swimming in search of prey.

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Lepilemur (thin-bodied lemur) Lepilemur differs from other lemurs in a number of ways and lives exclusively in Madagascar.

These are medium-sized animals, their weight does not exceed 1 kg. The length of the body is 31-35 cm, the tail is 25-30 cm. The nail is only on the first finger, and it is large and flat. The head of the lepilemurs is conical in shape, with a short muzzle.

Inhabitants of forest areas. The activity is nocturnal. They are secretive. For a day, thin-bodied lemurs hide in tree hollows, nests that are made of leaves or twigs. They feed mainly on various plant objects: leaves, seedlings, fruits, but also insects.

Thin-bodied lemurs are one of the smallest deciduous mammals. These animals are content with such a low-calorie diet only due to an extremely low metabolic rate, significantly lower than that of other mammals of the same size.

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And now look at the unique footage of ducklings-parachutists of the big krokhal.

An unforgettable sight: one-day chicks make the first "flight" in their lives, fearlessly jumping out of the trunk of their parent tree!

The large Mergus merganser is a large duck with a narrow elongated beak, usually associated with the quiet rivers and lakes of the northern taiga. This is the largest and most common of the crumbs, surpassing the mallard in size.

Unlike the latter and most other species of the duck family, it does not feed on plant food, but on fish - this is evidenced by the sharp teeth on the hooked curved beak with which the birds hold slippery prey

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Fireflies emit light not only to attract partners, but also to communicate: for example, to protect a territory or as a warning about an approaching predator. 
In some species of fireflies, only one sex glows. However, in most cases, both the female and the male can emit light flashes. Usually the males fly, and the females sit in the foliage and wait. When she sees an attractive male, she gives a flash signal.

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The yellow-fronted woodpecker Melanerpes flavifrons is found in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.

The body length of this colorful woodpecker is only 18 cm. The male has a red crown and nape, while the female has a bluish-black area. Both have a yellow front part of the crown, yellow cheeks, chin and throat, as well as a wide black stripe running from the base of the beak through the eye to the back of the head and a red belly.

This woodpecker has a mixed diet consisting mainly of berries and fruits, but it also includes seeds, insects and their larvae

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The dwarf jerboa Salpingotus kozlovi is found in Southern and Southeastern Mongolia, Inner Mongolia and Northern China. It is very small in number. Here's what they wrote about him in 1937:

"Both known specimens of this rare species were obtained by expeditions near the ruins of the city of Harahoto in Central Gobi. There is no other data on the distribution of jerboa. The mentioned specimens were mined in the sandy desert."

But, as you can see, today these jerboa live in zoos - this video is taken from Chinese sources.

The body length of this baby is 5 cm, and the tail is 12 cm. The head is very large in relation to the body. Females are much larger than males, unlike other three-toed jerboa.

The activity of the animals occurs at night. They spend the day in burrows. The basis of nutrition is made up of seeds and insects. They hibernate in winter

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The Impala almost submitted to the cowboy bird.
This bird is useful for vegetarians in the wild. 
It feeds on harmful insects and parasites. 
This relationship is beneficial to both sides.

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The fork-tailed (swallow-tailed) kite Elanoides forficatus is a bird of prey of the hawk family. It has long pointed wings and a long forked tail (the tail notch is the deepest among birds of prey). In flight, it looks like a large killer whale swallow. 

The head and underside of the body are snow-white, the back, wings and tail are black, the collar and paws are blue. The total length (60-65 cm) and wingspan (110-125 cm) are impressive, but the weight of this elegant bird is relatively small (400-500 g). 

The flight is maneuverable and graceful.
The fork-tailed kite is widespread from Northern Argentina to the southern regions of the USA and Mexico. Due to unreasonable persecution in the last century, it stopped breeding in other parts of North America. It makes seasonal migrations in temperate latitudes, and is sedentary in the tropics.
It lives in sparse forests.

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The lynx has big, shaggy paws, and when it lands, the fingers spread out a lot. Both of these adaptations turn the lynx's paws into real snowshoes, helping it to efficiently forage in winter. Most of the time, this food consists of hares

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These caterpillars will turn into White Morpho butterflies in the future.
They are found in Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.
Most butterflies of the genus Morpho have a shimmering metallic color with shades of blue, purple and green. The wingspan ranges from 7.5 to 20 cm.

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A bird of paradise.
She is known not only for her colorful plumage, but also for her incredible mating dances.
During the wedding procession, the males put on a real show in front of the females: They bend, wave their long feathers, perform complex pirouettes and shake as if to the rhythm of salsa.
These dances can last for hours and make a lasting impression on the females. The more beautiful and difficult the male's dance is, the more chances there are to win the heart of the chosen one.

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The Tibetan fox is a species of fox that is endemic and found only in the highlands of Tibet, China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
This species of fox has a distinctive body structure compared to other species of foxes, starting with a square muzzle, narrow eyes and a small body size.
Their main food is pipits, mice, guinea pigs, lizards and rabbits.

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A baby Ross seal.
Usually, these animals choose remote, secluded places that are difficult for people to reach.
For many hundreds and even thousands of years, this species has been living on hard-to-reach icy shores and despite the number of species in 150 thousand animals, experts know very little about them.
The species was named after the British polar explorer James Ross.

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Hyenas are very effective hunters and are able to drive almost any prey.
They mainly hunt antelopes, but they are able to kill both buffalo and giraffe

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