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The nyala (plain nyala) Tragelaphus angasii belongs to the screw-horned antelopes and lives in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and the far north-east of South Africa. In addition, they were introduced to the national parks of Botswana and South Africa, in which they had not previously been found.

Nyasa reaches a length of 140 cm and a height at the withers of 110 cm, weight from 55 to 125 kg, and males are much heavier than females. In addition, both sexes can be distinguished primarily by the color of the coat. Much larger males are colored gray and wear screwed horns with white tips. Females and young are hornless, their coloration is rather reddish-brown. All individuals have up to 18 thin white vertical stripes on their sides. 

Males also have a long erect mane covering the spine and tufts of hair hanging from the throat along the entire underside of the body.

While females and young form small herds, males live alone. Nyals feed mainly on foliage, but from time to time they also eat grass

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The gogol Bucephala clangula is a medium-sized sea duck with a large rounded head, short beak and contrasting black and white plumage. 

It is widespread in the forest zone of the northern hemisphere - both in Eurasia and in America. It nests in tree hollows along the banks of forest reservoirs.

It is a stocky duck with a large head and a rather short neck. Body length 40-50 cm, weight 750-1.250 g.

During mating games, the male emits a high-pitched screech "bi-biizzz, сюрприizzz", usually accompanied by a low dry rattle and similar to the squeak of a hare. The female responds with a squeaky "berrr-berrr".

Gogol's homeland is considered to be North America, from where the bird moved first to Asia, and then spread throughout the northern hemisphere. The breeding range covers an area of coniferous forests. In Eurasia, it is distributed east of Switzerland, the states of the former Yugoslavia and Scandinavia, reaching the islands of Sakhalin and Iturup in the east.

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Birds are social animals that communicate with each other through visual and audio signals. They can perform joint social activities: nesting, collective hunting or protection from predators.

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Wolves distinguish 200 million smells.

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Saturnia luna.

It lives in the Northern and Eastern states of the USA, Greenland, Nova Scotia, southeastern Canada, the mountains of Mexico, Guatemala.

In the caterpillar stage, these insects are very voracious. 
But the sadness is, after pupation, the butterfly does not eat anything and dies after 5-6 days due to hunger.

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Moonwalk by flamingos 🦩

Flamingos live in the silty shallow waters of seas and lakes. Moving their feet in one place, they stir up the bottom, and at the same time pick up food with their beak. Birds can dive to a depth of 5 to 50 centimeters to get their prey. Flamingos feed on various small aquatic organisms, including crustaceans, small fish, snails, etc.

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10-16 days after hatching, the chicks of the paradise flycatcher leave their nest, as it becomes too crowded.

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Ostriches are amazing and unique creatures in many ways

In one step while running, an ostrich can cover from three to five meters. Ostriches are the largest birds in the world.The height of this creature can exceed two and a half meters, and the weight is one hundred and fifty kilograms.

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A mantis disguised as a green leaf. Perfect camouflage and lightning fast attack! 

Mantises are not poisonous and do not pose a threat to humans. And yet, mantises are incredibly strong. If mantises were the size of a puppy, they could easily hunt humans, given their strength.

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The hurricane (long-tailed lentil, long-tailed bullfinch) Carpodacus sibiricus is a songbird of the finch family.

The body length of an adult bird is 16-19 cm, the wingspan is 20-23 cm, the weight is 14-20 g. Due to the long tail, it looks larger than a sparrow. 

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: males have a mottled color - the head, tail and abdomen are pink, the tail and wings are black and white. Females and young males are gray in color with rare patches of black mottling.

It is distributed throughout most of Asia, Central and Eastern Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia. 

They mainly feed on seeds (flax, hemp, wormwood, nettle), collecting them on the ground or from herbs, the diet partially includes insects

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Pigs are very clean animals that do not poop where they sleep or eat. And they roll in the mud in order to cool the body, since they do not know how to sweat.

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The giraffe is the only animal that is born with horns.

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The trunk of an elephant consists of more than 40,000 muscles, and there are 640 muscles in the human body.

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Bumblebees are the first pollinators to awaken from hibernation, so they are the first to start pollinating crops and wild flowers. Their activity begins even at low temperatures, about 5 ° C.

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Javanese lizard or pangolin. 

The pangolin's body is covered with sharp, durable scales-plates that are mobile and act autonomously.
In case of danger, the pangolin emits a secret with a fetid "aroma".

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Owls vary greatly in size, appearance and color, but they all have one thing in common: the ability to turn their heads 270 degrees.

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Crocodile skink. 

It lives in dry and sandy areas of Africa and Asia. 
They are excellent swimmers and can spend a lot of time in the water, which helps them avoid the heat and scorching sun.
These lizards feed on small animals, insects and plants. Crocodile skinks have strong jaws capable of crushing eggshells and nuts.

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Elephants have flat feet. There is a special jelly-like mass under the sole, which allows elephants to move silently and pass through swamps without getting bogged down in them.

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The Oriental stone shrew.

Without food, a shrew can last only nine hours, since the animal has a frenzied metabolism and, accordingly, feels a constant need for food.

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Baby nutria. 
The natural habitat of nutria includes the southern part of South America, starting from Bolivia and southern Brazil all the way to Tierra del Fuego.
This animal does not build reliable shelters from the cold and predators, and does not store food for the winter, unlike beaver or muskrat. 
In addition, the nutria is poorly oriented under the ice, when diving into an ice hole in most cases it cannot find a way out and dies.

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Snow leopard. 

The most interesting part of the snow leopard is its tail. 
It helps you plan when jumping.
And he can jump 6 m in length and 3 m in height!

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A cactus parrot.

A species of parrot found in Brazil. Outside of the breeding season, it leads a nomadic lifestyle, and the mating season nests in the hollows of large cacti.

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The curly (Dalmatian) pelican Pelecanus crispus differs from the pink pelican in the absence of pink tones in the plumage and the presence of elongated and twisted "curly" feathers on the head and upper side of the neck, forming a semblance of a mane.

It flies well, often soars. He swims perfectly, sits high on the water, puts his head and neck on his back while resting on the water. He does not dive - when fishing, he immerses only the head, neck and front of the body in water for a very short time. This is due to the fact that all pelicans have very light bones and they simply cannot dive.

It is a huge bird with a body length of up to 180 cm, a wingspan of up to 320 cm and a weight of up to 14 kg. The curly pelican is more widespread than the pink one - from the Balkan Peninsula to Mongolia and the upper reaches of the Yellow River, in the south to the Persian Gulf. 

It winters mainly in Iraq, Pakistan, northwestern India and southern China

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The Komodo lizard is a giant and quite dangerous lizard, which is why these monitor lizards do not have serious enemies in the wild.

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A couple of years ago, a family from California discovered that forest animals drink from a fountain in their garden, so they installed cameras to find out who exactly comes to drink.
Then they put a big drinking bowl for the animals and birds, and one day a bear came. She liked this place so much that she started bringing her cubs there. The family decided to dig a whole pool for them, which the animals are very happy about.

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Like most marmosets, macaques are omnivorous, but prefer plant foods that include fruits, leaves, seeds, petals, as well as bark and needles. They occasionally consume insects, bird eggs, and small vertebrates from animal food.

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The spectacled neotropical owl Pulsatrix perspicillata lives in South America at altitudes up to 1000 m from sea level: humid tropical forests, wooded areas of savannah and dry forests.

Body length 40-50 cm, weight of males 450-1100 g, females 700-1250 g.

The spectacled owl is dark brown in color with a whitish yellow-ochre belly, a white spot on the neck and a dark brown encircling stripe across the chest. White "glasses" around yellow eyes served as the basis for her name. Spectacled owls are usually nocturnal, but can be active on cloudy, gloomy days. 

Spectacled owls eat small mammals (including mice, possums or skunks), insects, many caterpillars, bats, birds up to the size of a jay, crabs and frogs. They use some kind of elevation to perch on it and scan the surrounding area in search of prey. As soon as the prey is spotted, the bird quickly descends and attacks

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The red-haired vari, Varecia rubra, is one of the largest lemurs in Madagascar. The body is covered with thick red hair, the tail, the tips of the paws and the head are black. Body length is about 50 cm, tail up to 60 cm, weight 3-4 kg.

The range of this lemur is the humid tropical forests of the Masuala National Park in northeastern Madagascar, and the species is not found anywhere else: the protected status is on the verge of extinction. Lemurs live in trees at a height of 10-20 m above the ground.

The basis of vari's diet is fruits, but the diet also includes leaves and young shoots. These lemurs live 15-20 years, in captivity - up to 25 years

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Shoebill's natural habitat is the swamps of East Africa. Their thin legs with long toes give them the opportunity to wade through the vegetation of swamps and swamps from Ethiopia to Zambia. 
Shoebills can stand motionless for hours, waiting for the perfect moment to grab their prey. They are also silent, and only occasionally begin to communicate with each other by tapping their huge beaks.

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The American woodcock Scolopax minor lives in the eastern United States. He spends most of his time on the ground, his plumage is ideal for camouflage among shrubs and undergrowth.

The American woodcock feeds mainly on worms, which it searches for in a bizarre way resembling a dance. It is believed that such swaying and tapping on the ground cause worms to move in the soil, which makes them easy to detect.

This bird has a rounded body, short legs, a large rounded head, and a long straight beak. Adults are usually 25-30 cm long and weigh 140-230 g.

Woodcocks have large eyes located high up, so they have the largest field of view among birds: 360° in the horizontal plane and 180° in the vertical.

In spring, males occupy separate singing areas, holes near a bushy shelter from which they sing and make demonstration flights at dawn and dusk, as well as at a sufficiently high level of illumination on moonlit nights.

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