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The rhinoceros beetle and stag beetle are similar in many ways, except for the unique structures on their heads.
🦏Rhinoceros beetles are known for their large horns, the length of which can exceed the length of the entire body. Males use these horns to fight each other.
🦌Male stag beetles have enlarged jaws, which are also used in fighting other males.

Another visible difference between the rhinoceros beetle and the stag beetle is size. Rhinoceros beetles are generally larger than stag beetles due to their long horn.

Otherwise, these insects have a lot in common. They have a segmented body, four wings, a chitinous exoskeleton, similar coloration and the same diet.

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Nemean thinbodies.

They live in Southeast Asia, distributed in northern and central Vietnam, Laos and northern Cambodia.

They lead a diurnal lifestyle and spend almost all their time in the middle and upper tiers of the tropical rainforest. They almost never go down to the ground, since they both feed and sleep in the trees.

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Most foxes give birth to more than one fox cub. They remain in the den until they are 4–5 weeks old, at which time they come out and begin playing near the den entrance. By the time the cubs are six months old, they will be almost impossible to distinguish from adult foxes.

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Antelopes have adapted well to a wide variety of climatic conditions. If you look at the habitat of these animals, you can say with confidence that they are literally scattered across the planet.

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Although the bongo antelope is adapted to life in a variety of territories, the main condition for its existence is dense vegetation in which the animals hide from predators and which at the same time provides them with the necessary amount of food.

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Mongooses are very small, but incredibly dexterous and aggressive predators that are capable of attacking and defeating even the most poisonous snakes. They have special physiological adaptations that allow them to cope with venomous bites. In addition, mongooses are known for their speed and agility. They can react with lightning speed to the movement of a snake and evade its attack. When mongooses attack a snake, they often attack its head to prevent it from biting. All this helps mongooses survive in a variety of conditions and cope with the most dangerous opponents.

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Snow Monkey Park 🐒


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This is an Amazonian mantis that imitates a fallen leaf.

Through millions of years of natural selection, these insects have evolved the ability to mimic the environment in which they live, to the point that they have body parts that look exactly like leaves in shape, color and even texture.

The flawless resemblance to a fallen leaf is amazing on all levels: brown with greenish areas, just like a dying leaf should look, dry curled tips on the tips of the wings and even the veins!

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Hamsters have the famous ability to fill their cheeks with lots of food. Usually, hamsters' cheeks can expand up to two times or more relative to their normal size.

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Squirrels have been living on earth for more than fifty million years and have not changed in any way during this time, judging by the fossils found in North America.

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A "popcorn beetle" or a tiny flatid.

They live in forests, gardens, fields and other natural habitats. 
Their small size (only about 3-4 mm, which makes them one of the smallest beetles) and helpless appearance help them to remain unnoticed in the environment and avoid danger.

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An ordinary starling. Outstanding singing talent. 

It is found almost everywhere - from Siberia to Europe and Asia. This songbird lives in parks, forests, and gardens.
They are known for their loud and melodious singing, which they perform both alone and in company with other starlings.
Unlike other bird species, starlings are able to imitate the sounds of other birds and even the sounds of technology.

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Small Green Hornbeak

It lives in the jungles of Southeast Asia.
Even its short beak is half hidden by green feathers and is almost invisible. If you add to this the habit of sitting motionless on branches for hours, it becomes clear that the opportunity to notice this small secretive bird is very small.

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Many horses show a natural aptitude for water and are very fond of swimming, making it special with grace and grace. Swimming for horses can be pleasant and refreshing, especially in hot weather.

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The oncilla is considered a terrestrial animal. She hunts downstairs, but eats, hides and rests exclusively in trees.

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An adult gorilla🦍 is stronger than any person on Earth. On average, a male is 6-8 times stronger than a trained male.

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Bears' intelligence is very highly developed. For example, to disarm a hunting trap, they throw a stick at it.

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Black bears have good hearing and well-developed vision, but they rely heavily on their excellent sense of smell to find food and spot potential dangers.

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Each nest always has a dominant chick, and this is clearly visible in this video. Parent birds will feed all the chicks, but the dominant chick will always eat first.

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Woodpeckers nest in hollows. They are highly adaptable and can nest in a variety of tree species, including both deciduous and coniferous trees. However, woodpeckers prefer trees with softer wood, such as dead or rotting trees, because they are easier to hollow out.

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The leaf-tailed gecko is a master of camouflage.

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This is a striped tenrec living in Madagascar. The animal is small, its maximum size is 20 cm.

What's so interesting about this guy? Absolutely everyone! It lives in groups, communicates with relatives using the rustling of needles, knows how to lower body temperature, and goes to potty very far from its burrow, the entrance to which is covered with leaves. Because he is clean and doesn’t want to step into anything! It searches for prey (earthworms) using echolocation, almost like a dolphin.

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Two-horned kalao or great Indian rhinoceros (gomrai) Buceros bicornis is the largest bird of the genus of two-horned hornbills, whose body length reaches 1.5 m.

With its impressive size and colorful plumage, this bird is part of the rituals of the peoples living in its range. In captivity, the two-horned kalao can live up to fifty years of age.

The range of kalao stretches from Western India east to Thailand, and south through the Malacca Peninsula to the island of Sumatra inclusive. Kalao live in the treetops of tropical jungles. The favorite places of these birds are the tops of evergreen trees, where they find sufficient food all year round.

A large Indian rhinoceros flies between the trees in search of food. You can often see these birds flying in pairs or small flocks over the forest. Kalao communicate with each other using loud sounds - a booming roar and cackling. In flight, the kalao resembles a vulture with its rounded wings.

Most of the kalao's diet consists of fruits from tropical trees. Birds

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Up to 80% of bald eagles die from accidents or starvation before reaching adulthood, but those eagles that become adults – at the age of about 5 years – usually live from 15 to 25 years.

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Saimiri sciureus Saimiri (squirrel monkeys) inhabit the rainforests of South America, reaching southern Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.

They settle near reservoirs in groups of 10 to 100 individuals, sometimes more. Squirrel saimiri feed on insects, fruits, nuts, and also eat eggs of birds and chicks. Sometimes the diet includes shellfish and small frogs. The lifestyle is daytime, they spend most of their time in trees.

The length of the body reaches 25-35 cm, the tail up to 40 cm. Weight up to 1.1 kg. Saimiri live for 6-8 years, in captivity up to 9 years and more. There is a known case when a female lived for 21 years.

These monkeys are often caught for breeding as pets

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Interestingly, once upon a time, the habitat of flamingos included all the continents of our planet.

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The Goldie bird of Paradise Paradisaea decora lives in forests (at an altitude of 300-700 m above sea level) on the islands of the D'entrecasteau archipelago near New Guinea.

The body length of these birds is about 30-33 cm, they are very poorly studied because of their small habitat.

It is known that on Ferguson Island there are four trees intended for mating dances and that males regularly remove leaves from branches intended for these important tasks.

These birds of paradise feed mainly on fruits with a small addition of insects.

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Vultures are an ostrich egg. 
Ostrich eggs are included in the diet of vultures. But here's the problem - how to break the thick shell of such a huge egg? Smart birds have learned to cope with this task with the help of stones. The vulture takes a stone in its beak and starts throwing it at the egg over and over again until it cracks.

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Mimosa pudica originates from the tropical regions of South America and is cultivated worldwide as an ornamental plant.

The shy mimosa is 30-70 cm high, less often up to 150 cm. Its leaves are sensitive and curl up when touched. This is due to the fact that pulvinuses (articular thickenings that provide movement) are located at the base of their stems, and pressure-sensitive receptors are located on the leaves.

In one study, it was found that the shy mimosa has the property of "remembering" the features of contacts and if they do not pose a threat, it will not fold the leaves.

It should be borne in mind that this plant is poisonous and can cause poisoning of livestock in pastures

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The rhinoceros beetle is the strongest beetle on the planet. He lifts a weight 800 times heavier than his own. It's the same if a person could lift 7 tons.

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