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When asked to pose for a photo, but making a child stand still is unrealistic😁

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Bald eagles are known for their competitive nature, especially when it comes to obtaining food and defending territory. One of the most pronounced types of competitive behavior is kleptoparasitism, the act of stealing food from other birds and, if necessary, from other eagles. Due to their impressive size and strength, bald eagles are known to easily snatch prey from smaller predators such as ospreys after they have done the hard work of capturing it.

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🐾 These animals have the thickest and densest fur among all cats on Earth. Even snow leopards living in the mountains cannot boast of the same thickness of fur.

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🐿 Indian giant squirrel.

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The flying fox is a species of mammal from the order Chiroptera.  They live in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia, Polynesia and Micronesia.

They have long narrow wings, a tail and an elongated snout with large ears. The color can vary from brown to black with white spots.

These animals, which eat fruits, flowers, nectar and roots, are key to plant pollination and seed dispersal. In fact, they can fly long distances - more than 60 km in one night

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Arizona wild horses. Where can you see them?
Today, there are fewer than 500 wild horses left in the entire state of Arizona. The easiest way to observe them is along rivers when they come to drink. You can also see other animals at the watering hole, for example, wild ponies or moose.

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In its wide range, the Eurasian lynx lives from Western Europe to Russia and Central Asia. These cats live in deciduous and mixed forests with plenty of undergrowth for cover. They also inhabit the northern slopes of the Himalayas, the alpine tundra, the mountains in the desert zone of Central Asia and the entire Tibetan Plateau.

The Eurasian lynx is typically crepuscular or nocturnal. She is mainly active at dawn and dusk, and during the day she sleeps in thickets and other places where she can safely hide. The Eurasian lynx is a good climber. Sometimes it can be seen lying on trees and high rocks, where it looks out for prey or sets up an ambush.

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The Indian bullfrog is a solitary and largely nocturnal animal, and its diet consists of insects and sometimes tiny mammals, small snakes and birds.
During the rainy season, the males change color to yellow to attract a female. The rest of the time they have a dull appearance and are olive green and brownish green in color.

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At night, during breeding seasons, tropical frogs make forests and swamps vibrate. Each species of frog has its own timbre and duration of the concert. Small frogs make shorter, higher-pitched sounds. And the big ones are long and bassy.

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Starlings are known for their loud and melodious singing, which they perform both alone and in corporate parties with other starlings.

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🦛 Until recently, it was believed that the closest relatives of hippopotamuses were pigs. However, studies have shown that whales and cetaceans are closer to them.

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Camels in reality swim no worse than dolphins. They are able to swim long distances.
They can swim up to 3 km at a time.

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🐾 The thick fur of the Pallas's cat allows the animal to withstand temperatures down to -50°C.

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🐗 Warthogs live in small herds of 15-18 heads, consisting of females and young animals. Males live separately and love solitude.

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🦛 An adult hippopotamus has 36 teeth with pronounced fangs, and its mouth opens one and a half meters.

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King penguin and his chick 🥰 Although, it would be more correct to say not a chick, but a teenager. Soon this young penguin will begin to molt and in a few months will turn into an exact copy of its parents.

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The Emerald Toucanet is a small toucan native to Central America. In contrast, the emerald toucanet is relatively shy compared to traditional toucans. However, the emerald toucanet is a popular toucan pet due to its quiet nature, size, and adorable appearance.

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Sika deer are quiet, peaceful and absolutely harmless herbivores with very beautiful colors and velvety antlers. Even at the beginning of the last century, the main enemy of sika deer was man. A little more, and hunters could completely exterminate these beautiful animals. In the wild, sika deer are hunted mainly by wolves, lynxes and tigers, while small defenseless fawns are attacked by foxes and bears.

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The cuckoo mercilessly pushes other eggs out of the nest.

Cuckoos are famous for laying their eggs in other people's nests. As soon as the cuckoo is born, it eliminates all competitors. He will throw other chicks or eggs out of the nest right in front of their parents. Now all the food and attention will go to him alone.

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The frilled lizard is a lizard from the agamidae family, the only representative of the genus.

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Wild dogs are running predators, chasing prey at speeds of up to 65 km/h.

They can maintain 45 km/h at a distance of 5 km, although most chases are usually within 1-2 km. No other African mammal can match this combination of speed and endurance.

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This is what Cecropia Peacock-eyes look like - one of the rarest and largest butterflies in the world.

They live in North America, and the wingspan of some individuals can reach 18 centimeters or more.

And in this video they are passionate about mating games.

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Pygmy anteater or mini termite exterminator

It boasts the smallest size, 36-45 centimeters, with 18 centimeters of the total length falling on the tail. The weight of these miniature anteaters reaches only 400 grams.

These animals live in Central and South America. The habitat of pygmy anteaters is numerous tropical forests from Brazil to Mexico. In addition, these animals are found in Paraguay.

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Pied-billed selenidera

They live in the forests of southeastern Brazil, as well as in Argentina and Paraguay.
Body length is 35 cm, weight - 140–200 g. The backs of both males and females are olive green.
Most often found in pairs, sitting on the branches of tropical trees in the middle or upper tier of the forest.

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Eublephar has a cute face.

They have very unique facial expressions and with prolonged communication you begin to understand when the leopard gecko is happy. This is easy to read by the big wide smile on the happy face.

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He knows exactly how to handle a big vegetable 🐘

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Kinkajou is an unusual animal from the order of predators of the raccoon family.

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Javelins🐗 are well known for their ability to eat tough and spiny cacti. Javelins primarily feed on a variety of desert plants, cactus stems, pulp and fruits, agave hearts, roots and flowers.

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👀 Yes, the praying mantis has five eyes! Do you think two eyes would be enough? But not for the praying mantis! They use these eyes to detect light, observe movement, and for deep vision.

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The red salamander grows from 12 to 18 centimeters in length. This is a nocturnal amphibian. During the day, red salamanders usually sleep under stones or driftwood, and at night they come out in search of food. They like to live close to water and are very territorial.

Surprisingly, red salamanders do not have lungs. In fact, they breathe through their skin.

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