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Bears only at first glance seem fat and clumsy. In fact, they are incredibly strong and agile. They easily climb rocks, quickly climb trees and swim well, not to mention the fence around a residential building. By the way, an adult brown bear weighs about 200 kg - applause to the construction crew that installed this fence 👏

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Spider webs are an incredible natural material that have fascinated scientists and engineers for centuries. It is stronger than steel and more flexible than rubber, making it a potentially valuable resource for a variety of applications. Spiders produce different types of webs for different purposes, such as creating webs, wrapping prey, and protecting eggs.

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The nightingale is a completely inconspicuous gray bird. And how varied and beautiful he sings! Listen!

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The Blue Ambanya Chameleon is a colorful reptile native to Madagascar, known for its vibrant blue and yellow coloration. It is a popular pet due to its docile nature and unique appearance.

The Blue Ambanja chameleon is an arboreal species, meaning it spends most of its time in trees. It is an active hunter, using its long tongue to catch prey.

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🐫 The double-humped camel is the strongest, capable of carrying about 181 kilograms, traveling a distance of 48 kilometers per day at a speed of 3 to 5 kilometers per hour.

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Australia is full of strange and wonderful creatures, and one of them is this spiny lizard. It has many names: thorny devil, mountain devil, spiny lizard, moloch and thorny dragon.

Thorny devils are covered in long, sharp spines that protrude in all directions. Behind the real head, on the back of the head, there is a “pseudo-head” that serves as bait for predators.

Up close, spiny devils may have a bright and colorful appearance, but from a distance their coloring mimics their surroundings, making these lizards very difficult to spot.

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The time it takes for a spider to spin a web depends on various factors, including the type of spider and the size and complexity of the web. In general, a spider can spend anywhere from a few minutes to several hours creating a web.

It's important to note that spiders don't always spin new webs every day. Some spiders can use the same web for days or even weeks, making repairs or modifications as necessary.

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🐾 Sugar gliders use scents not only to mark their territory. They use their saliva to convey messages. The specific and individual aroma of the sugar glider helps members of the community determine the hierarchy. Thanks to the smells, everyone knows where each other falls in the sugar glider's chain of power.

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The wolf🐺 is often called the “forest orderly”, and this is not an exaggeration. The predator plays a key role in balancing the ecosystem. It controls the populations of some animal species, in particular large ungulates. The nature of the wolf as a predator is that it selects weak and sick individuals who cannot escape. This helps prevent the spread of disease and keeps the animal population in the forest healthy.

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In the wild, budgerigars can be found in the arid regions of Australia. Their diet consists of various seeds.
The budgerigar was first described in 1805. Since then, these parrots have become popular pets all over the world.

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Beavers🦫 are very important to the ecosystems in which they live. Their ponds and dams create new aquatic ecosystems that provide shelter and food for many species of plants and animals.

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🐂 Although the bongo antelope is adapted to life in a variety of territories, the main condition for its existence is dense vegetation in which animals hide from predators and which at the same time provides them with the necessary amount of food.

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The muddy waters of Australia can be very dangerous🐊

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Wonders of nature! 🐛🐛🐛 The caterpillars line up in one line and crawl one after another like a train. From the outside it looks very unusual, but in general there is nothing surprising in this, because animals also form a pack or a pride in order to increase their chances of survival. In this way, caterpillars move from one food source to another. Also, when the time comes to turn into a butterfly, the chance of finding a mate next to you increases.

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Superhero squirrel caught on camera

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Babydoll sheep are miniature wool sheep that can be kept both as pets and as a wool harvesting business. On average, babydoll sheep are between 46 and 61 cm in height and weigh between 32 and 54 kg. They are significantly smaller than other sheep breeds and require less land and resources to care for.

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In their natural environment, tapirs live up to 30 years. In captivity they live about the same amount of time. In fact, these creatures do not care at all where they live. They feel equally comfortable everywhere.

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🦉 Long-eared owls get their name from the long feathers located on their heads that resemble ears.

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🦥 The speed of movement of a sloth is 3 meters per minute, and on the ground - twice as slow.

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The White Tern is a very elegant and delicate seabird with immaculate white plumage. Small eyes surrounded by black rings make them appear much larger. These graceful terns fly in an undulating manner with deep, slow wing beats.

For all their beauty and elegance, white terns do not bother at all about building nests and lay eggs anywhere. A bird can lay a single egg absolutely anywhere, as long as it doesn’t roll away.

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🐝Bees are capable of performing various tasks in the hive. They can be scouts, guards, undertakers and honey workers.

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White rhinoceroses 🦏 simply masterfully tear the tops of the grass without tearing out the roots, thanks to their wide and flat lips.

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🦔 At the age of one month, hedgehogs leave their parents' nest and begin to live independently

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This strange white creature is not a mutant or an alien. This is a nymph of an insect called Flatidae. They belong to the cicada family. Its body is covered with waxy threads similar to cotton threads. It’s not for nothing that it is also called the “cotton beetle.” The nymph can jump, therefore, in case of danger, she quickly catapults from one place to another.

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🐾 Lemurs need 12 sounds to communicate.
One of the ways to communicate with each other is to direct the scent of the tail in the right direction.

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Khaynak is a cross between a cow and a yak. Initially, the crossing turned out to be accidental, but people quickly realized that they could get more milk and meat from the Khainaks, their skin was stronger, and their fur was excellent for making clothes and carpets. These half-cow, half-yaks live in the harsh conditions of Mongolia, Nepal and Tibet.

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🐺 Wolf Howl

Wolves howl at dawn or dusk, but not every day. The howl begins with a solo howl of the leader, which differs significantly from the howl of other members of the pack.

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Interesting facts about chameleons:
1) Color Palette: Chameleons are known for their ability to change skin color. Many people don't know that chameleons are capable of displaying over 160 different shades of color!
2) Eyes: Chameleons have one of the most amazing eye structures in the animal kingdom. Their eyes can move independently of each other. This allows chameleons to cover almost 360 degrees of vision.
3) Tongue: Chameleons are famous for their long tongues, which they use to catch prey. They are able to shoot their tongues out to a distance greater than the length of their body. Interestingly, the chameleon's tongue has incredible stickiness, and it can grab its prey literally in an instant.
4) Tail: Chameleons have a long and flexible tail that has several interesting features. They can use their tail as a fifth support to maintain balance when moving through trees. Or use the tail for intimidation when it is twisted into a spiral and gives the chameleon a strange appearance.

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🐔 In their homeland, these birds are called craxes or gokkos.
However, if you don’t go into details - ordinary chickens.
Craxes grow something more interesting instead of a crest. Feather "curls".

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Voice abilities.

The fox is capable of producing about forty different sounds.

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