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The snow leopard❄️ prefers to hunt prey larger than itself or corresponding to its size.

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🦚 Peacocks are capable of not only walking gracefully on the ground, but also being able to fly quite well.

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Japanese white-eyes have a characteristic olive color with white circles under the eyes. The birds measure up to twelve centimeters in length and weigh an average of ten grams.

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Beavers🦫 are very important to the ecosystems in which they live. Their ponds and dams create new aquatic ecosystems that provide shelter and food for many species of plants and animals.

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The hawkmoth Xanthopan morgani is an African species of moth from the hawkmoth family, which has the longest proboscis, the length of which reaches 22.5 cm.

Charles Darwin, studying an orchid flower of the species Angraecum sesquipedale sent to him from Madagascar, drew attention to the very long spur of the flower, about 30 cm long, with nectar at the very bottom - and suggested that these orchids are most likely pollinated by a large moth of the hawkmoth family with a corresponding spur proboscis length. However, at that time scientists were not aware of butterflies with such a long proboscis.

And only 40 years later such a butterfly was discovered and described in Madagascar!

Much later it was discovered that this hawk moth is widespread in the warm coastal regions of Africa and is most often found in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

The hawk moth itself is not very large compared to its proboscis: the length of the front wing is 55-65 mm, the wingspan is 100-130 mm

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When you want to yawn very sweetly, but your mouth is too small 🤭

Giant anteaters (like all other anteaters) have a very small mouth indeed, but an incredibly long and sticky tongue. Their tongue is ideally suited for obtaining food, because the giant anteater needs to eat up to 30,000 ants and termites per day.

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Lion cubs learn to roar around the age of two.

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🐾 Cheetah is the fastest predator on earth. Its slender body and long legs help it catch its prey in a matter of seconds.

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The rufous-headed long-tailed tit, Aegithalos concinnus, is distributed in the Himalayas, China, Myanmar and parts of Indochina.

The body length of this little bird is only 10 cm, weight is 4-9 g. It builds a nest from moss and lichen on tree branches.

These birds are not timid, are very sociable and unite outside the incubation period in small flocks of up to 40 individuals. They often join flocks of other bird species. Food consisting of insects, as well as seeds and fruits, is sought in thickets of bushes, sometimes on trees

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Parrots easily become attached to humans and develop close relationships with them. This is especially true for breeds such as macaws, Amazons, goffins, cockatoos and some others.

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🦁 A lion becomes an adult at the age of two years. Only at this moment does he gain the ability to growl. The mane begins to grow from one and a half years, and the tassel on the tail from six months.

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Pandas are the laziest animals, they just get high all their lives 😍🐼

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Egyptian jerboa. This animal needs such large ears for thermoregulation. Thanks to their large hind legs, jerboas can easily move along the sand. The tassel on the tail also helps the animal rest on the sand and maintain balance. Jerboas can live for a very long time without water. They obtain the main moisture from seeds.

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Bird of paradise 🕊️

The pride of the bird of paradise is its bright plumage, which is not seen on other birds, and each of its species has its own unique characteristics.

The bird of paradise of the “legless Salvadoran” species, in order to appear more beautiful, raises its golden feathers and hides its head under its wing, after which it becomes very similar to a huge chrysanthemum.

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Tiger 🐅

The length of a tiger's jump can be up to six meters, and its height - up to five. At short distances, a tiger can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h.

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🐪 The most stubborn animal is, perhaps, not a donkey, but a camel. If he decides to lie down to rest, it is almost impossible to force him to get up and walk.

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🐻‍❄️ A polar bear breaks through thin ice at different intervals so that her cub can breathe

Polar bears are expert swimmers. And that's a good thing: because of the melting ice, polar bears have to use their swimming skills quite a lot.

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The yellow-footed plover, Charadrius melodus, belongs to the plover family and has sandy plumage. An adult bird has yellow-orange legs and a black ring around the neck - however, the color depends on the sex and age of the bird. The body length of this plover is up to 18 cm.

Like most plovers, food intake occurs in a sequence that consists of a fast run, a sudden stop and one peck. If the bird is standing, it is difficult to spot it, since the plumage does not differ in color from the surrounding landscape.

The yellow-footed plover lives on the sandy and pebble beaches of the Atlantic, as well as on the shores of the Great Lakes in midwestern Canada and the United States. From November to March, migratory birds winter in the Gulf of Mexico and on the southern coast of the United States, down to the Caribbean islands.

Feeds on worms, insects and their larvae and crustaceans

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🐻 Bear's favorite fish is salmon. That is why, in salmon spawning areas, bears are much more numerous and they are much larger than their counterparts living outside areas with an abundance of fish.

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The Death's Head Hawkmoth (or Adam's Head), although it looks terrifying, does not pose a threat to humans (with the exception of larvae that can harm crops).

The habitat of this butterfly is very extensive: it extends south to South Africa, north to southern Europe and east to the Middle East and Asia. The death's head is even found in Iceland!

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The Tkachik bird is a real architect in the world of birds.

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Bunting (snow plantain, arctic sparrow) Plectrophenax nivalis is a circumpolar bird that nests in the tundra of the Old and New Worlds. The bunting belongs to the Bunting family.

The bunting is a bird of the tundra; it can be found in the most barren rocky areas. She makes a nest on the ground under the cover of stones or in a rock crevice. Birds use grass stems, moss, lichens, feathers and down as nesting material.

It is slightly larger than the common bunting: body length is 15-19 cm, wingspan is 32-38 cm, and weight is about 40 g.

In summer, snow buntings feed mainly on insects, in winter - exclusively on seeds and grains.

Bunchka is a popular folklore character among the northern peoples (Chukchi, Eskimos and others)

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🪹 We built a nest right on our head.

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🦝 Raccoons are the real little bandits!

Raccoons are usually awake at night. However, if the animal senses food nearby, it will stay awake during the day until it gets it.

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✨ Due to their short legs, manulas are not particularly mobile. They prefer to ambush their prey.

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🐦‍🔥 The weight of the smallest hummingbirds among adults does not exceed three grams.

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The Indian bullfrog is a fairly large and very vocal frog. Usually these frogs are brown in color, however, during the breeding season they become a rich yellow color, thereby attracting the attention of the opposite sex.

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🐉 It takes twenty to thirty seconds for a chameleon to change color.

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Bornean orangutan🦧

Orangutans are a genus of arboreal apes, one of the closest to humans in terms of DNA homology. Currently, there is a critical threat of extinction of this species in nature.

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Mountain sheep are one of the few large mammals capable of living at altitudes greater than 5 km above sea level.

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