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A wonderful video showing a ladybug taking off 🐞

First, the ladybug spreads its hard elytra, from under which the previously folded thin wings appear. These wings are permeated with vessels. By increasing the fluid pressure in these vessels, the wings straighten. Next, the ladybug pushes off the surface with its paws, as all insects do in principle, and takes off. In real time, this entire process takes no more than a second.

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Great Indian kalao, or great Indian rhinoceros, or two-horned kalao is the largest bird of the genus of two-horned hornbills, whose body length reaches 1.5 m. Indian rhinoceroses are most attracted to ripe figs, as they contain a lot of sugar and are available in any season.

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🦊 Most foxes give birth to more than one fox cub. They remain in the den until they are 4–5 weeks old, at which point they come out and begin playing near the den entrance. By the time the cubs are six months old, they will be almost impossible to distinguish from adult foxes.

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The Great Crested Grebe is a waterfowl that gets its name from its smelly and tasteless meat. Another name for this bird is the great grebe. One of the elements of the mating ritual of great crested grebes is a synchronized race through the water. It looks simply amazing!

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🦭Seals are surprisingly sensitive and gentle creatures that can cry. The truth is not in human understanding - animals do not have lacrimal glands.

Pinnipeds are extremely peaceful by nature, showing aggression only during the mating season, and the rest of the time they show care and concern for their fellow tribesmen.

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Tragopan! This bright bird flies among the pheasants. Male tragopans are distinguished by “horns” located behind the eyes and a bright lacy “jabot”. The surprising thing is that the bird displays both of these decorations only during times of strong excitement. Pumping blood into the head, the tragopan straightens its frill and raises its horns to make the maximum impression on the ladies and rivals.

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The fox has a built-in compass in the form of fine hairs on its paws. These hairs allow the fox to sense the direction of the wind and navigate in space.

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The subtropical fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis is a species of eared seal found in the southern Indian and Atlantic oceans. The body length of males is up to 2 m, weight is about 160 kg, females are up to 1.4 m in length, weighing about 50 kg. The chest and muzzle are creamy orange, the belly is brownish. The back of males is dark gray or black, females are light gray.

The habitat is wide and partially overlaps with the Kerguelen fur seal. Large colonies live on the Gough Islands in the South Atlantic and Amsterdam Island in the southern Indian Ocean.

Puppies are born black but shed their coats at about 3 months of age. The muzzle is short and flat. The fins are short and wide. Lives about 20-25 years

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🦔 Australian echidna.

The echidna feeds on ants, termites, and less often other insects, small mollusks and worms.
Leads a solitary lifestyle (except for the mating season).

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🌳 This moon moth has just hatched from a cocoon and dried its wings. The color of the wings of these butterflies can be either blue or green.

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A BLACK cat ruined the career of an athlete from Canada.

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🐜Ants are one of the most ancient insects on Earth. They lived side by side with dinosaurs, but, unlike the latter, they did not become extinct, but survived to this day.

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🦩 Pink flamingos on Lake Laguna Colorada in Bolivia

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A praying mantis disguised as a green leaf. Perfect camouflage and lightning attack!
Praying mantises are not poisonous and do not pose a threat to humans. And yet, praying mantises are incredibly strong. They can hunt small reptiles or birds. If praying mantises were the size of a puppy, they could easily hunt humans too, given their strength.

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After birth, baby scorpions spend the first week of their lives on their mother's back.

This kind of riding allows the little scorpions to survive, as the mother’s body regulates their moisture level.

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A squirrel eats a mushroom. It looks unusual, but overall nothing unusual. Squirrels often feed on a variety of edible mushrooms. Basically these are the same mushrooms that mushroom pickers collect. Moreover, squirrels even know how to store mushrooms for the winter, hanging and drying them between tree branches.

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Diamond pheasant. It is also known as the Lady Amherst Pheasant.
Found from southwestern China to northern Burma.
And as always, a beautifully dressed boy and a modest, unremarkable girl!

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Before you is a laughing kookaburra

These birds did not receive their specific name by chance. The sound they make resembles a scream or human laughter.

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This is a flower beetle, Mecynorrhina torquata, belonging to the bronze beetle. The length of males can reach 8.5 cm. Females are slightly smaller - 5 cm.

As you can see, the color of these beetles is very diverse: red-brown, green-brown, blue, purple, and so on. Plus bright white stripes!

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The Kermode bear, also called the ghost bear because of its almost white fur. However, the Kermode bear is not an albino. This is a subspecies of the North American black bear with a unique recessive gene. It was this gene that deprived the bear's fur of pigmentation.

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Birds have evolved unique adaptations such as claws, beaks and quick reflexes to catch fish quickly and efficiently. They rely on their keen vision to locate prey and then use their entire body to catch it and keep it close.

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Numbat is a unique marsupial native to Australia.

These cute and funny animals are the size of a squirrel. But despite their small stature, they can extend their tongue half the length of their body, which allows them to feast on termites, which form the basis of their diet. Although numbats are included among the marsupials, they lack a characteristic brood pouch. The small cubs are held by the long curly hair on the mother's belly.

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🐪 This is how camels climb sand dunes.

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😱Look what's happening!

The leopard 🐆 did not eat the little lonely deer; at the sight of the hyena, he grabbed it by the scruff of the neck with his teeth and dragged it up a tree to save it from death.

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🌵 The Emerald Toucanette is a small toucan from Central America. In contrast, the emerald toucanet is relatively shy compared to traditional toucans. However, the emerald toucanet is a popular toucan pet due to its quiet nature, size, and adorable appearance.

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Seagulls are incredibly smart and adapt well to their environment. They remember, learn, and even pass on their knowledge to their fellow humans. For example, they gather in a crowd and stamp their flippers on the ground, imitating rain, tricking earthworms into crawling to the surface.

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Scottish Highland cow.

A breed that is known for its long hair and impressive horns. They come from the Scottish Highlands and are one of the oldest breeds of cows in the world.
Highlands are known for their ability to survive in any conditions and adapt to different climates. They can graze in open grasslands and even marshy areas.

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La Jolla is a beautiful area and suburb of the city of San Diego (California, USA), washed from the west by the Pacific Ocean. Here you can see giant whales, or you can see such charming squirrels 🥰

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🐧 It's amazing how in a colony of several hundred thousand king penguins they find each other.

They all look the same, parent and chick can recognize each other only by sound, using a two-voice call, their voice carries two different frequencies but at the same time it is enough for the parent to recognize his child in a crowd of sometimes half a million penguins.

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Miracle animal - Geneta 

Looks like a hybrid of a cat, a dog and a ferret. It is easily tamed and makes a good pet.

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