Join us as we explore the wilderness and share the beautiful scenery of nature! For all questions: @magellanvs
This bright bird is called the Red Cardinal.
Males are very easy to distinguish from females. Male red cardinals are dressed in
bright red plumage with black faces and red beaks. Females are much more modestly colored - they have brown-gray plumage for better camouflage.
Red cardinals are songbirds, but females sing more variedly.
Cardinals are primarily found in the southeastern part of North America. They have adapted perfectly to city life and are often found in city parks.
Pika cubs are born in nests of grass and leaves hidden among stones. These tiny, fur-covered bundles are very dependent on their mothers for warmth and food.
An interesting fact about pikas is that they have a unique way of storing food: they collect and dry vegetation in the summer to create a "haystack" that they can eat in the winter, ensuring they have an abundance of food when it's cold and snowing.
Fossa cubs are born in the dense forests of Madagascar, where they are initially tiny, blind, and completely dependent on their mother. Over the first few weeks, they slowly open their eyes and begin to explore their surroundings. As these playful and curious cubs grow, they develop the agility and hunting skills that will make them one of Madagascar's top predators. Despite their small size at birth, fossa babies will eventually grow into agile hunters, capable of climbing trees and hunting lemurs, demonstrating a remarkable transformation from vulnerable newborns to powerful predators.
Читать полностью…🐻 Most bears are omnivores and consume more plant material than animal material. They eat everything from leaves, roots and berries to insects, carrion, fresh meat and fish, and their digestive system and teeth are adapted to this diet.
Читать полностью…😖 Shedding antlers on deer doesn’t look very nice.
This is how the old skin comes off along with the blood vessels.
White tigers have incredible hearing and vision, which, along with their stealth, help them when hunting in the dark in the jungle.
Each individual has a large range, marked with urine and claw marks on trees. It can reach 190-200 sq. km.
A breed of domestic cows bred from zebu animals, originally from India.
A cow's camel-like hump at the withers, although fleshier, also contains fat that the body can use in difficult times, and long skin on the neck and large ears are needed to better dissipate heat and cool down in hot weather. 😉
🦉Owls are true bird champions when it comes to expressive eyes!
Little owls' eyes are immediately large and round, which gives them an incredibly cute and slightly surprised look, as if they are always ready to study something😍
Lions are one of the laziest animals. They spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping 🦁
Читать полностью…🐴 Falabella
Falabella is an exclusively decorative animal. Unlike horses and ponies, the falabella cannot be used for riding or working.
But mini-horses have become an excellent alternative to a dog: they are smart, obedient, and can follow various commands.
Mandrill is the most dangerous species of primate from the monkey family 🐒
Aggressive, strong and very fast 💪🏼
The proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) is a species of primate from the subfamily of slender-bodied monkeys in the family Apes.
Distributed exclusively on the island of Kalimantan (Borneo), where it inhabits coastal regions and valleys.
The most striking feature of the proboscis whale is its large, cucumber-like nose, which only males have.
Proboscis monkeys live in forests and are active during the daytime. They spend the night and morning resting, and their peak activity occurs in the afternoon or evening.
The food of proboscis monkeys consists mainly of leaves and fruits. In small quantities they also feed on plant flowers.
Tigresses are able to conceive offspring only 4-5 days a year.
During this period, they try to mate as many times as possible. Pregnancy lasts 3 months, and one litter usually contains 2–3 tiger cubs.
White leaf-nosed bats are completely harmless bats. They feed on the fruits of the fig tree and fly out of their shelter only at night. Leaf-noses are so named because of their unusual nose shape. If you look at this bat up close, it looks like there is a yellow leaf stuck to its nose! 🍁
Читать полностью…What a huge variety of insects there is on our planet 😍
The Nymph of the cicada Metcalfa pruinosa is crawling in the footage!
Let us remind you! A nymph is the second stage of development of the larvae of some insects.
Baribala black bears are very peaceful.
They do not tend to attack people, but rather run away. Even when a person attacks first, this animal rarely responds in kind.
🌱 Alpacas and llamas are not just pets for Peruvians - they are their faithful friends and even family members. 😍
🌱 This is the picture you can see throughout Peru. They even take animals with them when they go on a visit 😉
Marine iguanas are another of the hallmarks of the Galapagos Islands. This is a unique species of iguana that can dive into the ocean and thereby obtain algae for food.
Читать полностью…An inhabitant of many places in North America, a bird from the cormorant family. The eared cormorant is a fairly large bird, the body length of which can reach 90 centimeters, and the weight can reach 2.5 kg. The color of the plumage of eared cormorants is predominantly black or dark brown, with a characteristic bronze or greenish tint.
Against the background of a dark color, areas of bare skin around the eyes and at the base of the beak, painted in a bright orange color, stand out sharply. Eared cormorants, inhabitants of the coastal zone of inland water bodies, where they settle in large colonies and build their nests directly on bare ground.
The lifestyle of eared cormorants and their habitats also imply the composition of their main diet, which includes: a variety of fish, insects, crustaceans and amphibians.
Beautiful video of a mother bear and her cub. The mother cares for her young for at least two years, feeding and protecting them. When the cubs are two and a half years old, they are usually separated from their mother. In areas where food is scarce, cubs may stay with their mother longer.
Читать полностью…Atelopus barbotini is a rare species of frog.
The purple color warns predators to stay away as the frogs secrete a powerful toxic poison.
The hyacinth macaw is easily tamed and gets along very well with humans, despite its aggressive nature 🤬
Читать полностью…Sloth 🦥
The animal can hang in this position for more than 24 hours!
Little Amur tiger cub
Among the six existing subspecies of tigers, the Amur is the largest and strongest. A wild cat weighs 180-300 kg, has a body length of 1.5-2 m and a tail length of 1-1.15 m. The largest Amur tiger weighed 384 kg.
European Buzzard or Honey Buzzard 🦅
The honey buzzard's diet consists of wasp, bee and hornet larvae, as well as other insects, small reptiles and mammals. The bird will directly attack and forage from wasp and bee nests, and will also use its strong paws and claws to loosen the soil and dig up grubs, beetles and termites.
Waxwings come to us in winter to feast on rowan berries.
These bright, plump birds live in flocks. In summer they feed mainly on insects, and in winter they switch to a diet of berries and fruits.
The mourning eagle is a large bird, measuring approximately 80 cm in size with a wingspan ranging from 147 to 180 cm.
🌳This is a skilled hunter who chooses an ambush site on a hill and patiently waits for his prey, as other large representatives of the hawk family do. It then quickly attacks its prey in a diving flight. In addition, this eagle hunts by soaring above the forest and making sudden maneuvers in the treetops.
Leopards are solitary by nature and live and hunt alone. They are also crazy owners. Each leopard has its own territory, its own paths and its own resting places. Despite the fact that leopards are far from the largest animals, they can fight with wolves, tigers and even bears.
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