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The peacock is a magnificent bird known for its colorful feathers and prominent tails, which the males unfurl during mating season. Their plumage can have various shades from green to blue, and the ocelli on the feathers create the illusion of "eyes". Peacocks also symbolize grandeur and grace in different cultures.

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To lift your spirits: meet the dancing owl! 💃😄

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The Malaysian leaf-shaped grasshopper is common in Malaysia, on the islands of Borneo and Java.
Females lay eggs in plants with thick, leathery leaves by cutting the edge of the leaf blade and placing the eggs in the leaf tissue.  After a couple of months, the eggs hatch into young grasshoppers. They have a bizarre appearance due to the wing rudiments raised high like a hump. After 3-4 months, the larvae become adults, which can live on average for another 6 months.

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Meet the coywolf, a fascinating hybrid between wolves and coyotes. These animals will inherit the unique traits of both species of the parent species.

Fun fact: Coywolves are about 60% Western coyotes, 30% Eastern wolves, and 10% domestic dogs.

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Pheasant cuckoo (turn on the sound)

This cuckoo lives in the western islands of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northern and eastern Australia.

Body length is from 50 to 70 cm. It can fly, but leads a terrestrial lifestyle.

It feeds on insects, bird eggs, small crabs, frogs, lizards, mice and chicks.

The pheasant cuckoo incubates its own eggs and is not a nest parasite. Hatches from 2 to 5 eggs. It builds nests in dense grass. It is mainly the male who incubates the eggs.

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The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is an amazing predatory mammal that lives in the forests of Southeast Asia. Its distinctive spotted coloration is reminiscent of a leopard, but has a smoky effect. The animal perfectly climbs trees and actively hunts small mammals. Due to habitat destruction it is endangered.

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Turn on the sound 🔊

Did you know that some praying mantises can actually make sounds? 🎵

This is an adult female Idolomantis diabolica.
Not only do they look impressive, but they also threaten to snap and sizzle.

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Woodpecker chicks are cute and curious creatures. Their feathers are bright and their bodies are small and short. The mother takes care of them, feeds them with insects and larvae, which she finds under the bark of trees. At first they are defenseless, but over time they become more independent. Soon they learn to fly and look for food on their own. This is an important stage in their life.

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Anna's hummingbirds have a length of 9.9 -10.9 cm with a wingspan of 12 cm and a weight of 2.8-5.7 g.

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Fawns are cute and graceful creatures that have good movement skills from the first days of life. They are born with spotted fur, which helps them blend in with their environment and hide from predators. Fawns quickly learn the basics of survival and become independent after a few months, following their mother.

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Help yourself, friend.😍

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🦁 The cougar is the second largest representative of the cat family in America. The only thing larger than her is the jaguar.
On the plain, the puma can reach speeds of up to 65 km/h, but it gets tired quickly. In the event of a chase, she tries to quickly climb a tree and hide from her pursuers there.

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In their natural environment, lemurs can only be found on the island of Madagascar. They don't live anywhere else.

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Amur leopard.

This is the most peaceful subspecies of leopard. Throughout history, not a single case of an Far Eastern leopard attacking a person has been recorded.

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A baby echidna, called a baby echidna, is born in its mother's pouch. He is blind and defenseless, covered with soft down. In the first weeks of life it feeds on milk and gradually begins to form spines. Consumes insects, especially ants and termites. Echidnas are amazing creatures that can survive in difficult conditions. They are very cozy and playful.

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Oh, I got it a little mixed up 😌

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Moose are the largest representatives of the deer family. They can reach a height of up to 2 meters at the shoulders and weigh more than 700 kg. Males develop large, fan-shaped horns that are shed annually. Moose are excellent swimmers, covering distances of up to 16 km. Their diet includes grass, leaves and tree bark.

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Elephants are very smart and friendly animals. They, as people, can experience different emotions: from joy to sadness.
Animals can recognize themselves in the mirror, draw pictures, dance to music, smile and do other amazing things.

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The Indian chameleon (Chamaeleo zeylanicus) is a striking member of the chameleon family, native to India and Sri Lanka. It is known for its ability to change color for camouflage and communication. These lizards feed on insects and have a long tongue that allows them to quickly catch prey. Indian chameleons prefer dry and bushy habitats.

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Rescue of a camel stuck in wet sand😍

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Praying mantises wash themselves like cats
They regularly rub their eyes with their front paws. It looks quite funny, the praying mantis can spend a long time occupied with one eye, then switch to the other.👍

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Horned spadefoot are large frogs, 9-11 cm long. During the day they hide under leaves, and in the evening or in the rain they come out in search of food, including cockroaches, snails, crickets and even scorpions.

🍂In order not to attract attention, they try to move as little as possible. Their smooth skin has reddish-brown undertones, which helps them blend in with their surroundings. Because of their flat body, they can hug the ground firmly.
🍁These frogs cannot jump or swim well, so their survival depends entirely on camouflage. They remain motionless in the grass or leaves until they feel threatened.

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For anteaters, the father is literally the support of the family: he carries both his wife and baby.

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The Mourning Eagle is a large bird, measuring approximately 80 cm in size with a wingspan ranging from 147 to 180 cm.

This is a skilled hunter who chooses an ambush site on a hill and patiently waits for his prey, as do other large representatives of the hawk family. It then quickly attacks its prey in a diving flight. In addition, this eagle hunts by soaring above the forest and making sudden maneuvers in the treetops.

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Giant flying foxes are the largest representatives of their kind🙌

Their body length reaches 40 cm, and their wingspan is one and a half meters...

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Porcupines are unique mammals known for their spines. These needle-like structures protect them from predators and are made of keratin. Porcupines are active at night and primarily feed on vegetation. They have powerful teeth that help them chew wood. Some species are able to climb trees, which makes them agile.

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In good weather, turtles simply love to sit on rocks or logs and bask in the sun.

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The warthog is similar to a boar, but its face has six subcutaneous fat deposits located symmetrically around the perimeter of the face, resembling warts, as well as curved fangs.  A warthog lives in Africa.

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The Inca Tern is an incredible bird, possessing truly unusual “whiskers”, which, of course, is not a typical attribute for birds.

🐦In fact, her “whiskers” are snow-white tufts of feathers that start at the bright red beak, wrap around the eye area and curl spectacularly forward, giving her a special charm. These feather decorations can reach an impressive 5cm in length!

🐦When the Inca tern takes to the air, it creates a real spectacle. Soaring gracefully over the ocean, she carefully keeps an eye out for potential prey. Seeing a suitable fish, it instantly freezes in the air, and then dives into the water with incredible speed, deftly snatching it from the surface.
The Inca tern can be found on the rocky coasts of South America, where it builds its nests over a wide area covering areas from Peru to northern Chile.

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🦥Little sloths are the embodiment of calmness and tenderness!

Even small sloths move very slowly. They may spend minutes simply stretching or slowly turning their head to watch the world around them.

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