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Cory Smith (aka PUA_DATING_TIPS) is the author of over 10 books on the subject of meeting and seducing women. Many of his books have reached Amazon’s #1 best-seller lists. Cory has dedicated over 10 years of his life to approaching over 4,000 women.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Life is too short to take too long to make a move. GROW SOME BALLS and make a fucking move. Don't be one of those guys that needs to have endless conversations to nowhere - that span for many weeks - before you ask her out or endless dates before you physically escalate. Don’t become texting penpals. She’ll just use you for conversation, attention and free entertainment.

Put a price tag on yourself. She has to meetup at a reasonable time and make reasonable progress towards sexual intimacy or you’re moving on to prospects that don’t have intimacy (or logistical) impediments.

A few properly placed and well-timed touches can make a woman aroused. Touch her in the right area on her skin during emotionally high moments. Use conversation as misdirection while touching her; bullshit baffles brains.

Don't just approach to have a nice conversation to nowhere. Approach with the intention of banging her. Consistently move the interaction forward closer to sex. Your time isn't free. Always be pushing the interaction closer towards sex. Don't be one of those guys who: - has endless conversations that lead to nowhere, - becomes the penpal chatting buddy that never makes a move or - waiting around for months hoping that things will work out in the end.

Often women don't know what they want until you show them what's possible. LEAD. Don't ask permission to "touch her". Just touch her during the course of the conversation and watch her respond with positive ⚡️EXCITEMENT.

Always be advancing the interaction towards sex. Life is too short to be spend to be trapped in an endless conversation to nowhere or going on a dozen friendly dates. Always be moving things forward towards sex and if she resists repeatedly, NEXT HER.

Reading body-language is crucial. She could be DOWN TO FUCK RIGHT NOW but you are still busy having a conversation trying to create more attraction and more rapport. Don't be blind. Open your eyes to the signals she is sending and tailor your game accordingly. If she is down to fuck, don’t run more attraction-generating game; just fucking close now!

Don't frame the touching as a big deal. Make it appear natural, spontaneous and smooth. Don't draw attention to it, or look at the touch while touching. The conversation will distract her from the touch being uploaded to her unconscious. Physical escalation creates excitement for women that encourages them to keep going in the interaction.

One of the best times to touch a woman is when you’re making a point, or to reward her for good behavior. Start with smaller physical escalations before proceeding to bigger forms of physical escalation. “You get a hug for that.”

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Some guys are projecting themselves unto others - erroneously concluding that women are just like them and think just like them. Don’t project your own mind unto women because women don’t see the world as you do, and don’t operate based on the same rules as you operate in. Don’t assume women think a certain way - just because you think that way.

It’s important that we establish the truth immediately that women might as well live on a different planet because of how different they are from men.

Women speak womenese, motherfucker.

The way that a woman shows love to a man is different than the way a man shows love to a woman.

The way that a woman navigates through the world and makes decisions is entirely different than the way a man operates.

The way that a woman communicates is entirely different than the way a man communicates.

Women communicate in a secret language that is understand by other women and by men who fuck women. My goal is to teach you how to decipher this secret language so that you can understand the meaning behind her words, and if you wanted to, could communicate to her in Womanese so she could TRULY UNDERSTAND YOUR THOUGHTS.

Remember: woman want to fuck guys who “just get IT”. If she has to explain what she means then inherently the guy “is a loser who doesn’t get IT”. Being a guy who “JUST GETS IT” implies social proof, social intelligence, and status. Be that guy.

The irony is that women expect a guy to just “get it” without explaining what “it” is. They’ll shame men for reading seduction self-help books like this one that reveals the truth about women, while simultaneously reading advice columns in popular female magazine.


Sun Tzu once said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Practical knowledge is potential power; applying practical knowledge in the field leads to actual power.

It’s a tremendous help to have an acute understanding of “Female OS” operating system to be able to seduce her mind, and unlock her legs. Understand this well: dominating a woman’s mind leads to dominating her body.

Mind fuck her, body fuck her and then you OWN HER SOUL. To mind fuck her, you have to understand her mind. A woman’s communication is the window into seeing how her mind operates - so being able to decipher the truth behind her words is essential.

If you know how a woman thinks, her value system, her belief system, and her emotional-buttons then you’ll be able predict how she will behave in response to your sequence of behaviors.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


Men and women are VERY different. You have to let go of the bullshit feminist propaganda, feminists want to brainwash you into believing, that men and women “are the same” and “equal”. Men and women are VERY different;

THOUGHT. They think differently.

BEHAVIOR. They behave differently.

ACTION. They make decisions differently.

PHILOSOPHY. The process of how they look at the world (and interpret events) is different.

SPEECH. And most importantly: they communicate differently.

This is crucial for you to understand because viewing a woman as “a man with a vagina” leads is the equivalent of playing chess with a blindfold on. If you treat a woman in the same exact way that you treat a man then YOUR GAME IS FUCKED.

Don’t treat a woman like she is a man - who just happens to have a vagina. Treat a woman differently than you would treat a man because the woman operates on Feminine OS and speaks Womenese, while a man operates on Masculine OS and speaks Manese.


FUCK political correctness. This is the truth (be willing to verbalize this 5 times over for the concept to sink in):

Men communicate in the masculine style 🔪 , and women communicate in the feminine style 🍑.

It’s problematic when newbie seducers think women ALSO communicate in the masculine style. These clueless guys will interpret a woman’s words incorrectly because they fail to realize that she is communicating in the FEMININE which is an entirely divergent language and operates based on a different set of variables (e.g. emotion, ego, primal imperatives etc).

The core of problems in long-term sexual relationships is using Manese Tools to understand Womenese.

These clueless guys use the rules of masculine communication (“Manese”) to interpret feminine communication and then are left scratching their heads when her actions are misaligned to her words. They’re trying to interpret Womenese with the tools of Manese (e.g. they think women mean what they say literally, say what mean literally, and uphold their word as honor dictates).

Click Here to Learn Womanese

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

•   🛑 #1) DON’T 🛑 Talk quietly. Talking quietly is the most effective way to have women ignore you. If you don’t even take yourself seriously then why should women?

•   🛑  #2) DON’T 🛑 Have a high pitched tonality. Research done on studying high pitched tonality versus low pitched tonality revealed that the latter is more influential towards impacting people, and is more attractive to women.

•   🛑  #3) DON’T 🛑 Have evasive eye-contact and darting eyes. Eye-contact is one way that close connections are formed. It’s especially important to hold eye-contact when leading her logistically; take her hand and fucking lead.

•   🛑  #4) DON’T 🛑 Use fast moving gestures that reveal nervousness - instead of slow moving gestures. High status body-language is like moving through water. Fast jerky movements reveal nervousness and overcompensating due to insecurities. Another example: when a woman calls you from a different direction, don’t quickly move your head like rapid fire, but rather slowly move and acknowledge her presence.

•   🛑  #5) DON’T 🛑 Not take up any space at all - which is submissive body-language and reveals weakness. Women want to mate with the Apex Alpha which is why it’s imperative that you exude dominant, powerful, and strong body-language. Be the most dominant man in the room.

•   🛑  #6) DON’T 🛑 Having monotone delivery and only using 1 type of tone the entire time. A predictable tonality makes one boring to listen to. Variety is the spice of life.

•   🛑  #7) DON’T 🛑 Keep a poker-face during the entire interaction - which is part of a larger problem of being too serious and intense instead of being playful and flirtatious. Generally speaking, women at parties would prefer to relax and have light fun banter instead of engaging in intense conversations about the meaning of the universe. Light conversations precede deep conversations.

•   🛑  #8) DON’T 🛑 Be in a non-resourceful emotional state which doesn’t lead to effective communication. Remember: the emotions that you feel within yourself, manifest themselves in your body-language. By managing your inner-emotional state, you automatically manage your outer-body-language.

•   🛑  #9) DON’T 🛑 Keep your head down, and look down. Don’t Lean in and be hunching. Stop sitting with bad posture when you’re in front of a computer for hours at a day.

•   🛑  #10) DON’T 🛑 Mumble, or stutter your words. Don’t speak in a manner that is difficult to understand. If people have to say “what?” That’s a strong sign that you aren’t communicating clearly.

•   🛑 #11) DON’T 🛑 Touch your face during communications, or pace back and forth (both behaviors reveal nervousness). When approaching a woman, if you feel nervous then just imagine how she must feel.

•   🛑 #12) DON’T 🛑 Speak quickly like you’re rushing to get through your message because otherwise people will stop listening. Play the pauses.

•   🛑 #13) DON’T 🛑 Always keep a Resting Bitch Face on, and forget to smile. If you’re suffering, other people around you will feel those negative emotions and be turned off. This is especially true if you have a anti-seductive habit of complaining and focusing on the negative in life. Smile from a place of overflowing positive emotions.

•   🛑 #14) 🛑 DON’T 🛑 Use meaningless filler words that take up time, but don’t actually contribute any sort of value. Examples include: “Umm..”, “Uhh…”, “Like…” Use pauses instead of filler words.

•   🛑#15) 🛑 DON’T 🛑 When engaging in a lengthy conversation, be standing while the girl is sitting down. The fact that she is relaxed, but you’re putting yourself in a relatively uncomfortable position just to talk to her is giving away subjective social status. Alpha males don’t make themselves uncomfortable just to talk to girls.

It’s your delivery of the content and belief that the content is worth listening to that carries it enough for women to WANT TO LISTEN TO.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Have powerful body-language when communicating with women. Often how you say something is more important than what you are actually saying; hence, your delivery skills are crucial. You can have the best pickup lines in the world, but if the delivery is off then the pickup lines won’t hit. If you body-language is weak then women won’t take you seriously. Here is a checklist for good body-language when communicating with women. Each one of these is incredibly important.

•   ✅ #1) Be LOUD.

•   ✅ #2) Have a DEEP TONALITY.

•   ✅ #3) Hold STRONG EYE-CONTACT.

•   ✅ #4) Take your time when talking. Talk slower at times to emphasize key points. GOOD PACING is vital. 🔑

•   ✅ #5) Use PAUSES to build anticipation.

•   ✅ #6) TOUCH to emphasize key points.

•   ✅ #7) Use GESTURES to emphasize key points.

•   ✅ #8) TAKE UP SPACE when talking to women. Keep your feet apart. Have a Power-Posture.

•   ✅ #9) HAVE VARIETY in your tonality, temp and volume.

•   ✅ #10) Communicate with NON-VERBAL body-language such as your posture, and practiced FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.

•   ✅ #11) Practice emotional regulation techniques and meditation skills to communicate from a position of having a RESOURCEFUL EMOTIONAL STATE, and peace of mind. Being relaxed will help you avoid nervous ticks, facial flinches, or signaling stress.

•   ✅ #12) Keep your head up, and chest out. Keep your back straight. Lean back. OWN THE SPACE.

•   ✅ #12) Feel good. Enjoy the experience in the present moment. Flash a GENUINE SMILE.

•   ✅ #13) Amplify your volume and SPEAK CLEARLY. Articulate yourself well.

•   ✅ #14) Sit down, lean against the wall, or get into a comfortable position. This is known as LOCKING IN. Confident men don’t position themselves in an uncomfortable position when communicating.

•   ✅ #15) Command the environment. Move things around. Control and adjust things in the environment. Behave like THE PLACE YOU ARE IN IS YOUR HOME.

🛑No more being stuck in interactions-to-nowhere (e.g. a time-wasting woman is just thirsty for attention and free entertainment)! You’ll know how to use the Womanese language to assess if a woman is a waste of time.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith



This is a book about understanding the Womenese language. Understand this right now and right here: women speak the loudest with their actions. You’ve heard the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A single action reveals more about a woman than 10,000 words. A woman could verbally bullshit you from morning to night, but her actions and body-language reveal the truth about the situation.

If she:

allows physical escalation to occur on an intimate level,

initiates touching by herself,

qualifies herself to you (e.g. gives you reasons why you should be with her by explaining different ways that she is awesome),

moves with you to an isolated spot,

brings up the subject of sex by herself, or

initiates interactions first AND makes time to see you on one-on-one dates:

then she is into you, and there is sexual potential. This is true even if she is verbally dismissive and says “the wrong things”. I repeat: this is true even if on the surface the words that she uses seem to portray you in a negative light. When actions differ from words, trust the former.

Words convey what a woman wants to be. Actions convey who she is now. The smart seducer behaves according to how women are - not how they wish to be. He pays attention to their actions and body-language to ascertain the truth. Much of Womenese is unspoken.



Be acutely aware of the value that you are giving her that she needs, and values. Retain that leverage.



Time is life itself. To give it out to a woman, she must be WORTHY. If she isn’t worthy or proves to be unworthy later on in the relationship, then walk away. Always always always retain leverage and the ability to walk away. Women are like children, and need to be dealt with by having a firm hand.

Women have the irrational emotions of a child. This inner-child is always within her but masked because she has learned to appear adultish for the sake of her professional life. Smart seducers know to look past the fake facade of her appearing like a mature adult, and communicate to the inner-child that is within her; this style of communication is known as flirting. One key concept of flirting is to be high status, and a high status man’s power is in his ability to walk way because he has other options and the game skills to generate more options.

A master seducer is efficient. When he meets a woman, he thinks her through a live funnel. This funnel involves constantly leading the interaction towards sex. Life is too short to play indirect game that spans months. You have to consistently be moving the connection towards physical intimacy by doing a series of moves. If you spend 5 time tokens achieving something that should have only taken 1 time token then you’re just inefficient; don’t spend 5 dates to fuck her if you could have fucked her on the first day.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Women can use humor, “constructive” criticism, and “positive intentions” to disguise blatant manipulation and Power Grabs. These women will make Power Grabs (such as these) to establish themselves as higher in relative social status, get their ego validated and feel important.

Once these women get relative social power, they become disgusted by the men who gave up their self-respect and power. The insight here is simple: women desire men that are more powerful than them. Even a savage feminist seeks out a more competent man who is higher than her in subjective social status - both relative to her and relative to society’s standards of success. 


To attract beautiful women into your life it’s imperative to:

seize social status immediately,


avoid exuding an apologetic or doubtful self-image,

ALWAYS have powerful, dominant body-language, 

ALWAYS retain Walk Away Power by having multiple women in your orbit,

behave like a KING,

dress like you’re wealthy,

avoid peasant and low status behaviors that indicate that you are a man of inferior social standing,

avoid dressing average,

avoid worshipping women,

There’s a lot more key behaviors than I’m including in this chapter, but to summarize they follow one basic guiding principle.

Seize social power, and retain it. Women think they want social power, but quickly lose respect and attraction to a man who gives away his power.

Click here to read forbidden techniques of frame control

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Women value what they work to acquire much more than what comes free. Create a Vacuum.

Technique #4: Utilize Calculated Pauses.

Use the “pregnant pause”. When story-telling or sharing your opinion on a matter PAUSE at the right moments (as soon as you say something particularly edgy) to allow her to contribute back to the conversation. Create opportunities for the girl to contribute to the conversation. Use eye-contact to reinforce the expectation that it’s her turn to talk.

If you are the only person who is talking then it can come across as try-hard. A woman has to invest in a guy in order to value him. Women value what they work for. Hence, it's necessary for her attraction levels to jump through hoops on your behalf.

7 Conversation Sins:

taking too long to explain something,

using filler and boring fluff content,

repeating yourself,

taking too long to hit the punch line,

not having a punch line at the end of a small ramble,

not pausing at interaction points to let her talk,

not having an obvious ending to what you’re saying, so a woman picks up on the cue that it is HER TURN to speak in the conversation,

 In the initial phase of the conversation, talk in short-bursts that all have punch lines in the end. Going on a lengthy monologue, without receiving conversational feedback from her is weird and you may lose her attention span. Be self-amused. Talk about things that you enjoy.

Anticipate times when she is most likely to respond and pause during those moments to allow her invest into the conversation because (1) her investment in you is more important than you generating attraction, and, (2) a conversation should be a two-way street.

Advanced notes:

Time in the field will tell you proper ratios. An ideal conversation is roughly a 50/50% divide – albeit at the start of pickup it will be around 80/20% where you are doing the majority of the talking. The reason why you are doing most of the talking initially is because you approached her (hence, the burden of carrying the conversation is on you) and she may not be in a social mode yet. 


The seducer says something and then ends at a provoking moment to allow a woman to contribute to the conversation.

He holds eye-contact.

He then waits for the woman to say something back.

Often at this point the woman will respond (giving into the social pressure) but if she doesn’t seem likely to contribute on her own initiative at this point of the interaction (providing a body-language cue such as averting her gaze) then the seducer will either move on to his next conversational point, or ask a question.

If all you do is chase a woman then you don’t structure an opportunity for a woman to chase you. By creating space, you allow a woman to invest in you! The more she invests in you, the more she rationalize that you are worth investing in. When one creates a vacuum then women will fill it with their efforts.

This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's Conversation Casanova Mastery.

Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


When you notice that she brings a subject up on her own then take mental note of this. This is an indicator that it’s a conversational topic that she is passionate about. If you notice that her eyes light up and she becomes animated as soon as a specific subject of conversation is brought up then take note of that too! Women constantly leave clues on how they desire to be seduced. Ignore what she says “she wants”, and look at what she behaviorally responds to (in terms of her actions, body-language, and micro-expressions).

Conversation is not a blind man’s game; to succeed pay attention to the ongoing dynamic between you and her, and tailor your strategies based on the current social feedback you are getting.

Make a list of topics that you have a lot of knowledge in, you are passionate about, enjoy talking about, and what women will generally find interesting. When you are in a conversation bring these subjects into the conversation. For example if you care about travel then no matter what she says then you can bring it up with a simple “That reminds me of the time I was in Florida, […]”.

A smooth transition depends on relating what she just said to what you have just said; albeit, you don’t always need to have a smooth transition. You can just can bring up a random subject and as long as you have the confidence and a strong frame, it will work too. General rule of thumb: with a strong frame, you can get away with almost anything.


What you don’t want to do is to talk about subjects that women don’t find interesting. If upon talking about a particular subject, you see that a woman is expressing disinterested body-language then that’s a sign that you should switch the subject. In contrast, if you see a woman’s eyes light up (and emotional state spike) as soon as you mention a particular topic or buzzword, then that’s your cue that this subject is worth talking about with her. Make a mental note in your mind to learn more about that subject, so that the next you see her: you’ll be able to better engage.

The optimal path is when you are interested in the same subject as she is interested in. Then when you share enthusiastic insights about that subject, then you create a mutually beneficial and mutually enjoyable experience that is shared between the both of you.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


Let them think what they want. Don't let it stop you from aggressively pursuing your goals in the game of life.  The next time you see a beautiful woman and want to approach her, do it. Don't let the fear of "What would people say about me? What if she doesn't like it?" stop you.

FUCK what they say. FUCK her opinion. FUCK society's rules. Don't worry what she will think of you if you approach, say something, or make a move. It's not what she thinks that matters, but what you think that matters.

Alphas run the world because they take decisive action. They aren't frozen by social fears, or analysis paralysis.  Instead of living your life to please the perspective of others, realize that their thoughts hold little weight. In a century, they will all be dead.

Live your life to pursue your own goals, vision and purpose - not for the sake of getting external approval from random strangers, or praise from people in your life. Don’t be easily manipulated by dosages of approval or disapproval from women.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


Take a dictionary and a camera. Open up to a random page and with your eyes closed choose a random word. Record yourself speaking about that subject for 5 minutes straight. The goal is to be able to prove to yourself that you can talk about anything for as long as you want to because the ability to have a conversation is based on a state of mind and a state of emotions. The brain wants proof – not promises.

Imagine spotting a beautiful woman waiting for the bus - as you are walking home from work. Imagine saying something to that woman to strike up a conversation; then think to yourself “how would she respond? How would I respond to her response?” Then “How would she respond to my response of her response?” And so on. This is similar to playing chess against yourself. The goal is to slow things down enough to understand the general dynamics of conversation, and realize that any given point you have multiple moves to play (with some moves being more conducive to the probability of sexual success than others) - rather than a linear path.
Make a list of topics that you are enjoy talking about, and have a lot of knowledge in. You can get addicted to a certain kind of misery. That is misery of the excuse of “not knowing what to say to women”, so that you would have the ability to sidestep the potential pain of rejection, and having your ego attacked by the opinion of random female strangers. When you accept the possibility of rejection then women lose their power over you.

Make a list of at LEAST 3 affirmations to repeat every morning. Here are some really powerful ones to choose from:
• “I will speak my mind freely with women.”
• “When I am with women, I will express my opinions and share my thoughts openly with extreme confidence.”
• “When it comes to interacting with others, I will say WHATEVER THE FUCK I FEEL LIKE SAYING. What I have to say is valuable just because it came from me.”
• “I have lots of things to talk about because the world is an interesting and exciting place. There is NO FUCKING LIMIT to how much there is to talk about.”
• “I don’t give a fuck if people disagree with my perceptions. I am an expander of consciousness and gain a lot just by talking about things that are personally meaningful to me.”
• “I don’t give a fuck what people think!”
• “Meeting new people is FUN and engaging in conversations has a lot of personal benefits to me!! I can gain insights about female psychology, have a good time, talk about what I love, and sharpen my social/seduction skills all at the same time! If someone doesn’t like what I am doing, FUCK THEM. I DON’T GIVE A FUCK BECAUSE I AM TOO BUSY HAVING FUN!!!”

Set a specific time during the day when you call up some of your contacts - just to practice your conversation skills, strengthen the connections in your rotation, and follow up on potential leads. For instance this could be from 10:30PM to 11:00PM. Just call people up and schmooze. Afterwards, make notes of valuable insights that you have learned about how to interact with women successfully (also known as writing a Field Report). There is always a higher level of knowledge and skill in game. Don’t settle for less just because you’re the smoothest lion in your social circle. KEEP YOUR SKILLS SHARP.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


• 1. Kill time-sinks.

• 2. Utilize the mornings and evenings.

• 3. Habit stack. A habit stack is a series of positive habits that you do every morning and evening.

• 4. Capitalize on the commute. Fully utilize traveling time.

• 5. Avoid toxic people. These are people who take up a lot of your psychological energy but give little in return.

• 6. MENTOR UP. Find someone who is already successful in what you want to do, and learn from them.

• 7. Reflect daily.

• 8. Review your goals, and principles frequently.

• 9. Take daily, substantial action toward your vision. 

• 10. Continue to learn high-ROI (high return on investment) subjects.

• 11. Sharpen your marketable skills.

• 12. Take good care of your body.

• 13. Don't neglect your spirit and mental health.

• 14. Cultivate social alliances with powerful and useful contacts.

• 15. Let go of excuses, limiting beliefs, and the past. 

• 16. Utilize the power of affirmations, mantras, and self-suggestion to condition the unconscious mind.

• 17. Invest in improvement of thy self. Invest in yourself by getting better every day.

• 18. Keep a learning journal.

• 19. Don't waste time in dead-end relationships.

• 20. Approach. 

• 21. Develop your willpower. Have the ability to take action - even when you don't feel like it and your emotions tell you to do nothing.

•22. When willpower fails, you will fall to the level of your system of habits. Develop a set of good lifestyle habits ("automated success").

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Often the best response to a shit test is to ignore it. Don’t reinforce the low value frame that she is projecting by giving it creditability with a logical response or show of emotion. Instead, disacknowledge the frame with silence.

If you do respond,

then use misdirection by abruptly changing the subject, or

humor (sarcastic agree and amplify to absurdity).

“Do you say this to all the women?” “You are number 1,027.”

“How many women have you been in a relationship with?” “3 and a half.”

There are different kinds of shit tests.

Power Play

A woman asks questions about stuff she doesn’t care about to (get you to qualify yourself or defend yourself) for a quick ego boost. A Power Play can also come in the form of a woman telling you to do something for her. If a man gives up his power, she quickly loses respect and attraction for him.

Verbal Abuse

A woman says something that puts you in a negative light. If a man accepts this frame, she quickly loses respect and attraction for him.

It’s good practice for a man’s SMV to get into the habit of keeping social power to himself.

By behaving like a high status man - even around other men (friends, family or coworkers) - you create dominant attitudes and behaviors that lead to victory with women. If you spend all day being a beta male at work, don’t expect to suddenly turn Alpha when there’s a beautiful woman in front of you.

This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]

Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

1. Minimize extra, unnecessary words that take up space but communicate nothing. This is similar to the productivity tip of removing unnecessary actions from your life.

2. Get rid of filler words such as "umm..." and “uhh”. These words just take up space, but don’t contribute any value. If anything, they remove the impact of what you are saying because they reveal the insecurity that the person you are dealing with will leave you if you pause for too long.

3. Kill self-doubt words such as "maybe, probably, I think" that make you sound less confident. You don’t need to say things like “In my opinion” because that’s already apparent. You would be better served by having a dosage of cockiness and speaking as if you are 100% certain that what you are saying is the FINAL TRUTH. This is far sexier to women than a nerd who utilizes words like “in the vast majority of cases, the probability of X occurring is high enough for the notion to be taken seriously. ”Aim for maximum emotional impact; “X is REAL!!!”

4. Achieve maximum impact by embellishing the message and dialing it up to be polarizing. A man who is controversial will get far more attention and verbal engagement than a man who is too terrified to break social norms.

5. Speak loudly, holding eye contact, with a deep tonality, taking pauses when necessary, and touching the person on the shoulder to emphasize points. If you don’t have strong body language, women won’t take you seriously.

6. Develop a confident, loud, dominant, deep tonality. Study politicians who speak with absolute certainty. Women can tell if you are confident just by the way that you talk; a man’s tonality reveals a lot about him.

7. Be articulate. Don’t stutter, suddenly drop the ball, or ramble incoherent gibberish. Speak clearly. If people ever have to ask you “What?” Then that’s a strong sign that you aren’t speaking clearly enough (which communicates low self-confidence) and it’s killing the dominant frame that you should be establishing from the very start.

Confident men believe that what they have to say holds tremendous value and therefore they say it in a manner that can be easily heard by others

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith



Your first mistake was thinking that she was an angel of moral purity - without an agenda of her own.


Secondly, allowing for minor behaviors of disrespect lead to major behaviors of disrespect - which ultimately killed her attraction and appreciation of your high worth.


Thirdly, you didn't know what you wanted out of the connection. You entered into a frame of friendship - instead of establishing a Rated R flirtatious frame from the start. You waited too long to make a move - playing perpetual indirect game and wasting time in the process. Women don’t respect men that don’t go after what they want - in a sexual medium; be physically aggressive in bed. Whip it out and fuck her HARD.


Your fourth mistake was not keeping a rotation of other beautiful women or maintaining an active social life. She was the only source of sex, and female energy in your life - which led to oneitis, and an imbalance of power. You lost "walkaway power" and she had you by the balls.


Women desire POWERFUL MEN.

When you yield power to her, you ironically self-sabotage the connection in the long-term. She might get an immediate ego-boost, but sexual attraction is compromised in the long term. Further, by developing the habits of a simp soy-boy (even for the sake of a particular woman), you compromise your general sexual market value for women in general.

When you don't allow a woman's pussy turn you into a beta male, you'll stop pedestalizing her, and start valuing yourself. Ironically, putting yourself FIRST attracts more women than putting a woman FIRST. Why? Because: WOMEN VALUE MEN THAT VALUE THEMSELVES.

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Pickup should be fun! Have a good time! Don’t make it painful by being overly self-critical, neurotic, OCD, anxious about being judged, or self-conscious.
By entering into talkative state, you’ll naturally say the right things in conversation. Talkative state is a certain state of mind that is conducive to being a conversationalist. One is able to enter this state of mind by warming up and doing some socializing.
Brief note on texting:
Practical application: when you get a text from a woman, don’t take 5-10 minutes to ponder the best possible response that you can send her. This is a waste of your time and psychological energy. It takes away the fun of the interaction and turns it into a chess match.

Further: it can take more energy to remember to text her back than it takes to just text her back as soon as you read it. You are far better served by just responding instantly as soon as you read her text than having to exert unconscious energy to remember in your mind to text her later and unconsciously working on the “most clever, value-giving” text back. I advise not looking at your phone’s texts until you ready to interact with women, so that you aren’t put in a situation where you read texts, can’t respond right away, postpone it for later, and then have your mind waste its energy.

When you have genuine fun in the field, you will be much more motivated to go out and interact with women (sustaining motivation in the long-term) than if you view it as a painful chore and a dangerous minefield.
A good approach appears like “it just happened”.
A good approach appears natural and spontaneous – not planned. A good pickup should not look like a pickup. A good pickup appears as if you are in the middle of doing something important, but you happened to notice something about her that overwhelmed you so much that you “couldn’t stop yourself” from sharing that thought.

After all, you are a highly social outgoing guy. You enjoy talking to people and meeting new people - as you go about your daily life. Even if you don’t “get the girl”, you still got an enjoyable experience that uplifted your spirits and made your day more awesome.

After talking to her for a bit, she ended up being so cool that you exchanged numbers so that you can invite her to fun events in the area that you are going to anyways because you have an exciting and fun lifestyle.

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How to Keep Long Term Attraction Ignited?

Do not drop below the standard that attracted her to you in the first place.


Many men tend to let themselves go and become less ambitious after they get the girl. They begin to prioritise the girl over everything in their life, even their own purpose. This repels her because women do not want to be your priority, they want the same ambitious, hard working man who they once knew. This is a process called "betaization.”

Betaization is when a man turns into a beta male in a relationship. This happens when he does not understand relationship dynamics and he does not know how to maintain a highly masculine presence and a burning sense of desire in a woman.

This is destroying your chances with women.

Complacency will completely kill your chances with any woman. Even if she is head over heels for you at first, if you stop gaming her and you stop striving to be a top tier man, she will eventually lose attraction to you because you are no longer the man who attracted her in the first place.


MEN are only truly fully admired on the premise that they bring something to the table. Many men stop providing the woman with value like an emotional thrill for example and thus, she loses attraction to the man. You can not afford to let go of your masculinity and game, letting yourself slip, this is why it is key to know how to maintain your masculine presence and game, and know the truth about relationship dynamics so that you never have to face becoming a beta male and losing a woman.

Avoid this mistake at all costs.

Do not drop below the standard that attracted her to you in the first place. Here's why: many men tend to let themselves go and become less ambitious after they get the girl. They also stop flirting with and gaming the girl. This makes the relationship extremely dry because you no longer show attractive traits in her eyes.

Many men also begin to prioritise the girl over everything in their life, even their own purpose. This repels her because women do not want to be your top priority in life. They want the same ambitious, hard working man who they once knew.

Why do these things happen? This is a process called " betaization''. Betaization is when a man turns into a beta male in a relationship. This happens when he does not understand relationship dynamics and he does not know how to maintain a highly masculine presence and a burning sense of desire in a woman.


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Alternate between cycles of pushing her away AND pulling her in to drive her wild with attraction for you. This method of flirting will help you exude the confidence and mannerisms of an alpha male.

Why does it work?

REASON #1: The “push” factor of this technique works very well in preventing the aura of desperation or neediness from ever rearing its ugly head. This shows the girl that you’re not afraid of possibly losing her or offending her, which both takes her down from the pedestal she may think she’s on as well as molding the frame around you as the alpha that isn’t afraid to speak his mind.

REASON #2: As well as this, it also shows her that you can afford to lose her because YOU HAVE OPTIONS. If you “push” her away, you run the risk of offending her, but this will cause her to think: “Why is this guy not afraid of offending me when all the other guys are? He must have other girls he can get with because he’s not afraid of losing me!” She’ll see that you have options, and will be much more attracted to you as a result.

REASON #3: You’ll become distinctly different from the dozens of other guys that are trying to get her attention through gifts, treats or free meals or any monetary form of transaction. These guys worship women because they fail to understand a key concept in female psychology: if you treat her like she’s superior, she’ll view you as inferior.

REASON #4: While the “push” part of this method is important, it’s also important that you do not push her so far away that she no longer feels like she has any chance with you. This is the beauty of this method. By following up with a pull-in, it allows you to exude that strong, bold aura of a guy with options while also not repulsing her with complete disinterest. It is the best of both worlds.

REASON #5: It taps into her ego. By teasing her about her eccentric dorky tendencies, she becomes emotionally engaged in interacting with you.

This flirting method can be hard to pull off for men who are used to only communicating with women on a logical level, and without practice, you can end up completely butchering its execution whenever you try to use it. To get good with it, treat it like a martial art. Practice it religiously, even if you don’t want to.

• Be willing to go outside your comfort zone and get uncomfortable implementing new flirting techniques so that you improve in your skills of attracting women.

• When you fall, you must get back up and figure out why you fell down in the first place.

This method of “push and pull” should not be your crutch, rather an important tool among many other tools that you should be using. You should diversify the methods that you use to create more authentic and genuine social interactions with women, which will then create massive returns for you.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Abundance is key. Women want men who other women want.

This is because it is a sign of social proof as only high-value men have options open to them. It shows that she is not fighting for a place that nobody else wants and that you are indeed a capable man. If nobody wants you, it is a warning sign that you are low value. This is why men take offence when other men say: ‘“you have no hoes’’, because on an instinctual level, men know that having options is vital to your dating success. This is because women want the best man possible for provisioning purposes and to take care of them, and the best man is being chased by other women.

This is actually a psychological trait in humans. Everyone knows that the guy who has NO options is a low value man. Therefore having women is a symbol of being high-value because: what is in high demand is often valuable.

For example, who would a woman rather date?

• A guy who is broke, skinny/fat, and is lazy or…

• A guy who is financially independent, has amazing social skills, he is in good shape and he has other women chasing after him?

Obviously the second one because anyone knows that he is more desirable because of his possessions and characteristics. On Top of that, The very fact that he is chased by other women is proof that there is a good reason behind why that is happening. In this case that good reason is his amazing character, his masculine strong physique and his wealth.

Women want men that other women want.

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A woman who truly desires you will do as you say, whenever you say so. However, women who do not have a burning desire for you will be combative and defiant (they will have an issue with your requests and things you want). Therefore, if you do not have the authority where she wants to please you and serve you then she is not highly attracted to you. You are not even her first choice.

This is the truth, because ultimately, a woman will always try to please the man who she wants the most out of admiration, respect and desire. If your girl is not doing this, dump her.

You may think: ‘’ this is misogynistic’' or, ‘’women are not your slaves’’ And the truth is that these are irrelevant comments because the nature of a female is that when she loves a man, she willingly wants to serve him. She wants to care of him and be a nurturing presence, it’s almost like a warrior going to war and coming back home to his wife to look after him and do things for him. This is called an act of submission. In a relationship, there is a dominant figure who leads it ( ‘’The man’’ ) and a submissive figure , the woman.

The submissive figure listens to the words of the dominant figure as they trust in their leadership and would like to serve them in every way possible, so, I say again: A woman who truly desires you will do as you say, whenever you say so.

If you are with a combative defiant woman, you are with a low value woman or you are low value yourself and aren’t worth being submitted to by a high-value woman yet and therefore you still have work to do.

Knowing how to awaken true desire in women is a skill, that needs mastering.

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Your woman reflects your own value.

At the end of the day, you attract what you are.

• If you are with an unattractive woman, or

• you can only get low value women,

it is because you are a low value man. Work on yourself and as you become a better man, you will start to attract better women.

The only reason behind why there are men who complain about:

“there aren't any good women left”, is because there are good women, but they are just not worthy of them.

There are many good women. They just DON’T become available to you because you’re a fucking loser, so that creates the impression that there are no good women left. Man up! Become a man of success!! And watch yourself drowning in more pussy than you can possibly imagine.

Moral of the story:

• increase your value as a man,

• become a high-value man,

and you will attract good women. They still exist, but only for high-value guys.

For example, how can you complain about ‘“there are no high-value women‘’ when you are: Broke, unfit, living with your parents, you have bad interaction skills with women or you are jobless?

And even worse, many men are all of these things. How can you attract a high-value woman when you yourself are not a high-value man? You must develop a sense of self awareness. This is the first step to becoming a great man with women.

Many of you men need to be taught accountability instead of finger pointing. Gotta slap them with the truth, the hand of Wisdom. Also this is a valuable skill in approaching women too. Because when a guy takes accountability he thinks: "What did I do wrong and how can I improve" and often without even professional help, that mindset alone gives him the answer.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Technique #12: The Field-Tested Line, Transitions and Routines

Have a few memorized lines that you can use at any moment just in case your brain can’t think of anything to say to keep a conversation going. Have a default memorized line to use to start the conversation in case your brain freezes and you are lost for words.


Be willing to write down a few topics to talk about into iOS Notes (use bulletpoints - not word-for-word scripts) and glance at them while you are in the midst of the interaction (she will think that you are just checking texts).


To become more success with women, develop a conscious gameplan. Don’t just leave it to chance. Figure out a step-by-step plan of action on what specifically you are going to do in order to have more beautiful women in your life.


Every time you leave your home, you have multiple opportunities to initiate conversations with female strangers as you go about your daily life and sharpen your skills. The optimal path is to practice your social and seduction skills on a daily basis as you do simple seemingly mundane things such as shopping for groceries, or even taking out the trash. Remember: you get good at what you do frequently. Often the best lines come from spontaneous conversations.

The best routines come from natural spontaneous conversations. If you have noticed that a specific line has generated results for you then remember it and add it to your pocket of lines; chances are that it will work again! Continuously refine your arsenal of battle-tested, field-proven, non-cheesy lines.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Be willing to learn about subject matters that women find highly interesting, and to become competent in areas that women really appreciate. It is preferable for these to be based on the type of woman that you are interested in.

At the same time, don’t lose your identity in the seduction game; draw women into your own world by flashing elite status, having a fiery purpose, and having your own personally meaningful hobbies that you genuinely care about and are a master of.

One of the girlfriends that I had in college was obsessed about being a vegetarian, PETA, anime, fitness, and (ironically) video-games. I recall knowing close to nothing about most of these subjects and researching them by watching documentaries and reading articles on the web, so that I would be able to engage in conversation with my own unique perspective on these “hot topics” that she adored. While I did this in my formative years, I would not necessarily recommend this mating strategy unless you are already in a sexual relationship with the woman (or you are trying to break into a particular niche of women who ascribe to a certain micro culture) because researching a subject can be time consuming.

Further, it is preferable for a woman to be sucked into your world more than you are sucked into her world. Focus on her becoming interested in your favorite subjects of conversation MORE than you becoming interested in what she is interested in. This is simply more time efficient. Further, it allows you to play the sexy role of an authority figure who guides her path (as a salsa dance instructor, college “tutor”, or even a spiritual leader in some religious niches) rather than a low status follower of her world. Don’t lose your personal identity in pursuit of sexual access to a specific woman, but be willing to recreate yourself and become the best version of yourself for the sake of achieving your life purpose.

A woman is attracted to a man of higher social status than her. Create this perception of status by teaching her new things about life. After all, a teacher is of higher social status than his student. This is more effective to do if she gets sucked into your world, and into subjects that you are a master of - rather than vice-versa.

Women fuck up - not down. Women fuck men that are leaders - not followers. You want to constantly be leading her physically, mentally and logistically. By playing the role of a leader in the dynamic between you and her, attraction levels will spike. Even a “feminist” woman, wants to be submit to a more dominant, and more competent man. 

If you want to get a woman to be sexually aroused by you then you have to frame yourself as the PRIZE and the ONE WHO IS MORE VALUABLE than her. One way of asserting yourself as the being that is of higher worth than her is by leading. A leader is naturally given the position of being higher in relative social status than those that follow him.

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LAW #1: Be emotionally relevant.

Technique #1: Find something that she is passionate about AND that you’re passionate about; then talk about that! Look for topics of mutual interest and utilize them as “bait” for conversation.

Ask yourself three questions:

-> What does she like to talk about?

-> What do you like to talk about?

-> Where do these overlap?

Then share insights about her favorite subjects that you actually give a fuck about. BOOM!!

This works like magic. For example: women LOVE talking about relationships. If you want to turn a boring conversation around, bring up the subject of relationship dynamics and request her opinion on a hot-button issue in the subject. It is important to talk about her areas of interest, and it preferable for her areas of interest to overlap your areas of interest.


When you talk about what you genuinely care about, you will feel a visceral motivating pull to keep talking. When you talk about what that particular woman enjoys, she will inspire you to keep talking by giving you positive body-language and providing juicy pieces of information for you to work with.

LAW #1

Be emotionally relevant by speaking about a subject matter that a woman genuinely cares about.

LAW #1 Clause 1

Find a way to relate that to a subject that you genuinely care about, so that your words will come from your heart and a place of effortlessly expressing passions  (and self-amusement) - not from a place of being try-hard.

🛑NEVER run out of things to say ever again!

🛑NEVER have long awkward silences that kill interactions ever again!

🛑NEVER be in a situation where you don’t know what to say ever again!

Conversation Casanova Mastery will teach you how to have conversations with women that LEAD TO SEX, and a mutually-satisfying long-term sexual conversations. NO MORE WASTING time being the texting penpal, conversational therapist, or platonic chatting buddy. Go through the program now HOW TO USE CONVERSATION AS A SEDUCTIVE WEAPON TO GET LAID.

Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

Actions and results follow self-belief, which is why making physical escalation with BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE IS PARAMOUNT.

Touch a woman’s body like a you touch a cup of coffee - with full belief that it will work and zero hesitation/anxiety. If you touch with confidence, a woman will fall into that frame and believe that it’s acceptable - just like she knows 1 + 1 = 2; she won’t be held back by her anti-slut defense.

As you’ll see later in this book, I explain that when you touch a woman’s body you should do it from a firm belief that it will work. Your expectation and intense self-beliefs:

•   “I am going to touch your body in the erogenous zones, and you’re going to enjoy it.”

•   “Touching is no big deal, and a very normal aspect of interaction.”

•   “We both have beautiful bodies. And we want to enjoy each other with those bodies because it feels good, and deepens our connection.”

•   “My touch is a reward for good behavior.”

is conveyed to the woman through subtle nuances, and she falls into the frame. If your perceptions have high conviction, a woman will simply adopt them as their own because he mind is highly suggestible. A woman’s mind is not as strong as a High Status Alpha Male’s mind, and can be overtaken.

Contrary to the #MeToo movement’s erroneous conclusions, don’t ask a woman permission to touch her body (asking for permission is giving away social power, conveys self-doubt and puts her in the leaderhip role). Asking a woman what to do is handing away your balls on a silver platter. A woman is already giving you permission based on the way that she conducts herself around you; if you see multiple indicators that she is attracted to you then those are green lights for you to act upon the sexual opportunity that has presented itself to you. Saying something like: “Do you like me?” conveys self-doubt in your high worth.

Assume permission is already given:

•   based on the situation,

•   her prior actions,

•   the frames that were set, and

•   body-language

Then smoothly escalate incrementally.

Condition a woman to follow your lead through small hoops, submit to you mentally, and hold the frame that YOU ARE THE PRIZE; then you’ll have the best conditions to train her to be metaphorical sexual slave - hooked on the value that you provide. Confidence is conveyed by simply acting - not by asking for permission to act. JUST TOUCH HER BODY - don’t ask her if you can. ASSUME THE SALE - rather than asking for the sale.

Learn how to direct that conversation in a direction that leads to an intense emotional bond occurring (e.g. discussing her core values), so that she talks herself into starting to fall in love with you. This makes rapid physical escalation extremely easy.

Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]

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“The Being Afraid-to-Make-a-Move Trap”

MAKING MOVES ON A WOMAN AND GETTING REJECTED IS INFINITELY BETTER than not making moves on a woman and not getting rejected. In Pook’s words, “Rejection is better than regret.”

Every time you advance (do something specific on a particular woman in order to lead the interaction to sex), you learn something in the process. This is true - even if you are met with a harsh blowout. He who keeps advancing will eventually learn enough to be a master.

In contrast, someone who has a fragile ego won’t escalate (and won’t even try) because he is too terrified of getting blown-out: and will learn NOTHING. Someone who doesn’t even attempt to make moves on women sends a signal to his unconscious mind that he is UNWORTHY. He rejected himself because he allowed his limiting beliefs of his self-worth to win over.

Old belief:

“I am too unattractive for any woman to like me, so I won’t even try because it won’t work anyways.”

“I don’t want to approach because it will be cringe, and I’ll feel like shit.”


“I have a lot to offer women. Being with me is one of THE BEST CHOICES SHE CAN MAKE.” 

“Regardless of the output of this particular approach, I am going to have fun and learn something from it. Even the worst rejections, make the best stories.”

Be acutely aware of your strengths and talents. Write them down. By being aware of what you’re good at then you have it ready-at-hand to be used to help you in life. Women find excellence in almost any particular field to be incredibly attractive. Know what you’re exceptional in, and then go to venues that where people gather (women included) who value that which you’re exceptional in. A key 🔑 in speaking Womenese is to show the best parts of yourself.


Why is confidence the ultimate sex appeal?

Just like you are attracted to slim women (because slimness is an indicator of fertility), women are attracted to CONFIDENCE (because confidence is a solid indicator of competence). Generally speaking: confident men are KILLING IT IN LIFE which is why they are confident in the first place. 

Women don’t have the time to give each guy a FULL CHANCE and to LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM, so they use shortcuts such as looking at a man’s level of confidence, style, and status within society, to ascertain if he is worth getting to know. These shortcuts save them a lot of time.

Confidence and status will get you in the door; conversation, escalation, and giving value will get you into the bedroom.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

When you are in a talkative state of mind, the right things to say will naturally come to you. This is a mental state that is conducive to being a talker. One can enter into this mental state through warming up by engaging in brief interactions with other people.


One of the important principles to master in starting conversations is the principle of RECENCY. This is where you mention that the subject of conversation just happened to you so that it doesn't appear like you are trying too hard to start a conversation. Using recency makes the seducer appear spontaneous.

For example, ask yourself which one of these remarks sounds smoother: 

“Last night, I binge-watched an entire season of The Game of Thrones” or 

“I binge-watched an entire season of The Game of Thrones.” 

The former appears more natural because it implements the regency principle. Cool, social guys like to talk about things that just happened to them; it’s an extroverted behavior. They talk because they want to “get something off their chest”, share a recent experience with someone and enjoy the present moment. 

In contrast, the latter is someone who appears to be putting in a conscious effort to start up a conversation. 

It’s better to appear natural, spontaneous, and in the moment. Something so awesome just happened to you that you JUST HAVE TO share it with someone! More examples: 

“You wouldn’t believe what just happened to me…” 

“On my way here, I had the strangest realization…”

“Did you see the fight outside?”

“Last night the craziest thing happened to me.”

Why is Recency Important?

It’s normal to want to talk about the current exciting events in your life. You’re so excited about what you’re going through that you can’t help but share it with the world! Further, describing your situation to others has a therapeutic effect, and helps one gain perspective on his life. On the other hand, starting conversations about events that have transpired years ago creates the impression that you are trying hard to entertain her. Women might be entertained by pathetic, eager-to-please clowns, but they don’t fuck them.

He who tries hard, dies hard.

Appear effortless.

Don’t reveal knowledge of the game. Reveal red pill concepts, to brainwash blue-pilled people at your own peril.

Don’t make it seem like you prepared a lot for her. Appear natural and unplanned. 

Don’t seem like you have an intense agenda. Appear like you’re just having fun. This is very disarming for women.

Don’t seem like you’re trying too hard to gain rapport because it comes across as needy, and desperate and implies negative social proof.

A high-status man who has many options with women is used to beauty and doesn’t need to bend over backward to attract one into his life; beautiful women intuitively grasp this concept and expect a high-status man to have standards, have healthy expectations, and a certain extent be psychologically aloof.

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith

If you don’t know who the sucker is, it’s probably you. Here are 11 Iron Clad Rules to navigate the sexual marketplace without being fucked over like a soy boy. Remember you want to fuck - not be fucked over:

Don’t reveal knowledge of game. Don’t appear like you planned to approach her (even if you are a professional pickup-artist). Create the impression that the approach was almost an “accident” or a “spur of the moment” action while you were doing something else. Good approaches seem like natural organic conversations that “just happened” - not premeditated. Appearing to go with the flow and being completely natural has a highly disarming effect on women and makes them open up.

Don’t attach your sense of self-worth to your level of success with women. 

Don’t chase. Attract.

Don’t depend on her approval. FUCK HER APPROVAL. Focus on your goals.

Don’t show neediness. If she’s worth it, show interest.

Don’t be emotionally explosive around her. Remain composed. A woman instantly loses respect for a guy if she senses that she has impacted his emotional state.

Don’t give away your social power. Frame yourself as the prize. 

Don’t compromise your sexual market value for the sake of a particular woman running a “tame the Alpha” game on you.

Don’t be afraid to lose her. Always retain “walk away power” and have multiple women in your rotation.

Don’t neglect your own development the moment you get a girlfriend. Keep your skills sharp with daily practice - so if the time comes and opportunities occur, you’ll be ready. 

Don’t be a pushover. Be assertive. Compromising your own values may result in decrease of self-respect and is detrimental to your sexual market value. Women come and go. PUT YOURSELF AND YOUR GOALS FIRST. Women don’t value men that put women first. 

Don’t game for validation. Game to get laid (or the specific end result that you want to achieve). Draw validation from within. Know what you want. Define success for yourself - without being influenced of what men view as “success”.

Have clear boundaries. If you are not assertive then women will exploit you.

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The cold approach is a way to meet women but its disadvantage is that you start from scratch when you walk up to a woman. She doesn’t know anything about you, and you have a limited amount of time to convey highly attractive traits/features about yourself - enough for her to want to give out her personal information for a Day Two. 

This is assuming that: 

you have the game skills to overcome the initial uncomfortable experience that women feel when a strange man approaches them on these the street (with a rapid-fire series of brilliantly cunning techniques), 

the balls to disregard social norms in the first place,

the smoothness to be seen as relatively normal,

the charm to spark attraction, and

the brazenness to have DOMINANT, POWERFUL BODY-LANGUAGE throughout the process.

Yes, one could get laid this way and learn a fuck ton about the game along the way, but it’s not a beginner friendly method. One doesn’t get a gold medal for making things harder than they have to be - especially if there are far easier ways (and more time efficient ways) of meeting women such as joining a dance, yoga, meditation, or spiritual social club. Do you want ego validation points from random dudes, or do you want to get sexual ecstasy?

If you say “yeah, but I don’t have the time for that” then GO FUCK YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR HAND IS ALL THAT YOU WILL HAVE. This isn’t your “press a button and pussy falls from the sky” kind of book. Yes, it takes WORK to have beautiful women in your life. It takes HUSTLE. So man the FUCK UP, and EMBRACE THE GRIND LIFESTYLE.

Compare street pickup to building a strong social circle in a college campus social club, or starting your own social club in a college campus. You infiltrate the group, bring a ton of value, and eventually become the highest ranking member in that group. When a cute 18 year old freshman comes in for the first time to a party that the social club is throwing, you already have built-in social proof, perceived high status, and a massive logistical advantage. You get the girl before you even say anything - as long as you don’t have any kind of weird quirks or blind spots that are fucking you up (consult with peer network of successful men who get laid by showing them hidden camera footage of your interactions with women (where legal)). The point is this: create the conditions where an approach is the most likely to succeed because sexual mating strategy is a long term play even more than it is a series of short term plays. Being the forum’s most successful pickup artist is not the end goal. 

In the game of seduction, the end goal is to create a set of conditions where you are considered to be so attractive that women will approach you. Or at the very least, when you approach a beautiful women then she will be highly receptive because your positive reputation preceded you. These conditions are created by becoming a high ranking member in a niche that women value - such as spirituality, yoga, meditation, travel. Don’t be a fucking idiot starting from scratch every day; utilize prior successes to build better approach conditions for the future.

This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's The Sexcalation System.

Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]

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Wingman Daily by Cory Smith


Women live in the emotions of the moment. They do what feels good. Create a desire within a woman. Do this by leaving her wanting more. Utilize push-away, open loops, negation, mixed signals, and power vacuums.

Above all, women care about doing what feels good. They live for these pleasurable emotions. A man who can be a provider of these enjoyable intense emotional experiences will have his fill of women.

Technique: The Push-Away

The Push-Away is the first one to end interactions. This makes women desire you more. Keep in mind that you can’t play hard to get if you’re hard to want. So first you have to give value and spark attraction; then you can pull back and watch her chase you.

Technique: Open Loops

Open loops is teasing women by mentioning an interesting subject but not explaining the full information right away. This will keep women hooked on the interaction because they want to know the full story and get closure.

Technique: Negation

Negation is by teasing women with an interesting piece of information about yourself but refusing to give full disclosure. Simply saying “No, I can’t tell you” is very powerful to women because it creates an intense level of intrigue that makes women wonder about you.

Technique: Mixed Signals

Mixed signals are switching between signs of interest and disinterest. This drives women WILD in a good way. She won’t be able to stop thinking about you - wondering if you like her or not. The more a woman thinks about you, the more invested she becomes in you.

Technique: Power Vacuum

Power vacuums are seizing social power in the interaction. Women then become baited into staying in the interaction so they can get their social power back. Little do they know that in the process of interacting with you, they become more and more attracted and you’re too competent to give up that social power. It’s the social power that you have that makes them attracted to you in the first place. Remember: women are attracted to powerful men, so taking social power from them is imperative. Push her off the pedestal, put yourself on the pedestal, and sustain the frame that YOU ARE THE PRIZE throughout the interaction.

This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's The Sexcalation System.

Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]

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