The Pattern Disrupt Technique
Letting a woman steer the reigns of a conversation and social interaction is just plain STUPID because I assure you that women often do not have sexuality on their agenda. You must take control and lead things to seduction or nothing may occur but wasted time. DOMINATE THE CONVERSATION.
Not to mention, that answering boring interview questions creates BOREDOM FOR HER. She starts a boring topic of conversation, you respond with a boring answer, she gets bored and then she leaves. Instead of playing along, answer the question that you WISH SHE WOULD HAVE ASKED.
One of the principles of female psychology is that when women talk to men, they often don't have a sexual agenda in mind and if you let her control the conversation then it usually won't lead to sex. This is why you cannot let her lead; YOU MUST SEIZE THE REIGNS OF CONTROL.
Don't let her control the reigns of the conversation. YOU take CONTROL. Lead the conversation towards a place of mutual seduction. Don't let girls trap you into boring, logical conversations that lead to NOWHERE.
Pattern disrupt her self-sabotage narratives. Alphas interrupt boring conversations or other threads that they don't want to engage in. If she starts talking about boring things and boring herself OR if she talks about sad things then INTERRUPT HER and CHANGE THE SUBJECT.
Don't answer her boring questions with logical boring answers. Respond sarcastically or with humor. This is far more entertaining than giving dull facts. Nice conversation is BORING.
Do not allow yourself to be associated with boredom or negative emotions. Be associated with excitement & positive emotions.
You'll get more out of life if you stopped being a pussy, beta male, and started developing courage and TAKING CHARGE. Beta males are passive. Alpha males TAKE CHARGE OF SOCIAL AND SEXUALLY CHARGED SITUATIONS.
Don't live constantly reacting to things and to women. Live proactively. Don't play the game by her rules. HIJACK CONTROL. You deal the cards that she plays by. SHE ENTERS YOUR WORLD ON YOUR TERMS.
In NYC, if you try to start a conversation from a nervous, shy and submissive frame of mind then girls will often just ignore you entirely or pretend they didn’t notice. Don’t believe me? Try it. Let the lack of results speak for themselves.
Ideally, you should start a conversation with a girl with:
powerful body-language,
unshakeable frame,
dominant frame of mind that assumes authority,
coming from a feel-good place inside.
approach with a full cup - not from a needy, approval-seeking and reaction-seeking position.
Lonely women are lonely because of strong self-sabotage mechanisms. As a seducer who may encounter virgins, feminists, or these types of women, instead of falling into a woman’s frame and doing what she wants: have the stronger frame and lead. Instead of playing by her self-sabotage rules and reacting to her, you set the seductive rules and have her react to you.
Learn how to direct that conversation in a direction that leads to an intense emotional bond occurring (e.g. discussing her core values), so that she talks herself into starting to fall in love with you.
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When you meet a beautiful woman who is worthy of your time, you want to be fluent in Womenese to be able to:
• Truly understand her thoughts, feelings, and actions, so that you can behave in a manner that resonates positively. Do more of what is seductively impactful, and less of what is seductively repulsive.
• Understand what she means when she says specific things, so that you can calibrate your strategy accordingly. A key principle of this book is: a woman’s words reveal the mechanism of her psych.
• Understand the signals that she is sending out with her body language and what they mean, so you can capitalize on “DOWN TO FUCK RIGHT NOW” signals. If you miss the DTF Signals, you won’t fuck her at the moment that she is sexually available. Be aware of the signals that a woman unconsciously (or consciously) sends out when she wants to fuck, so that you’ll be able to notice them when they occur in real time, and you’ll act on them. When opportunity meets a man who is ready, sex happens.
• Understand the truth behind the male-to-female dynamic, so that you can leverage the variables in this dynamic to your seductive advantage. A woman wants you to play the dominant masculine role in the relationship, so she can play the submissive feminine role. Treat a woman like a woman, so she can feel sexy. Submission within a woman unleashes her sexual side.
• Understand what you have to do specifically to solidify a physical connection. It is your responsibility as a man to physically escalate the interaction towards sex because a woman’s ego prevents her from doing something that will make her feel slutty.
Womenese boils down to these 6 mediums that give off signals:
• #1) Thoughts
• #2) Feelings
• #3) Words
• #4) Actions
• #5) Body Language
• #6) Social Media
The first 5 factors tend to feed off each other. For instance: thoughts lead to feelings lead to words lead to actions and vice versa.
The 6th factor is a woman’s social media lifestyle which are quite revealing about her and sometimes can reveal what her thoughts are about you.
Memes like these depict women as “impossible” to understand and perpetuate the problem. LET GO OF THIS LIMITING BELIEF. While it’s not possible to understand a woman 100%, using maxims and general principles depicted in this book: you’ll understand enough about women to radically increase your effectiveness in banging pussy.
Why doesn’t a woman just say what she means?
A man’s thoughts and intentions are aligned with his words. A man will communicate DIRECTLY. He means what he says, and says what he means. If he has an issue with you, he will confront you directly. A man who communicates indirectly and uses passive aggressiveness is a feminized soy boy.
In contrast, a woman often communicates indirectly. They will say one thing, but mean something entirely different. They will mean to say one thing, but actually say something entirely different. If a woman has an issue with you, she will often be passive-aggressive instead of blurting out what the core of the problem is.
A woman is often NOT able to accurately represent her thoughts, perspective, intentions, and feelings with the words that she uses. What a woman says to you can be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the true meaning behind the words. This is due to multiple Distortion Factors such as ego, conformity, peer pressure, anti-slut-defense, fear of confrontation, fear of social discomfort, etc. These Distortion Factors will lead to her bending (distorting) the truth
Her words (if taken literally) actually grossly misrepresent her inner world.
She’ll tell you the truth is “A” but by using your female-decoding intel (because you speak fluently in Womanese) you will see that the truth is NOT “A” but rather: “B”.
She’ll tell you the truth is “A, B, and C” but by using your female decoding intel, you’ll recognize the truth is NOT “A”, or “C”, but rather a harder version of “B”.
To the untrained eye, a woman’s words are quite misleading. Hence, it’s vital to take a woman’s words through a decoding filter to cut out the bullshit, untangle the misleading statements, and find the truth. A woman’s words are more clues about reality (mixed in with a lot of misleading statements) rather than reality itself.
KEY:🔑 Train yourself to NOT be bullshitted by a smooth-talker, and to see the RAW REALITY/TRUE MEANING of the SITUATION. This is a general principle of communication that goes beyond just dealing with women, and extends to dealing with people in general. Don’t believe everything you hear. Nor should you believe everything you read.
By swallowing the metaphorical Red Pill and being determined the truth - no matter how painful - you will be in the best position to succeed. Learning to understand the language women speak - Womanese - will enable you to decipher the situation and accurately read the beautiful women in your life. This way you won’t get hit with curve balls, and unexpected surprises; for everything a woman does, you would have already anticipated it. Always be a few steps ahead.
Immerse yourself. Build your arsenal.
Read interesting things to learn interesting things to be able to say interesting things in a conversation to become AN INTERESTING PERSON. Live an exciting lifestyle doing things worth talking about and enjoying intriguing hobbies that women are curious about - that don’t involve reading comic books, jerking off, Netflix binge-watching, or playing video games.
If you don't know what to talk about then chances are that there isn't much happening in your life, you don't have that many things going for you, and you aren't reading enough. In that case, you have to quite literally GET A LIFE.
Reading is one of the fastest ways to accumulate interesting knowledge to share with beautiful women. Take on an exciting challenge. Get a cool hobby. Embark on adventure. Do daring shit. The more remarkable things that you have the balls to do, the more EPIC STORIES you will have to tell women.
When you have cool hobbies and cool things going on in your life then your conversations will be much better with women because you will have exciting things to talk about, and that gives them the ability to live vicariously through you - gaining your happiness and life passion. When you have cool shit going on in your life then you will naturally be excited to share it with everyone - women included - making them a part of your life in the process. If there’s nothing going on in your life then women will be turned off by a lack of ambition, purpose, and valuing the finite nature of existence.
Take experiences from your personal life and turn them into stories. Practice saying these stories (both the short version, and long versions) a few times to get the delivery down. Go as far as even recording yourself on video to then watch yourself afterward to assess the entertainment quality. The litmus test: if you’re bored by yourself then chances are that she is bored too.
Chances are that there are a lot of cool things about you; you just have to learn how to convey them to women in an interesting way. You have to learn how to talk about yourself in a way (fun, interesting, emotionally engaging, entertaining) that draws women into your world and encourages them to reciprocate by sharing about their personal life. You can even go as far as starting a YouTube channel and shooting daily vlogs for practice.
One of the key concepts is that you have to have ready material (stuff to talk about) just in case your brain goes blank during a conversation with a woman, and that material is gained through research - either by reading or by throwing yourself into interesting experiences. Men with big balls succeed with women far more than men who are afraid of living a life worth sharing.
There is always something more to talk about because the world is interesting and fascinating subjects have near-infinite depth. You need to start building material that you can talk to beautiful women about. Create a stack that can be used - because it has been field-tested to create an enjoyable experience for women, sparks attraction, and fosters connections.
On your death bed, it will usually be the things that you did NOT do that, will be cause of regret. Figure out the answer to this question:
“What is my dream?”
"What do I want to accomplish before I die?”
“Where do I see myself a decade from now?”
“What meaningful and higher purpose do I live for?”
“What is the purpose of my existence?”
Then attack that dream with FULL FORCE. Part of being a man of high status is being a man on a mission - chasing his dreams and living for a purpose.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
LAW #82: In her mind: if it feels true, it is true.
Women think with their emotions.
Don’t take anything a woman says personally. If a woman says something insulting to you: don’t take it to heart, because she is just expressing how she feels at the moment, and her feelings are subject to change. Change her mood to easily change her mind. Women “think” with their emotions; feeling something to be true is enough to make it true.
Don’t accept a woman’s first response to you to be set in stone. As she gets to know you more, her attraction levels can spike, her mood will change, and her behavioral response can shift radically in a positive direction.
• Men care about the truth. They have an open mind to accept the truth - as long as sufficient evidence and a strong argument is presented. Women care about believing in what feels good. They see what they want to see, and believe what they want to believe.
• Men process the world based on facts. Women process the world based on how they feel.
Miscommunication happens when a man uses his information-based perspective of understanding the world to interpret and attempt to understand a woman’s emotional way of communication. Miscommunication happens when men use their manese language to understand womanese.
• Men make their decisions based on what they want and cold logic (which stays the same). Women make their decisions based on what they desire and how they feel at the moment (which can change).
• Masculine men have a stronger frame (perception) and lead a woman - mentally, logistically, and physically. Submissive women have a weaker frame and submit to a man’s view of the world - following his lead. Even if a woman’s frame is very strong, your frame must be STRONGER. A confident man has a bullet-proof frame. He inspires women to follow his lead. A submissive woman is a sexual woman.
• When expressing a problem, men want solutions. When expressing a problem, women want empathy.
LAW #55: Test her.
Testing a woman lets you quickly ascertain the truth, without having to put in tons of effort making educated guesses and looking at empirical evidence. This way you won’t be wasting time on sexual duds, and won’t have to wait for the truth to spill out on its own.
When it comes to compatibility, it’s better to find out earlier than letting things drag out. Further, in the context of men seeking a long term sexual partner: it’s important to find out if a woman is low quality, or high quality BEFORE you develop any sort of feelings for her and BEFORE you invest a significant amount of time into her.
There are specific things that you can do to test a woman that are mentioned here, such as making a specific move on her. She can either go along with your physical advance/accept your date to an invite (which is HARD EVIDENCE) that she is interested in you, or deny it (also which is HARD EVIDENCE). Her actions are binary: it’s either a “yes” or a “no”, so you’ll know exactly how she feels about you through her actions.
Don’t fall for the bullshit of a woman saying that she “doesn’t have the time” or other excuses that she gives. Busy people make time for things that are important to them. That’s why they are busy in the first place. The extent to which a woman goes out of her way to make time for you shows you the extent that you’re important to her (psychologically and emotionally).
If Brad Pitt wanted to see her, I assure you that she would suddenly have a lot of time available.
It’s worth mentioning that even if a woman is legitimately busy, if she is interested in you then she will respond by telling you a time that she is available. If she doesn’t, inquire about her schedule and create a time based on that.
Understand this: women find time for men that matter to them. If she doesn’t make time for you then you are not a priority in her life - to the extent of the high priority that other tasks have. It’s time to move on to a woman who values you enough to go out of her way to find time.
On a different note, touching is a key test. If a woman is responsive to intimate touches then she likes you - even if she appears to be verbally dismissive. Learn to trust the touching and her actions above all else.
• Women lie, so men test. When it comes to compatibility, it’s better to find out earlier than letting things drag out - wasting your valuable psychological energy in the process.
You are constantly sending signals out to women - consciously and unconsciously. Some signals are seductive and lead to sex occurring (such as signals that convey that you are THE PRIZE, THE SELECTOR, and A HIGH-STATUS AMAZING CATCH). Other signals are anti-seductive because they signal that you are a LOW SOCIAL STATUS LOSER (such as putting up with bullshit, weak body language, being overly available, making her your primary Life Purpose, etc).
Beliefs are contagious.
What you believe about yourself (you hold yourself in high esteem; you have the belief that “any woman in my inner circle is fortunate to have me; I am a woman’s best option”)
and what you believe about what you have to offer women (your competitive value proposition in the sexual marketplace) is intuitively sensed by women.
This bears repeating: what you believe about yourself and what you have to offer women will intuitively be sensed by women. A high-status self-image leads to sexy high-status behaviors.
For instance: women intuitively know that an ELITE HIGH STATUS MAN (a man who is in the top 1% of society) has REAL OPTIONS with other women and has HIGH STANDARDS. Hence, she intuitively senses that he won’t put up with bullshit (low-quality behaviors) for too long; there will come a point when he will just be fed up and walk away. If a man allows himself to be treated like a doormat, then women will start to view him as having the same worth as a doormat. Setting boundaries is essential.
In contrast, if you believe you’re gold then this will come across in how you conduct yourself and be intuitively sensed by those around you.
If you believed you were GOLD and what you have to offer is GOLD, then you wouldn’t stay in a situation where other people were treating you like shit, because you would know that it would be easy for you to find new relationships with new people (after all, you are offering GOLD). You would naturally have higher standards, and convey a willingness to walk away - which ironically will make women like you even more. Women intuitively expect a high-status man to have high standards and they expect a high-status man to leave them if his high standards aren’t met.
A key fundamental in learning to speak Womense is to condition your mind that you are GOLD, what you have to offer is metaphorical GOLD, and your time is GOLD; when you truly believe this then you’ll unconsciously communicate this through your body language, actions, and words.
• For instance: simply feeling powerful leads to exuding powerful body language. Beliefs and feelings create behaviors.
It’s also worth noting that beliefs are contagious. By changing your beliefs about yourself, you’ll change women’s beliefs about you.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
If you throw a frog into a boiling teapot, it will jump off. But if you gently put a frog into a warm tea pot and slowly increase the temperature then it will eventually burn to death. Women are similar in this regard; don’t come on too strong and get blown out. Test the waters. Gauge her eagerness. If you see highly receptive body language, then start escalating at a reasonable pace at high points in the interaction, and with time you will eventually get everything.
Even if a woman rejected you initially, you can still approach her at a later date - so don’t take any rejection as final. In this game, rejection is very common - even among veteran seducers - so having thick skin is paramount. Just like there is a large % of women who you wouldn’t want to fuck, so too women view a large % of men as un-fuckable.
Keep in mind that even if 99 women rejected you, but the final 100th turned out to be a fuck buddy then it was all worth it in the end - and you had 99 opportunities to sharpen your skills to be ready for the worthy woman. Approaching is simply a matter of finding out if a woman has good taste. Regardless if you get the girl or not, you still benefit by having some time to practice your conversation skills with her.
Advanced note: What is interesting to you may be boring to others. Further, what is interesting to one woman may be boring to another. This is why taking in real-time social feedback and calibrating accordingly is of paramount importance. Without reading body language, you are essentially playing chess blindfolded and hoping that a cookie-cutter plan will work for everyone in all situations.
Let’s apply the same concept to the business field…
Gauging is relevant to the business field as well.
It does not matter what your opinion is about a product. It does not matter what your dad says about it. The only thing that matters is how the marketplace responds. Let the numbers do the talking.
Sometimes you’ll see a product that you think is complete shit. You wonder to yourself “Why the fuck would I bother listing this on eBay (to dropship from Amazon, Sears, Kmart, HomeDepot, or Walmart) if it’s worse than human feces? I would NEVER buy this in a million years?” Yet, eBay Sold Listings reveal that it’s selling like hotcakes.
Something that is boring to you may be wildly entertaining to women, and vice-versa.
Attraction is not a choice. Attempting to logically negotiate desire is silly. Sexual attraction is merely a primal response to certain external stimulus such as:
powerful body-language,
impeccable high status style and elegant fashion,
leading (display of leadership),
strong frame (display of leadership),
flashing elite status,
flashing wealth,
emotional spiking,
arousing (a horny woman will lose control),
“I am the prize to be won” frame,
social proofing,
sparking jealousy, and
general escalation.
In between these tactics is a glue that keeps the interaction alive. Without this glue, the mutual engagement will die and there will be no “time” to implement the aforementioned seduction-tactics.
Conversation is the glue that keeps interactions together. It is what fills the space between the tactics. Conversation is the ultimate meta-skill that makes everything else in the human mating ritual possible. It’s what keeps her around, so that you can play your game.
In contrast, if the conversation dies then the interaction dies. So it’s important to be emotionally engaging enough in conversation to keep women hooked in to interacting with you, and thus “buying you time” to win over mind, heart, and physically escalate on her body. Hence, conversation skills are imperative to learn.
Escalation happens through different mediums:
Mental, and
These same conversation skills will be useful to help one:
network with influential millionaires,
to create mutually beneficial friendships with men (that have access to things that you don’t, or are experts in fields that you are not knowledgeable in),
keep you entertained every time you leave your home and encounter people along your commute, or they can be used to
create ENDLESS sexual opportunities with very young women (18+) despite the fact that you are a guy in your 30-50s+.
They create a foundation for a successful life. Pickup related skill sets are transferable skills that give will you benefits that exceed merely sticking your penis into a woman’s lubricated hole for the purpose of temporal pleasure. Women are inspiration for you to be the best version of yourself, and build your empire.
Play along the fantasy she desires to see. Leverage sexy stereotypes and her imagination.
ADOPT A SEXY STEREOTYPE THAT IS BASED ON THE DESIRES AND WANTS OF THE DEMOGRAPHIC OF THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN. Understand that women respond to their imagination of you more than the objective reality of who you are.
AS A MAN, YOU CAN BE MANY THINGS TO WOMEN, BUT YOU CANNOT BE BORING. Being boring is the cardinal sin of dealing with women. Playing it safe, predictable, and nice is playing it boring. You need to START TAKING RISKS in interactions with women. Be edgy. Polarize. START DRIPPING WITH PERSONALITY. Bare your naked soul. Express yourself freely and fully. Take on intriguing hobbies and develop an identity that women will find interesting.
For instance: if you know that asking a woman for permission before doing something will lead to her losing respect for your authority and ultimately resulting in lackluster sex, then you'll immediately cease this beta male behavior. Be a leader - not an approval seeking simp. Be a decisive warrior - not a soy boy. A woman wants to look up to her man and be challenged (she resents being able to control a man like she controls a dog on a leash), so put yourself on a pedestal and don't ask her permission to do what you have to do.
Another example: if you know that saying "sorry" sets a precedent for more simp like behavior, then you'll avoid unnecessarily apologizing for your existence. Apologizing is beta male behavior that comes from insecurity and self-doubt (the exact opposite of confidence). Expressions of self-doubt and weakness absolutely disgust women - just like men are disgusted by expressions of obesity. Stop saying "sorry" (a word that kills the vibe), and start OWNING IT. For every word that comes out of your mouth, own it 100%. When dealing with women, exude extreme confidence. YOU ARE A FUCKING 10, SO ACT LIKE IT. YOU ARE THE PRIZE TO BE WON, SO BEHAVE ACCORDINGLY.
Final example: if you know that giving into a woman's Boundary Pushes, only reinforces her negative behavior and will embolden her to progressive violate even more of your boundaries, you won't stand for her bullshit. The more disrespect you put up with, the more she will disrespect you in the future. Here is a savage truth about women: they don't respect men that they walk all over - like a doormat. If a woman treats a man like shit, she will start to believe that he is shit. Don't be a fucking pushover. Don't put up with bullshit. Call women out on their BS behavior. Communicate boundaries clearly, and be willing to walk if they're violated.
STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF. This is a job that only you can do for yourself because women are too busy obsessing over themselves. Everyone is out for his own skin. It's imperative that you look out for YOUR SKIN
Women see the world through emotional lenses. Feeling something is true is enough for it "to be true" - to a certain extent. Women use their emotions as a guiding system to navigate their behaviors, and to "perceive the world with". Men that are able to express themselves on an emotional level will be able to communicate in a manner that really resonates with women.
Women say what’s on their heart. They talk based on how they feel at the moment.
Their words often don’t have weight to them because women don’t follow a code of honor. Women’s verbalized thoughts don’t have consistency because emotions are volatile. She can say that she loves you today, but a few days later break up with you. What she really meant is that she loves what you represent, the feelings that you make her feel, the value that you give (not you per se) and she’ll continue to love you - as long as you continue to give her those things.
It can be hard to decipher the true meaning behind a woman’s words because:
even the woman herself doesn’t understand half the vomit that comes out of her mouth,
women buy into their own bullshit and can have strong frames themselves,
the woman herself will often say things that if taken at face-value are very misleading,
her words are based on how she feels at the moment and how she feels is liable to change.
A woman actions and words are based on how she is feeling at the moment; just like her feelings are liable to change, so are her actions and words liable to quickly change from extreme to extreme. Women mean what they say but only at that moment - when she feels what she feels then. After all, women live entirely on the emotions of the moment. A woman’s opinions and behaviors can change as soon as her feelings change.
In post breakups, women will often rewrite history in a manner that conveniently forgets the positive things that their ex-boyfriend did, and embellishes the negative things that were done.
The key to understanding how women communicate is to understand that women live in the emotions of the moment.
According to her, if something feels true then it is true.
If doing something feels good then she will do it.
To communicate on a woman’s level then show how being with you is the most enjoyable and fun option for her; demonstrate, don’t just explain.
To speak Womenese, minimize logical lectures and instead communicate in a manner that is emotionally expressive. Touch a woman’s emotional buttons through good story-telling, taboo words MOTHERFUCKER, and a style of communication designed for emotional impactfulness. Women perceive the world through their feelings, so a style of communication designed to trigger a woman’s emotions will be more impactful than a style of communication that is logical and emotionally dry. This can be hard for high IQ men to implement because they are used to communicating solely on a logical plane, and completely disregard the emotional plane; to go from one world, to another world can be quite challenging for them.
How to get a woman committed into a conversation: provoke a response by touching a nerve and tugging on a heart-string? Bland statements don’t elicit conversation responses but bold, polarizing and controversial statements do. BE POLARIZING.
When bold statements work, they work like a BANG!!
Emotion creates motion. Get it? E+MOTION.
If she feels something then that feeing will compel her to say something. The lesson is: provoke an emotional response to provoke a conversational response. PRESS HER EMOTIONAL BUTTONS.
If you are able to create an intense emotional state within a woman, she will not shut the fuck up. She will talk non-stop and be highly invested in continuing to talk with you. This is true even if she is “busy” and there are other guys in the scenario. [A woman in an intense emotional state is highly susceptible to being seduced because her logical mind is shut down. This is also known as High Buying Temperature and the Amygdala Hijack.] Here is a simple way to remember this concept: E-motions create conversational MOTIONS.
During a conversation, when you make her feel something - anything at all - then you are drawing her into your world and making her psychologically invested in you. Emotions are addictive, create involvement and create emotional engagement.
In contrast, if a woman feels nothing, she will say nothing.
Focus on the telling of emotional information over the telling of factual information. She cares far more about the former because inducing higher emotional arousal makes her feel more alive.
Pump up intense emotions into her system by saying and doing things that increase emotional arousal; social scientists have confirmed that increasing emotional arousal increases enjoyment in life.
This tip is the opposite of what intellectuals tend to do. Friendly conversation is called being a bore. Don't be boring. Ensure that you sprinkle in highly-edgy, highly-emotionally-charged spikes into the conversation.
When you tease, playfully challenge, or neg a woman then you are getting her engaged into the interaction on an emotional level because now her ego is at stake. When you’ve poked at her pride then she has to pump up her self-esteem by teasing you back; the mutual back-and-forth teasing gets a woman psychologically and emotionally invested into the interaction.
This the logic of flirting and is a far superior medium of communication to the apathetic, “I don’t give a fuck” response that bland, politically correct nice guys get.
Change her mood, and you’ll change her mind. Be the calm anchor in her tornados.
When you tap into your emotions and speak from the heart, you will move mountains. Emotionally charged communication is far more captivating than emotionless communication styles.
Speak from the heart. Words that come from the heart, enter the heart. When you really believe in what you are saying then it will create an IMPACT WITHIN HER that will stay with her - potentially for her entire life.
Don't talk like a history professor reciting facts, logical discourse and dry details. Inject fucking emotion into your words. Speak with enthusiasm, energy and emotions.
The Law of State Transference
FEEL something when you are talking and she will FEEL something as well because emotions are contagious. Be in the emotional state that you want the woman to be in.
How you say something is more important than what you say because she cares INFINITELY MORE about energy, sensations and the transmission of good-emotions THAN she does about the gaining of new knowledge.
This is counter-intuitive to logical thinkers such as INTJs.
Inject EMOTION into your words to make them far more interesting. Don't talk with a monotone, flat-line voice like a fucking robot. You are a human who feels things; act like it. Be EXPRESSIVE in communication. Being EXPRESSIVE (instead of having a flat-line delivery style) will instantly make you ten times more interesting to women .
One thing that you’ll notice is that women often care about emotionally-rich subjects such as animals, relationships, social dynamics, and travel THAN they care about technical, logical and emotionally-dry subjects such as day-trading analytics, and chess. Now one can make an emotionally-dry subject sound exciting by adding his own energy into it, but it’s easier to do that with a subject that is inherently emotionally-rich than emotionally dry.
A seducer who can captivate a woman’s world by injecting emotions into his words will be able to make women feel things that they haven’t felt with overly logical, deeply analytical serious men. Ultimately, a woman cares more about how she feels when she is around a man more than she cares about anything else. She might forget what you told her specifically, but she won’t forget how you made her feel.
When telling stories from your personal life, take women through a range of emotions so they can LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOUR WORDS. There is a reason why movies are a billion dollar industry; stories sell ideas, and provide an enjoyable escape from reality to the masses.
Women act on emotion and then use logic to rationalize everything in post-action analysis. Women act based on how they feel, so a man who can change how a woman feels will change how she acts and views the world.
Actions and results follow self-belief, which is why making physical escalation with BULLETPROOF CONFIDENCE IS PARAMOUNT.
Touch a woman’s body like a you touch a cup of coffee - with full belief that it will work and zero hesitation/anxiety. If you touch with confidence, a woman will fall into that frame and believe that it’s acceptable - just like she knows 1 + 1 = 2; she won’t be held back by her anti-slut defense.
As you’ll see later in this book, I explain that when you touch a woman’s body you should do it from a firm belief that it will work. Your expectation and intense self-beliefs:
• “I am going to touch your body in the erogenous zones, and you’re going to enjoy it.”
• “Touching is no big deal, and a very normal aspect of interaction.”
• “We both have beautiful bodies. And we want to enjoy each other with those bodies because it feels good, and deepens our connection.”
• “My touch is a reward for good behavior.”
is conveyed to the woman through subtle nuances, and she falls into the frame. If your perceptions have high conviction, a woman will simply adopt them as their own because he mind is highly suggestible. A woman’s mind is not as strong as a High Status Alpha Male’s mind, and can be overtaken.
Contrary to the #MeToo movement’s erroneous conclusions, don’t ask a woman permission to touch her body (asking for permission is giving away social power, conveys self-doubt and puts her in the leaderhip role). Asking a woman what to do is handing away your balls on a silver platter. A woman is already giving you permission based on the way that she conducts herself around you; if you see multiple indicators that she is attracted to you then those are green lights for you to act upon the sexual opportunity that has presented itself to you. Saying something like: “Do you like me?” conveys self-doubt in your high worth.
Assume permission is already given:
• based on the situation,
• her prior actions,
• the frames that were set, and
• body-language
Then smoothly escalate incrementally.
Condition a woman to follow your lead through small hoops, submit to you mentally, and hold the frame that YOU ARE THE PRIZE; then you’ll have the best conditions to train her to be metaphorical sexual slave - hooked on the value that you provide. Confidence is conveyed by simply acting - not by asking for permission to act. JUST TOUCH HER BODY - don’t ask her if you can. ASSUME THE SALE - rather than asking for the sale.
#1) Women make decisions and perceive the world through the medium of how they feel. By changing a woman’s mood, you’ll be able to change a woman’s mind and behaviors. 🔑 Control her emotions = control her perspective of the situation = control what she does.
#2) A lot of guys try to communicate with women through logical persuasion which falls on deaf ears on women who are emotional creatures. You have to learn to press a woman’s emotional buttons. 🔑 Control her emotions = control her behaviors.
#3) A lot of guys can’t even manage their own emotions yet they expect to manage a woman’s emotions. Mastery starts from within. By learning how to lead yourself, you’ll learn how to lead other people - women and men included. 🔑 By improving your own emotional state, you’ll improve the emotional state of those around you.
#4) Even the most dominant of women, wants to be dominated by a stronger and more competent man. Lead the men and the women will follow. Lead a woman and she’ll get TURNED ON 🔥. Learn to be an effective leader by being competence, and leading with confidence. 🔑 STRONG DOMINANCE CONVEYS INTENSE CONFIDENCE.
#5) What a woman says is not what she truly means because what she said was based on her current emotional state. As her current emotional state is subject to change, so does her thoughts on the subject matter. Don’t take anything a woman says too seriously, or attribute it too much importance. Understand that a woman easily changes her mind, as easily as she changes her mood. 🔑DON’T TAKE A WOMAN’S WORDS AS PERMANENT.
Have a great vibe!!!
When you’ve got a game, you can open with anything and it will still start a conversation with a cute girl. It’s not the words that matter as much as the energy, vibe, and vocal tonality behind the words. You want to speak from a place of high energy, overflowing good emotions, a contagious enthusiasm for life
How you say it > what you say.
Women care more about how you make them feel than anything else. Energize them, flame good emotions, and provide an intense emotional experience - ignore negative vibes and overly logical conversations.
It’s not the words themselves that create the magic but the confidence from which they are said in.
For anything that comes out of your mouth, remember to OWN IT 100%.
What kills the vibe:
exuding sadness,
criticizing others,
bringing attention to negative emotions,
What adds value:
focusing on the positive,
exuding enthusiasm for life,
uplifting spirits and people’s self-image.
Women view the world from “emotional glasses”, so a man who can communicate in this language of emotions will resonate deeply with women. Develop your EQ (emotional intelligence) to understand your own emotional state, be able to identify the emotional state of others, and learn how to improve the mood of those who are around you through practical behavioral techniques.
When you consistently improve a woman’s emotional state to one of happiness and intense excitement, then you will become an anchor that she will use to bring herself up. Even when she’s going through a storm of negative emotions and tension, you’ll be there - a calm, relaxed unmoving mountain - to anchor her back to reality.
You must be in the emotional state that you want to take a woman into. After all, you can’t give what you don’t have.
Be proactive - not reactive. Be at the cause - not at the effect. Let her play by the cards that you deal.
Supplement a passive mating strategy, with active tactics. Take the initiative to spike a woman's emotions. Press her emotional buttons.
Do you want to just have sex or do you want to have a long-term relationship? Do you just want raw animal pleasure, or something more meaningful?
What kind of qualities do you want to have in a sexual partner or girlfriend? Do you want a party animal who frequents bars and clubs or someone who is more ambitious and career-oriented?
What kind of man do you want to be, and what specifically are you doing to get there? Do you want to be a low-key 9-to-5 corporate soldier who does everything by the book, or a ruthless businessman who runs an empire?
Which guys do you know specifically that are ultra-successful with women, and what do you need to do to hang around them - so that you can study their behavioral patterns? Do you hang around places or attend networking events that would allow you to meet charismatic Alpha Males whom you could learn from through the power of role-modeling?
Is your vision based on something that you personally want or something that society (consumerism) has brainwashed you to believe is valuable? Do you personally like the girl, or do you just like her because other guys would like her?
How much time do you need to spend every single day meeting women, practicing attraction-generating techniques, and following up on leads to achieve competent seduction skills? Do you have an accountability partner or some way of holding yourself accountable to do this?
If you don’t know where you are going, you will get nowhere. Take a moment to visualize your ideal self with girls.
What kind of man do you want to be?
What kind of high-demand skills do you want to develop?
What kind of lifestyle do you want to have?
What kind of beautiful girls do you want to have in your life?
What kind of responses do you want to elicit from women?
KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. Are you interested in being a player who gets laid with a new girl every week every time his week, or do you want to have a relationship with a single beautiful woman (but have the sharp skills to get new beautiful women if you want to)?
If you could be anything with no chance of failure then what you would be?
Work towards your vision every day!
Create a vision of success with women, and make progress towards that vision every single day for a year (by taking action every day, and having a series of consciously implemented habits). Just make sure that it’s a vision that you actually want and have chosen for yourself - rather than what other people have chosen for you. It’s your fucking life, so choose something that resonates the most with you - not what others have chosen for you. Ask yourself “Why am I in this game?”
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
- Don't waste valuable psychological resources on dead-ends. Make moves relatively quickly to test and assess her potential, so you don't invest time in something that isn't an optimal lead.
- Have clear boundaries and communicate them. If those are violated, walk away. Your energy is better spent on more promising leads, or generating new leads. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS retain "walk away" power. Ensure that you have leverage, and enough self-respect to keep your standards enforced. A woman can sense when a man is “bluffing” about leaving her if she violates his boundaries. If you don’t have the ability to walk away then you just gave away your balls to her on a silver platter.
- Don't do the friendship first, fucking second route. Once a woman gets used to seeing you as friend, it can be hard for her to change those behavioral patterns. Create a dominant, Rated R, man-to-woman frame from the very start and sustain it throughout the interactions.
- It's imperative to know what you fucking want out of the field. Life rewards the "specific ask" and punishes the "vague wish"; in other words, the concrete goals should be clear in your mind. When entering pivotal situations, understand the agenda, and optimal outcome. If you don’t know what you want out of the sexual marketplace and don’t have a conscious plan of action then, don’t expect to get it randomly. Things don’t just magically fall into place as you get older; you have to consciously work towards skill to develop it, and a vision to reach it.
- Respect yourself AND your time enough to walk away from one sided "friendships" with women who you want to fuck, or being in a sexual relationship with a woman of low quality (ugly, old, lots of attitude, gold-digging tendencies, needy, non-optimal logistics etc). Your time is worth money.
- Have a purpose that is more important to you than pussy. If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything. If you live for a meaningful vision then you'll naturally be immune to female manipulation, and be too busy to get sucked into female drama designed to boost her ego.
Law #86: Don’t fall into the Halo Effect Trap.
Don't be fooled into thinking a woman is an angel of purity.
Women have an agenda - even if that agenda is unconscious. If a beautiful woman is with a guy then you better believe that she is getting some sort of value from him. Understand this very clearly in your mind: the moment a woman stops getting value from a guy is the moment that she vanishes from the face of the earth and focuses on other guys. Women are value consumers, and will stay with you as long as you are a value-giver; fortunately for them, you are A MAN OF ABUNDANCE and have tons and tons of value to offer. You have a TON TO OFFER to any woman who enters into a sexual relationship with you. BE A GIVER OF VALUE.
It is crucial to be able to know the type of things that women value, so as to be able to give women value consistently and thus have them around in your life. It takes an understanding of Womenese to be able to provide the type of value that women find valuable; after all, what is valuable to you as a man, is not necessarily what is valuable to a woman. BURN THIS INTO YOUR BRAIN. Women value three things more than anything else in world and these three things are: good experiences, good emotions, and happiness. As a man, you are essentially a drug dealer dispensing the chemical high of good feelings to women - over a long period of time. She is using you for good emotions.
Guys misunderstand women because they take what they say through a literal medium, instead of reading the vast number of other signals that women are constantly sending out (such as facial expressions, body-language, tonality, a woman's past actions, and current actions). Womenese is ultimately understanding what a woman means to communicate, the truth of situation, and being able to communicate effectively. To truly understand what a woman means, you have to look at the entire CONTEXT of the situation (this means being aware of where you are in the environment, the dynamics of the situation, and key signals that a woman is sending out); likewise, to speak womenese effectively, you should take the CONTEXT of the situation to account.
LAW #58: Conclude Based on Clusters.
Identify Clusters.
Women are constantly leaving clues (signals) on what turns them ON. They’re communicating these signals on different mediums - NOT just the words that she says on a surface level. DON'T ACCEPT HER WORDS AT FACE VALUE AS THE FINAL TRUTH.
Look to see if what she says is aligned with the multiple channels of communication that she is sending out. A single indicator pointing towards a particular direction may not be sufficient to form a conclusive conclusion about the woman; however, multiple indicators (CLUSTER) pointing towards the same direction lead to a more decisive conclusive conclusion.
When you are looking to determine the truth about a situation, look for multiple pieces of evidence (CLUSTERS).
#1) What she is saying,
#2) What she is doing,
#3) How she treats you in public,
#4) How she describes you to her friends,
#5) How she poses in photos with you,
#6) The way that she dresses when she is with you,,
#7) The implications of what she is saying,
#8) The frame that she is trying to set, and
#9) The signals being sent with her body language (including facial expressions, posture, tonality, etc),
#10) How she texts you, and
#11) What she posts about you on social media (if anything at all).
The digital age has completely changed the way that people communicate. Studying a woman’s digital footprint by Googling her name will be quite revealing about her character.
For instance, if she claims that you’re in a relationship with her, but all of her Facebook photos are of her being “alone” (or even worse: you’re cropped out) then she is still fishing for a higher status man to come along.
Another example, if you see that she has dating apps on her phone, then she is still uncertain about a long-term future with you.
If a woman rejects you just once then you don’t have enough evidence that she isn’t interested. She could have just not been in the mood at that specific point in time. Look for multiple pieces of evidence (cluster) to create a conclusion that is worth acting upon. Put simply: don’t make mating decisions based on snap judgments and insufficient evidence.
If she responds to your text messages FAST and leaves detailed responses then she is INTO YOU. However, if it takes a long time to respond to your texts and they are low-effort texts (one-word, or a canned response) then she is not that into you. In general: don’t get trapped into becoming a woman’s texting penpal. The goal is to always be moving the interaction closer to sex at a reasonable pace. Invite her to a date to an event in the city; then take her home and fuck her.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
LAW #50: Don’t be a sponge.
Don’t believe everything she says; think for yourself. Women will say one thing, and mean another thing, and the truth itself can be something entirely different. Don’t take her words at face value; look deeper.
Sexual relationship problems are caused by miscommunication problems.
You misread the situation, and you misread the meaning behind a woman's communication to you. She said "X" and the meaning behind what she said was "Y", but you interpreted the meaning to be “X” and behaviorally responded to "X". You failed to see the actual reality of the situation, and as a result: acted based on an inaccurate map of reality.
As a man, you will be the most successful when you operate on an accurate perception of reality - rather than believing in misleading statements, women tell you. Knowing the truth is empowering; allowing a woman to put the wool over your eyes is disempowering.
1. Don’t believe everything you hear. Look at the evidence including but not limited to: her past behaviors, her present behaviors, her lifestyle, her body language, who her friends are, what other people are saying about her, and micro-expressions. Do these elements confirm her statements, or do they contradict them?
2. Don’t take a woman’s words at face value and interpret them literally. Only a fool will trust a woman’s words as the final truth.
3. Use critical thinking skills to separate fact from opinion. Your mind is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for personal advancement, yet most men would rather numb themselves with endless hours of Netflix than think about critical issues currently relevant in their lives.
4. Learn to be particularly skeptical about information that women give you if they have a personal stake in the matter. Ask “Does she have something to gain by bending the truth?”, “What does she have to gain?”, and “What caused her to say what she told me?” If she has a personal incentive for you to believe something in particular then take it with a serious grain of salt.
5. If you are horny, or emotionally invested, then the chances are that the thinking being used at that exact moment is clouded. The bias can be too high for you to make a rational logical decision. Be willing to take a walk to emotionally detach from the situation, achieve a clear state of mind, and then make a decision based on that clear state of mind.
Critical thinking skills are your most powerful weapon for filtering out bullshit from entering your mind, and only allowing the truth to enter. When a woman loses her ability to trick you into believing a set of fantasies and illusions (designed to maximize the resource extraction that she can get from you), you gain the ability to think for yourself and always take the smartest course of action in the given situation that you find yourself within.
Life is like chess. You have to be able to read the board accurately because then you’ll be in the optimal position to make the best move. In life, you always have to be making moves to advance your position.
Understand this right now and right here: the sharper and clearer your understanding of the situation that you are in, the better your decision-making will be. This is why it’s important for you to not be easily bulshitted and intake false information about the reality that you are in. Being fed false information leads to false actions.
Life is short, and then you die.
Your life is composed of a certain amount of TIME TOKENS (a series of moments), and when these TIME TOKENS are gone, then you cease to exist on earth.
Your days are numbered, bitch.
You have a limited amount of this INCREDIBLY VALUABLE RESOURCE, so it’s essential that you don’t give out your TIME TOKENS for free and without much thought. Be highly selective about who you give these TIME TOKENS to. If a woman is taking up your hours, then she better be fucking worth it.
Here in New York City, a dentist will charge $120 for just a 10-minute consultation. It doesn’t matter how much pain you’re in, the dentist doesn’t have a “savior complex” and won’t give away his time to you for free because of your entitlement. The Dentist will tell freeloaders to “FUCK OFF” because his business is not a charity. Even if the Dentist doesn’t say “I don’t give a fuck about your problems if I’m not being paid,” it will be implied with his actions - e.g. not being available to freeloaders and having lots of excuses as to why he simply “can’t” be available to you (See Law #53: Action Reveals All).
Some men waste years of their lives running a Time and Psychological Energy Charity for low-quality unworthy women - instead of running a ruthlessly efficient clear GAME PLAN for GETTING SEX.
• Be clear about what you want out of the sexual marketplace to make the most out of your finite time.
• Be clear about what you don’t want, so you can assertively communicate clear boundaries, and have the ability to say “no.”
Be highly selective about those who you allow within your inner circle.
Learn this right now and right here: if a low-quality woman is taking up a lot of your time (without giving a substantial amount of value in return), DUMP HER, and never look back. Period. Bottom line.
Keep your walk-away power.
Having the ability to walk away from connections that don’t serve you: is a fundamentally crucial aspect of manhood. Simply knowing that you have the ability to walk away: will give you a sense of real confidence, and will come across in your interactions with women - giving you a competitive sexy edge.
Be emotionally relevant by speaking about a subject matter that a woman genuinely cares about.
Find a way to relate that to a subject that you genuinely care about, so that your words will come from your heart and a place of effortlessly expressing passions (and self-amusement) - not from a place of being try-hard.
6 chick crack subjects of conversation:
spirit animal,
cold reading psychology,
her ambitions, values, and passions,
relationship dynamics,
the current news,
A woman’s favorite subject in the entire universe is….. (you guessed it)…. Herself! She cares more about herself than anyone and anything in the world. Don’t be fooled by a woman’s altruistic appearance; her primary agenda is always to serve her own unconscious or conscious biological interests because she worships the god that is her name.
This is why stacking non-judgmental observations and insights about who she is will keep her hooked on your every word. If you only learn one thing from this book then let this be the one thing that you learn: tell women insights that you have noticed about them and they will love you for it.
Don’t share these insights in a condescending/judgmental, harsh way because this may discourage women from sharing openly about their lives. She might be reticent when speaking IF it frequently leads to her being attacked in an analytical manner. As a general rule when dealing with women, being positive and enthusiastic about life is sexier than focusing on the negative and complaining. Contrary to the behavior of certain red pill gurus, constantly complaining about how shit women are and how life “sucks because it’s so unfair”, does NOT lead to a healthy perspective on existence and a feel-good vibe.
Disclaimer: While the vast majority of women greatly appreciate cold-reads, there are anomalies of certain women who don’t appreciate it. A smart seducer starts with the same cookie-cutter strategy for every woman that he meets, but with time creates a more tailored mating strategy that is specifically designed and refined (on the spot) to meet the emotional needs of the woman he is dealing with that is based on the latest information in the field (such as her body-language reactions to his micro-moves and other clues that she leaves about the blueprint to seducing her). Hence, to an extent, he is always in calibration mode and “meeting her where she is at” - while simultaneously drawing her into his world and escalating the interaction.
How to Create a Conversational Connection
Figure out what her favorite topics of conversation are [aka Elicit Values].
Learn a lot of information about these subjects.
Speak passionately about them.
Use extremely powerful and dominant body language.
BOOM! She will hold on and cling to every word that you say.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
Did you ever see a beautiful woman, only a few feet away, but you were too scared to say or do anything?
A decade ago, that was me! I felt TRAPPED like a thirsty man in a desert surrounded by water he couldn't drink. There were women all around me, but I didn’t know what to do to start an interaction and sustain it long enough to seduce her. IT WAS TORTURE to see a sexy, young woman only 6 feet away, but I did NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO HER TO START THINGS OFF.
It took years of painful, heart-breaking trial and error to crack the code, but when I did figure it out the sex was as abundant as sand on a beach. WHEN I COULD FINALLY GET RESULTS IN THE FIELD CONSISTENTLY, IT MADE ALL OF THE YEARS OF EXCRUCIATING PAIN WORTH IT.
He who has game-related-skill-sets will find beautiful women as abundant and accessible as OXYGEN, but he who lacks game skills will ponder bullshit thoughts such as:
“All the beautiful women are taken”,
“No woman will suck my dick”,
“What’s the point of trying if I’ll fail anyway”, and
“All hope is lost. I am completely fucked.”
The lazy man always has a convenient “perfectly logical” excuse ready to justify his lethargic, cowardice behaviors. He uses these rationalizations to avoid feeling guilty for behaving like a pussy.
When you have success in the field, motivational and inspirational thoughts find you. You become invigorated by your results and find yourself hitting the field more often. You start looking forward to interacting with women. It becomes a positive feedback loop that gets stronger with time. Success breeds MORE SUCCESS. The rich get richer and the sexy get sexier.
However, when you have repeated failures in the field, your confidence and self-esteem levels take a hit. This leads to even less results and generates a vicious negative cycle that can take someone into the depths of depression. When one has repeated failure, he starts to expect failure - creating a self-fulling prophecy. If this is you, you must SNAP OUT OF IT NOW!
A woman doesn’t give a fuck about your excuses, sob story, lack of a strong male role-model, abusive childhood or victimhood. She cares about the bottom line: did you emerge as a WINNER in the game of life? Can she trust you to be a powerful leader?
LISTEN TO ME, SON. I don’t care what your past is. I don’t care how many mistakes you have made. I don’t care how much of a “loser” you think you are.
And from the ashes, arises a NEW YOU. This moment right now is a NEW CHAPTER IN YOUR LIFE. Let go of the past, and start over RIGHT NOW.
Every mistake is an opportunity to learn something new. Everyone makes mistakes. The difference between those who are successful and those who are not: is the ability to quickly gain the lessons from the experiences and move on forward - without a loss of intensity of purpose.
LAW #52: Leverage silence.
Learn to use silence to your advantage. What you don’t say is as important as what you do say. Silence itself is a response. Learn to leverage silence.
Keep in mind that NOT everything a woman says is worth deciphering. Often a woman will vomit an entire series of random nonsense that doesn't matter at all and doesn't have any deeper meaning. Never underestimate the incredible effectiveness of ignoring a woman, as a frame control tactic.
Using silence as a communication weapon will save you from a lot of time-wasting drama. Simply ignoring a woman at the right times will save you a lot of unnecessary pain-in-the-asses. The use of silence is especially golden during shit-tests; when a woman says some stupid drama-creating bullshit then just ignore it, and misdirect her attention to something else - to save yourself the headache.
Ignoring female bullshit will save you a lot of headaches.
What you reward with your attention tends to be reinforced. So it’s important to bring attention to positive behaviors, and disregard negative behaviors (even avoid mentioning them entirely. Attention is the currency that women crave, and what you give attention to: will be repeated. This is why it is best to not give credibility to negative behaviors by discussing them .
There are certain specific moments in your communication with a woman where it will be of tremendous benefit for you to be able to understand the true meaning behind the signals that women send out. The key is to pay attention to what matters, and disregard the irrelevant bullshit that doesn’t matter.
The 5 Key Rules of Frame Control
#1) Not everything a woman says is worth acknowledging.
#2) You don’t owe a woman anything - not even closure.
#3) Not everything a woman says is worth responding to verbally or emotionally.
#4) Not every question a woman asks is worth answering.
#5) You can redirect a woman’s stupid questions with either a sarcastic answer, or a question of your own.
Learning to say “no” and just ignoring her shit, will save you from tons of female drama and bullshit.
This is an excerpt from Forbidden Techniques of Frame Control. The Immutable 20 Laws of Frame Control: He Who Controls the Frame, Controls the Game
Click here to read the full book. [Audiobook included]
LAW #42: To attract women, become attractive. Be positive, socially competent, confident, and stylish.
Men that are positive are FAR MORE ATTRACTIVE to women than men that have pessimistic perspectives on life. Having basic social skills is necessary for dealing with people - women included. Having an active social life will inherently lead to having strong game skills. Don’t isolate yourself from society and stop developing yourself, the moment you get a girlfriend.
If you have no real-world friends who you meet up with then yes, that’s a red-flag that you need to socialize more. There are real benefits to having a peer support network - besides ample opportunities to sharpen your social skills. Further, one of the fastest ways to get strong social skills is to spend time with people who have strong social skills - role-modeling after them. Avoid spending time with socially inept fucking weirdos because that would only lead you to internalize their anti-game behavioral tendencies.
It's amazing how often basic rules of conduct are ignored like:
hold eye-contact,
articulate clearly,
have a strong, firm handshake,
keep your head held high,
don’t look down like a beta,
stand straight,
wear clean clothes (women do notice subtle details),
shower daily to ensure you smell nice,
don't monopolize a conversation,
don’t be clingy in conversations and “wear out your welcome”,
don't dress like a retard,
don't be a downer by focusing on the negatives in life,
don’t be bitter by speaking badly about people,
don’t bring up strange subjects like serial killers,
don’t bring up gross subjects like farts and feces,
don’t be socially awkward by being fucking weird and oblivious to the unofficial rules of dealing with people,
Yes, women will notice if you have:
greasy hair,
unkempt hair,
long nails,
smiling too often,
nodding too frequently,
licking your lips frequently,
being dressed oddly, and
dirty or stained clothing.
These subtle details reveal a lot about a man. If you look like shit, then women will find you creepy. Women will judge you within the first half a second of seeing you.
Dress impeccably. Not because you need her validation, or care what she thinks. But because you understand the importance of perception management & strong game skills when it comes to banging pussy in general.
By taking care of yourself (personal grooming, basic self-care behaviors such as good hygiene, being financially independent, etc.) you reveal the capacity to take care of others.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
Share something personal about your life but make sure that it is amusing and has a funny/bold ending to it. By sharing something about your life, you are inviting her to share something about her life too. After all, according to American-Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura people learn best by role-modeling after observed behaviors. A woman is more likely to learn by seeing a demonstration of proper behavior than she is by listening to an explanation of proper behavior.
On an advanced note, sometimes you want to give sarcastic and evasive answers to women to encourage them to prod more and to spike intrigue by appearing more mysterious (See Law #2: Create desire by leaving a woman wanting more and utilizing the negation tactic).
Reciprocity is effective for instantly getting compliance.
Imagine two different situations:
Situation #1: immediately upon entering a restaurant, a waiter asks for you for a five dollar tip. “Get the fuck outta here” would be your initial response.
Situation #2: a waiter provides stellar prompt service throughout your meal - ensuring that you’re glass of orange juice is always filled, there are plenty of napkins, there are lots of extra condiments, you have a wide selection of bagels - and then after the meal is over, the waiter requests a five dollar tip. The latter situation is more likely to get compliance because value was given upfront for free, and then value was requested secondly.
Implement the Principle of Reciprocity
Women are more likely to give value when free value has already been given to them. Hence, give emotional and conversation value FIRST. Request emotional and conversational value SECOND.
Implement the Principle of Mirroring
What you put into an interaction is what you will get out of it because women will mirror your behavioral patterns. Put into a relationship the kinds of things that you would like to get out of a relationship.
This concept is relevant in having conversations with women:
If you want a woman to invest, be a shinning example for her to role model after.
If you want a woman to entertain you (and give value) when it’s her turn to talk, lead by example and say something that is entertaining (and value-giving) to her when you are talking.
Showcase the proper model of giving value, so that a woman will reciprocate by giving the same type of value that you gave her.
Share details about your life. Talk about exciting and funny things that are currently happening in your life. Explain interesting pieces of information that you have recently learned yourself.
Ask yourself:
What is a project that I’m working on right now that I’m passionate about?
What is something extraordinary that recently happened to me?
What is something new that I learned recently that completely changed my perspective on the world?
Discover the answers to these questions and then share them boldly. This will encourage her to share as well because of the effect of reciprocity and mirroring. A conversation will ensue.
Technique #14: The Cold Read
Making a cold read (or a warm read) boils down to making an intelligent, insight about her favorite subject: herself. Tell her something about herself that she didn't know before. Give her an insight about her current life’s situation that will blow her fucking mind.
Cold-reads are extremely effective conversation amplifiers. After all, there is no one in the world that she cares more about except herself. By revealing something about her that she didn’t know before you’ve given her a significant amount of benefit - one that will reciprocated by her giving conversational value of her own to benefit you!
Technique #14.2: The Dig Deeper Tactic
Listen attentively to what she says - both on an intellectual level and on an emotional level. Then paraphrase what she has already told you in your own words, and go deeper into that subject.
When a woman talks about herself, read between-the-lines and understand the implications. Think to yourself:
Why is that true?
Why is it important?
What are the implications and ramifications of what she said?
What does that say about who she is?
By thinking about these questions and possible answers, you will use your mind to generate insights. Then proceed to share the most interesting of these insights with the women who you are dealing with.
4 Types of Cold Reads You Can Use
Comment on her energy levels. Does she have a lot of energy or is chill and calm?
Comment on her introversion or extroversion. Is she an introvert or an extrovert?
Comment on her accent, and take an educated guess as to where she is from. “You have a strong accent. I can tell that you are from Russia.” You can take this a step further, and take a guess about what her age is. Regardless if you are wrong or right, she will be entertained and will wonder what lead you to come to that conclusion.
Comment on her Myers Briggs personality type.
If you want to Learn Field-tested flirtatious lines that DRIVE WOMEN MAD WITH DESIRE so that she will be the one who is chasing you. This flips the script and puts the power back into your hands.
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Spending time on a woman who is a good sexual potential is like watering a seed that turns into a plant that bears fruits, but spending time on:
• a toxic woman (with severe emotional baggage) ,
• on a woman who has friend zoned,
• on a woman who has low interest (and unavailable for in-person meetups),
• on a woman who is perpetually in a bad mood and always finds things to complain about,
• on a woman who has perpetual problems that she needs saving from because she is incredibly incompetent,
you is like watering a rock. Pouring more water is not going to magically change the rock into a plant; if you keep doing what you’re doing then you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. You have to kick the rock to the curb, go find time-worthy seeds and never look back. Next level behaviors lead to next level results.
In the case of a toxic woman who is a relationship dead-end, it’s better to move on with your life, because no pussy is worth your peace of mind. Even if you fuck her, the psychological toll is not worth it, because that’s psychological energy that you could have spent developing better leads that are of healthier connections.
No pussy is worth your self-respect ✊, and sexual market-value. Even if you fuck her in the end, think about how you’ve lost opportunities with other girls in the process.
I’m about to say something that is incredibly politically incorrect (and should not be shared with blue-pilled male associates): women have different levels of quality in sexual relationships. Not every woman that you can fuck is worth fucking. Some low quality garbage should be left in the garbage.
In contrast, there are higher quality women out there that are worth getting into a long-term sexual relationship with.
Escalate the vibe to avoid falling into the friendzone.
It looks like a normal conversation to an untrained eye, but the daytime seducer is implementing a series of rapid-fire tactics, that will create an emotional connection that leads to legs being spread.
Guys that get friend-zoned:
don’t escalate the vibe,
don’t sexuality the conversation,
don’t create a man-to-woman frame, and
don’t flirt.
“Touch early and touch often” is a maxim in the seduction community. Touch is a form of physical communication that cannot be substituted by verbal communication. Create this pattern of continuous touching from the very start of the interaction.
How you start an interaction is how the entire interaction will continue; likewise, how one starts a relationship with a woman sets the behavioral pattern of the entire relationship. Behaviors tend to reinforce themselves overtime. Ideally you want to start with a man-to-woman frame right away - rather than land into the friend zone and then have the hassle of changing behavioral patterns that have already been ingrained.
If you don’t touch her at all for a period of 15 minutes and then suddenly start touching, it can be strange to suddenly start touching her later on.
How an interaction stats is how it will continue on. You want to start with the frame that you are just a touchy guy and naturally touch everyone as you communicate with them. Physical escalation is the bridge that separates men from boys, and lovers from friends.
Touch her body. Make a move. Shamelessly touch her body with ultra confidence - like you expect automatic compliance. Assume that it will work and often it will.
She desires your touch but she is too restricted by social conditioning to express this outright. Slut-shaming is still a cultural phenomenon, so women tend to be more promiscuous in private than in public.
You have to touch her body early and often because this is a vital element in the mating process. Get her hooked on the oxytocin that she feels upon skin-to-skin contact. Eventually, she will be hooked on the pleasure that your dick provides.
When it comes to physical escalation, just make a move. Her body craves your touch. Don’t rob her of this gift. Overtime increase the duration and intensity of the touch. You are having an unspoken physical conversation.
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