Women can read a mans confidence levels (or lack of) just by looking at his face. Evasive eye-contact,excessive nodding,head tilted down,fake smiling,keeping a smile always on,&sustained eye-brow raisesreveal a man eager to compensate for a perceived lack of self-worth.
Читать полностью…Women can move on from a relationship lighting fast.
The next day shes already on a new dick - like nothing even happened in the past.
Women are ruthless players - which is exactly why you have to be ruthless as well. Level the fucking playing field.
Women don't fuck:
- losers,
- beta males,
- nice guys, or
- weird socially-inept males.
Spending time on a woman who is a good sexual potential is like watering a seed that turns into a plant that bears fruits, but spending time on:
a toxic woman (with severe emotional baggage) ,
on a woman who has friend zoned,
on a woman who has low interest (and unavailable for in-person meetups),
on a woman who is perpetually in a bad mood and always finds things to complain about,
on a woman who has perpetual problems that she needs saving from because she is incredibly incompetent,
you is like watering a rock. Pouring more water is not going to magically change the rock into a plant; if you keep doing what you’re doing then you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. You have to kick the rock to the curb, go find time-worthy seeds and never look back. Next level behaviors lead to next level results.
In the case of a toxic woman who is a relationship dead-end, it’s better to move on with your life, because no pussy is worth your peace of mind. Even if you fuck her, the psychological toll is not worth it, because that’s psychological energy that you could have spent developing better leads that are of healthier connections.
No pussy is worth your self-respect , and sexual market-value. Even if you fuck her in the end, think about how you’ve lost opportunities with other girls in the process.
I’m about to say something that is incredibly politically incorrect (and should not be shared with blue-pilled male associates): women have different levels of quality in sexual relationships. Not every woman that you can fuck is worth fucking. Some low quality garbage should be left in the garbage.
In contrast, there are higher quality women out there that are worth getting into a long-term sexual relationship with.
Sometimes a woman cannot appreciate what she has until jealousy and fear of loss kicks in.
Learn to play female nature like one plays a guitar.
"If I have a fear it is that I’m only one man, and I can’t possibly be enough to kick these guys in the ass like their fathers were unable or unwilling to do."
- RM
"I'm busy" is a lie.
A woman always makes time for men she prioritizes.
If not now, then she'll tell you when she's available.
Pickup should be fun! Have a good time! Don’t make it painful by being overly self-critical, neurotic, OCD, anxious about being judged, or self-conscious.
By entering into talkative state, you’ll naturally say the right things in conversation. Talkative state is a certain state of mind that is conducive to being a conversationalist. One is able to enter this state of mind by warming up and doing some socializing.
Brief note on texting:
Practical application: when you get a text from a woman, don’t take 5-10 minutes to ponder the best possible response that you can send her. This is a waste of your time and psychological energy. It takes away the fun of the interaction and turns it into a chess match.
Further: it can take more energy to remember to text her back than it takes to just text her back as soon as you read it. You are far better served by just responding instantly as soon as you read her text than having to exert unconscious energy to remember in your mind to text her later and unconsciously working on the “most clever, value-giving” text back. I advise not looking at your phone’s texts until you ready to interact with women, so that you aren’t put in a situation where you read texts, can’t respond right away, postpone it for later, and then have your mind waste its energy.
When you have genuine fun in the field, you will be much more motivated to go out and interact with women (sustaining motivation in the long-term) than if you view it as a painful chore and a dangerous minefield.
A good approach appears like “it just happened”.
A good approach appears natural and spontaneous – not planned. A good pickup should not look like a pickup. A good pickup appears as if you are in the middle of doing something important, but you happened to notice something about her that overwhelmed you so much that you “couldn’t stop yourself” from sharing that thought.
After all, you are a highly social outgoing guy. You enjoy talking to people and meeting new people - as you go about your daily life. Even if you don’t “get the girl”, you still got an enjoyable experience that uplifted your spirits and made your day more awesome.
After talking to her for a bit, she ended up being so cool that you exchanged numbers so that you can invite her to fun events in the area that you are going to anyways because you have an exciting and fun lifestyle.
Conversation Casanova Mastery will teach you how to have conversations with women that LEAD TO SEX, and a mutually-satisfying long-term sexual conversations. NO MORE WASTING time being the texting penpal, conversational therapist, or platonic chatting buddy. Go through the program now HOW TO USE CONVERSATION AS A SEDUCTIVE WEAPON TO GET LAID.
Click Here to Get the Book [Audiobook Included]
Life is too short to take too long to make a move. GROW SOME BALLS and make a fucking move. Don't be one of those guys that needs to have endless conversations to nowhere - that span for many weeks - before you ask her out or endless dates before you physically escalate. Don’t become texting penpals. She’ll just use you for conversation, attention and free entertainment.
Put a price tag on yourself. She has to meetup at a reasonable time and make reasonable progress towards sexual intimacy or you’re moving on to prospects that don’t have intimacy (or logistical) impediments.
A few properly placed and well-timed touches can make a woman aroused. Touch her in the right area on her skin during emotionally high moments. Use conversation as misdirection while touching her; bullshit baffles brains.
Don't just approach to have a nice conversation to nowhere. Approach with the intention of banging her. Consistently move the interaction forward closer to sex. Your time isn't free. Always be pushing the interaction closer towards sex. Don't be one of those guys who: - has endless conversations that lead to nowhere, - becomes the penpal chatting buddy that never makes a move or - waiting around for months hoping that things will work out in the end.
Often women don't know what they want until you show them what's possible. LEAD. Don't ask permission to "touch her". Just touch her during the course of the conversation and watch her respond with positive ⚡️EXCITEMENT.
Always be advancing the interaction towards sex. Life is too short to be spend to be trapped in an endless conversation to nowhere or going on a dozen friendly dates. Always be moving things forward towards sex and if she resists repeatedly, NEXT HER.
Reading body-language is crucial. She could be DOWN TO FUCK RIGHT NOW but you are still busy having a conversation trying to create more attraction and more rapport. Don't be blind. Open your eyes to the signals she is sending and tailor your game accordingly. If she is down to fuck, don’t run more attraction-generating game; just fucking close now!
Don't frame the touching as a big deal. Make it appear natural, spontaneous and smooth. Don't draw attention to it, or look at the touch while touching. The conversation will distract her from the touch being uploaded to her unconscious. Physical escalation creates excitement for women that encourages them to keep going in the interaction.
One of the best times to touch a woman is when you’re making a point, or to reward her for good behavior. Start with smaller physical escalations before proceeding to bigger forms of physical escalation. “You get a hug for that.”
These guys are projecting themselves unto others - erroneously concluding that women are just like them and think just like them. Don’t project your own mind unto women because women don’t see the world as you do, and don’t operate based on the same rules as you operate in. Don’t assume women think a certain way - just because you think that way.
It’s important that we establish the truth immediately that women might as well live on a different planet because of how different they are from men. Women speak womenese, motherfucker.
The way that a woman shows love to a man is different than the way a man shows love to a woman.
The way that a woman navigates through the world and makes decisions is entirely different than the way a man operates.
The way that a woman communicates is entirely different than the way a man communicates.
Women communicate in a secret language that is understand by other women and by men who fuck women. My goal with this book is to teach you how to decipher this secret language so that you can understand the meaning behind her words, and if you wanted to, could communicate to her in Womanese so she could TRULY UNDERSTAND YOUR THOUGHTS.
Remember: woman want to fuck guys who “just get IT”. If she has to explain what she means then inherently the guy “is a loser who doesn’t get IT”. Being a guy who “JUST GETS IT” implies social proof, social intelligence, and status. Be that guy.1
The irony is that women expect a guy to just “get it” without explaining what “it” is. They’ll shame men for reading seduction self-help books like this one that reveals the truth about women, while simultaneously reading advice columns in popular female magazine.
Sun Tzu once said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Practical knowledge is potential power; applying practical knowledge in the field leads to actual power.
It’s a tremendous help to have an acute understanding of “Female OS” operating system to be able to seduce her mind, and unlock her legs. Understand this well: dominating a woman’s mind leads to dominating her body.
Mind fuck her, body fuck her and then you OWN HER SOUL. To mind fuck her, you have to understand her mind. A woman’s communication is the window into seeing how her mind operates - so being able to decipher the truth behind her words is essential.
If you know how a woman thinks, her value system, her belief system, and her emotional-buttons then you’ll be able predict how she will behave in response to your sequence of behaviors.
15 Do Not’s of Powerful Body Language
• 🛑 #1) DON’T 🛑 Talk quietly. Talking quietly is the most effective way to have women ignore you. If you don’t even take yourself seriously then why should women?
• 🛑 #2) DON’T 🛑 Have a high pitched tonality. Research done on studying high pitched tonality versus low pitched tonality revealed that the latter is more influential towards impacting people, and is more attractive to women.
• 🛑 #3) DON’T 🛑 Have evasive eye-contact and darting eyes. Eye-contact is one way that close connections are formed. It’s especially important to hold eye-contact when leading her logistically; take her hand and fucking lead.
• 🛑 #4) DON’T 🛑 Use fast moving gestures that reveal nervousness - instead of slow moving gestures. High status body-language is like moving through water. Fast jerky movements reveal nervousness and overcompensating due to insecurities. Another example: when a woman calls you from a different direction, don’t quickly move your head like rapid fire, but rather slowly move and acknowledge her presence.
• 🛑 #5) DON’T 🛑 Not take up any space at all - which is submissive body-language and reveals weakness. Women want to mate with the Apex Alpha which is why it’s imperative that you exude dominant, powerful, and strong body-language. Be the most dominant man in the room.
• 🛑 #6) DON’T 🛑 Having monotone delivery and only using 1 type of tone the entire time. A predictable tonality makes one boring to listen to. Variety is the spice of life.
• 🛑 #7) DON’T 🛑 Keep a poker-face during the entire interaction - which is part of a larger problem of being too serious and intense instead of being playful and flirtatious. Generally speaking, women at parties would prefer to relax and have light fun banter instead of engaging in intense conversations about the meaning of the universe. Light conversations precede deep conversations.
• 🛑 #8) DON’T 🛑 Be in a non-resourceful emotional state which doesn’t lead to effective communication. Remember: the emotions that you feel within yourself, manifest themselves in your body-language. By managing your inner-emotional state, you automatically manage your outer-body-language.
• 🛑 #9) DON’T 🛑 Keep your head down, and look down. Don’t Lean in and be hunching. Stop sitting with bad posture when you’re in front of a computer for hours at a day.
• 🛑 #10) DON’T 🛑 Mumble, or stutter your words. Don’t speak in a manner that is difficult to understand. If people have to say “what?” That’s a strong sign that you aren’t communicating clearly.
• 🛑 #11) DON’T 🛑 Touch your face during communications, or pace back and forth (both behaviors reveal nervousness). When approaching a woman, if you feel nervous then just imagine how she must feel.
• 🛑 #12) DON’T 🛑 Speak quickly like you’re rushing to get through your message because otherwise people will stop listening. Play the pauses.
• 🛑 #13) DON’T 🛑 Always keep a Resting Bitch Face on, and forget to smile. If you’re suffering, other people around you will feel those negative emotions and be turned off. This is especially true if you have a anti-seductive habit of complaining and focusing on the negative in life. Smile from a place of overflowing positive emotions.
• 🛑 #14) 🛑 DON’T 🛑 Use meaningless filler words that take up time, but don’t actually contribute any sort of value. Examples include: “Umm..”, “Uhh…”, “Like…” Use pauses instead of filler words.
• 🛑#15) 🛑 DON’T 🛑 When engaging in a lengthy conversation, be standing while the girl is sitting down. The fact that she is relaxed, but you’re putting yourself in a relatively uncomfortable position just to talk to her is giving away subjective social status. Alpha males don’t make themselves uncomfortable just to talk to girls.
It’s your delivery of the content and belief that the content is worth listening to that carries it enough for women to WANT TO LISTEN TO.
Click Here to learn womanese
This is a book about understanding the Womenese language. Understand this right now and right here: women speak the loudest with their actions. You’ve heard the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words.” A single action reveals more about a woman than 10,000 words. A woman could verbally bullshit you from morning to night, but her actions and body-language reveal the truth about the situation.
If she:
allows physical escalation to occur on an intimate level,
initiates touching by herself,
qualifies herself to you (e.g. gives you reasons why you should be with her by explaining different ways that she is awesome),
moves with you to an isolated spot,
brings up the subject of sex by herself, or
initiates interactions first AND makes time to see you on one-on-one dates:
then she is into you, and there is sexual potential. This is true even if she is verbally dismissive and says “the wrong things”. I repeat: this is true even if on the surface the words that she uses seem to portray you in a
negative light. When actions differ from words, trust the former.
Words convey what a woman wants to be. Actions convey who she is now. The smart seducer behaves according to how women are - not how they wish to be. He pays attention to their actions and body-language to ascertain the truth. Much of Womenese is unspoken.
Be acutely aware of the value that you are giving her that she needs, and values. Retain that leverage.
Time is life itself. To give it out to a woman, she must be WORTHY. If she isn’t worthy or proves to be unworthy later on in the relationship, then walk away. Always always always retain leverage and the ability to walk away. Women are like children, and need to be dealt with by having a firm hand.
Women have the irrational emotions of a child. This inner-child is always within her but masked because she has learned to appear adultish for the sake of her professional life. Smart seducers know to look past the fake facade of her appearing like a mature adult, and communicate to the inner-child that is within her; this style of communication is known as flirting. One key concept of flirting is to be high status, and a high status man’s power is in his ability to walk way because he has other options and the game skills to generate more options.
A master seducer is efficient. When he meets a woman, he thinks her through a live funnel. This funnel involves constantly leading the interaction towards sex. Life is too short to play indirect game that spans months. You have to consistently be moving the connection towards physical intimacy by doing a series of moves. If you spend 5 time tokens achieving something that should have only taken 1 time token then you’re just inefficient; don’t spend 5 dates to fuck her if you could have fucked her on the first day.
Women will rarely admit this but challenge sexually excites them.
Dont always be so easy to get along with.
Tease. Neg. Accuse.
Playfully push her away - psychologically. She desires to win you over by investing - not to be handed everything on a silver platter for free.
"Women today are hyperaware of how an image can be used to facilitate or handicap their sexual strategy."
- Rational Male
The single most important skill when it comes to succeeding with women is CONVERSATION.
It's what enables you to:
- approach women with an opening line,
- keep the interaction going by giving value and being engaging,
- spark attraction by flirting, and
- take her home.
The most valuable habit that you can develop is the habit of taking action every single day - without exception.
Читать полностью…You have a cute girl in your life that YOU WANT TO FUCK IN THE PUSSY.
You see her every once in a while, and you want to TURN THINGS SEXUAL,
without it being weird,
without coming across as creepy.
without getting a verbal/sexual harassment charge,
without it taking weeks or months (or for some guys: years),
You want to FUCK HER HARD and FUCK HER FAST, yet when she's with you, you do nothing because you don't know how to make moves on her. Your lack of knowledge on how to ESCALATE THE INTERACTION TOWARDS SEX paralyzes you from taking action. As a result of lack of action, you end up stuck in the friend-zone. You just fucked yourself by not knowing how to fuck her.
Here is the truth: even if a woman really likes you, she will usually avoid making blatant sexual moves on a man (initially), because society will judge her for being sexually aggressive and label her as a stigmatized "slut". So she's waiting on you to make the moves on her because she knows that a HIGH STATUS ALPHA MALE GOES AFTER WHAT HE WANTS IN LIFE AND TAKES IT.
In the age of the #MeToo movement, NOT knowing how to properly escalate an interaction towards sex can land you in jail. You have to escalate aggressively, but smart. WOMEN WANT TO FUCK - just not with losers who don't "get it". You have to know what you're doing and DO IT WITH EXTREME CONFIDENCE.
After a decade of experience in the field and thousands of approaches, I've boiled down what I have learned into a STEP-BY-STEP GAME-PLAN with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of leading a woman through a dating process that ends in mutual sexual ecstasy.
Instead of having to endure hundreds of harsh blowouts:
"get the fuck out of here",
"you're creepy",
"lets just be friends" speech,
"uhh that's gross",
and learning through trial and error, the written-guide will show you how to GET LAID THE SMART AND FAST WAY, so you don't have to go through the bullshit. By implementing the techniques in this book, you'll have a woman STOP showing you their innocent prudish side, START showing your her secret wild, sexual side, and TURN HER INTO A FUCK-BUDDY.
This reality will be yours:
You'll have that female "friend" completely naked undressed on your bed ready to be sexually ravaged,
She won't stop hitting you up and asking to seeing you again - sending you random dirty texts and photos of herself naked,
You'll hear her say "DADDY, FUCK ME HARDER!!!!" and realize that you have the power because you can go out at ANY NIGHT and use this system to get laid on THAT SAME NIGHT YOU MEET HER.
This is what you'll learn:
How to completely UNFUCK YOUR SEX LIFE FOR 2024.
How to tap into a woman's primal instinctive biological drives, implement trigger phrases, and touch specific areas on her body in a specific sequence to create a burning desire within a woman and become her sexual obsession.
How to meet a woman, flip her sexual arousal switches, use scientific principles that trigger sexual attraction, turn off her impulse control, and FUCK HER ON THE SAME DAY
How to utilize a specific pattern of behaviors to BECOME HER PHYSICAL ADDICTION.
2. "WOMENESE 101"
"Get Over a Breakup, The Guide"
"The Take Action Handbook"
And more surprise bonuses.
Click here to get the entire bundle
Confident men dont give a fuck if a woman disapproves.
- FUCK her opinion.
- FUCK her validation.
- FUCK her approval.
A confident mans sense of validation, and self-worth comes from within.
If you thought women were loyal, you are gravely mistaken. Women are loyal to your status and the value that you bring to the table. When these factors fade, her "loyalty" vanishes. Understand this: she's in it for herself. Her "love"for you is actually a love for herself.
Читать полностью…#1) Women make decisions and perceive the world through the medium of how they feel. By changing a woman’s mood, you’ll be able to change a woman’s mind and behaviors. 🔑 Control her emotions = control her perspective of the situation = control what she does.
#2) A lot of guys try to communicate with women through logical persuasion which falls on deaf ears on women who are emotional creatures. You have to learn to press a woman’s emotional buttons. 🔑 Control her emotions = control her behaviors.
#3) A lot of guys can’t even manage their own emotions yet they expect to manage a woman’s emotions. Mastery starts from within. By learning how to lead yourself, you’ll learn how to lead other people - women and men included. 🔑 By improving your own emotional state, you’ll improve the emotional state of those around you.
#4) Even the most dominant of women, wants to be dominated by a stronger and more competent man. Lead the men and the women will follow. Lead a woman and she’ll get TURNED ON 🔥. Learn to be an effective leader by being competence, and leading with confidence. 🔑 STRONG DOMINANCE CONVEYS INTENSE CONFIDENCE.
#5) What a woman says is not what she truly means because what she said was based on her current emotional state. As her current emotional state is subject to change, so does her thoughts on the subject matter. Don’t take anything a woman says too seriously, or attribute it too much importance. Understand that a woman easily changes her mind, as easily as she changes her mood. 🔑DON’T TAKE A WOMAN’S WORDS AS PERMANENT.
Escalate the vibe to avoid falling into the friendzone.
It looks like a normal conversation to an untrained eye, but the daytime seducer is implementing a series of rapid-fire tactics, that will create an emotional connection that leads to legs being spread.
Guys that get friend-zoned:
don’t escalate the vibe,
don’t sexuality the conversation,
don’t create a man-to-woman frame, and
don’t flirt.
“Touch early and touch often” is a maxim in the seduction community. Touch is a form of physical communication that cannot be substituted by verbal communication. Create this pattern of continuous touching from the very start of the interaction.
How you start an interaction is how the entire interaction will continue; likewise, how one starts a relationship with a woman sets the behavioral pattern of the entire relationship. Behaviors tend to reinforce themselves overtime. Ideally you want to start with a man-to-woman frame right away - rather than land into the friend zone and then have the hassle of changing behavioral patterns that have already been ingrained.
If you don’t touch her at all for a period of 15 minutes and then suddenly start touching, it can be strange to suddenly start touching her later on.
How an interaction stats is how it will continue on. You want to start with the frame that you are just a touchy guy and naturally touch everyone as you communicate with them. Physical escalation is the bridge that separates men from boys, and lovers from friends.
Touch her body. Make a move. Shamelessly touch her body with ultra confidence - like you expect automatic compliance. Assume that it will work and often it will.
She desires your touch but she is too restricted by social conditioning to express this outright. Slut-shaming is still a cultural phenomenon, so women tend to be more promiscuous in private than in public.
You have to touch her body early and often because this is a vital element in the mating process. Get her hooked on the oxytocin that she feels upon skin-to-skin contact. Eventually, she will be hooked on the pleasure that your dick provides.
When it comes to physical escalation, just make a move. Her body craves your touch. Don’t rob her of this gift. Overtime increase the duration and intensity of the touch. You are having an unspoken physical conversation.
This was an excerpt from Cory Smith's "The Complete PUA Bundle." [3 books in 1]
Click here to get the bundle now [Audiobooks included]
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Men and women are VERY different. You have to let go of the bullshit feminist propaganda, feminists want to brainwash you into believing, that men and women “are the same” and “equal”. Men and women are VERY different;
THOUGHT. They think differently.
BEHAVIOR. They behave differently.
ACTION. They make decisions differently.
PHILOSOPHY. The process of how they look at the world (and interpret events) is different.
SPEECH. And most importantly: they communicate differently.
This is crucial for you to understand because viewing a woman as “a man with a vagina” leads is the equivalent of playing chess with a blindfold on. If you treat a woman in the same exact way that you treat a man then YOUR GAME IS FUCKED.
Don’t treat a woman like she is a man - who just happens to have a vagina. Treat a woman differently than you would treat a man because the woman operates on Feminine OS and speaks Womenese, while a man operates on Masculine OS and speaks Manese.
FUCK political correctness. This is the truth (be willing to verbalize this 5 times over for the concept to sink in):
Men communicate in the masculine style 🔪 , and women communicate in the feminine style 🍑.
It’s problematic when newbie seducers think women ALSO communicate in the masculine style. These clueless guys will interpret a woman’s words incorrectly because they fail to realize that she is communicating in the FEMININE which is an entirely divergent language and operates based on a different set of variables (e.g. emotion, ego, primal imperatives etc).
The core of problems in long-term sexual relationships is using Manese Tools to understand Womenese.
These clueless guys use the rules of masculine communication (“Manese”) to interpret feminine communication and then are left scratching their heads when her actions are misaligned to her words. They’re trying to interpret Womenese with the tools of Manese (e.g. they think women mean what they say literally, say what mean literally, and uphold their word as honor dictates).
Have powerful body-language when communicating with women.
Often how you say something is more important than what you are actually saying; hence, your delivery skills are crucial. You can have the best pickup lines in the world, but if the delivery is off then the pickup lines won’t hit. If you body-language is weak then women won’t take you seriously. Here is a checklist for good body-language when communicating with women. Each one of these is incredibly important.
• ✅ #1) Be LOUD.
• ✅ #2) Have a DEEP TONALITY.
• ✅ #4) Take your time when talking. Talk slower at times to emphasize key points. GOOD PACING is vital. 🔑
• ✅ #5) Use PAUSES to build anticipation.
• ✅ #6) TOUCH to emphasize key points.
• ✅ #7) Use GESTURES to emphasize key points.
• ✅ #8) TAKE UP SPACE when talking to women. Keep your feet apart. Have a Power-Posture.
• ✅ #9) HAVE VARIETY in your tonality, temp and volume.
• ✅ #10) Communicate with NON-VERBAL body-language such as your posture, and practiced FACIAL EXPRESSIONS.
• ✅ #11) Practice emotional regulation techniques and meditation skills to communicate from a position of having a RESOURCEFUL EMOTIONAL STATE, and peace of mind. Being relaxed will help you avoid nervous ticks, facial flinches, or signaling stress.
• ✅ #12) Keep your head up, and chest out. Keep your back straight. Lean back. OWN THE SPACE.
• ✅ #12) Feel good. Enjoy the experience in the present moment. Flash a GENUINE SMILE.
• ✅ #13) Amplify your volume and SPEAK CLEARLY. Articulate yourself well.
• ✅ #14) Sit down, lean against the wall, or get into a comfortable position. This is known as LOCKING IN. Confident men don’t position themselves in an uncomfortable position when communicating.
• ✅ #15) Command the environment. Move things around. Control and adjust things in the environment. Behave like THE PLACE YOU ARE IN IS YOUR HOME.
When Women Use Negging on You
Women can use humor, “constructive” criticism, and “positive intentions” to disguise blatant manipulation and Power Grabs. These women will make Power Grabs (such as these) to establish themselves as higher in relative social status, get their ego validated and feel important.
Once these women get relative social power, they become disgusted by the men who gave up their self-respect and power. The insight here is simple: women desire men that are more powerful than them. Even a savage feminist seeks out a more competent man who is higher than her in subjective social status - both relative to her and relative to society’s standards of success.
To attract beautiful women into your life it’s imperative to:
• - seize social status immediately,
• - create the frame that YOU ARE THE PRIZE IN THE INTERACTION,
• - avoid exuding an apologetic or doubtful self-image,
• - ALWAYS have powerful, dominant body-language,
• - ALWAYS retain Walk Away Power by having multiple women in your orbit,
• - behave like a KING,
• - dress like you’re wealthy,
• - avoid peasant and low status behaviors that indicate that you are a man of inferior social standing,
• - avoid dressing average,
• - avoid worshipping women,
There’s a lot more key behaviors than I’m including in this chapter, but to summarize they follow one basic guiding principle.
Seize social power, and retain it. Women think they want social power, but quickly lose respect and attraction to a man who gives away his power.
In Womanese 101, learn How to use specific subtle truth-extraction techniques and micro-expression analysis skills, you will be able to metaphorically READ HER MIND. Then you’ll be able to use that information to your seductive advantage.
Click Here to Learn Womanese