What is she doing? 😳😵💫
repeat that again? 😳
Weez smarhh ehn shhheeet 🤪
ahhh iz doctah hoo ehn shhheeeet 🤪
something different: food is served 😳
somewhere in canada 😳
Lauren Southern part 1
everything is racist. 🙄
anyone interested? 🥺
just annadah dey in dah hood, shhheeeet 🤪
Y iz ahh getz a monnkee?? dass raysis 🤪
Seriously what is that thing? 🥺
Guess no hijab? 😳😵💫
women and power. bad mix 😒https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-york-da-issues-apology-after-being-caught-berating-police-during-traffic-stop-im-disciplining-myself
Everything is rsysis ehn shheeet 🤪
Wtf is this? 😳😵💫
ahhh dindu muffin, y’all iz raysist ehn shhheeeet 🤪https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-nike-dei-manager-sentenced-5-years-prison-stealing-millions-2024-5
This is our government, ladies and gentlemen Our tax dollars at work@Retardsoftiktok
I present to you:The 19th Amendment
potatoes 🥔🥔😃https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/onlyfans-model-flashed-portal-jokes-160730136.html
Lauren Southern part 2
Something different. Kool 🤪
something different. 😳🤔
DIE-versity hire. is this for real? 😳
something different: wtf!!! sick bastard 🤢https://m.vk.com/wall-194698867_24566
Who's training? 🤪😂https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1787495823506334083
Her first of many cats? 🤔
why didn’t she just get an abortion? 🥺
🤣 is this for real?
Dey bee raysis. Weez need Cp time. 🤪