A black woman was involved in a wild encounter with the police she nearly ran over a person. Crashed her vehicle into a police car and then she tried to run away
When the cops finally caught up with her
Her response was simply “I dindu nuffin.” The audacity.
you nearly hit an officer crash into their car and then act like you’re innocent
Seattle judge ATTACKS the media for its coverage after she offered sympathy to the murder suspect’s mother because "they’re 'dealing with a crisis" and lowered his bail
"So, I am very empathetic to the situation that the family finds themselves in... I am just doing my job, you’re dealing with a crisis. That’s a huge difference and one for which I am very empathetic."
K’Shawn Jimerson, 20, is accused of fatally stabbing 65-year-old military veteran Michael Grey after attacking him with a broomstick
Jimerson claims he acted in self-defense
In the first hearing, Judge Michele Gehlsen set bail at $50,000, despite the prosecutor requesting $2 million. (Jimerson paid the bail)
Jimerson was later charged with second-degree murder
Another Liberal woman masquerading as a judge.
Every single time.
ursula van der slut and the other WEF dictators plan on using every last bit of technology against the sheeple for world domination...
Читать полностью…Korean Store Owner puts shaniqua in a Bulldog Choke while his Wife Beats her for Alleged Shoplifting...
Fachkraft für Oktoberfest Schießen
@unzensiert / @unzensiertV2
This was a nice and wholesome account to encounter in the wild
Читать полностью…brown people things
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
not only did we let them vote but we also let them drive
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
duno if it's fake, but i choose it not to be because it's funnier
Читать полностью…BREAKING ⚠️
Anti-Australian indigenous" senator Lidia Thorpe interrupts King Charles' speech saying "give us our land back".
She is light-skinned and less than 50% aboriginal.
Follow: @NoticerNews
Let’s take a look at the U.S. mіlіtary, where sub-sаһаrаns are cоddled like tоddӏers during basic training due to their inаbility to stay buоyаnt.
Sheeeet!!! I can't sweeeeeem!
Ffs. The instructors should have been shouting at this Shaniqua to get her black ass into the pool, Full Metal Jacket style. The military will fail with recruits like this.
The one who has knowledge of the truth is free, but the free person does not sin.For 'the one who sins is the slave to sin."
The Lord frees us through his Word. Jesus said this in John 8:31-32: “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (NLT). God’s Word will unlock all you’ve been made to do and be. Through it, you’ll be able to do things you never thought possible.
we used to have asylums
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
Seattle street walkers
This election cannot end soon enough…
We are in good hands with the next generation, folks
“I’d rather kill my kid than have it.... live a miserable life.”
How compassionate. Be careful who you marry, boys. These can one day become the mothers of your children.
the vaccinated will soon disappear...
Читать полностью…[YTDL]
VIM Cream Commercial - Mother in "Prison"
black fragility
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
in the weimar you serve more time in jail for mean words than black gang rapists
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
the back stage footage is wild
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx
📝 303 replies
The Navy's continued search for competent vagina-owning fighter pilots notched up another pair of kills when pic related performed a flawless controlled flight into terrain during a routine training flight in instrument weather
A nigga was being racist towards White people at Redrock Casino 'Fuck White people, I'm not moving for no White people'
I had a very cynical moment in which I thought about the possibility of investing in tranny neovagina dilation. My searches led me to exactly what you'd expect.
Читать полностью…"He's going to deport 20 million people?! The people who pick your crops?!”
Early life american terrified their migrant voters will be deported.
new chan: @zoomerwaffenx