Sometimes I offend people Contact: @Wondersoulbot #blamethecoffee February 3, 2019
I am arguing if መነፅር and ካልሲ are part of our culture or not
How is your morning going?
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| ውሀ ጠጡ |
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If absolute truth exists, it must be available to everyone, everywhere, at all times.
Therefore, the path to truth cannot require any knowledge or effort.
- Naval
Do you know ጥሬ ስጋን በእንጀራ ከጠቀለልከው, you can throw it further?
Читать полностью…Don't fantasize about your tomorrow confined inside the walls of your today's reality. Aim a little Taller, Be a little Bolder & Dream a little Higher
Читать полностью…Me: *tries to sleep
My brain: *20 century fox jingle
Short people are the result of half-assed sex and unattained orgasms
Читать полностью…Pretty sure you noticed how dogs mark their territories by peeing in the corner and fight የሌላ ሰፈር ውሾችን በgroup when they trespass
But, somehow that border and territory fades away when they are mating. ግር ብለው ከአንድ ሰፈር ወደ ሌላ ሰፈር with out ኬላ. Territory doesn’t matter anymore, the strongest gets the gem 💎
How many of us, dogs compromise our territory, ego and dignity for a pussy?
And it’s totally ok
Them: eat the rich!!
Me:*5 Star hotel ጎራ ብዬ.... ዝብልል!
I would rather go to Hamer and jump 20 bulls than going through the talking stage again
Читать полностью…Imagine how many memes are made just in the past few weeks on different topics?
Memes should be considered as an alternative to essays. How about we make our students explore different perspective and narratives using memes?
By making meme you learn:
- critical thinking
- sourcing
- design
- communication
- story telling
- language,
To make good memes you have to be relevant, create connection and understand different contexts which is exactly what we need to improve our critical thinking
Everything I know about Saron, I learnt against my will
Читать полностью…Q. What would you do if you had a memory loss? Would u try hard to remember or just leave it?
A. How do I know I had a memory loss? And what memories am I trying to recover?
ብዙ ሰው በpolio ምክንያት መሬት ላይ በሚንፏቀቅበት ሀገር ክትባት አልከተብም ማለት ምን ማለት ነው?
Читать полностью…ልዩ as in different? Yes, we are ልዩ ሀገር. But, ልዩ as in special?
👏🏽 W E 👏🏽 A R E 👏🏽 N O T👏🏽
Me Texting: clown
Me Calling: clown
Me in Person: again, a clown
*blind date
Her: ... በእምነት እባላለው....አባቴ ነው ስሜን ያወጣልኝ ...
Me: he has doubts that you are not his real daughter, or something?
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Moaning is basically the human version of “ዚ ቡሉቱስ ዲቫይስ ኢስ ኮንኬትድ ሰክሰስፉሌ"
Читать полностью…White people can pronounce “Otorhinolaryngologist” properly but can’t even say “በለጠ" properly
You wouldn’t know you are inflammable until someone come along and set you on fire
Читать полностью…School assignment in 2035: make 20 memes on endocrine system
Читать полностью…Three hardest things to say for Ethiopian
1. ተሳስቻለው
2. ሀሳቤን ቀይሪያለው
3. ቂንጥር
Will the govt takes full responsibility for the atrocities happening in the “controlled” Tigray?
Does the war make us change our minds? Do you know any TPLF sympathizer that changes his mind? Or the opposite?
Do you think the Ethiopian govt will disclose the total finance of the war? The budget deficit?
Does the war keeps/improve the integrity of our society?
The main mandate of a govt is to safeguard its citizens, in any circumstance! Let alone bringing in foreign soldiers to loot and rape our sisters, mothers, and family. This so wrong on so many levels and I don’t see any difference between the operation manual in Tigray and TPLF itself. Did they go to war to become another Junta?
Imagine 1 ሳምንት መብራት ቢጠፋ እንዴት እንደምንሆን? A fucking 3 months???? Without food, shelter, and basic human amnesties???
ሰዎች እያሰብን! This is all man-made and it can be fixed if they have the willingness to do it. What is happening in Tigray is a willing-full ignorance.
How come you have a war plan and not prepared for the aftermath? Or is this part of the plan? You claimed that you wiped the most notorious gang in less than two months and you telling me you don’t know how to fix your mess???
We have seen what happened in Maikadra, in Metekel, and in Gura Ferda, Konso and so many places and the same are happening in parts of Tigray.
Our hate and reasoning to oppose TPLF should be matched with denouncing the wrongdoings and ignorance of what is happing right now.
They lost their sons in the war and their daughters are raped after
When is this suffering end? What did the innocent poor people did? What is their fault?
This goes to all people suffering from a lack of basic safety and security to make a living.
Q. Pls answer my friend & I r always arguing over this, she thinks u r adonay & I for some unknown reason think u r a girl??
A. On the gender spectrum, I identify my self as non-binary ቁሌት