ሰው አምኗችሁ ለሚያሳያችሁ የማንነቱ ክፍል አክብሩት.....Respect the pieces that people entrust you with. Out of comfort vulnerable መሆናቸውን as their weakness አትዩት or እነሱን በሆነ ሚዛን ላይ ለመመዘን አትሞክሩ! Treat hearts with gentleness.....with the same way you want yours to be treated and your vulnerability handled!
Читать полностью…ለምን ሆነብኝ ይመስል ቀናችሁ ጥሩ ካልሆነ ይበልጥ ራሳችሁን መጥፎ ስሜት ውስጥ አትቅበሩ.......some days you are productive and each small part of your day manages to work out but አንዳንዴ ሁሉ ነገር ብሶት በብሶት የሆነ ቀን ይሆናል as if the world is conspiring against you either ምንም ማድረግ ያስጠላችኋል or it just doesn't work out. When those days come learn to rest and recuperate. Watch movies or sleep without torturing yourself for not doing anything. Do the things that make you grounded and like yourself and when it passes which it definitely will you can go back to whatever it is you are supposed to do. This is also part of being human. እንዳመጣጡ ተቀበሉት!
Читать полностью…The notion of things fleeting and passing like nothing is so fascinating to me. An inferno that robbed you off your peace and tortured you as if your skin was being peeled off, now just gone and there’s nothing but memories left. The same truth for happy days too.
Читать полностью…ቀን ቆጥረን አዲስ አመት ልንይዝ መሆናችንን ሳስበው ይደንቀኛል......እንዴት እንዳሳለፍኩት ሳስብ ደግሞ "የት ነበረኩ?" ያስብላል as I look back on everything. "Is it worth it?" የሚል ጥያቄ ጭንቅላቴ ላይ የመጣ አይመስልም on how I betrayed myself on most of the decisions I made. I amnot yet ready to unpack it all fully ግን just this simple realization didnot go well.
Читать полностью…"Candles,by design,burn and
Life,by design,ends
In the mean time doesn't it smell nice?"
"በህብረት የብሶት መድረክ ልንከፍት ነው ወይ?" እንዳትሉኝ እንጂ this is your reminder that you got a friend in me. Whatever you want to talk about or if you wanna have a venting session with a stranger I am here. @Chesed_29
Читать полностью…A piece of advice - Don't get attached!
(I know I am not entitled to give advice, and I hate doing so. But who cares? 😂)
Starting from an early age, I've had the chance to be with many individuals as friends and brothers. Only a few of them are still in my life, while the rest have moved on. I'm quite sure they barely remember me. I always find myself blaming myself for their departure and living in the nostalgia of our memories.
And now, probably in the middle of my life, I realized attachment is the source of most pains. All the little scratchs on the wall of my heart ቢኮዛቸው attachment ነው 😅 ብዙ የቅርቤ ያይደሉ ሰዎች ብዙ ነገር ሲሉኝ ወይ ሲያደርጉብኝ ልቤ ድንጋይ የሆነ ያህል ምንም ሳይሰማኝ ሲቀር፤ የቅርቤ ያልኳቸው ደግሞ ለእነርሱ እንኳን በማይታወቅ አኳኋን፣ ከምንም በሚቆጠር ድርጊታቸው ብዙ ቆስያለሁ። እና ዛሬ መለስ ብዬ ሳስባቸው የማልረሳቸው ክፉ ትዝታዎቼ ከመቀራረብ የመነጩ መስለው ይታዩኛል። መስታወትን ይበልጥ የሚሰብረው ከሩቅ ነው ከቅርብ የተወረወረ ድንጋይ?
People are beautiful and loveable. But they are people after all. They have much in their own plates. No matter how much you love them, how hard you try, and to what extent you want them to stay, ultimately they will go - in one or another way.
የሆነ የሔኖክ ግጥም አለ that touched my heart - "አንዳንድ ሰዎች ማለት ጥርጊያ መንገድ ናቸው እስከሰዎች ድረስ" የሚል። እውነት ነው! ቢመረንም ቢጥመንም በቃ አንዳንዶቻችን ወደሌሎች ሰዎች የምናደርስ መንገዶች ነን። መንገድ ደግሞ ከመንገደኛው በፍቅር መክነፍ የለበትም - መንገደኛው ሂያጅ ነውና! People come and people go. It's not because they are bad, it's just because that's how life functions and how the system is wired. If things ain't working, you gotta smile and move on - there are much in life!
እና ሰውን መውደድ፣ ለቀረቡን ሁሉ መልካም መሆን እንዳለ ሆኖ ከሰዎች ጋር ያለንን attachment መቀነስ ከብዙ ሕመም ይጠብቀናል። Eat, laugh, enjoy, talk, fight with them but there should be some boundary. ብንችል priority መስጠት ያለብን ለራሳችን ነው! የሆነ ቀን ብቻችንን ስንቀር ከሁለት ያጣ እንዳንሆን!
እና ይሄ ነገር ልጅ ሳለሁ ቢገባኝ ኖሮ ከብዙ ሕመም ባመለጥኩ ነበር! I have been through a lot and it's not worth it - believe me, it's not totally worth it!!
Have a good night!
We can't go over it
We can't go under it
We're just gonna have to go through it
We're gonna have to go through it
Swish, swish, swish, swish
"I didn’t know that the war was still inside you, that there was a war to begin with, that once it enters you it never leaves..."
Читать полностью…እኔ ተናግርያለሁ! ሁለት ወርም ትሁን ሁለት ዓመት ከፍ ሲልም marriage, know the people you date or choose as a partner.
"ቆንጆ ነው/ናት😩" እና ምን ይጠበስ? ከመልካቸው ጋር እንኖር ይመስል...physical attractiveness is one factor not a whole central point.
“He got money tho” his money might get you and your kids things but it’s not going to carve their characters.
እስቲ ታንቃችሁ ትሞቱ እንደሆን እናያለን...withdraw yourself from being in meaningless relationships and the constant need to date for a while.
ማን እዛም እዚህም ልባችሁን እና innocence-ኣችሁን ካልዘራችሁ ህይወትን አታቋትም ብሎ አዋጅ እንዳወጀ እንጃ...መባከን ሆኗል ኑሯችን::
You notice major red flags and deal breakers? Immediately check out. ዛሬ tolerate ያደረጋችሁት ነገር will bite you back ሗላ ለቅሷችሁ መከራ ነው::
Besides knowing who you choose to form a romantic relationship with, be comfortable with being alone first, understand your edges very well before inviting someone to be part of the chaos that is your existence.
ወደ ሗላ የቀራችሁ ስለሚመስላችሁ አደራ! Don’t get involved with someone you don’t share anything with...ባለህበት ተራመድ ለምን አትሆኑም? እሰይ ደግ!
Experience ይሆናል እያሉ እሹሹ የሚሏችሁን ወደዛ...ልብ ሸርሽሮ experience የለም!
ደግሞ Ex መደርደር ጀብድ የሚመስላቸው ሰዎችም አሉ እናንተዬ
አለማወቅ ይሆናል አልፈርድም! ጀብድም ይሆናል እኮ...ምን አውቅ እና እኔ ህእ🤭
As a society we’re conditioned to loathe lonesome, ሁካታ እንወዳለን...የውስጥ ሁካታን ሳያበርዱ አጃቢ ቀውስ መፈለግ ምፅ::
በቤተሰብ የጎደለን ነገር ያለ ይመስል like there is something missing in our gene በአል አንወድም.....የበአል ዘፈን ያቅለሸልሸናል.... holiday commercials also looked nothing like how we spent our holidays. I dont know if any of you would relate but holidays were ብዙም ደስ የማይሉ ቀናት.I have thought about writing about that many times on here but በጊዜው it felt deppresing to do so. And we arenot getting into that noe.
I was thinking እና Tho I cant say I miss it ዱለት መክተፍ እና የሚደርሱብን ብዙ ብዙ የጉልበት ብዝበዛዎች set that ድባብ along with all the minor ልማዶች and ግርግሮች we Habeshas do. ስምንት ልጆች መሆናችንን የማመሰግነው its in days like this.
አመት በጨመረ ቁጥር እና አንድ ሰው for work or school በአልን miss ባደረገ ቁጥር you start thinking about what you took for granted all along.የመጨረሻ ልጅ and all its privelleges fade away when its just you and your parents for በአል and you have to do all the entertaining and come up with the lame jokes.
And now that too isnot there. Now the only thing happening is የካፌ ዜርፎር ፣ እልህ አስጨራሽ ሰልፍ and ቀኑን ሙሉ ተኝቶ መዋል.....And one day that will be gone too.
Everything given to us comes with an expiry date. And የምንሰጠው ዋጋ depends a lot on that. Now that I think of it for how ግድየለሽ we are የነገሮች እንደዚህ መሆን አስፈላጊ ነው... አንዳንዴም ዝምብሎ መጥፎው ነገር ላይ wallow ማድረግ ጥሩ አይደለም....wherever you are in life and whatever you have count your blessings.እውነት! ይቺ ነገር ስትደጋገም አትቅለልባችሁ
It sounds Odd but I remembered a certain food we used to eat ድሮ እኛ ቤት and was nostalgic about those days. Though they were painful in a way(those days and as a family ያለፍንባቸው ነገሮች) some part of me longed for it because አሁን ላይ ቆሜ ሳየው ያጣናቸው ግን at that time በማይሆን ነገር ላይ አእምሮዬ ተይዞ for granted የወሰድኳቸው ነገሮች ስለነበሩን.....
I can't stop to wonder what part of the life I have today that I have not found worth in and have let it get clouded by the gloomy part. ሁሉም ነገር price tag እና expiration date ኖሮት ቢመጣ መልካም ነበር.....ዘወትር በትናንት አለማስተዋላችን ከመሰቃየት ቢያድነን....
When those days come that feel like የሚያልፍ የማይመስሉ and everything suffocates you even the most minor thought I hope ትንንሽ የሚባሉ ግን soothing የሆኑ encounters like a kind gesture or a smile from a stranger come your way to calm your heart and remind you that these days are passing too.
Читать полностью…A woman was explaining on tiktok that its possible to love each heart like your first love and that the only difference is each time you will find a better way to refine your heart before giving it to someone and i believe there is some truth to it.
Читать полностью…Addiction is so gruesome. It feeds on your life however it desires. What is worse is watching it feed on the life of your loved ones and children and them suffering because of it.
Читать полностью…My heart aches for the adults I see around me.
Holding to their only hope that is God and doing their best to survive. Because you can see “I wish I could have been this but my time is up” written all over their wrinkles and slumped shoulders. Just sitting and admiring the success and wins of their friends, with a genuine heart even.
As much as I feel for them, it’s a painful truth that I don’t want to end my days like them.
Each breath I take I say
"I am alive still and isn't that more than what I am supposed to be"
-Desireè Dallagiacomo-
Most days I search on what i posted a year ago on a specific day to look back at what I used to be like but more to see if I changed even a bit. If today isnot just a change in a date and that I actually moved in a way from where i used to be. Change in those days feels good. More when it has a lot to do with healing.
Читать полностью…አሳስቧችሁ አያውቅም?
If its really you talking or people?
If your thoughts are programmed today or so long in the past?
"ተቀበል" እየተባለ እንደሚያዜም አዝማሪ
የሰውን ሀሳብ በአንደበቱ እንደሚቀኝ
ትላንትናችሁ ለዛሬ ጥያቄ መልስ እየሰጠላችሁ እንደሆነ ተሰምቷችሁ ያውቃል?
አፍ እንደሌለው ሰው ፍርሃት አንደበታችሁ ሊሆን ታግሏችሁ ያውቃል?
Tell me how many goodbyes and roads travelled does it take before I make peace with the grief of leaving a place....?
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