[ አንድ ስለልቤ ~ "ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !" ]
ሰው የሰበረውን ፥ ሰው ይጠግነዋል
ሰይጣን የጣለውን ፥ አምላክ ያነሳዋል
የአምናውን መከራ ፥ ዘንድሮ ያስረሳል
ግን ከልብ ተኳርፎ ፥ ወዴት ይደረሳል?
"ኖርኩኝ" ይላል እንጂ ፥ ግዑዝ ሥጋው ባይሞት
ችሎ እንዴት ይኖራል ፥ ሰው ልቡ አስቀይሞት?
ሆድማ ሞኝ ነው ፥ ደለልነው በጎመን
ቢታመም ፈወስነው ፥ የእንግሊዝ ጨው ቅመን
ስንቱን ደዌ እንዳልሻርን ፥ በጥበብ አክመን
አሁን መላ ጠፋን ፥ እኔም ልቤም ታመን!
አይታለል ነገር ፥ በሸማና በሀር
የልብን ስለሚያውቅ ፥ ልብም እንደ እግዚሀር
"ሰምቶ ይመልሳል" ፥ ብዬ እንኳን ባላምነው
"ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ" ፥ ብዬ ልለምነው!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
ቀን ፊቱን አዞረ ፥ ተገላበጠብኝ
አናቅፎኝ ብወድቅ ፥ ሁሉ አላገጠብኝ
ዛሬ ሊወግረኝ ነው ፥ ትላንት ያመለከኝ
የእናቴ አንቀልባ እንኳን ፥ ቢያረጅ አሾለከኝ
በሁሉም ስሰ`ለች ፥ አንተ ግን አትታክተኝ
የገነት ደጆችን ፥ ፍኖት አመላክተኝ!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
ተጋዳሊ አይደለሁ ፥ ወይ ከሃሊ-ኩሉ
ገረድ ፊት የምክድ ፥ እምነተ-ስንኩሉ
ሦስቴ የምከዳህ ፥ ጴጥሮስ ነኝ ችኩሉ
መልሰኝ እንደአውራው ፥ ብለህ አኩኩሉ
አብርድልኝ እንጂ ፥ የክደት ቁጣዬን
ከይሁዳ ወገን ፥ አትጣፈው እጣዬን!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
ሲፍረከረክ አቅሜ ፥ ዓይኔ ሲስለመለም
ፊቷ ሲጠቁርብኝ ፥ ስትከፋብኝ ዓለም
ሲላቀቅ አንደበት፣ ጣትም ሲጠቋቆም
ጉልበት አቅም ሲያንሰው ፥ ዳኛ ፊት ለመቆም
ተሟገት ከአምላኬ ፥ ሁንልኝ ዕምባቆም!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
ጠባቂ መልአክ ፥ ሆነህ ከጎኔ ቁም
ከከንፈር መጣጭ ጋር ፥ ጣትህን አትጠቁም
ዓቃቢ እንደመሆን ፥ አንተም አትክሰሰኝ
ጠበቃ አጣኹ እንጂ ፥ ከሳሽ መች አነሰኝ?
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
ልቤ ሆይ ልብህን ፥ ስለልቤ አባባት
ሁነኝ የቅርቤ ሰው ፥ ሁነኝ እናት አባት
ሰው ሁሉ ሲገፋኝ ፥ አንተ ተቀበለኝ
እንደልጅነቴ ፥ "እሹሩሩ" በለኝ!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
መንፈሴ ሲታወር ፥ ሥጋዬም ሲረክስ
ጆሮዬ አልሰማ ሲል ፥ የሕሊናዬን ክስ
በሲኦል መንገድ ላይ ፥ በክደት ሳነክስ
የ`ሳት ሰይፍ ሁንና ፥ ከኩብለላ አግደኝ
ሸምግለኝ ከአምላኬ ፥ ከፈጣሪ አማልደኝ
እግዜር አንተን ወዷል ፥ አንተ እኔን ውደደኝ!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
የኔ ያልከው ወዳጅ ፥ ሲሸሽህ ቀስ በቀስ
ስለሂያጁ ጥፋት ፥ እራስን በመውቀስ
ያንተ ያልነበረን ፥ አጣሁ ብሎ ማልቀስ
ከማን ተምረህ ነው ፥ የምታሳምመኝ?
ምን ባጠፋሁ ባንተ ፥ መታቀፍ የምመኝ?
በሰው ታምሜአለሁ ፥ በፍቅርህ አክመኝ!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
የራስህን ስንጥቅ ፥ በገዛ እጅህ ጠግን
አንዳንዴም አሳየኝ ፥ ሰው የመሆን ወግን
ከጠላትህ ሳይሆን ፥ ከእኔ ጋራ ወግ'ን!
እስራቴን በጥስ ፥ ሆነህ የእሳት ላንቃ
ለሥጋዬ ሞቼ ፥ ልቤ ላንተ ልንቃ!
ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ !
እምባህ ልሁን አምባኝ ፥ ሳቅህ ልሁን ሳቀኝ
ምነው እንደ ባዳ ፥ አንተም የምትርቀኝ?
ተው ብዙ አይቻለሁ ፥ ዓለም ፍዳ አጥግባኝ
የሕይወት ይበቃል ፥ ልቤ ግራ አትግባኝ!
፨ ፨ ፨
በህመሙ መድረስ እየቻላችሁ ለቀብሩ መሮጥ ትርፍ የለውም! እጆቻችሁ መዘርጋት እየቻሉ አትሰስቱ... መድረስ ከምትችሉበት አትቅሩ....Many want help and someone to lean on till it all passes. You never know ማን ህመሙን ተሸክሞ እንደሚዞር spreading out kindness and a helping hand won't hurt!
Читать полностью…The mind that sits and thinks and dwells on a thought is prone to feel rotten. Feed your brain what it needs not what it constantly preaches to you.መጥፎ ስሜት እንዲሰማችሁ የሚያደርጉ ሀሳቦችን ፊት አትስጧቸው!
Читать полностью…There is a great grief that comes with watching your parents age. To have to watch the days take a toll on them. To have to race with time እነሱን ለማኩራትና ለማስደሰት......time is bitter in this way.
Читать полностью…So many times most of our disappointment comes from the desire to be understood by others the same way we understand ourselves but them failing to do so. We require so much for them to listen to the details and understand each single piece of "WHYs" to each of our actions. But one thing we should always understand is that nomatter how much we explain ourselves or no matter how much someone loves us there will always be a gap in their understanding and a miscommunication somewhere along the line. They won't always feel the intensity of what you are going through or your intentions and that is ok.
Читать полностью…I went on a walk today. And as i was just observing the city and the sky(which I feel likes to make a statment by always being this beautiful) I realized that I can count the times that i took a walk out in this city with just one hand. So much to be seen and to experience. So many places to be. So many people to be with. Yet not present always running and sweating for an unpromised tommorow. Always ready for sacrifices. Little do we know that in those sacrifices we make we are betraying ourselves and stealing from its desires to be freely human and be present on all that goes on around it. That will always break my heart.
Читать полностью…I watched a movie today called "love at first sight". Don't worry its not as bad as it sounds. Actually it was a great movie. what I am here to do though isn't rate the movie or give critics about it but rather talk about a sentence mentioned in the movie which is an excerpt from a book called "our mutual friend" which says "Is it better to have had experienced something and lost it than to not have had experienced it at all?" This has been a major thought in my head for the past few months as I am faced with a decision regarding this. Most of the thought emanating from the pain of losing what is extremely cherished. I keep having a conversation with this person in my head asking them "Is it better to not have known you to begin with than to face the pain of losing you?" and each part of me answers my own question saying "I would experience the loss again and again just to experience loving you again and again in different lifetimes across different time zones and different areas." and no part of that answer is sweetened to somehow create a beautiful writing out of this. I also cannot seem to stop thinking that a goodbye whether prepared for or not is still the most painful thing one can ever experience. One can never be too prepared for grief that it eventually doesn't hurt.
Читать полностью…Today "Ok I have dealt with it it has been a long time and I am fine now" ያልኩት ነገር አንድ ሰው carelessly በተናገረው ንግግር as if time hasn't passed made me ache again. I Found this on tiktok later on. It was a perfect timing. Maybe you need it too.
Читать полностью…Leaving a certain place always comes with a certain grief. Whether it is a person or a place distance always manages to make the heart bleed.
Читать полностью…መልክ እንደወረስን ሁሉ we carry so much of the toxic behaviours of our parents and we take so much as a baggage from the way we grew up. የማያሳድጋችሁንና ሁልጊዜ እንደ ሰንሰለት እግራችሁ ላይ ታስሮ ወደ ትላንትናችሁ የሚጎትታችሁን ምንም ያክል ቢያማችሁ እየጣላችሁ ተራመዱ!
Читать полностью…Whoever said "when you grow up in a burning house you think the whole world is on fire" articulated it very well....
Читать полностью…Most of the time what we want from people that are around us seems so unachievable because what we desire is most likely the copy of ourselves. Friendship or relationship. Someone who understands our problems and what is missing exactly as how we want it to be understood. Someone who knows how to satisfy it too. Most times degmo we want all of that uncommunicated. Even our mother won't know what goes on inside us somedays aydel? So do yourself a favor ask for what you want from those that are around you instead of always feeling unfulfiled in a relationship. I believe that to a certain point we teach people how to love us and how to tend to the scar that we show them. Don't sabotage relationships with people that could love you because of lack of communication. More ግን ለራሳችሁ ከማንም በላይ ተገኙ!ልባችሁ እንዳይዝልባችሁ ሁሌ እጃችሁን ዘርግታችሁ የሆነ ሰው እስኪይዘው አትጠብቁ!
Читать полностью…Its a beautiful day. Seldom do we stop at our tracks and observe what goes on around us.ከሩጫችሁ ቆም በሉና admire the beauty. Don't let your days consume you.
Читать полностью…In a failed voice message that didn't actually reach my friend I tried to express this same idea to her. And How I feel like I have lost so much of myself at some point in my walk but I dont know where or how or even when. Its like coming back to your home after a long time abroad only to find out day by day that important things in your house have been missing. Things that you treasure most and values you have upheld your entire life are just gone. And as if you weren't given consent when it happened, the realization that you have exchanged things for something with less value just sets you off. The realization that so much of you lies bound to a distant past makes you grieve. Its amazing how we are living each day but somehow fail to be present in all that happens within us.
Читать полностью…Do we ever love the person or the attention we have been given....I am yet to find an answer.
Читать полностью…"ሁለት ወደኋላ አንድ ተራምዶ
የምሄድ መስዬ እያየሁ ማዶ
አደናቀፈኝ ያላየሁት ነዶ
ህልሙም ጠፋብኝ ያየሁት ድሮ
ለውጬው ይሆናል........."
Last year around this time I posted this:
When my brother finally decided to struggle his way out of his mental illness he planted a tree. The worst part about mental illness is everything you worked hard for could fall into pieces any moment. A minor inconvenience could make you go zero any day at any moment leaving vivid images of how long you have come. I guess what my brother wanted to be reminded of is how long he has come. That even if he was oblivious to all the changes that another life that started its pace with him is still breathing. I guess he wanted to see in the survival of the plant that "one step forward three steps back" or " not wanting to eat or drink or be a human somedays" is still growth. That despite what his head says he is still breathing. And that it is enough.
This week I planted a flower. It has an effect እውነት!
"Memory is a strange thing. It doesn't work like i thought it did. We are so bound by its order...but now i am not so sure i believe in beginnings and endings. There are days that define your story beyond your life."
Читать полностью…"እሺ በልና ግን
ዛሬን ብቻ ልድከም.......
.......ዛሬን ግን እንቢ አትበል
“እሺ” በል ይልቅስ
ትንሽ እንባ ላፍስስ
ትንሽ ብቻ ላልቅስ"
What my heart constantly utters these days.