There's definitely something fishy going on.
The World Economic Forum is now touting the wonders of "net zero Bitcoin mining", just two months after BlackRock's CEO praised Bitcoin as "a great potential long term store of value... like digital gold".
What are they up to?
For more content like this, subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia
🇺🇸US Navy Marine Corp. registered heart failure is up 973% from 2022 to 2023
‼️Myocarditis increased by 151%, cardiomyopathy by 152%...
🔗 Follow & share @globaldissident
15 min cities are a digital Gulag.
Lisa Miron: "In Canada, the NDP party proposed a law that would put those who speak positively about fossil fuels in prison."
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕️
Canadian lawyer Lisa Miron reveals the real intentions of introducing 15 min cities that are supposedly to protect the planet from climate change but in reality have the goal of total control of the inhabitants like in China. She analyzed everything in detail in her substacks, which you can read here ,
The video presentation is here
You can follow the SHOW via livestream -
CHANNEL of the show "SLOBODNI" with all episodes -
🚜🇬🇧BREAKING - British farmers announce biggest protest yet to take place in parliament square, London.
🔥March 25th 6pm.🔥
👇🔥Click here to BOOST US🔥
FOLLOW US: @FarmersProtest
"Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space lies our ability to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." anon
Читать полностью…See above: “The way we govern will have to be radically transformed—and government put on a war footing—if Britain is to break free from the vicious low growth, low productivity, and low wage cycle […]”
Читать полностью…‘Huge Discrepancy’ Exists in COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Data: Professor. READ:
Читать полностью…🟥 Dr. Heiko Schöning's Rede nach seiner Festnahme: „Deutsche Bundeswehrgeneräle haben die Bombardierung einer ausländischen Brücke konkret geplant. Nach §80 Strafgesetzbuch ist die Vorbereitung eines Angriffskrieges unter Strafe zu stellen! Es ist eine Straftat!
Soldaten, wenn sie Euch wieder befehlen, einen Angriffskrieg zu starten, sagt NEIN! Nach §11 Soldatengesetz darf ein Befehl nicht ausgeführt werden, wenn er eine Straftat darstellen könnte. Soldaten, Beamte, Polizisten, Väter und Mütter sagt NEIN!
Meine lieben Mitbürger, wir bekommen, was wir akzeptieren.
Wir bekommen Zensur, wenn wir die Einschränkung der Redefreiheit akzeptieren.
Wir bekommen Krieg, wenn wir die Kriegslügen und die Vorbereitung eines Angriffskrieges akzeptieren!
Wir bekommen Frieden, wenn wir uns für den Frieden einsetzen.
Wir bekommen Menschlichkeit, wenn wir uns mitmenschlich verhalten.
Wir bekommen Rechtsstaatlichkeit, wenn wir uns für das Recht einsetzen.”
❣️ ➡️ /channel/HerzensmenschenUnited
Dr Mohammad Adil Unleashes truth of Covid
A good life is inspired by Love and guided by knowledge, Medical Ethics,”First do no harm”. via @BitChute
After extensive study & research we concluded that Covid pandemic was not real ,face masking ,social distancing was for control for vaccine roll out in 2020.
A good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. As a qualified health professional with long standing experience, I analysed in early 2020 that Covid pandemic was a fraud after vast study and masking & social distancing was imposed to control public mind for slavery. The health services were completely ceased off for the public which caused enormous harm to the patients especially the cancer patients.
I had no choice but empathy with my patients and public which is indeed a vulnerable choice but for that I had to connect with myself to feel the pain and misery of the public and I couldn’t stop myself to stand for the cause of public to safeguard humanity. I full filled my duty of candour analysing that things were not right for the safety of the public and acted upon my medical ethics which says “ First do no harm and “Informed consent” and went on to the social media to relieve fear of Covid 19 among public which had been life saver appreciated by millions of people across the world expect medical establishment, MHRA, NHS and under their influence GMC suspended me in April 2020 and I am still suspended for the last 4 years.
I have neither been silent nor given up and neither will ! I am going to the higher court for the justice. Please support the cause to win justice for everyone .I have no regrets to protect mankind by showing other side of the picture to the people at that time which has turned out to be true 4 years down the line as people realise.
I stand firm for the right cause, and I fear nobody than fear itself. This peanut worth of cults cannot defeat us rather their time is approaching fast and days are numbered .Stay strong with strength & honour , unity and strength .“our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter”.
Donate generously on JustGiving crowd funding Campaign page attached to support the justice !
Justgiving crowd funding Compaign
Who owns the platforms where we think we have free speech? I get into the Venture Capitalists who are buying up social media and reveal how they plan to translate that into creating an entirely new world system of control. To support my work please click here:
#biotech #transhumanism #digital #greatreset #thiel #X #WEF #Agenda2030 #Narrative #socialmedia #VC
may132:5/video_2024-03-10_16-51-00:9" rel="nofollow">
Читать полностью…Oh look, yet another supposedly "green" electric vehicle charging station is being powered by... a diesel generator.
Sneakily hidden behind some dumpsters to avoid people noticing the farcical nature of Net Zero, of course.
For more content like this, subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia
Nice one, people of Ireland!
I don’t kid myself that this is the globalists beaten, but it sure is encouraging that, despite an effective monopoly on mainstream media, they still couldn’t win.
Best wishes
Great work on the unacceptable amendments to the International Health Agreements
Gordon Brown: UK Has To Get On War Footing For Economic Growth - UK Column News - 11th March 2024
- Institute for Government: Fixing the centre of government: Monday 11 March 2024, 12:30–13:30 (GMT)
- EUObserver: DG defence: Is EU getting serious on joint procurement?
- The Guardian: Gordon Brown: UK has to get on war footing for economic growth
“The way we govern will have to be radically transformed—and government put on a war footing—if Britain is to break free from the vicious low growth, low productivity, and low wage cycle […]”
- Frankfurter Allgemeine (German): Europe must stick to nuclear deterrence
- EuroNews: German minister calls for British and French nuclear weapons to protect Europe
- Guy Verhofstadt (on X):
“For 70 years, NATO has been a cornerstone of our security. Now it is vital we strengthen NATO by building its European pillar, based on a European defence community and a European Army, so that Europeans can take their future into their own hands.”
- The House of Commons Library: The European Intervention Initiative (EII/EI2)
- UK Column section: EU Military Unification
- RAND Corporation (2020): The Utility of Military Force and Public Understanding in Today’s Britain
- The Telegraph: Public face call-up if we go to war, military chief warns
- The Independent: Cameron to urge ‘strength, resilience and unity’ on visit to Berlin
- Goodreads: The European Union Collective: Enemy of Its Member States by Christopher Story
- David Swan (on X): Royal Navy patrol boats exercising on the Clyde
EudraVigilance data updates
Data status March 11, 2024
• Update of the EMA data (see data status March 4, 2024):
→ 2,286,572 cases (+652)
→ 28,811 deaths (+2)
→ 664,707 serious side effects (+242)
• Affected children:
→ 43,977 cases (+15)
→ 278 deaths (+0)
→ 16,287 serious side effects (+4)
EudraVigilance tables Covid vaccination:
EudraVigilance tables influenza vaccination:
EudraVigilance raw data:
Vaccination risk calculator:
orsolya gyorffy, [1 570 views, 11 Mar 2024 at 22:01:17]:
Datenaktualisierungen der EudraVigilance
Datenstand 11.3.2024
• Aktualisierung der EMA-Daten (Vgl. z. Datenstand 4.3.2024):
→ 2.286.572 Fälle (+652)
→ 28.811 Todesfälle (+2)
→ 664.707 schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen (+242)
• Betroffene Kinder:
→ 43.977 Fälle (+15)
→ 278 Todesfälle (+0)
→ 16.287 schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen (+4)
EudraVigilance-Tabellen Covid-Impfung:
EudraVigilance-Tabellen Influenza-Impfung:
EudraVigilance Rohdaten:
Did You Know....?
"It is a criminal offence in this country to pay tax if any of it is used to fund genocide, murder or any criminal activity as per the 1945 UN Charter, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Terrorism Act 2000 and The Nuremberg Code. Yet most people continue to pay tax that funds foreign wars which have since 2001, cost the UK taxpayer £1.2TN and have killed 2M people (6M since WWII).
But there is a way you can withhold tax using a TRUST, which is exactly how many MPs and oligarchs avoid tax. You can withhold tax in a revocable TRUST for the HM Gov until they can show none of the monies will go to fund wars of aggression, genocide and crimes against humanity."
orsolya gyorffy, [11 Mar 2024 at 21:52:18]:
Dr. Heiko Schöning's speech after his arrest: “German Bundeswehr generals have specifically planned the bombing of a foreign bridge. According to Section 80 of the Criminal Code, the preparation of a war of aggression is punishable! It's a crime!
Soldiers, if they order you to start a war of aggression again, say NO! According to Section 11 of the Soldiers Act, an order may not be carried out if it could constitute a criminal offense. Soldiers, civil servants, police officers, fathers and mothers say NO!
My fellow citizens, we get what we accept.
We get censorship if we accept restrictions on freedom of speech.
We will get war if we accept the lies of war and the preparation of a war of aggression!
We get peace when we work for peace.
We gain humanity when we behave with humanity.
We get the rule of law when we stand up for the law.”
WCH Notice of Liability to Covid Vaccinators
The World Council for Health have put together a useful template Notice of Liability for the public to use to educate and serve on those healthcare professionals who are still vaccinating people with the Covid-19 jabs.
"This text for this full Letter Template to Doctors and Health Practitioners administering, promoting or facilitating Covid-19 injections can be found and copied below. Feel free to copy, paste and adapt as you see fit. If you want to add links"
Listen to the scale of attrocities being committed, the number of innocent lives for which the abetting and complicit members of our House of Parliament will have to pay the full price... such is the law of the land and the legal system - as defined by themselves and the law of the international community.
Without justice, there is no law. Without law, there is no civilisation.
To the Metropolitan Police. We the people, know that you do not stand for law, truth, and justice...
It can logically, therefore, only be a fraction of time before we the people (who are of law, truth, and justice), will not stand for you.
CRIME NUMBER 01/62447/24 Acton police station London at 23.13 hours Friday 8th of March 2024 for
Misconduct in Public Office, Misfeasance in Public Office, Gross Negligent Manslaughter, Corporate Manslaughter and Fraud by False Representation.
Allegations made against Sir Graham Brady MP, Dame June Raine, The MHRA, Pfizer and the U.K Government.
Evidence handed to Constable Thomas, & a video of him issuing the crime number for the documented offences and naming the alleged offenders.
Metropolitan Police, now carry out your lawful duty and protect the public from harm, injury and death. This nightmare has to stop.
Start arresting the criminals, all of them.
The V has to be withdrawn immediately.
Accept this for what it is, be respectful and understand how hard I’ve worked to get this done AGAIN.
We all know about the system, but we are 27 months further down the line since the first crime report. Too many people know what’s going on and the excess deaths cannot be hidden or ignored any longer.
DOWNLOAD the short vid at this link, and upload everywhere, to help the people! LINK:
Читать полностью…Good afternoon all
If you haven’t watched this video interview by Maria Zeee of Karen Kingston and Dr Ana Mihalcea on artificial intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology, it is worth considering given that AI and synbio are important features of the Elite program and must be strenuously resisted. The link to the video is below but following it are some excerpts explaining the advanced nature of the AI-driven synthetic biology being used to kill or transhumanize (and thus enslave) us all.
video: Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Mihalcea ‘AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology - Our Interview With Maria Zeee’ 4 Jun 2023.
Mihalcea: ‘The hydrogel [delivered via means such as injection and geoengineering] grows with electricity, it grows with electromagnetic fields and it just becomes this coagulated jelly-like plastic. And it grows from nano-sized to self-assemblers to macroscopic-sized. It can grow in minutes…. The hydrogel is this substrate that is called “programmable matter” and it can become anything. It can become biosensors, bioelectronics, it can become electrical communication between different sensors... it can mimic cells, it can become anything. It’s a totally versatile material.’ (at 23:00 minutes)
Later, exhibiting long-standing patents, Kingston highlights that ‘hydrogel is a self-propagating [that is, self-replicating and self-sufficient], living material and that means that it is intelligent’. (at 1:08:52)
Mihalcea: ‘You don’t need mRNA to gene-edit somebody… you can do it via frequencies and these technologies are clearly able to do that and they can act as a sensor, a biosensor and a receiver so you can receive a transmitted frequency, for example via 5G, and you can do anything in the cell…. [using] remote control. It’s that advanced in terms of technology.’ (at 27:00)
Kingston: ‘mRNA... is the AI software code… [for a suite of nanotechnologies]... to usher in synthetic biology into human and all biological life forms’. (at 28:09)
Beyond this, however, Kingston reminds people of times not long past when oranges and watermelons were full of seeds. But not now. With gene-editing technology, ‘now we have seedless fruit. The fruit is sterile. It’s infertile fruit. That’s what they’re doing to humans.’ (at 29:30)
‘This is an extinction, an extermination program.’ (at 39:53)
In response to Zeee’s question ‘Is AI then doing a systematic killing of people through the control of this hydrogel slowly enough so that the world doesn’t really pay too much attention to the excess deaths but nonetheless working towards that goal of 95% population reduction?’ Kingston responds ‘I believe that it is.’ (at 1:04:06) and ‘This is an artificial intelligence extermination program.’ (at 1:07:06)
And, later, Kingston reiterates ‘AI’s currently in control of the future of all biological lifeforms.’ (at 1:30:34)
Among many other points regarding the ongoing attacks on our bodies (and going well beyond whether or not we are ‘vaccinated’), Mihalcea emphasises that she believes the electrical properties of our blood have been changed and so ‘we have to now detox all the time and that’s really a challenging thing’. (at 36:00) She goes on to identify a detox protocol.
As always, if we are to defeat the Elite program, then we must defeat all foundational elements of it, as explained on ‘We Are Human We Are Free’.
❤️ Robert & Anita
👀 Chris Cuomo's Personal Physician Destroys the 'Safe & Effective' Narrative Live on TV
"The headline makes it sound like you have nothing to worry about, the opposite it true...They identified these very significant problems that were neurologic, cardiac, or hematologic issues...There were a handful that were flagged as safety signals that were 2-3x times higher...than expected...There's tens of millions of people out there screaming from the rooftops saying that after they have a vaccine they have suffered...symptoms that have impaired their activities of daily living...Why are we not looking at those things?"