An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures.
I’m pleased to see this position statement. As you know, I’m open minded to the possibility that something was done in certain point locations like NYC, Northern Italy, though if so, it wasn’t contagious or represented a net increase in lethality over whatever else was ordinarily present (because there’s no evidence in the all causes mortality data).
I’m not persuaded that there must have been such a release. Only that there might have been.
Deaths spiked in many locations only after WHO declared a fraudulent pandemic and those deaths were medical murder, if done knowingly and manslaughter, if foolish enough not to appreciate that avoidable deaths would be expected to follow imposition of such protocols.
There have been several “PCR false positive pseudo epidemics”, in which it was later determined at all the positive test results were false, in other words 100% false positives. That such events can happen when nobody is trying to deceive, imagine how easy it would be to create one, deliberately.
Best wishes
The biggest press conference about jab injuries, ever held by major media outlets, has taken place in Japan today, where vaccine victims talk about their class action lawsuit to seek better compensation for personal injuries and the deaths of their loved ones
Summer season coming up must be the time that MSM here are going to be allowed to drop the truth in a controlled way. Watch out for the solution that the Govt might offer to combat all this harm. It's unlikely to be for our benefit.
The ONS is won’t release the data we asked for?
I wonder why?
Speaker drops a powerful speech, joint by Andrew Bridgen, citing Kevin McKernan's DNA contamination research, just HOURS AGO in the United Kingdom Parliament, during an excess deaths debate.
"Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. He was shocked to find [the mRNA vials] were contaminated with Plasmid DNA". He goes on to say that "Other scientists have confirmed these findings".
- "This means that they are not vaccines at all, but genetically modified organisms that should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions, and certainly not be classed as vaccines".
- "He concludes that piece by saying - No if's no buts any longer, all mRNA vaccines must be halted now".
This speaker, after mentioning he has already had 2 x shots of mRNA vaccine states that: "The value of vaccination has been deeply damaged and personally, I'll say this absolutely frankly. I WILL NEVER ACCEPT another mRNA vaccine, and i am far from alone."
One year ago today, April 20th, I had the great honor and privilege to meet with and interview one of the leading pathologists of our time — Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt — a German doctor, who came out of retirement in 2021 to examine autopsies and biopsy materials in patients who died shortly after vaccination. Based on his findings, the majority of the deaths were attributed to the injection with a high to very high degree of likelihood.
The work of Prof. Burkhardt not only provided strong evidence of vaccine causation, it substantiated the professional medical hypotheses of doctors and scientists worldwide, who warned early on that the gene-based covid injections would lead to autoimmune disease, strokes, blood clots and more.
I have spent much of the past year reflecting on the interview itself, of course, the weeks leading up to it and that day in the lab. It is a day that I will never forget and will remember fondly. As many of you know, unfortunately, several weeks after filming, Dr. Burkhardt suddenly passed away in what has been reported as a tragic accident.
The news of his death shocked and deeply saddened all who knew and admired him. His death is a significant loss to the medical community and to the public who respected his work and his service to humanity.
I truly feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet with and interview Dr. Burkhardt shortly before he passed away. He was a remarkable man of integrity and courage who set the standard high for how all doctors should practice. It was and continues to be an honor to take on a small part in ensuring his work continues to be recognized internationally.
Please share this link far and wide:
Remember when the entire planet became one giant insane asylum, practically overnight?
Some of these people will never recover.
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❗️UNRWA: Every 10 minutes, a child is killed in the Gaza Strip, and a large number of children are killed in intensive and indiscriminate attacks.
Читать полностью…The UK Column is delighted to be premiering Playing God, the latest documentary from Jacqui Deevoy. You can watch the premiere at 2pm on Monday, 22 April, immediately following the UK Column News. There will be no Extra that day, so if you are a UK Column member, please note the documentary will begin as soon as the news programme ends - there will be no five minute break as we normally have between the news and Extra.
We jumped at the chance to help Jacqui bring this latest documentary to a wider audience. UKC has been covering these issues for many years, including the story of Helenor Bye, whose mother, Joan, features in Jacqui's documentary. You might also like to watch the presentations from our Dying for Good Health conference, which took place in 2018.
Jacqui Deevoy teamed up with the award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham to create this jaw-dropping exposé on medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. Please join us on the main website live page, or if you are a member on the community live page.
Watch the trailer:
'All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.' George Orwell.
The first time I included this quote in a speech was in the European Parliament in July 2023, because like you, I know it may get a lot darker before it gets better. It will only get better, and we will only achieve what we want and NEED to achieve if we unite!
'They' do not want us to realise the power and light we have within us, because when we shine bright, that light shines on their lies and they are exposed. And we are always stronger together, united as one!
I'm ready for it, are you?!
Massive thanks to Charlie Pondriche, what a powerful piece he's put together, after the Excess Deaths debate in UK Parliament led by Andrew Bridgen MP on 18/4/24.
Give Charlie a follow on Twitter! @ChPondriche
our esteemed colleague Dr. Walter Weber,
specialist in oncology, is threatened with
financial ruin due to expensive court proceedings and legal fees.
Once again, Dr. Weber is facing 15 more court days, this time before the regional court in HH on suspicion of
"Issuing false health certificates in accordance with § 278 StGB against better knowledge and conscience"
Dr. Weber is the founder of the organization "Ärzte für Aufklärung"/ "Doctors for Enlightenment" and has been in the crossfire from the very beginning. The 79-year-old and his wife had to endure 4 raids
"Neofeudalism is one great term for [climate change], neocolonialism is another one.
What we have here is the wealthy West saying to the rest 'we got wealthy by using coal, oil, and natural don't get to do that, you have to stay poor'. This is absolutely condemnable, it is morally reprehensible.
The benefits derived from abundant energy so far outweigh, thousands of times outweigh, the harms that come from them, that it's just simply scandalous that wealthy environmentalists are telling the world we have to back away from these." Dr. Calvin Beisner of 🌎
World Economic Forum to Accelerate Push for Global ‘Metaverse’ Surveillance Network at Davos 2023
During its 2023 Davos conference, the World Economic Forum will host a press conference on its “Building The Metaverse Initiative,” and release key “studies” and details about its efforts to further facilitate what appears to amount to a global surveillance network, according to documents reviewed by The Dossier.
The Metaverse, a buzzworthy bumper sticker slogan that refers to a whole host of ideas in the technology space, has potential current and future applications both for private and governmental entities. It will be featured as one of the core staples of the 2023 Davos conference.
The Metaverse can be defined as “a vision of what many in the computer industry believe is the next iteration of the internet: a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world.” Before its expanded definition, the Metaverse encompassed a technologically advancing virtual and augmented reality space.
Source: The Dossier
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How much more evidence do people need.
Hydro Tasmania questioned over cloud seeding before flood.
Mari Mari Emmanuel, the Orthodox Pastor from Sydney apparently predicted that he would be attacked. (1 min 11 seconds)
Join: @davidavocadowolfe 🥑
Читать полностью…The Spike Protein Collects in the bone marrow; how many children and babies are going to develop leukaemia or lymphoma?
Dr. Russell Blaylock
Читать полностью…🌏 WORLD WIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM 16.0 🌎
💫 The World is rising up! 💫
📅 Saturday 25th of May, 2024
🌏 United around the world
🕊 We are standing side by side for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights
🌟 Together, We Are Free
UK: Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, James Bowler, says the quiet part out loud in response to the question: "What problem is [a CBDC] going to solve?"
"It's to keep track of... how we all purchase and save."
"This is about being a modern economy that recognises how citizens want to do business."
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⚠️ The European Parliament has given the green light for the unelected and unaccountable EU Commission to control the media through a new European Board for Media Services, and hardly anyone is talking about it!
The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) gives significantly more power to Big Tech platforms to censor anti-establishment voices online.
Last month, the EMFA received 464 votes in favor, 92 against and 65 abstentions.
While the adopted text has some differences from the text I analyzed last year, it is largely the same. Check out my detailed report here:
⭐️ Subscribe @taylorhudak
Incredible cheers for Andrew Bridgen truly demonstrating how the people feel, at the 3 hour excess deaths debate in Parliament! It was incredible to be in the public gallery and a privilege to continue working with Andrew Bridgen MP.
The Ushers attempted to quieten the crowd by demands of 'BE QUIET, NO NO NO, STOP!' but one Gallery usher giving a thumbs up and gesturing to be louder and keep going!
Police were called to be present at the entrance to the gallery, 4 of them along with 2 security in civvies (as well as the standard security and ushers). Apparently they said suspicious items were found in bags of those attempting to gain entry... sure🙄
THANK YOU to everyone who attended, to those who waited patiently in the queue, to those who were outside with their banners, to those who came to Parliament Square, to the independent journalists and to all who continue to stand for Truth Justice and Freedom!
Auch mit unserem geschätzten Kollegen Dr.Walter Weber,
Facharzt für Onkologie droht der
wirtschaftliche Ruin durch teure Gerichtsverfahren und Anwaltskosten.
Erneut steht Dr. Weber mit 15 weiteren Gerichtstagen diesmal vor dem Landgericht in HH wegen des Verdachtes
„Ausstellen unrichtiger Gesundheitszeugnisse nach § 278 StGB wider besseres Wissen und Gewissen"
Dr. Weber ist der Gründer der Organisation "Ärzte für Aufklärung" und von Anfang an im Kreuzfeuer. 4 Razzien mussten der 79jährige und seine Frau über sich ergehen lassen.
🍀Ärztehilfswerk Weißer Kranich
🍀IBAN DE56 7645 0000 0232 1701 91
🍀Betreff Schenkung für Dr.Walter Weber
Danke im Namen aller verfolgten Ärzte, die sich zu Corona-Zeiten schützend vor ihre Patienten gestellt haben.
🍀Rolf Kron
🍀Ärzte stehen auf
Speaker drops a powerful speech, joint by Andrew Bridgen, citing Kevin McKernan's DNA contamination research, just HOURS AGO in the United Kingdom Parliament, during an excess deaths debate.
"Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. He was shocked to find [the mRNA vials] were contaminated with Plasmid DNA". He goes on to say that "Other scientists have confirmed these findings".
- "This means that they are not vaccines at all, but genetically modified organisms that should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions, and certainly not be classed as vaccines".
- "He concludes that piece by saying - No if's no buts any longer, all mRNA vaccines must be halted now".
This speaker, after mentioning he has already had 2 x shots of mRNA vaccine states that: "The value of vaccination has been deeply damaged and personally, I'll say this absolutely frankly. I WILL NEVER ACCEPT another mRNA vaccine, and i am far from alone."
Despite the threats and pressure faced by Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Media from law firm Simpson and Grierson on behalf of Health NZ to remove content related to whistleblower Barry Young, we at Counterspin Media will not allow such an injustice to take place.
We stated we would start to populate our social media with that information and ask others to share far and wide. We walk our talk.
It is our firm belief that Liz Gunn and Barry Young, as well as all others that are associated with the release of this vital information, were doing so in order to inform the public about the very real safety concerns of the data presented and to save lives.
Therefore, this is the start of keeping the principles of journalistic integrity and the people's right to know, alive!
Support Liz Gunn, FreeNZ Media and Barry Young as best you can.
Counterspin Media will remain the hard line for the people of this country.
Attention Health NZ and for the record, Kelvyn Alp takes full responsibility for this act in order to inform the public in an attempt to save lives.
Elon Musk: "Almost Every Conspiracy Theory That People Had About Twitter Turned Out to Be True!"
"So, is there a conspiracy theory about Twitter that didn't turn out to be true?" asked Musk.
"So far, they've all turned out to be true, and if not, more true than people thought."
Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
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