Читать полностью…🔴 Jeremy Hunt, the public does NOT want a UK CBDC
50,000 people responded to the open consultation on a digital pound & the message is clear - there are real concerns about financial privacy & freedom.
HM Treasury must shelve these plans for a Spycoin now.
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The irony of this being on the BBC and the WHO being mentioned, along with the talk of the ICC prosecuting, after events of the last 3 years, does not escape me.
Nevertheless, a timely reminder to all those supporting war crimes. You are guilty by doing so.
Morning to all energy idiots that think we produce enough solar and wind power for the world 😍
Just a Sunday morning reminder that you're screwed when you have an electric car, and there isn't enough energy resources. Likely Switzerland will ban their use again this year to "save energy".
Policies Operating at a Local Level by Mark Windows
A psychologically controlled worldview. Mark Windows discusses enforcement by legislation without public consultation.
The Oslo Accords: Failure Or Betrayal? | Mondoweiss
On September 13, 1993, Israeli Prime Minister (((Yitzhak Rabin))) and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Negotiator Mahmoud Abbas signed the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, more commonly known as the first Oslo Accords.
Following the signing of the agreement, (((Rabin))) and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat shook hands in front of an elated U.S. President Bill Clinton, creating one of the most well-known photo ops of the past century.
But behind the photo op, a much more sinister picture was playing out on the ground.
On paper, the Oslo Accords were meant to kick off a five-year "peace process" and culminate with an end to the so-called "Israeli-Palestinian conflict." In reality, the accords led to more division, fragmentation, and loss for the Palestinians while giving Israel even more control over the people, land, and resources.
In this report, Mondoweiss sat down with former PLO Executive Committee members Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Dr. Yara Hawari of Palestinian think tank Al-Shabaka, young activists in Ramallah and Nablus, and resistance fighters in Jenin. From the initial mistakes and flaws made within the agreements to the disastrous effects on Palestine's youth, the Palestinians Mondoweiss spoke to reflect on the past 30 years since the first Oslo Accords were signed and all the ways in which the agreement impacted their lives, pushing them even further away from achieving liberation and statehood.
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To understand what is going on is the best way from fear to action. In this wonderful talk with Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyne Betts we analyse WHO and the tricks of those, who want to controll us in their neofeudalistic world. — Wolfgang Wodarg (@wodarg) Oct 13, 2023
October 13, 2023 at 09:05PM
via Twitter
Für Ihre gesundheit @WolfgangWodarg - Gegen Spam das @Antispamsystem
Turbo Death from Turbo Cancers: “We’re in Trouble,” Says Dr. Ryan Cole
“We’re seeing young people get leukemias, and they appear in the emergency room. And they’re gone within a week.”
Follow @Vigilant_News
Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines
HPV vaccines contain an "upgraded" version of a toxin that's been used in vaccines for the past 90 years. Its harms have been covered by unethical studies.
"We see that medical ethics were obviously ignored in the Gardasil trial. Subjects' health and wellness have been jeopardized without any informed consent.(The Epoch Times)
By using such a deliberate study design, 2.3 percent of the participants in the Gardasil group developed systemic autoimmune disorders that occurred at exactly the same rate as those in the aluminum "placebo" group. However, the 2.3 percent of girls and women harmed in the aluminum-treated group is considered unethical and should never have happened.
The true purpose of dosing such an unethical study design appears to have been to hide Gardasil's ability to harm by keeping it below the manipulated dark background."
🎥 HPV Vaccine Exposé- Know The Facts! Get Informed!
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5G is being rolled out all over the world, but information from the media about potential health risks has been sparse.
Through this Exposé, you will learn from independent scientists and experts about what is known about health risks from 5G and the planned roll-out of millimeter wave technology.
🔊 An amazing array of scientists and experts come together to share their knowledge and help you to get informed!
Dr Igor Belyaev Professor, Ph.D, Dr.Sc.,; Dr Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD; Dr Klaus Buchner, former prof., former MEP; Frank Clegg, former president MS, Canada; Mona Nilsson, Sweden. The event will be moderated by Miriam Eckenfels, CHD
📽 Join us and view the 5G Exposé streamed live on 17th October
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Both Sides Are Being Played By The Banksters Again To Cause Genocide, Division and World War III
Читать полностью…❌We did NOT consent to this!
The Government plans to put your passport photo on a giant facial recognition database.
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I know you will all weep at this news. Not.
But many may not understand this comment. "The last 3 years have been the best event to dismantle the jab industry".
Out of every manipulation, it seems many rise to start to see the truth. Its something I've had to hold on to for the last few days, because I think we have entered another situation that will ultimately end up shaking people from their slumber.
Where adversity appears, opportunity exists.
None of us should forget what happened during the "pandemic" - masks, vaccines and restrictions. It should not be allowed to ever happen again and is why we should all be very concerned about the plans to expand the remit of the WHO. Share this 3 minute video with friends, family and colleagues to do your bit to raise awareness.
Читать полностью…💥 How Global Health Authorities Actively Promoted mRNA Shots For Pregnant Women, With No Substantiated Evidence Of Safety
with Sonia Elijah
In this interview, Cam catches up with UK investigative journalist Sonia Elijah to discuss how global health authorities actively promoted mRNA shots for pregnant women, without sufficient safety data. Sonia also shares some of the other devastating consequences of the mRNA shots, including child deaths following the rollout.
📚 See further articles and interviews from Sonia published on her Substack pages here and with CHD Europe here
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Читать полностью…The money for Iran for WW3 is already in place
Читать полностью…Whilst we have all been horrified and distracted the UN have published a framework for digital ID to provide "legal identity for all" to "serve the public good".
Digital ID must NEVER come into being as its the first step to CBDC's and a cashless society in which every financial transaction will be controlled and monitored.
Please join me for Jury hearing against GMC on 19/10/2023 at 0930 at str... via @YouTube
This would be a ground breaking Jury Hearing against the GMC in the history of the United Kingdom for freedom of Speech,Human Rights,Civil Liberties & Medical Ethics.
Dear All Friends ,Health Professionals & Members of the public
High Court case CA -2023-000811 against General Medical Council for unlawful & barbarian suspension ,destroying my career ,reputation & livelihood for 3.5 years just because of my opinion of Covid-19 expressed on the social media to alleviate fear & stress created by the mainstream media is on 19/10/2023 .
The case will be heard on 19/10/2023 at 10.00 am in The Royal Courts of Justice Strands London which is open to public. All friends ,Jounalist’s ,freedom fighters & supporters of all the faiths must join me in the court room for the solidarity & support for the justice.
I am standing for the Truth, Integrity & Justice to uphold medical ethics “Do no Harm” & “Informed Consent” Freedom of Speech & Expression,Human Rights & Civil Liberties.
Please join me ...
Dr Mohammad Adil "
Counter culture revolution kicked off in Sweden
120 experts in the fields of health, governance, media and finance, including ANH's Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge, gathered in Sweden to protect inalienable rights and liberty as part of a unique workshop focusing on finding solutions to help counter the loss of liberties associated with the centralisation of global power
📚 read the news and watch a montage of clips that we have assembled, introduced by Rob, to give you a flavour of incredible insights that were laid bare.
🎥 watch the full day Symposium here: