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Lack of sleep will make a person die faster than starvation.
Читать полностью…During sex, the area of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety is switched off.
Читать полностью…Often in Japanese toilets, the sink is combined with the toilet and the water you have just washed your hands with is used for flushing.
This helps save millions of cubic metres of water a year.
The original point of a handshake is to show that there is no weapon in your hand.
Читать полностью…In 1997, Nokia released the very first version of the game "Snake."
Читать полностью…Will Smith was offered the role of Neo in The Matrix, but turned it down for a part in The Wild, Wild West. The actor said that the director's offer did not interest him enough.
Читать полностью…In the town of Creskill, New Jersey, all cats and cats are required to wear 3 bells so that birds are always aware of their location.
Читать полностью…In the Middle Ages, black pepper was considered a luxury item.
Читать полностью…1 kilo of chips is 200 times more expensive than 1 kilo of potatoes!
Читать полностью…Most people are more motivated to do something at night, and it all goes away in the morning.
Читать полностью…If a statue of a rider with a horse has both front legs raised, it means that the person died in battle. If the horse has only one leg raised, it means that the person died of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all 4 legs on the ground, it means the person died a natural death.
Читать полностью…A cat's most vulnerable spot is its belly. If the cat lies on its back and shows its belly, it means it trusts you.
Читать полностью…Since 31 October 2000, there has been at least one person in space at all times, at all times.
Читать полностью…Ladybirds are cannibalistic predators, often eating baby birds.
Читать полностью…The driest place on earth is the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, where there has been no rainfall for two million years.
Читать полностью…Those with a nocturnal lifestyle die earlier than those with a daytime lifestyle.
Читать полностью…Mankind has only managed to completely defeat two diseases - plague and smallpox.
Читать полностью…$10,000 is how much a blank painting called "Fresh Air" cost.
Читать полностью…The Great Wall of China stretches 8,852 kilometres across Northern China
Читать полностью…5 months, that's how long it takes a person to grow a nail from scratch.
Читать полностью…Stephen King received 60 rejections before his first short story was published.
Читать полностью…The summit of Everest is made of marine limestone that was once at the bottom of the ocean.
Читать полностью…Starting your work day earlier than 10am is a serious stressor on your body.
Читать полностью…Recent research has found that dinosaurs did not roar. The theory is that they quacked like ducks.
Читать полностью…The volume of the moon is roughly equal to the volume of water in the Pacific Ocean.
Читать полностью…Having glasses leads to an increase in the opinion of others about your IQ by about 15 points.
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