The latest xkcd comics. ( Unofficial channel. Comics are automatically posted within a few minutes after publication.
'Tau Ceti is farther away, so it took me 36 years to start the war over updog.'
Читать полностью…'My connection to it goes way back, to my early days, when I was just a cloud of primordial hydrogen collapsing in the darkness of space.'
Читать полностью…'Party Mode also enables the feature, but reverses the slider.'
Читать полностью…'They often use ball lenses to collect light at the ends of optical fibers, so when you look stuff up on the internet you're actually scrying through a crystal ball.'
Читать полностью…'ADDITIONAL NOTES: Fixed a bug that caused some rocks to generate virtually infinite heat while just sitting there.'
Читать полностью…'I don't understand why anyone would pay full price for a flatbed truck rental when you can buy 'DETOUR' signs online for like $10.'
Читать полностью…'This rumpled fabric at the corner looks like evidence of ongoing tectonic activity.'
Читать полностью…'[Below] On this site on May 12th, 2023, I finally learned how to use the masonry bit for my drill.'
Читать полностью…''Your chitin armor is no match for our iron-tipped stingers! Better go hide in your jars!' --common playground taunt'
Читать полностью…'Using a reflective wall in a game to give one shot two chances to hit is called a double-tapetum lucidum.'
Читать полностью…'"The Venn diagram of the sun and the moon is a circle." --someone being snarky at totality'
Читать полностью…'Yeah, my math teacher back in high school set up the system to try to teach us something or other, but the 100% rate was unbelievably good, so I engineered a hostile takeover of his bank and now use it to make extra cash on the side.'
Читать полностью…'It says to cut the onions into 1/4" slices, but I'd better correct for length contraction.'
Читать полностью…'The government has been trying to sell off the Federal Helium Reserve for a few years now, but the sale has been on hold while they try to figure out how to explain this situation to buyers.'
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