The latest xkcd comics. ( Unofficial channel. Comics are automatically posted within a few minutes after publication.
'The worst are graphs with qualitative, vaguely-labeled axes and very little actual data.'
Читать полностью…'The retina is the exposed surface of the brain, so if you think about a pot of gold while looking at a rainbow, then there's one at BOTH ends.'
Читать полностью…'"That's ... unsettling." "Yeah, those definitely don't sound like the normal drea– LATITUDE THREE FIVE POINT..." '
Читать полностью…'"Since there's no ending quote mark, everything after this is part of my quote. —Randall Munroe'
Читать полностью…'And to you, I leave my life-sized ice sculpture replica of the Pietà which was blessed by the Pope. You must never let it melt! Now, remember, all gifts must be removed from my estate within 24 hours.'
Читать полностью…'There's data suggesting that this model may apply to deep-dish/thin-crust pizza. I've designed a thorough multi-year study to investigate this personally, but funding organizations keep denying my grant requests.'
Читать полностью…'I like the idea of cartograms (distorted population maps), but I feel like in practice they often end up being the worst of both worlds—not great for showing geography OR counting people. And on top of that, they have all the problems of a chloro... chorophl... chloropet... map with areas colored in.'
Читать полностью…'New zero-day vulnerability: In addition to rowhammer, it turns out lots of servers are vulnerable to regular hammers, too.'
Читать полностью…'I just want to stay up long enough to watch the ball drop into the hole number 2018.'
Читать полностью…'We should really start calculating it earlier, but until the end of December we're always too busy trying to figure out which day Christmas will fall on.'
Читать полностью…'...wait until they type in payment information, then use it to order yourself a replacement phone.'
Читать полностью…'We've gotten him up to 20% milk and cookies through an aggressive public campaign, but that seems to be his dietary limit. Anything above that and he starts developing nutritional deficiencies.'
Читать полностью…'They all made fun of Autometalogolex, but someday there will be a problem with Christmas that can only be solved if Santa somehow gets a serious headache, and then they'll see.'
Читать полностью…'If you ask it to please turn off that feature, it apologizes a whole bunch and promises to try to be quieter, then switches to a slightly lower-volume version of the clip with "sorry!" after the louder sounds.'
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