The latest xkcd comics. ( Unofficial channel. Comics are automatically posted within a few minutes after publication.
'Small sewing machines are sewing machines that are smaller than a sewing machine. A sewing machine is larger than a small sewing machine, but quieter than a loud sewing machine.'
Читать полностью…'It maintains odor levels in a normal familiar range, so if you open the windows and the air gets too fresh, it filters it through some dirty laundry samples to compensate.'
Читать полностью…'The US uses hollowed-out salt domes to store the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and non-hollowed-out ones to store the Strategic Salt Reserve.'
Читать полностью…'My bracket has 76 trombones led by John Philip Sousa facing off against thousands of emperor penguins led by Morgan Freeman.'
Читать полностью…'We'll turn the asteroid belt into ball bearings to go between different rings orbiting at different speeds.'
Читать полностью…'It's very hard to detect, but recent studies have determined that when plasma B cells are producing antibodies, they go 'pew pew pew''
Читать полностью…'Phil Plait once pointed out that you can calculate the total angular area of the sky this way. If the sky is a sphere with radius 57.3 degrees, then its area is 4*pi*r^2=41,253 square degrees. This makes dimensional analysts SO mad, but you can't argue with results.'
Читать полностью…'A lot of these are actually non-venomous, but I can see which species you mistook them for. If you pause the crane for a sec I can give you some ID pointers for next time!'
Читать полностью…'"Confirmed, we have to scrub." "Ugh, okay. I'll get the bucket and sponge."'
Читать полностью…'As the editor has reportedly defeated Death in a series of games of skill, no further obituaries are expected.'
Читать полностью…'I was eventually kicked out of my architectural engineering program because I wouldn't stop referring to HVAC as "the fandom."'
Читать полностью…'I know hand dryers have their problems, but I think for fun we should keep egging Dyson on and see if we can get them to make one where the airflow breaks the speed of sound.'
Читать полностью…'I always hate dragging around the larger archipelagos, but I appreciate how the Scandanavian peninsula flexes outward to create a snug pocket for the British Isles.'
Читать полностью…'"I wish for everything in the world. All the people, money, trees, etc." "Are you SURE you--" "And I want you to put it in my house."'
Читать полностью…'I also managed to improve the solution for n=1 to s<0.97, and with some upgrades I think I can hit 0.96.'
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