The latest xkcd comics. ( Unofficial channel. Comics are automatically posted within a few minutes after publication.
'When I began trying to form a new claim by stitching together these parts in such an unnatural way, some called me mad.'
Читать полностью…'They're also refusing to fund my device that demonstrates uncontrolled hot fusion.'
Читать полностью…'Slowly progressing from 'how do protons behave in relativistic collisions?' to 'what the heck are protons even doing when they're just sitting there?''
Читать полностью…'Mars does get a good score on 'noise levels' and 'scenic views,' but the school district ranking isn't great; the only teacher--the Perseverance rover--is too busy with rock samples to teach more than the occasional weekend class.'
Читать полностью…'You can pour a drink into it while hosting a party, although it's a real pain to fit in the dishwasher afterward.'
Читать полностью…'Listen, you're very cute, but if you rearrange the alphabet to put U and I together it will RUIN the spacing!'
Читать полностью…'Arboretum Owner Denied Standing in Garden Path Suit on Grounds Grounds Appealing Appealing'
Читать полностью…'Then I'll start work on my lunar engines to line the Moon up with the ecliptic so we can have a solar eclipse every month (with a little wobble so they're not always on the equator.)'
Читать полностью…'Of course, I sort all my bookshelves the normal way, alphabetically (by first sentence).'
Читать полностью…'If I'm not going to upgrade to a powered one, I should at LEAST stop leaving the door open so often.'
Читать полностью…'In the Hall of the Mountain King was accidentally composed on log/log paper.'
Читать полностью…'90% of the iceberg is hidden beneath the water, but that 90% only uses 10% of its brain, so it's really only 9%.'
Читать полностью…'[Decades in the future] "Well, the good news is that we've received definitive communication from aliens. The bad news is that they're asking about Cats (2019)."'
Читать полностью…'I have so many plans. It would incorporate a Galton board, a Ranque-Hilsch marble vortex tube, and a compartment lined with pinball bouncers with a camera-and-servo Maxwell's Demon that separated the balls into fast and slow sides.'
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