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'Of course you get an ice cream cone for the swimmer too! You're not a monster.'

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'An apple fell on Isaac Newton's head and gave him the idea that the moon might be a tasty apple, though this turned out not to be true--the Apollo program eventually determined that it was just a desolate and bland Red Delicious.'

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'I pronounce the 'u' in 'pronunciation' like in 'putting' but the 'ou' in 'pronounce' like in 'wound'.'

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'A circle with an A in it means that the circuit has committed a sin and has been marked as punishment.'

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'They tried to report me to the authorities, but because I had the device they couldn't charge me.'

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'The best place to be for a hug eclipse is a scenic natural area with good views and few clouds. The worst place to be is the lunar surface.'

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'I'm glad modern car washes use synthetic baleen, instead of harvesting it from whales like 1800s car washes did.'

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'When speaking out loud, you can can call it the 'Perseids meatier shower' and no one will ever know. (If you do get caught somehow, just tell them to Google the 'Kentucky meat shower' and that will distract them while you escape.)'

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'FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.'

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'Getting the utility people to run transmission lines to Earth is expensive, but it will pay for itself in no time.'

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'Their crash investigation team had some particularly harsh words for Dave Matthews.'

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'The ideal mix for maximum competitive cable-coiling energy is one A/V tech, one rock climber, one sailor, and one topologist.'

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'I mean, it's pretty, but it doesn't really affect us beyond that. Except that half the nights aren't really dark, and once or twice a day it makes the oceans flood the coasts.'

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'Mr. Jones, watch out for Ms. Lenhart! She's from genus Photuris!'

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'Positive vibes/longitudes only'

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