The latest xkcd comics. ( Unofficial channel. Comics are automatically posted within a few minutes after publication.
'Under some circumstances, if you throw a D8 and then a D12 at an enemy, thanks to the D8's greater pointiness you actually have to roll a D12 and D8 respectively to determine damage.'
Читать полностью…'Fermions are weird about each other in a standoffish way. Integer-spin particles are weird about each other in a 'stand uncomfortably close while talking' kind of way.'
Читать полностью…'The best case is O(n), and the worst case is that someone checks why.'
Читать полностью…'Even when you try to make nice, smooth ice cubes in a freezer, sometimes one of them will shoot out a random ice spike, which physicists ascribe to kiki conservation.'
Читать полностью…'In the aviation world, they don't use AM/PM times. Instead, all times are assumed to be AM unless they're labeled NOTAM.'
Читать полностью…'It works because a nautical mile is based on a degree of latitude, and the Earth (e) is a circle.'
Читать полностью…'No, of course we don't microwave the mug WITH the teabag in it. We microwave the teabag separately.'
Читать полностью…'And even when they're not distracted, they usually get kicked out for illegal under-the-net 'subduction spikes'.'
Читать полностью…'Stockfish 16 suggests the unconventional opening 1. RuntimeError: Out of bounds memory access'
Читать полностью…'The growth rate of items per day may may seem absurd, but it's actually much less than the acceleration in the 12 Days of Christmas song.'
Читать полностью…'Hmm, they won't do in-flight delivery, so let's order a new first and second stage to our emergency landing site and then try to touch down on top of them to save time.'
Читать полностью…'Our sysadmin accidentally won a Nobel Prize while trying to debug neutrino oscillation error correction.'
Читать полностью…'We also should really have checked that the old water tower was disconnected from the water system before we started filling it with compressed air.'
Читать полностью…'Look, you can't complain about this after giving us so many scenarios involving N locked chests and M unlabeled keys.'
Читать полностью…'Sometimes, you have to sacrifice pieces to gain the advantage. Sometimes, to advance ... you have to fall back.'
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