We are a club run by students and fresh graduates of institutions and higher education. Mainly involved in health related issues.We are Young, Creative, Crazy and Fun but most of all ***WE ARE youthopia*** 🤘 Admin @Museum_freak and @JackelynT
List of Scholarships with Deadlines in #April 2021 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/undwwbex
All List of Programs that are Ending/having Deadline in April 2021 for Bachelors, Masters and PhD Students.
All Expenses will be Covered (Airfare Tickets, Accommodation, Monthly Stipend, Allowance, Tuition Fee)
#ListofScholarships #AprilDeadlines @youthopia
Future Leaders Model United Nations (FLMUN) is a renowned United Nations Simulation Conference that intends to bring enthusiastic young leaders from across the globe under one roof to discuss and exchange their opinions on issues that are plaguing the present world.
FLMUN presents young diplomats with an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who aspire to play their part in changing the world and dream to become the leaders of tomorrow by inculcating them with skills such as diplomacy, negotiations, drafting, and Public Speaking.
WHAT do YOU get?
Chance to Collaborate and discuss solutions for rising global issues
Traveling with a Purpose
World-Class Recognition and Excellent Networking Opportunity
Diplomacy and Lobbying Skill Set
Register now
Contact for more information @Jazmin123 @youthopia
New Zealand Scholarships 2022-2023 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/nmfv5wd3
The Premium New Zealand Scholarships for *Bachelors, Masters, Diploma and PhD Programs* in New Zealand Universites.
The Scholarship will Cover Full Tuition Fee, Monthly Stipend, Accommodation, Health Insurance, Airfare Tickets.
#NewZealandScholarships #StudyinNewZealand
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የቦታ ለውጥ ያደረግን ሲሆን መረጃውን ለወዳጆቻችን እንዲያጋሩልን ፤ዝቅ ብዬ በበዓሉ ሥም እጠይቃለሁ።
እንኳን አደረስዎ!
የአድዋ ልዩ ዝግጅታችን በአምባሳደር ቲአትር(ሲኒማ) ማክሰኞ የካቲት 23 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ከ10:00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ የሚካሄድ ሲሆን የመግቢያ ትኬቱን ብሔራዊ ቴአትር በሰም እና ወርቅ የመጽሐፍ ዓውደ ርዕይ እና በዕለቱ አምባሳደር በር ላይ ያገኙታል። @youthopia
Dear respectable members of WYS NPC,
We are calling for ambassadors for *Global Reset Forum*, join our community as a distinguished ambassador and share this poster in your circle to find the potential future leaders!
Deadline: 8.03.2021
We are looking for your applications in due time! Lets rule together💪🏻✅
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdm-CFXBncXJ0GOlw0LgpiI2ez-2t_wq5LaL9-FS2h1PHAE8Q/viewform?usp=pp_url @youthopia
For Youth
📌We are giving free tickets for the youth to participate in the conference going to be held on Tomorrow Saturday @ Ethiopian National Theatre
Limited seat
Hurry up and get your ticket
📌For free hurry up meet our Amazing Guest speakers
👉 Today is the last day#####
You can get the tickets
👣 @Jazmin123 or @ 5kilo in front of National Museum @ Tesfa ☕ coffee
📞 +251911194712
Registration link https://forms.gle/NwQQASkwaXcCkBpY6 @youthopia
Читать полностью…This is happening tomorrow- please pay attention to the timing: Did you know that Africa leads the world in terms of numbers of women business owners? Women make up 58 % the continent's self-employed population. Join our @AfCFTA event to discuss how the free trade area will #empower women entrepreneurs in Africa https://bit.ly/3poxMPh @youthopia
Читать полностью…The New 5,000 Scholarships in Europe 2022 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/j91r9e6n
Full Bachelors, Masters, and PhD Scholarships are Open and Funded by the European Union.
The Scholarship will Cover All the Expenses (Airfare Tickets, Accommodation, Monthly Stipend, Health Insurance, Full Tuition Fee)
#StudyinEurope #ScholarshipsinEurope @youthopia
Hello Ethiopian Youth👋
Codeaddis Part 1 would like to invite you to take part in our 3rd digital platform by joining as a creative team in creating a new social platform in Ethiopia!
1. Age limit of 15-25 years.
2. Have good communication skills.
3. Teamwork and can be responsible for assigned tasks.
4. Able to think critically and quickly.
Requirements :
1. Follow Instagram @codeaddis
2. Share the poster to your story and tag it
Enough with these 2 conditions, you can join the Codeaddis 1 Webinar Committee team! Really easy right?
By joining, it is guaranteed that Rangers will get many benefits, of course, such as:
1. Broad relationship
2. Add experience
3. E- Certificate
4. Manage your own platform
Just register yourself on telegram
See you guys!
# Youth Flames🔥
Germany Government Scholarships 2022 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/q3g5xhlj
The Applications are open to Study Full Time Masters, and PhD Degree Programs.
The German Scholarship will Cover Full Tuition Fee, Monthly Stipend, Airfare Tickets, Accommodation, Health Insurance, Books, and Other Expenses.
Deadline: End of March 2021
#GermanScholarships #StudyinGermany @youthopia
Mentors can build a generation!
Please fill the questioner to be part of this impactful project!!
What is mentoring for you?
What benefits do you think we professionals can bring to our community
#leadership #coaching #mentoring #careergrowth #youthtraining
Click the link
#leadership #coaching #mentoring #careergrowth #youthtraining #teaching #parenting #management #talent #teamcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #selfgrowth #community #project #professionaldevelopment #mentorship #success
Google Docs
Mentoring Training Questioner
What is mentoring?
“Mentoring is a process in which an experienced individual (mentor) helps another person (mentee) develop his or her goals and skills through a series of time-limited, confidential, one-on-one conversations and other learning activities.”
Netib is conducting this survey for the quality of a project we are launching soon to build the interpersonal and professional skills of young students and professionals. Please take few minutes of your time and help us build a generation. @youthopia
Ambassador Jasmin Rowe and Members of the State of the African Diaspora invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
- Every Month for free
Time: Feb 13, 2021 5:00 Local Time ETHIOPIAN Time Zone starts now Join now
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 9782 3425
Passcode: 675184
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,88497823425#,,,,*675184# US (Houston)
+16465588656,,88497823425#,,,,*675184# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 884 9782 3425
Passcode: 675184
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ join now! @youthopia
Register now on our website
👉to learn about personal development
👉Capitan Yeshewas
👉Capitan flew the Bombardier Q400, B737, B757, and B767 as a copilot and I was a Captain on the Q400 for three years.
👉Total 12 years in Aviation
👉Sunday, February 14
👉Starts at 2 PM (8:00 Local Time)
👉Get Certified
👉Ethiopian Airlines
👉"Bringing Africa Together"
👉The New Spirit of Africa
👉Question and Answer Session
👉Only Limited, place is available Register now
Registration link: https://forms.gle/sLm2iv14YTvPncvA8 @youthopia
Читать полностью…#Thailand_International_Government_Scholarships 2021-2022 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/5hpwhemz
94 Scholarships by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Study Master Degree in any of the 24 Thailand Universites.
The Scholarship will Cover Full Tuition Fee, Monthly Stipend, Accommodation, Health Insurance, Books, Allowance, Airfare Tickets, Visa Fee.
Deadline: 15th March 2021
#ThailandScholarships #StudyinThailand @youthopia
We postpone the hiking trip to Ankober to March 7
🗓 March 7, 2021
🔍 Menelik's Palace at Ankober
📌Departure: 12:30 at Megenagna, Karavan Coffee
💸 Hiking cost: 500 Birr only!!!
This package includes:
🚌 Transportation
🧊Bottled water
And best of all, fun with AIESEC!
Contact @Eyopaaa (0917454492) and @Tsi00 ( 0913491389) for details regarding reservations and more.
Register Now at our Link:👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
💥💥 We have limited spot so reserve a place by transferring disclosed amount to CBE Account Number: 1000375525527
Name: Bethlehem Worku and/ or Eden Abdisa
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የቦታ ለውጥ ያደረግን ሲሆን መረጃውን ለወዳጆቻችን እንዲያጋሩልን ፤ዝቅ ብዬ በበዓሉ ሥም እጠይቃለሁ።
እንኳን አደረስዎ!
የአድዋ ልዩ ዝግጅታችን በአምባሳደር ቲአትር(ሲኒማ) ማክሰኞ የካቲት 23 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም ከ10:00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ የሚካሄድ ሲሆን የመግቢያ ትኬቱን ብሔራዊ ቴአትር በሰም እና ወርቅ የመጽሐፍ ዓውደ ርዕይ እና በዕለቱ አምባሳደር በር ላይ ያገኙታል።
Don't miss this big opportunity today let's celebrate Adwa together
Contact by message or call save your spot now
Save your spot for #today conference
ሰም እና ወርቅ
ማክሰኞ የካቲት 23 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም
#" ሀገርና ጥበብ"
የታላቁ አድዋ በዓል ልዩ ዝግጅት
ዶ/ር አልማው ክፍሌ
ዶ/ር ሰሎሞን በላይ
ሊቀ ጠበብትገ/ማርያም ማሞ
መምህር መስፍን ሰሎሞን
ዶ/ር ኤልያስ ገብሩ አዕምሮ
ደራሲ መሐመድ አሊ ቡርሃን
ኮሜዲያን ሰመረ ባርያው
ኢንጂነር ዘለዓለም ወዳጄነህ
ገጣሚያኑ ዲበኩሉ ጌታ
ባንችአየሁ አሰፋ
ይስሐቅ ግራ
ህብረ ቀለም የቲአትር ቡድን ከአድዋ ባንድ ጋር በዓሉን ያደምቁታል።
ከ10:00 ሰዓት ጀምሮ ግዮን ሆቴል በግሮቭ ጋርደን ዎክ
አድዋን እንዘክር።
# " ታሪክና ጥበብ " በብሔራዊ ቴአትር
የመጽሐፍ ዓውደ ርዕይ (ከየካቲት 22 - መጋቢት 6 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም
የታሪክ መጽሐፍት በልዩ ቅናሽና ውይይት
አድዋ የሁላችንም
አብረውን የሚነገር ታሪክ እናስቀምጥ።
Don't miss this opportunity
For those who are asking for a sponsorship letter and also to get more information join this group @youthopia
*3,000 Scholarships in Germany 2021 by Germany Government (Fully Funded)*
Details: https://tinyurl.com/547e5w5v
Bachelors, Masters, and PhD Degree Programs from German Universities Open to All Countries.
The Scholarship will Cover Full Tuition Fee, Monthly Stipend Airfare Tickets, Accommodation, Allowance, Health Insurance.
#GermanScholarships #StudyinGermany @youthopia
Register at https://forms.gle/6t3q28rzkDbQJhhn7 @youthopia
Читать полностью…I invite you all for the 2nd edition of Future Leaders Model United Nations 2021, going to be held at Pullman convention Centre Istanbul from 13th to 16th August 2021.
Registration Link: https://lnkd.in/dmFFR6x
inbox us for further details.
The early bird is already begun.
Let's share great memories.
Please don't forget to write the name of the ambassador when asked and put in the name (Yasmin Jemal) when you asked to provide the name of the Ambassador.
For more information contact @Jazmin123
Future Leaders Model United Nations (FLMUN) is a renowned United Nations Simulation Conference that intends to bring enthusiastic young leaders from across the globe under one roof to discuss and exchange their opinions on issues that are plaguing the present world.
FLMUN presents young diplomats with an opportunity to connect with like-minded people who aspire to play their part in changing the world and dream to become the leaders of tomorrow by inculcating them with skills such as diplomacy, negotiations, drafting, and Public Speaking.
WHAT do YOU get?
Chance to Collaborate and discuss solutions for rising global issues
Traveling with a Purpose
World-Class Recognition and Excellent Networking Opportunity
Diplomacy and Lobbying Skill Set
Register now
Scotland Government Scholarships 2021 (Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/228ry8h2
50 Scholarships will be Provided by the Scottish Government. No Application Fee.
The Scotland Scholarship is Available in all Academic Fields and can be Studied in 19 Scotland Universites.
Deadline: 28th May 2021
#ScotlandisNow #ScottishScholarships @youthopia
Registration Link : https://forms.gle/zBC2vndZr8hBDbMM8 @youthopia
Читать полностью…SIIT University Thailand Scholarships 2021 (Fully Funded)
Details: https://tinyurl.com/siit-thai-scholarship
Masters, and PhD Scholarships to Study in Thailand. No IELTS/TOEFL. No Application Fee Required.
The Scholarship will Cover Full Tuition Fee, Monthly Stipend, Accommodation, Living Expenses, Airfare Tickets, Health Insurance.
Deadline: 15th March 2021
#ThailandScholarship @youthopia
Ambassador Jasmin Rowe and Members of the State of the African Diaspora invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Time: Feb 13, 2021 11:00 AM ETHIOPIAN /TANZANIA
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 884 9782 3425
Passcode: 675184
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,88497823425#,,,,*675184# US (Houston)
+16465588656,,88497823425#,,,,*675184# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 884 9782 3425
Passcode: 675184
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcGS6yyaNf
Dear emerging leaders!!
The Days you have been waiting for!
Do you want to be part of the biggest and unique online conference at Global level? If Yes, Go and apply as delegate.
Platform: ZOOM online App.
1. E-Certificate with recommendation letter.
2. Will have a chance to exchange and network with Global delegates.
3. Experience talented and diverse-background speakers.
4. International chairs with rich experience.
5. Opportunities to represent their country on the world stage.
So the wait is here to experience and be part of the biggest and unique global virtual conference in history!
Apply for the valuable opportunity and be our delegate.
http://bit.ly/RELF2021ForInternationalDelegate @youthopia
Register now on our website
👉to learn about personal development
👉Hear from Amazing gust speaker
👉Sunday, February 14
👉Starts at 2 PM (8:00 Local Time)
👉Get Certified
https://knowmygeneration.wordpress.com/home/ @youthopia