Meet the Ghost of Akbar, the man who orchestrated the daring paraglider attack that defeated the Iron Dome, all Israeli radar systems, the IDF, mossad, the CIA, and every border guard who had eyes & ears.
Please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08
White roofer overcharges wealthy liberals... for revenge.
Please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children
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This is why White men will never be defeated.
Because we're *this* fucking awesome.
please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08
Hamas air dropping Palestinian commandos from their paraglider division. IDF never stood a chance.
Please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08
Enjoying a nice Sunday drive in Seattle. Nope, you just got car jacked. Never relax
Please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08
torro performs factory reset on latinx salad dodger
please join our new chan: @zoomerwaffen08