List of slang words in English with their meanings and examples. Good to know for everyone who wants to travel to any English-speaking country. Join @PhrasalCards too
🔘 HoneyWhat is hun short for?
◻️Huh is short for "honey," an English term of endearment that members of a couple use to refer to their Sos.
Similarly to "sweetie," "sweetheart," and "sugar," members of a couple refer to each other as hun because each believes the other to be sweet and pleasing. Hun and honey are part of a tradition of cutesy couples talk that dates back centuries, with honey's first recorded use as a term of endearment appearing in the 14th century.
When used by someone who is not your significant other, hun can be a term of either endearment or condescension. For example, a close friend who refers to you as hun likely thinks you are sweet. A government worker who refers to you as hun, however, likely thinks you are dense and a bit of a dip.
U gonna be home late tonight, hun?
🔘 ExtraWhat does extra mean?
Over the top
Extra is a slang term that refers to a person who is over the top, most likely in an annoying way. The person is being overly dramatic and needs to be reined in, such as a plastered broseph trying to jump from a house roof into the pool or a teacher that is too strict. The term may also describe a person who is trying too hard, whether it be attempting to fit in or throw the best party ever.
Typically, extra is used as a negative term, similar to basic, and is meant to be a criticism of a person's behavior. If you are called "extra" you should try to take a step back and chill. It is commonly used as a noun or adjective.
"You going to Tiffany's house later?"
"No, I can't handle her, everything about her is extra and I don't need that in my life right now."
He is a bit extra
🔘Sorority SquatWhat is the sorority squat?
◻️Hands-on-knees, butt-out group photo pose
The sorority squat is a pose that sorority girls (effortlessly and without fail) adopt in group photos. Specifically, to do the sorority squat means to bend your knees slightly, place your hands on them, and pop out your butt, while simultaneously smiling for the camera.
Sorority girls began adopting this pose to allow them to vary their heights, making it easier to fit dozens or even hundreds of sisters within the same picture. Over time, though, the sorority squat became sorority girls' default, accepted group photo pose. Now, even when only two or three sisters feature in a photo, they're likely to assume the sorority squat.
Whenever anyone other than a college-aged female attempts to perform the sorority squat, they typically look ridiculous. So if you're reading this and thinking you might adopt the sorority squat in your next group photo, you may want to reconsider.
"Ohmygod, I think I just pulled my back doing that sorority squat. Guess I'm not as young as I used to be."
a rare example of the male sorority squat
🔘S wagWhat does swag mean?
◻️Skills or style
Swag is a term that refers to a person's sense of style or skills. It is derived from "swagger" and was made popular by hip-hop culture.
Swag is usually preceded by a hashtag (#) and used profusely on Twitter, commony to brag. Because of its popularity, there has been backlash causing many to use it for ironic or mocking purposes.
"Yo, that dude's got so much swag, it's not even fair.
Nah, he's lame he just rips off other people's looks."
Swag means skills or style
🔘Onion CheckWhat does onion check mean?
◻️To check the source of a news headline
A phrase that describes when you have to check the source of an absurd headline to see if it's real or not (from "The Onion").
The Onion is a satirical newspaper that creates crazy and hilarious stories to make fun of current events. Nowadays, it seems that news stories are becoming more and more bizarre, which makes it more difficult to tell what is real and what is fake. This is why the Onion check is becoming more important, because you don't want to look stupid and post a fake story on social media or reference a satirical article in your paper.
"Did you know that Obama ordered an attack on Sweden?!?!
Uhh, you might want to do an Onion check on that."
Headline from The Onion newspaper
🔘Hits DifferentWhat does it mean when something hits different?
◻️Affects differently
When something affects you in a meaningful way, it "hits different." It may be a new experience that stands out or something you've experienced before but now affects you differently.
The phrase became popular in 2019, particularly on social sites like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. People typically use it when reacting to a song, photo, or video that impacts them emotionally.
It may be a song you have heard many times before but makes you cry since going through a break-up. Or it may be your recently deceased dad's favorite movie airing on TV that makes you smile.
"This song just hits different since mom died."
When the car color hits different
🔘 Make It SnowWhat does make it snow mean?
◻️To toss money in the air
Make it snow is a phrase that refers to flaunting money. It involves money being thrown or tossed up in the air in order to have it float down like snowflakes.
The phrase is similar to "make it rain," but involves larger bills, which is why it is snow instead of rain. The act is performed by incredibly wealthy people looking to flaunt their status.
"Just got myself a contract extension, about to make it snow tonite!"
Make It Snow means to toss money in the air
🔘 Gummy TummyWhat does gummy tummy mean?
◻️Stomach ache from eating gummy candies
Gummy tummy is a term that describes the sick feeling you get when you eat too many gummy candies. Common gummy candy culprits include gummy bears, worms, and fish.
Gummy tummy is the result of binge-eating too many candies, which leads to eater's remorse. It is the same as the gummy ache term.
"I have no self-control when it comes to candy and now I have gummy tummy!"
That gummy tummy feeling
🔘 Side EyeWhat does side eye mean?
◻️Disapproving glance
Side eye is a disapproving glance. It is often directed at you when you do something wrong.
Side eye is perfected by mothers who can communicate disappointment to their kids with one look. The act consists of a sidelong glance that can sometimes be lethal to the recipient.
"He gave me some side eye that cut right to my core."
Do not make Cookie mad or she will side eye you to death
🔘 NASCAR DadWhat does nascar dad mean?
◻️A white, working class father
A NASCAR dad is a lower income, working class white father. The term was made popular during the 2004 US presidential election.
The term is often used in the political arena to refer to a group of voters that fit the "white, working class dad" description. This group of voters is known for placing more emphasis on values rather than party labels. The term comes from the popularity of NASCAR among the white, working class male demographic.
"He didn't win the urban vote but scored well with NASCAR dads."
A NASCAR dad with his wife and son
🔘 2DFMWhat does 2DFM stand for?
◻️Too dumb for me
When you're discussing TV shows, presidential candidates, and potential SOs, 2DFM stands for "too dumb for me." This demeaning acronym is most often used in online chat.
2DFM is also used as an acronym for the video game 2D Fighter Maker, a PlayStation and Windows game that allows players to create their own fighting games. If you see the acronym 2DFM used on social media, especially in relation to video games, it most likely stands for 2D Fighter Maker.
"This show is 2dfm. I think I'm going to read a book instead."
MRW your tweets are 2DFM
🔘Fake NewsWhat does fake news mean?
◻️Fake news source that pretends to be real
Fake news is a term that refers to news outlets that pretend to be real but are actually fake. Fake news includes false stories about all sorts of topics that are crafted in order to appear real and get traffic and social shares on Facebook and Twitter.
While fake news stories, like the satirical ones from The Onion, have been around for years they had never been more prevalent than during the 2016 race for POTUS. During the election many fake news stories were released to deceive people into believing conspiracy theories and other false claims. Many believe that the rise in fake news is due to diminishing newspapers and journalists and social media users willingness to share stories without fact-checking first.
"Did you see that story about Santa holding the dying boy?
Yeah, it moved me to tears!
Me too, but I found out that it was fake news. :-("
Fake News means fake news source that pretends to be real
🔘 BlvmotWhat is blvmot short for?
◻️Believe me on that
When someone sends you blvmot (believe me on that), they are trying to convince you that what they just said is true. This abbreviation means roughly the same thing as "trust me."
You will most likely encounter blvmot only in chat and text messages, where space is limited. However, since blvmot is pretty obscure, the person receiving it may have no clue what it means.
"Blvmot, it's the truth."
You better believe that Trump is a big fan of blvmot
🔘 LOTRWhat does LOTR stand for?
◻️Lord of the Rings
LOTR means Lord of the Rings. It is a beloved fantasy series set in Middle Earth that features hobbits, wizards, dwarves, elves, trolls, orcs, eagles, spiders, and humans.
LOTR was created by J.R.R. Tolkien as a book series and published in three volumes (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King) in 1954 and 1955. It was then later turned into a critically and commercially sussesful movie trilogy in 2001. All types of games and other memorabilia based on the series soon followed. The success of LOTR also helped get The Hobbit trilogy (based on the book) to the movie screen in 2012.
"My friends and I all watched the entire LOTR trilogy in one day."
Poster for the LOTR film trilogy
🔘 TightWhat does tight mean?
Tight means roughly the same thing as sick, fresh, kewl, or wicked - which is to say, cool. However, tight is most often used to describe feats of skill. For example, an expert gamer or athlete's play might be called tight.
Before tight gained its more generic meaning of "awesome" or "cool," it was used to refer to a person or group performing with complete control. If you've ever heard the phrase "running a tight ship," you're familiar with tight's original meaning. In the world of music, when an orchestra's musicians are in perfect sync with one another, their performance is also referred to as tight.
Tight still retains some of its original meaning, which is why it is typically used to describe successful feats of skill. However, tight's meaning has loosened enough that anything "cool," such as a car, article of clothing, or party, can also be called tight.
"That snowboard 720 was tight!"
🔘Nomophobia What does nomophobia mean?
◻️Fear of not being near your mobile device
Nomophobia is a term that refers to the fear of being away from your mobile device. This phobia has become more common as people spend more time on their phones and tablets.
Nomphobia is another way of saying phone addiction. Since phones provide a wide array of uses, such as communication, navigation, Internet access, and games, they have permeated into many areas in our lives. It has become increasingly difficult to go anywhere without a phone, which is the reason to why the nomophobia term came to be.
"Katie has nomophobia.
Yeah, she can't be away from her phone for more than 5 minutes."
Nomophobia means fear of not being near your mobile device
🔘Tindering What does tindering mean?
◻️Using Tinder
Tindering is when a person is on Tinder, a social dating application for Android and iOS phones. It includes browsing profiles of people near your location and swiping right or left on people that you like or dislike in order to match you with a mutually interested person.
The Tinder app was released in 2012 and quickly grew in popularity. Tindering is mostly done by people in their 20s and 30s and is used to go on dates or for a straight up booty call. There also is an invite-only version of Tinder called Tinder Select. This version only allows celebrities and other Tinder users who have a proficient track record on the app.
"I spent about 2 hours tindering last night and only swiped right once.
Wow, you're picky.
Or, I'm just not into bros that post shirtless bathroom selfies.
Tindering can be hard work
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🔘Tindering What does tindering mean?
◻️Using Tinder
Tindering is when a person is on Tinder, a social dating application for Android and iOS phones. It includes browsing profiles of people near your location and swiping right or left on people that you like or dislike in order to match you with a mutually interested person.
The Tinder app was released in 2012 and quickly grew in popularity. Tindering is mostly done by people in their 20s and 30s and is used to go on dates or for a straight up booty call. There also is an invite-only version of Tinder called Tinder Select. This version only allows celebrities and other Tinder users who have a proficient track record on the app.
"I spent about 2 hours tindering last night and only swiped right once.
Wow, you're picky.
Or, I'm just not into bros that post shirtless bathroom selfies.
Tindering can be hard work
🔘 Do It For The GramWhat does do it for the gram mean?
◻️To do something only to share on Instagram
Do it for the gram is a phrase that refers to when a person does stuff for the sole purpose of posting it to Instagram. The person may buy a new pair of shoes, drive a couple hours to the beach, or stalk a person just so they can post a pic or video of it on the social site.
The gram is another way to say Instagram, which is a social site where users share images and video. People that do it for the gram are considered fake because they don't really do stuff to experience it, rather they just want to get likes, comments, and followers.
"You gonna come to the game tonight?"
"Maybe. I don't like football but I was just gonna do it for the gram."
They do it for the gram
🔘 Catch And ReleaseWhat does catch and release mean?
◻️To flirt with someone then stop when the person wants commitment
Catch and release is a dating term that refers to when someone flirts with a person then stops once she likes him back. It comes from the "catch and release" term associated with hunting and fishing for animals then releasing them after catching them.
People who like catch and release are known for liking the "chase" but not the commitment. Catch and release comes with a heightened level of excitement from the thrill of the chase. Things like flirty texts, alluring glances, and romantic gestures are a lot of fun but actually committing to a ship is too much to ask for.
"He won't even return her texts.
Yeah, he's known for his love of the catch and release."
Joey is well known for his catch and release attitude
🔘 CatfishWhat does catfish mean?
◻️To assume a false identity
Catfish is a term that refers to a person who pretends to be someone that he is not online. The term was made popular by a 2010 documentary and subsequent TV show of the same name.
The term commonly refers to users who deceive other users on social sites, particularly with online romances. A popular example of fake online romances is when football player Manti Te’o was duped into believing he was dating a woman with cancer. It was revealed that the girl didn't exist and a man had been pretending to be Te'o's girlfriend. Catfish is typically used as a verb but can also be used as a noun to label a person as a catfish.
"You still haven't met her after dating for three months?
Yeah, she keeps making excuses.
That's sketchy man, you might be dating a catfish."
A guy getting catfished online by an actual catfish
🔘 No CapWhat does no cap mean?
◻️No lie
No cap means "no lie" or "for real," and is used to emphasize that you are telling the truth, especially when describing something that is hard to believe. The slang term gained mainstream popularity in 2018.
When texting or online, the term may also be seen with the baseball cap emoji for extra emphasis. People may also use Cap or Capping when talking about people who are lying. The Cap term gained a lot of exposure in May 2019 when NBA superstar Kevin Durant used it in a tweet accusing reporter Chris Broussard of lying about texting with him.
"I just saw a dude jump out of a moving car. No cap."
No Cap means no lie
🔘 HateradeWhat does haterade mean?
◻️The drink of someone who disapproves of another's actions/lifestyle
Combination of "Hater" and "Gatorade" to describe the literal or metaphorical drink an individual is consuming who disapproves of another person's lifestyle.
"I can't stand that guy, he's such an idiot!
Wow, someone's been drinking the haterade."
Haterade meme featuring Leonardo DiCaprio
🔘 RdnkWhat is a rdnk?
Rdnk is an abbreviation for "Redneck," a slang term for a working-class white person from a rural area. It is a disparaging abbreviation meant to make fun of poor white people.
Where does "rdnk" come from?
Redneck originated in the late 1800s. It was created to describe white workers who labored in the field and spent all day working in the sun getting sunburnt, or red, necks. The origins of the "rdnk" abbreviation are unclear, but it most likely was coined in the early-2000s as Internet lingo and texting grew.
Who uses "rdnk"?
This term is often used by people looking to make fun of a poor white person. One of the most common applications is people from the Northern United States criticizing people's intelligence from the South, especially Southern political conservatives.
"You might be a rdnk if you use a NASCAR credit card."
Typical rdnk behavior
🔘 YouTuberWhat is a YouTuber?
◻️A YouTube user
A YouTuber is a person who uses YouTube, which is a popular video-sharing social platform. The term is simply a combination of "YouTube" and "user," the same way that "TikToker" is a combination of "TikTok" and "user."What does a YouTuber do?
A YouTuber may use the platform solely for watching videos for entertainment purposes. However, most YouTubers upload and share videos on their own channels, which may be for comedic, dramatic, motivational, or informational purposes.
Famous YouTubers
There are millions of YouTubers, but some YouTubers stand out from the rest based on their number of subscribers and the videos they share. Some notable YouTubers include PewDiePie, Dude Perfect, MrBeast, Badabun, Whinderssonnunes, Felipe Neto, and Fernanfloo.
"Who's your fav YouTuber?"
"Probs SkyDoesMinecraft."
First vid posted by a YouTuber
🔘 CatfishWhat does catfish mean?
◻️To assume a false identity
Catfish is a term that refers to a person who pretends to be someone that he is not online. The term was made popular by a 2010 documentary and subsequent TV show of the same name.
The term commonly refers to users who deceive other users on social sites, particularly with online romances. A popular example of fake online romances is when football player Manti Te’o was duped into believing he was dating a woman with cancer. It was revealed that the girl didn't exist and a man had been pretending to be Te'o's girlfriend. Catfish is typically used as a verb but can also be used as a noun to label a person as a catfish.
"You still haven't met her after dating for three months?
Yeah, she keeps making excuses.
That's sketchy man, you might be dating a catfish."
A guy getting catfished online by an actual catfish
🔘 QuaranfifteenWhat does the quaranfifteen mean?
◻️Weight gained during COVID-19 quarantine
If someone says they've put on the quaranfifteen, it means they've gained weight during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mash-up of "quarantine" and "freshman fifteen," the term quaranfifteen is most likely to be used (and the weight is most likely to be gained) by those stuck in a rona-related quarantine or adhering to social distancing guidelines.
Because exercising became much harder during the COVID-19 pandemic, and because stress eating became much easier to justify, many people (especially those who began WFH and gained 24/7 access to their snack cabinet) gained weight during the crisis. The Internet quickly settled on the term "quaranfifteen" to describe this phenomenon, after briefly flirting with the term COVID-15.
"Learning how to bake bread was a double-edged sword ... my weekly sourdough's definitely contributed to my quaranfifteen."
Baking out of boredom can also lead to the quaranfifteen
🔘 CosplayerWhat does cosplayer mean?
◻️A person who wears a costume and plays a character
A cosplayer is a person who wears costumes and accessories to represent a character for role-playing purposes. Cosplayers often gather at fan conventions in order to recreate the fictional world that they enjoy so much.
Cosplay has become more popular over the years as comic book movies and anime have become more widespread. It is especially prevalent in Asian cultures.
"Did you see the Iron Man cosplayer at the convention yesterday?
Yeah, he was legit!"
Cosplayer at a convention
🔘 FandomWhat does fandom mean?
◻️Community of fans
Fandom is a slang term for a community of fans that combines "fanatics" and "kingdom." This term is used to describe a community of fans of team, person, TV show, movie, etc.
The fans relate to each other through their similar interests and often develop bonds, all while wearing prosthetic elf ears. A popular gathering of a fandom occurs at fan conventions like Comic Con.
"I subscribe to Trekkie fandom, make fun of me all you want, but I can at least speak Klingon."
Some of the Harry Potter fandom dressed as Slytherin