Are you excited 🥰 to join my business 💵 opportunity and make $10,000 💸 working from your phone 📲📱? Made possible with @reddit2telegram (@r_channels). Admin: @thegreatporg
How can Primerica have so many “awards”?
So today I was referred to one of these representatives for a job - I did my research though, and noped out of that right away. But when I looked at their website, they have a list of awards they’ve won. Like they’re on the “Forbes: America’s Best Employers for Women”, the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and others. I haven’t checked them all, (and I can’t find their supposed DABLAR award), but those two are apparently legitimate. How can that happen? Do these “awards” actually mean anything?
Anything worse than running out of whipped soap, peeps? Can't think of anything right now
Don't sell to a new mom!
This happened about 18 years ago but it still gets to me.
I had a two year old son and had just given birth to my second son. A woman offered to be my postpartum doula and in exchange I would fill out forms for her to become a certified doula.
Not only did she never stop talking, told me I was a bad mom to my two year old, kicked me out of my house so she could clean, she had the nerve to try and sell me noni juice.
My two year old had scraped the back of his hand after falling and she swore noni juice would heal it and kept trying to sell it to me.
Then, even worse, she tried to recruit me into an MLM to sell the stuff.....I was two days postpartum!!!
I never did fill out her forms for her to be certified as a doula.
The nerve of these huns being so desperate to sell and recruit that she would try to get a brand new mom to peddle her wares.
Help my neighbour joined DoTerra and my wife wants to buy
I’ll keep it short.
Neighbour joined DoTerra I walked downstairs to see her trying to sell my wife some products at our front door.
She commented that we had our house re carpeted and decking built so we have money (guilt trip much)
They’re poorer so my wife is feeling like she wants to buy to help out.
Can the hive mind give me some pointers on DoTerra to explain why they’re bad (my wife’s very pregnant as well so maybe some products aren’t safe?)
Really don’t want their shit in my house.
TikTok · Carter Vail
Looking for more documentaries or docuseries like Lularich.
I am newer to the anti- MLM. And a former hun. I loved Lularich. I am wondering if there's more series like it. Even YouTube episodes on the brain washing factor of mlms, etc! I already follow a lot of anti-mlmers and podcasts.
Destroy a few people and enjoy your reward ladies
Got the first Avon catalogue through the door today
Out of HUNDREDS of active affiliates, only FIVE women not including the owner pictured above, qualified for the Nuvita cbd ✨“Elite Retreat”✨
I love their post templates. Connected on FB through a local mom group. She also sent me this message a little while back.
MLM tore my family apart
My mother got involved with an MLM about 12 years ago, went to all the conventions, etc., all funded by my reluctant father. Growing up, she was always trying to get my friends' parents, random people at the grocery store, to buy from her / join the MLM, to my perpetual embarrassment. Eventually, my mother decided she wanted in on the ultimate MLM, aka life coaching. My father, despite bankrolling all the life coaching classes she asked for and funding her and her kids' lives "wasn't supportive enough", divorced him and continued to bankroll her lifestyle / MLM ventures with the settlement.
She is starting a podcast about life coaching and being a "successful businesswoman" with her MLMs *eyeroll* My mom spends all her time essentially cosplaying as a guru and surrounding herself with an echo chamber of support, "you go, girl boss!". I did not talk to my mom for a couple years over her delusional lifestyle and fake business ventures. I am particularly salty as my parents would have easily been able to put me through college if it weren't for the MLMs, so I get to watch her fly to Palm Springs for conventions while I starve. My dad was financially devastated, and my mom to this day has not gotten a job outside of the MLMs. My mom and I are in family counseling now, where the counselor and I explained to her how MLMs work. Hopefully she will eventually come around, but she is now approaching late middle age with no real work experience and a very, very expensive lifestyle. I cannot wait till reality catches up with her and she either has to get a real job or find husband #3.
at what point does predatory MLM recruiting become illegal?
does anyone on this thread have legal experience? i’m just wondering how these companies get away with the false claims of “become debt free! work from your phone!”
at what point could scamming become actually prosecuted?
i’ve never been close to joining an MLM, so I haven’t seen the paperwork, but i’m guessing all of the MLM’s legal protection/ disclaimers come from there. people do sign off on joining even after some of the companies disclose that 99% of their sellers don’t make money. the companies just sugarcoat the shit out of everything that they say to make the sale. and the fact that sellers aren’t employees of the company, so they don’t get actual rights.
just a completely random thought i’ve had, but I really want a lawyer to do a YouTube or podcast series on the legality of it all and when huns are actually crossing a line. it would be cool to hear from someone in employment law or even an ex-corporate lawyer from one of the giants like mary kay or something!
Plexus hun...I love how simple it is to "fix" and "reset" your body in just 3 days! 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
From Maskcara to Color Street to PruVit to Melaleuca to Only Fans to Bravenly to Scentsy to Kyani to Beauty Society to Elomir to Beyond Slim
Saw a pink Mary Kay Cadillac
All I could think was that's what it would look like if white candillc got washed with a red Cadillac
Rant about Optavia post on FB
How do people believe this crap?
My friends daughter just died ... GIVEAWAY TIME!!
How do I talk to my niece about this?
If you say a bunch of words that nobody will understand, maybe they won't ask questions.
Someone posted this in our works group me🤢😤
i’ll take “things that never happened” for $500, alex.
Can You See The Difference?
Hello Reddit,
I've been reflecting lately on the distinctive contrast that exists within this group. I couldn't help but notice how we differ from individuals involved in Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). It's not about superiority; it's about acknowledging the elements that make us who we are and how we interact in this space. Here's what I've observed:
On one hand, we have the members of our anti-MLM community. We are a group of individuals who:
1. Question Things: We don't take things at face value. We dig deeper, research, and strive to understand the reality of MLMs.
2. Good Morals: We are guided by principles of honesty, fairness, and respect for others. We're not just anti-MLM; we're pro-ethics.
3. Constructive: Our discussions are meaningful. We aim to educate, support, and uplift each other, providing constructive feedback and advice.
4. Honesty: We share our stories, the good and the bad, with transparency. Our experiences form the foundation of our collective wisdom.
5. Supportive: Our community is a safe space for anyone affected by MLMs. We offer understanding, empathy, and invaluable support.
On the other hand, we have the 'MLM Huns'. They:
1. Self-Serving: Their primary goal is to recruit and sell, often at the expense of relationships.
2. Greedy: Money becomes the driving force, sometimes leading to unethical behavior.
3. Label Us 'Haters': This is a common tactic to dismiss valid criticisms and concerns about MLMs.
The difference is clear. We are not 'haters'. We are a community that values truth, respect, and integrity. We're here to raise awareness, to support one another, and to promote ethical business practices. And that, dear friends, is a difference worth celebrating.
Let's continue our mission, stand strong together, and make those differences count. Can you see the difference?
Kangen hun explains why disinfecting with bleach is bad 🙅♀️ and magic water is good 👍
What ever happened to Ethan Vanderbuilt?
He used to make anti-MLM YouTube videos going over each of the different scam companies and explain in detail why they were scams.
All the comments in his video would be relentlessly spammed by huns, and all you can find now is just huns making reply videos.
His, Twitter is gone, YouTube channel is gone and so is his website.. I have no doubt that the MLM huns probably got his account terminated via false copyright strikes but I'm just curious if anyone knew.
My friend is joining an MLM (help?)
My friend has been struggling for a while with unstable employment, only finding temporary gigs (like maternity leave replacement). She and I don’t talk often, but we’ve known each other for a long time and I care about her a lot.
Last week she called me on FB Messenger, which she has never done before, and announced she’d just started a new job. I was happy for her and of course wanted to know what the new job was. The fact that she was calling on FB Messenger to begin with was already giving me weird vibes, and instead of telling me what the job was, she asked me for my help for her “training.” She needed to meet with me by Zoom with her “trainer” for “twenty minutes.” I agreed (reluctantly), and we set a time.
The whole thing smelled of scam/MLM, and sure enough, it was. My friend’s “training” was actually watching while her “trainer” pitched the product to me, and inflicted an 18-minute animated “informational” video on me.
It took an additional twenty minutes and multiple prompts from me to get the “trainer” to tell me the name of the company: Primerica. (Funny backstory, I got scammed by this company about 15 years ago when I was much younger and stupider and was also trying to help out a friend.)
Anyway, there was an attempt at a hard sell. There was an attempt at recruiting me to become part of the down line. It was awkward. I point-blank refused, and told my friend to reach out to me if she wanted help applying for government jobs (I’m a civil servant), then ended the call politely.
So, here’s my quandary: my friend is getting scammed, and I’m worried about her financial security. She’s in her fifties, and any further setbacks could land her in serious trouble. Primerica will gleefully bleed her dry and discard her dehydrated husk without a second thought.
Is there anything I can do right now to help her get clear of these people? It’s a delicate conversation to have, and I’ve never had to have it before.
Do you have any advice? Personal experience? Anything?