Coworker is getting caught up in scamway, nothing I can do but watch the train head down the tracks to the inevitable wreck.
He's a nice enough guy, but he's an idiot. Has to take his shoes off to do double digit math. He doesn't have the skills or brains or even the self awareness to work in these to be someone who makes really good money. Someone has recruited him, he's taking days off to go to company functions. Nothing is going to happen but him losing money. This is his second go at something like this, he may as well open a window and throw the money out just for the joy of watching it float gracefully on the breeze. The thing is, I do have an affinity for the kid, I want to see his life go well, but god, he's just a prime target for MLM scum. It's frustrating, I just have to remind myself that I'm not his mom and this isn't my problem. But seriously, how do people not know not to get caught up in this shit these days!? Ug.
Selling digital marketing courses will change your life!
Woman shamed me while trying to sell her 3400.00 MLM.
Correct me if I’m wrong
MLMs sound a lot like the dope game…prey upon naieve ppl, parties to sell ur shit…
Oh f me I really believed that essential oils were legit
I need help
I have a former co-worker, let's call him Bob, who reaches out to me every other month via phone call. He's absolutely traumatized by our former workplace and would spend around an hour keeping me up to date with what's happening at this former workplace we both once shared. I was fine with his trauma dump in the first convo because I empathize with his situation and was also traumatized for a period of time. Somewhere during these conversations he would always slip into the conversation his involvement with WFG and how he loves working for WFG because he's able to help others reach financial success and independence.
I knew from the start that WFG is an MLM and had absolutely no interest in it, and I'd shut down immediately when he talks about it and act uninterested, yet he continues to call me to this day and talk shit about our former workplace for an hour, and then proceed to talk about how WFG will make all these problems going away. Every single time I tell myself not to answer his phone call, yet I do everytime and I need help.
I've moved on from my former workplace and am enjoying life. It just sickens me that these mlm hunbots are trained to seek common grounds with you and then try to lure you in. I've repeatedly told this guy I have a degree in finance, worked for an insurance company for 4 years, and I do my own investing in the stockmarket, yet he continues to pursue me as if I have no financial knowledge, and now he's changed his script by telling me how fulfilling it is to help others reach financial independence with his knowledge.
This guy is 10 yrs my senior, he's experienced and currenrly experiencing a lot of trauma and got lured in by an MLM when he was at his lowest, and he calls me (a yr after he's quit) to gossip about our old workplace that I really don't even care about anymore in an attempt to find common grounds with me. I have absolutely nothing in common with him, and I'm so tired. Everytime I just end up feeling sorry for him and tell him he needs to move on, but he just doesn't. Will he ever leave me alone and get the hint, or will I have to just straight up be the bad guy and block him?
Parents “doing” Amway for over 20 years now.
My parents have been Amway distributors since 1999 and they’re still at 15% or something. They’ve never gone beyond that ever. People around them (not down lines) seem to be hitting it big and going silver and up, but they’re stuck. They keep saying “it’s because we’re stuck in this small town that we’re still just 15%”. Then I point out other small Towners who’ve progressed through the ranks and they shut me out saying I don’t know what I’m talking about.
They’re very heavily invested in this. They see a lot of people going platinum and diamond that they’re convinced this will work. They have regular meetings and are big time into conferences, books and tapes. I’ve been to these conferences and yes, there’s a lot of amped up folks in white shirts and silky ties who are all out to make it big, yet few ever do. I feel bad that despite following everything they’re told to do to the T, they don’t make any progress! I think it’s unfairly sad.
So one day I sit them down and show them that their business model is flawed. And how the model favours just one person and that’s why their diamond up line will keep getting richer while they stay stuck at 15%. I explained this based on this scam that used to make the rounds where if I sent one person one book, I would get 15 in return. That’s not how this worked. And they said that this Amway MLM franchise business model is successful and is taught at Harvard business school and that my PhD was in physics and I should stick to physics and not worry too much about economics and business models!
At this point, I don’t trouble them at all. They’ve too far gone and seem to enjoy doing what they do. I let them be. Mum quit her job and she gets more time exploring the products and going on product training sessions where she delivers talks. Good for them. It keeps them occupied and a little happy. I’m pretty sure they’ll never get rich from Amway.
They felt Amway was the only way they could travel the world. While Amway hasn’t really helped them get anywhere, their kids have taken them and shown them around. They’re not complaining!
Rant over!
Friend in MLM said “Being poor is a choice”
What are your thoughts on this? I wanted to ask him, “then why aren’t you a millionaire yet?” but decided to avoid it.
Advice needed
I recently came into contact with someone from LTD and AMWAY who claimed that I could make 50k/yr semi-passively in 5 years.
LTD/amway is the definition of MLM so PLEASE give me all of the reasons why I shouldnt join LTD.
The way that is works is just plain fishy but my mentor is VERY successful in his day job. so the very fact that he's pursuing this MLM business makes it very interesting to me.
I wish I got a pic of this car
Saw a wild one today. This person had a run down red Cadillac minivan, yes red. They had not one, not two, but three MLM's on it. They had Mary Kay, Norwex and Colorstreet. All on one minivan. They literally ran out of room on the back window for the ads. Lol.
It was too dangerous to take a pic while driving.
TranzactCard legitimate or scam?
Has anyone heard of this? Does anyone have personal experience with it? Friend says it's a bank mlm that she's making $1500 per month and soon to be making $12,500 per month. I'm skeptical and still in research phase.
The far-right has stolen our term "girl boss", and it's really annoying
We use the term for any annoying hun who's trying to make it look like she has her own business.
The far-right uses it to describe any woman who's empowered. For example, I keep on hearing from far-right Star Wars fans who keep on saying that "girl bosses are ruining Star Wars," even though they're not. They keep on calling Ahsoka a 'girl boss.'
What are we going to do about this?
What's the YouTube channel that has videos of '90s Amway conventions?
Super random question, but I remember seeing a link to a YouTube video of an Amway convention from the '90s posted here before and now I can't find it! The channel had a bunch of them and they were really unhinged. Does anyone remember that?
Looks like my favorite Optavia hun may be moving on to a new schtick.
Another MLM on House Hunters
By now we know that a lot of what is shown on these shows is not real, but this episode had some very real moments.
Was watching an episode of House Hunters International and it was almost a (sad) parody of American life. High school sweethearts got married right out of high school because he joined the military. Two kids. Husband has the chance to move to a base in England. The sad part comes when the wife breaks down crying at least twice during their interviews (and of course they kept it in!). She was clearly not happy with the move but was doing it anyway.
But during the intro I found it interesting that she mentioned she ran a "boutique" out of her home in the Midwest. That immediately got me wondering if it was an MLM because who runs a boutique out of a random bedroom in their house?
The next sign was she said she was planning to "move her business" to England because she had a loyal following. Hmmm.
The final clue was her saying the room she needed to run the business was for showing off her clothes to customers back in the US. So are you shipping these clothes from England to the US?!
Of course it went down in typical HHI fashion and I won't give the ending away in case anybody wants to watch it, but you could tell this was one where the unhappiness was definitely not scripted. Most of the episodes end with the people on the show excited about finding a home, but when they picked the house she actually said something like "I'm not exactly happy with it, but it is what it is."
After the episode I had to investigate to confirm that she was a hun. I actually found that she had not just a Facebook page, but also a website and it had set up to really make it seem like it was an independent boutique. I was almost thinking I was wrong and that she was a dropshipper or something, but then I looked at the FB reviews and saw someone mention "_____ is a great LLR consultant." Confirmed.
I wonder if continuing the business abroad didn't work out. She was updating her FB page frequently until about a year ago she suddenly stopped posting with no explanation. Her main web page is down and the shopping pages are all empty.
I usually enjoy looking up HH couples who have public-facing businesses (turned it into an AIRBNB, blogger, etc.), but this one I did mostly because I just found her situation sad and was wondering if she was talked about her experience publicly. I feel kind of bad, especially since we know Mlms target military wives. I'm also curious about how MLMs like these work if you move abroad?
Anyway, I just had to share all my thoughts on this episode in case anybody else saw it! It's from a year or two ago, season 157 I believe.
TLDR: Unhappy hun moves to England and seems to (unsuccessfully) try to take the MLM with her.
Why do all these MLMs have such terrible names?? Bravenly, Monat, Globallee, Melaleuca, DoTerra, Lularoe, Shaklee, even fucking Kangen. Even if these were legitimate businesses I wouldn’t buy from them, because of their stupid ass names.
Maybe I’m just a snob lol.
Uber and HerbaLife
Just a short little story from Saturday. Had to pick up my meds from CVS and being what time it was knew I was going to be stuck waiting for a hour for the bus that goes past my apartment or the one that would drop me off 1.2 miles away. So I bit the bullet and ordered a Uber.
Driver pulled up, I greeted them by name, confirming mine. Gave the pin code and we were off. He nonchalantly asked what I got and me not caring told him that I got my thyroid meds, heart meds, and cholesterol meds. He asked if I tried supplements and I inquired as to why.
So he got into the shake debate and said he bet if I followed his groups plan I would be off all three meds. I told him he might get me off the heart med but I highly doubted it. And at a red light he goes okay then hyper or hypothyroidism?
I smiled and said No Thyroidism…cancer took it. Cancer took the gall bladder too.
He got quiet and just looked back to the road, I thanked him for his concern and he didn’t say anything to me even when he dropped me off. Oh well, still tipped a couple dollars…figured he could use it since Herbalife wasn’t paying the bills.