In the last livestream we did, I stated this channel in collaboration with others, would be producing and releasing a grand theological project. That this would require a great deal of time and work to be completed. I'd like to give a status report:
Phase 1 of 9 of the grand project was completed Thor's day last week.
Phases 2, 3 and 4 have been building since the launch of the project and are being worked on simultaneously as a batch. Though it is difficult to give exact percentages we will provide an estimate:
Phase 2) 20%
Phase 3) 8%
Phase 4) >5%
More details will be given out as we reach phases 5 and 6.
I really appreciate the patience and I promise the wait will be worth it. This will be of great use to beginners and to seasoned Heathens alike.
Thank all of you who have and still support Pagan Revivalism and our mission. Even though the amount of content has slowed, something really big is on the horizon for all of you.
Gods love you and have a blessed one
It stands as a confirmation of folkishness that even its enemies have to appeal to it in order to refute it.
It's basic to folkishness that the original tradition is right, simply by dint of it being the original. Any scholar will tell you that the oldest form of pagan religion is tribal, orthopraxic, unsystematic, and pre-metaphysical. Platonists, Christians, perennialists, and others will tell you that no, the earliest religions looked like themselves. They'll say that really it's Platonism, Christianity etc. that's original, basing this on a schizoid history that no serious student of anthropology or theology would admit for a moment.
The enemies of folkishness might say that the High One can be questioned, but even unconsciously, they understand that aboriginality has power and that to claim it means to be beyond question.
Another great idea for an artist is depicting the deities above. As far as I know there’s no single drawing/painting like that, which is a shame. It would probably look something like that, but with the Gods themselves, not their carvings.
Читать полностью…Svyatoslav the Brave was a devout Pagan king of Rus, even though both his predecessor (his mother Helga) and successor (bastard son Vladimir) were christian. This Pagan relentlessness is one of Svyatoslav’s defining features. He was the first ruler in the history of Ukraine who became famous abroad due to his regular military campaigns against orthodox Byzantium and judaic Khazars.
Читать полностью…Why did Christians historically favor Neoplatonism?
What place does Neoplatonism have in Germanic Paganism?
Shape-shifter (hamrammur)
Closely associated with the berserks, those who were hamrammir (pl.) were believed to change their shape at night or in times of stress, or leave their bodies (which appeared asleep) and take the physical form of animals such as bears or wolves.
The transformation was not necessarily intentional. Three of the best examples in Icelandic literature are the figures of Kveldulf (literally Night Wolf) in Egil’s saga, ch.1, and Sigmund and Sinfjotli in the legendary Völsunga saga.
Lif and Lifthraser
Will lie hid
In Hodmimer’s-holt.
The morning dew
They have for food.
Some pre-christian Slavic names
Istislav (honorer of truth)
Snovid (dream seeing or seen in a dream)
Ratibor (fighter of armies) Popular among modern Pagans
Nevid (unseen (for evil?) or unseeing)
Bogomil (beloved by God)
Medovnik (honey/sweetie)
Drochen (pampered)
Mal (small) A notable Mal was a X c. chief of Drevlian tribe
Mil (dear)
Odinets (first) Firstborn son
Vtorets (second) Secondborn son
Hoten (wanted)
Zhdan (long-awaited)
Ljut (angry)
Strahon (scary)
Radogost (happy guest)
Derzhimir (world holder)
Men were turned into wolves and bears a long time ago, back when there used to be powerful wizards, though, there is a belief, that even now there are still wizards who can turn a man into a wolf among the Komi peoples.
(written in 1903)
Interestingly, the term vourdalak doesn’t come from folklore. It originates from a 19th c. poem written by a russian black poet of Ethiopian descent A.Pushkin. The latter took Slavic word volkodlak (volk-wolf and dlak-hair i.e. werewolf) and twisted it into a neologism which later became somewhat popular among the nobles and was used as a synonym to upyr/upior i.e vampire.
Читать полностью…Since we are on the topic I might as well review the novella. It was literally written by a 22 y.o. kid who knew nothing but luxurious salons and balls. So, it all does sound very naїve (especially considering that the narrator is supposed to be an old man). What’s funny is that the novella was written in French. Like most Russian nobleman Aleksey barely spoke the lingo and considered it too crude.
Читать полностью…Of course the highlight is the titular monster himself. Vourdalak is a far cry from typical Hollywood vampire being a living corpse of the family’s patriarch who returned home after hunting down a local Turkish bandit. Old man Gorcha used to love his grandson the most and now tries to feed on him.
Читать полностью…The Vourdalak, despite being a modern move, has managed to pull off a great retro feel with it’s grainy visuals. The atmosphere is very fitting for a gothic novella adaptation and music is especially praiseworthy as it features some of the best violins in recent memory.
Читать полностью…The Vourdalak (2023) is a gothic horror movie based on a novella by A.Tolstoy (a relative of Leo’s). The titular vourdalak is a vampire or rather the original Slavic version of the horror icon.
Читать полностью…Thanks for 8K. Going to celebrate this with a commission to my long-term collaborator BrotherBjorn. I already have some ideas, but leave comments here with your own suggestions.
Читать полностью…May your weekend be full of adventure!
Get out there, for Gods, Vættir and others wish to see you
By the way, the idol in the drawing above is a Zbruch idol which depicts 4 different deities, two male and two female. This idol was not found in Kyiv, so Svyatoslav couldn’t have prayed to it. The artist just decided to draw the most popular Slavic idol he knew. It still looks good though.
I would really like someone to draw a more accurate version of this scene with e.g. a Perun’s idol. Currently I am unable to commission such work.
However, even though cult of gods and other powers in Old Norse culture normally took place at a farm or in its vicinity, there were also powers that were worshipped in the outfields, at least occasionally. The landvættir (spirits of the land) were recipients of cult in Old Norse culture, and they seem to have been worshipped in many different locations. In the Newer Gulaþing Christian law, it is stated that it is forbidden to believe in the landvættir, and that they can be found in groves, mounds and waterfalls.
Old Norse Studies Vol.12
I like how dying christianity tries to leech off Pagans by pleading for a truce. They say jews are the only ones who benefit from the so-called infighting. If you want to harm jews so much why are you worshipping one?
Читать полностью…Murderling (Myling)
An evil spirit in Scandinavian folklore. A child murdered and not buried properly turns into a murderling and starts killing lone wanderers at night. Mylings are some of the most terrific spirits.
In Luchasi village of Smolensk Governorate people say that there once lived a man who knew how to turn into a wolf. He used to go to the threshing floor and disappear. Once a knife was found thrust into the ground behind the barn. It was taken out. Since then the man disappeared for three years. One witch doctor recommended the relatives of the lost man to put the knife back into the ground behind the barn where it once was. They did so. Soon after the lost man came to his hut…The werewolf told how he used to turn: he jumped over the knife and became a wolf.
^ interesting idea for a knife. Folklore mentions that to turn into a wolf shapeshifters use magic knives, usually a bunch of those (up to 12) and after each jump over a stump they turns more and more. There’s no mention of the knives having any special features (aside from (sometimes) rare materials), but a handle with a wolf’s head sounds good and fitting. Volkhvs more daring than myself might try something like that.
Читать полностью…At least The Family of the Vourdalak is short and easy to read. There’s even some action which is rare for the genre. The dialogue is probably the worst part of it (again, literally written by a pampered kid).
Читать полностью…What will break or make the movie for you is the fact that Gorcha, the resident vampire, is not portrayed by an actor, but rather a puppet. A very good one, which looks great most of the time (at least while in shadows), but still a puppet. Younger viewers may have an issue with that. By the way, Gotcha is voiced by the director himself and the performance is great, but this may be lost in a dub.
Читать полностью…The actors fit the setting of 18th c. Serbia which is always a big plus in my book as I’m always frustrated by inappropriately "diverse" casting. Even though the Serbian family is portrayed by mostly French actors this minor downside is mitigated by nice, authentic costumes.
Читать полностью…The movie is a debut work of French director A.Beau. This is not the first time Tolstoy’s novella got a film adaptation e.g. there’s Mario Bava’s short featuring Boris Karloff, but so far Beau’s is the most book-accurate one and features impressive cinematography for a first time director.
Читать полностью…Are you guys interested in an obscure movie review? It’s a French folk horror. Don’t know if one in US or UK can watch it. Might not be worth it. Let me know.
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